x v- Dep. Dir. Memorandum &#39; &#39; __,.-4A" ADD Adn. ADD Inv. Asst. Dir.: Adn.Servs. C:-im.Inv. Ident. Info.Mgnf. Insp. lnteli. W Mr. Lab. Christense Due 2 6/92 Legai Coun. W/M / Tech. Servs. Training Cong. Affs. Ofi. From D C. Toohey Off. of EEO Off. Liaison E ;. Int. Affs. Off. of Public F?fs.__ Subj ect : Telephone Rm. ADMINISTRATIVE INQUIRY INTO THE 1/31/92 Director&#39;s Office LEAK OF INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE JOHN GOTTI INVESTIGATION J The purpose of this memorandum is to request that the Information Management Division assign a file number to the above administrative inquiry. RECOMMENDATION: That a 62 file number be assigned. 92 ~» I I-I. u. 92»..-_ .. V - w V _ &#39; . , ,,__6??. 0? Liais :I1;._1&#39; ._ -92 V-; _ ¢.im.AHs. $5.;-> .m»..i.ikm ,.Xw ~ T __omm 92 Q? - &#39; ~| LP?_ ,.. V K , . i ...92 , ._.~ ~ &#39;Pub11cAIi*3- /wlti, 92 1 I .92..1;1.. :i.&#39;.:1&#39;iQ _-v;i?;Q&#39;~ ..u /*"&#39;" &#39; £49. @92BY?Jik§% b7C b6 1 1: vb W /0 a » . »» Q Q y7@7 A . Q @&#39; February 10, 1992 ° 3 , - New York City, New York k I 1 *~ ~1 &#39;2&~,_; T9292V92a &#39; Y. @wT,| | havingbeen duly sworn by ; Supervisory SpecialAgent SSA!i L herebymake . the followingstatement toSSAI who I knowto be a Special Agent of the FBI. i I I enteredon duty with theFBI OJ i and am currently assigned as a Special Agent in the New York b6 Division. _ o7C I understand this is an adminstrative inquiry and that ! I I am being interviewed in connection with information printed in The NewYork Daily News concerning the John Gotti investigation. I have been further advised of my rights and responsibilities in | Y connection with this inquiry as set forth on a Warning and -1 Assurance Form FD645!, which I have read and signed. I r . 92 ! I I gr &#39; C"&#39;.j I i i ///I, V,/Y92 ~ /T}» <:» / <4? =*~?=*1; I&#39;1 9 I. , 1 ; Q. Q I Cyi wasfamiliar informationwith torelating JOHNGOTTI and SAMMY GRAVANO&#39;s involvement in the murders of PAUL CASTELLANO v : and THOMAS BILOTTI prior to the January 31, 1992 newspaper article by virtue of my investigative responsibilities. I was also familiar with their involvement in the FRANCESCO OLIVERI 1 1 r murder for the same reasons prior to the January 28, 1992 New York Daily News article regarding this matter. I did not provide any information with respect to this case to anyone not entitled to receive it to include anyone from The New York Daily News and I don&#39;t know of anybody who did. I was not aware of many of the details which were included in the January 28, 1992 article referred to above. n ? y I am willing to take a polygraph examination regarding v_ 3 the information set forth above. I have read this statement consisting of this and one other pageand itis trueand correct.C&# , / - ~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of February, 1992, in New York City, New York. / Z7 b6 b7C /W Z/rd I I 3 1 ~ Q Q /Ii! I7 /ifJ I / y;%g5/ Qxgxm V @iW$#»92 ff0 2/10/92 NewYork _ City, _New York 4 zx =l~@~ &#39; I, [:::::::::::::::] /having beenduly swornby Supervisory Special AgentI hereby make thefollowing statement to SupervisorySpecial Agen who I E knOwtObeaS_DEQIL6JAC1.anJ&#39;oftb.c~F-D-T i % . 5 34 » I understand this is an administrative inquiry and that I am i being interviewedin connection with informationprinted inthe New York DailyNews concerningthe JohnGotti investigation. Ib6 ve been further advised of my rights and responsibilitie@7c1 connection withthis inquiry as set forth on a Warning and Assurance form FD645!, whichI have read andsigned. » |_@»;<i-~.4liii,i1@ l.-,- ,.,, 1/I/é &#39;L=1~&#39;Li»i<" I* ,»u /X I am aware of the January 28 and31, 1992articles that came out in the NEWYORK DAILYNEWS. Iwas alsoaware ofmost of the / HA0Wjtiw iv . /92r information statedin the January 31,1992 articlebefore it was printed. However,I never provided anyof the this informationto a anyone whowas notauthorized tohave it. I also have notprovided x |I any informationconcerning theGOTTI investigationto reporters of the NEWYORK DAILYNEWS. am Inot aware ofany otherperson who 1 may have provided information concerning these articles to 4 I reporters of the NEWYORK DAILYNEWS. Iam willing to take a 1 polygraph examinationregarding theinformation haveI providedin | this statement. I have read this statement consistingof this and oneother page andit is true andcorrect.