Word to PDF - UnRegistered http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ( Word to PDF - Unregistered ) http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ THESIS INFORMATION KIOSK APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT AT INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SOEKARNO-HATTA LINA NAILATUL MUYASSAROH 106091105098 COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 2011 M / 1413 H Word to PDF - UnRegistered http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ( Word to PDF - Unregistered ) http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ Word to PDF - UnRegistered http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ( Word to PDF - Unregistered ) http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UIN SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA CERTIFICATION EXAM Thesis of “Airport Information Kiosk Development at International Airport SOEKARNO-HATTA ” written by Lina Nailatul Muyassaroh, Student ID 106091105098 that have been tested and passed in the session munaqosyah Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Jakarta Syarif Hidayatullah on . This Thesis has accepted as a requirement to obtain Bachelor Degree of Computer Science. Approved by : Supervisor I Supervisor II DR. Eko Syamsuddin, H M.Eng Taufik Edy M. Sc Tech NIP. 19691025198812 1 001 NIP. 19790530200604 1 002 Examiner I Examiner II Arini, ST, MT Husni Teja Sukmana, Ph.D NIP. 1976013120091 2 001 NIP. 19771030200112 1 003 With Acknowledgement of, Dean of Head of Faculty Science and Technology Computer Science Department Word to PDF - UnRegistered http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ( Word to PDF - Unregistered ) http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ DR. Sopiyansyah Jaya Putra, M.Sis Yusuf Durrachman , M Sc, MIT NIP. 19680117200112 1 001 NIP. 19710522200604 1 002 Word to PDF - UnRegistered http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ( Word to PDF - Unregistered ) http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ INFORMATION KIOSK APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT AT INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SOEKARNO-HATTA Thesis As One requirement to obtain a Bachelor degree of Computer Science Department of Computer Science - International Programme Faculty of Science and Technology State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta By: LINA NAILATUL MUYASSAROH 106091105098 Approve by : Supervisor I Supervisor II DR. Eko Syamsuddin,H M.Eng Taufik Edy M.Sc Tech NIP. 19691025 198812 1 001 NIP. 19790530 200604 1 002 With Acknowledgement of, Head of Computer Science Department Yusuf Durrachman, M Sc, MIT NIP. 19710522 200604 1 002 ii Word to PDF - UnRegistered http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ( Word to PDF - Unregistered ) http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ iii Word to PDF - UnRegistered http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ( Word to PDF - Unregistered ) http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ABSTRACT Lina Nailatul Muyassaroh, Airport Information Kiosk Development at International Airport Soekarno-Hatta Tangerang Banten. Supervised by DR.Eko Syamsuddin H, M.Eng and Taufik Edy S. MScTech. Soekarno-Hatta International airport is the biggest and busiest airport in Jakarta. In 2009, Soekarno-Hatta was ranked 22nd amongst the worlds busiest airport by it. Accordingly many new tourists who come from various countries visit Jakarta needs some information related to Jakarta. To resolve those issue a solution offered is “Developing Airport Information Kiosk Application” in order to provide the information needed by tourist. Interview and questionnaire were done in the early stage of developing this application and its components. It is required to gather information about airport and understanding the importance of this application. The Interactive Multimedia System Design and Development (IMSDD) methodology development used in building this application. This application consist of six main features: News, Airport facilities, Mall information, Hotel, Recreation and Jakarta Food. Based on the result of the evaluation by questionnaires, it can be concluded that this application has sufficient information, the design interface is interesting, easy to understand and it can help the tourist in getting the information needed in the airport. Keyword: Information Kiosk, International Airport Soekarno-Hatta. V Chapters + xvii Pages + 96 Pages + 78 Figures + 10 Tables References + 3 Appendixes References: 5 (2001-2007) iv Word to PDF - UnRegistered http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ( Word to PDF - Unregistered ) http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ DECLARATION I HEREBY DECLARE THAT THIS THESIS IS TRULY THE WORK OF MY SELF AND THAT HAS NOT BEEN PROPOSED AS A THESIS OR SCIENTIFIC WORK IN THE UNIVERSITY OR ANY OTHER INSTITUTIONS. Jakarta, January 2011 Lina Nailatul Muyassaroh 106091105098 v Word to PDF - UnRegistered http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ( Word to PDF - Unregistered ) http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ FOREWORD Gratitude to all praise is to Allah SWT, the creator of the universe, king of the king, the beneficent, merciful, who does help out in arranging this report so this report can be completed well. Peace and mercy to the prophet Muhammad SAW and to his family and the followers. The Airport Information Kiosk Application has been done start from August to December 2010. A grateful given for finishing this thesis. Since this thesis is written as the final thesis of the bachelor's degree in Computer Science Faculty of Science and Technology-International Programme, the text is primarily aimed at the State Islamic University Jakarta. Hopefully this thesis will be useful and give a great contribution in delivering information I would like to extend my appreciation and gratitude to: 1. Prof. Dr. Komarudin Hidayat as a Rector of State Islamic University Jakarta. 2. Mr. DR. Syopiansyah, M.Sis as a Dean of Science and Technology Faculty. vi Word to PDF - UnRegistered http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ( Word to PDF - Unregistered ) http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ 3. Mr. Yusuf Durrachman, M.Sc, MIT as a Head of Department of Computer Science and Mrs. Viva Arifin, S Kom, MMSI as a Secreatary of Department of Computer Science. 4. DR. Eko Syamsuddin,H M.Eng and Mr. Taufik Edy M.Sc Tech as my supervisor who always constantly encourage me to finish this thesis. 5. Mrs. Ria Hari, ST, M Kom as an International Class Technical Coordinator who always give supports and motivations. 6. A lot of thanks is also given to my lovely parents that always pray, support and always encourage and pray for me to finish this thesis. 7. For my special friend Taufik Nurhartantrio who gives a great times and his kindness. Finally, I would like to extend my appreciation and gratitude to all those persons that is included in completing this thesis. This is dedicated with excess and deficiency; hopefully this will be useful for all of us. Amin Jakarta, January 2011 Lina Nailatul Muyassaroh 106091105098 vii Word to PDF - UnRegistered http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ( Word to PDF - Unregistered ) http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHORIZATION PAGE ii CERTIFICATION EXAM iii ABSTRACT iv DECLARATION v FOREWORD iv TABLE OF CONTENTS viii PICTURE LIST xii TABLES LIST xvi viii Word to PDF - UnRegistered http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ( Word to PDF - Unregistered ) http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ GLOSSARY xvii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Problem Specification 2 1.3 Problem Limitation 2 1.4 Objective and Advantage 3 1.5 Time and Place 3 1.6 Research Methodology 3 1.7 System Methodology Development 4 1.8 Outline 5 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ix Word to PDF - UnRegistered http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ( Word to PDF - Unregistered ) http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ 2.1 Soekarno-Hatta International Airport 9 2.2 Information Kiosk 13 2.3 Database Management System in Information Kiosk 14 2.3.1 MySQL Analysis 14 2.3.2 PHP 15 2.4 Animation 16 2.5 Flowchart 17 2.6 State Trantition Diagram 19 2.7 Stucture and Navigation 19 2.8 Storyboard 21 2.9 Interactive Multimedia 22 x Word to PDF - UnRegistered http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ( Word to PDF - Unregistered ) http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1 Design and Development Cycle 23 3.2 System Requirements 24 3.3 Design Consideration 25 3.4 Implementation 27 3.5 Evaluation 29 CHAPTER IV SOEKARNO-HATTA INFORMATION KIOSK DEVELOPMENT 4.1 Application Development 31 4.1.1 Storyboard 31 4.1.2 Structure and Navigation 50 4.1.3 Flowchart 51 xi Word to PDF - UnRegistered http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ( Word to PDF - Unregistered ) http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ 4.1.4 State Transition Diagram 61 4.1.5 Database Specification 68 4.2 Manual 66 4.2.1 User Guide Instruction 69 Starting Application 69 News 71 Airport 72 Shopping Mall 73 Hotel 74 Recreation Place 77 Jakarta Traditional Food 79 xii Word to PDF - UnRegistered http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ( Word to PDF - Unregistered ) http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ 4.2.2 Administrator Guide Instruction 79 Starting Application 79 Homepage 80 News Page 81 Insert News Page 82 Hotel Page 82 4.3 Application Testing 86 4.3.1 Black box testing for user 86 4.3.2 Black box testing for administrator 88 4.3.3 Hardware Specification 90 4.3.4 Software Specification 90 xiii Word to PDF - UnRegistered http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ( Word to PDF - Unregistered ) http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ 4.4 Evaluation 90 CHAPTER V SUMMARY AND FUTURE WORK 5.1 Summary 94 5.2 Future Work 94 REFERENCES 96 APPENDIX Questionnaire Evaluation A 1 Interview with airport officer A 2 Source Code A 4 xiv Word to PDF - UnRegistered http://www.word-to-pdf.abdio.com/ ( Word to PDF - Unregistered )
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