<:;! b6 b7c Special Agent Sworn toand subscribedbefore me this tenth day of February, 1992, in New York City, New York. Spervisory Special Agent 92 j¥/H2 <WI I Q &#39; W February IO, 1992 Federal Bureau of Investigation New York Office &#39; O, . -W /7.. <» &#39;, ~_1~ I,| &#39;havin been g du ly swornby [::::::::::::::::] herebymake thefollowing statementto[::::::::::] ho I know to be a Special Agent of the FBI. I understand this an administrative inquiry and that I am being interviewed in connection with an allegation that b6 privileged information was provided to the New York Daily News. b7c I have been further advised of my rights and responsibilities in connection with this inquiry as set forth on a Warning and Assurance Form FD645!, which I have read and signed. I am aware of the New York Daily News article on January 31, 1992 regarding SAMMY GRAVANObeing with JOHN GOTTIin the car parked at the sceneat the time of the homicideof PAUL CASTELLANO and THOMAS BILOTTI. WW K M I am not aware of information printed in the New York O Daily News on January 28, 1992 regarding the homicide of FRANCES CO OLIVERI . I had knowledge of the information concerning JOHN GOTTI prior to January 31, 1992. I had no knowledge of the OLIVERI information until today. I did not provide this up information to the Daily News or anyone not entitled to receive it. I am not aware of anyone who did disclose this information to anyone not entitled to it. I am willing to take a polygraph examination. I have read this statement consistingof this page and one other page and it is true and correct. L 9292 ¢/ IZ ySworn toand subscribedbefore methis 167 day of I 19%, in yaw[< _ R § § b6 b7C &#39; F 92 4 . _/ New Februa?%92lO,Yo 53City, New York 1992 l / /__ L l ! * ;//V. /7 Q M;. k b~*a~~ ~1 . r» ib lq, WILLIAM Y.DORAN, having been duly sworn by A, Assistant Special Agent in Charge JOHN E. MORLEY, hereby make the following statementto Mr. Morley, whoI know to be a Special Agent of the FBI. I entered on duty with the FBI on 3/21/66 and am currently assigned as a Special Agent in Charge in the New York Division. / I understand this is an Adminstrative inquiry and that I am being interviewed in connection with information printed in The New York Daily News concerning the John Gotti investigation. I have been further advised of my rights and responsibilities in connection with this inquiry as set forth on a Warning and Assurance Form FD-645!, which I have read and signed. I am the Special Agent in Charge of the Criminal Division of the New York Office, and have been so assigned since 9/16/86. AS such, I have direct responsibility for the oversight and conduct of all criminal investigations in the New York Office. In View of the size and scope of the Criminal Division, over 500 Agents, 2500 pending cases and five Assistant Special Agents in Charge ASAC!, I depend largely on the ASACs <q / u/M,, :-" I/A I. / / 92_,., . /Vy&#39;/!/J"//92 . W Q, [M11/4 W 92_ 92 4 M 92 I 4 92 92 9292 /92 ¥92forto day dayadministration decision and withinmaking the programs for which they are responsible. I require them to keep me fully informed of all major events in our most significant investigations. I know a Daily News reporter named JERRY CAPECI; I do not know GENE MUSTAIN. I talk to CAPECI occasionally, almost exclusively on a professional basis. I am aware of information printed in the New York Daily News on 1/31/92 regarding SALVATORE GRAVANObeing with JOHN GOTTI in a car parked at the scene at the time of the homicide of PAUL CASTELLANO and THOMAS BILOTTI. I am also aware of information similarly published regarding the homicide of FRANCESCO OLEVERI. I was aware of the CASTELLANO information prior to it being published butnot theOLENERI information.I did not provide this information to anyone not entitled to receive it, including the Daily News, with the possible exceiption of my wife. I do not recall discussing this with my wife, but I may have. I do not know anyone else who provided this information to anyone not entitled to receive it. I am willing to take a polygraph examination regardingmy statementrl 9292 &#39;1Vj 92_,in 1- 92U §//, s . 0 ,.. 92 1 92 /, - : 92PJ 1-have readthis statement consisting of this and two . /- other paes and it is true and correct. ,//ll ~ / I" Z; - 4 &#39;/02,4/-/1»; . -£437;/?"92 WILLIAM Y/ DORAN 92 SPECIAL/AGENT IN CHARGE Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of February, 1992,in NewYork CityX92NewYork. é iE/ix /92 //* E/92/&#39;2;//92i_/[L1 JOH; E.MORLEY ASSISTANT SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE my g92 &#39; _[1li! Y! Februarye Y 10&#39; 1992 : iii»/, / 1 <2 ., é -¢~ K New York City, New York - /, .
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