Index 1053 So, 391--g2, 394; in First World War 378; Baker fitted to Lancaster x 758; Rose anti-submarine weapons 378--g, 393-4; U­ 685, 752-3; Village Inn/AGLT and radar­ boat losses 378-9, 394-5, 396, 399, 405, assisted gun-laying 752-3, 823; need to 414, 416; Allied shipping losses 379, 405, counter Schrage Musik fitted to German 414; U-boat tactics 381 , 391 , 396, 404- 5, night-fighters 687-8, 734, 763-4, 830, 854 409, 412; Mooring patrols 383, 402-4, Army Co-operation Command, see 410-1 l; Leigh Light 393- 4, 395; Biscay commands offensive 393-8; ASV radar and counter­ Army Photo Interpretation Section: and measures, 393- 4, 395; Musketry patrols procedures for photographic 397-8, 446; Percussion operations 398; in reconnaissance 296-7 Operation Overlord 406-ro; inshore Arnhem 326, 347-8, 875-6, 881 - 3, 890 patrols 410-16; Sir Arthur Harris believes Arnold, Gen. H.H. 832 bomber offensive is more important 598, Arnold-Portal-Towers agreement: and supply 638; Portal agrees 620; Bomber Command of bomber aircraft 599 ordered to attack U-boat bases in France Arras 775, 808 638--g, 677; other refs 95, 270, 375 Article xv, see Canadianization Anti-U-boat Warfare Committee 391 , 394 Ash, P/O W.F. 207 Antwerp 327, 337, 835, 845, 855 Ashford, F/L Herbert 648 Anzio 287-8 Ashman, W/C R.A. 400 Aqualagna 308 Assam 876, 905 Arakan 901, 903, 906 Associated Press 71 Archer, w/c J.C. 398, 400 ASV , see radar, air-to-surface vessel (ASV) Archer, F/L P.L.I. 253 Athens 889 Ardennes 337, 338, 8ro, 850-1 , 876, 885-6, Athlone, Lord 69 890 Atkin, Ronald 232 Ardouval (v-1 site) 827 Atlantic, Battle of the: and demands on Argentan 307, 313, 815 Bomber Command and bomber aircraft Argonaut conference, Malta, February 1945 548, 558, 585, 597, 598, 632 , 638, 643, 89rn 646; other refs 387, 392 armament (aircraft) Atlee, Clement 727 - fighter 168, 220, 222 , 228, 233, 263, 279 Au Fevre (radar site) 807 - rocket projectiles (RP): development of Audet, F/L R. 338-40 163, 244; on Typhoons 278; used in anti­ Augsburg 585, 729n, 766, 773-5, 778-9, 842 shipping operations 452, 453--9, 464-6, Aulnoye 791 , 793, 800 470-1 , 472-3, 473; effectiveness Australia: and Article xv squadrons 23-4, compared with bombs and torpedoes 425, 57; other refs 61, 71, ro9, 124 348, 455-6; 25-lb armour-piercing 376, Aversa 653 455-7, 464-6, 466--7; 60-lb high explosive 455, 464 Babington, A/M Sir Philip 46, 56, 60-1, 65- - bomber: inadequacy of .303-inch machine 7, 434-5, 570 gun for bomber defence 532, 684; Bader, S/L Douglas 172, 195, 201-2, 209 development of .5-inch machine guns and Baghdad 878 20 mm cannon for bomber defence 532, Bagnoli 653 685, 713, 752-3; turrets in bomber aircraft Baker, A/C J.W. : supports area bombing requirement for 532; restricted vision in 557-8, 575, 580 532, 609, 684-5, 752-3; coldness in 736; Baldwin, A/V/M J.E.A. 57--9, 561 , 570, 611 turret failure no excuse for early return Baldwin, Stanley 528--g 745; development of mid-under gun Balfour, Harold: at Ottawa Air Training position 752-3; Fraser Nash FN 20 684; Conference 6<}---75 ; and Balfour-Power Frazer Nash FN 82 752-3, 823; Martin- Agreement 99-I04, ro7-8; and rn54 Index Canadianization in general 600; other refs London 189-90, Aug.- Oct. 1940 538-40; 46, 47, 61, 77, 89, 90, 95, I 11, 325, 462 Battle of (Nov. 1943-March 1944) 526-7, Balfour-Power Agreement, see 655, 689, 712-13, 730-2, 735-42, 745-6, Canadianization 74g-51, 758, 761-3, 766-70, 780; and its Balkans 280, 292 impact on morale in Bomber Command Baltic Sea: Axis merchant shipping in 418- 785-7, 805; included in Casablanca and 19, 474; Gardening in 41g-20, 468, 526, Pointblank directives 639, 657, 666, 729n; 568, 676-7, 788-90; Togo radar picket threat to Berlin facilitates spoofs and ship in 661, 688; other refs 352, 474, 538, diversions 700-1, 705, 716, 741, 771, 782, 581 , 583, 606, 618, 656 832-4; accounts of attacks on, and their Bardufoss 889 effect 706-8, 736-9, 749-5 l ; H2S response Barfleur 283 of 71 r; featured in Operation Thunderclap Barker, Lt-Col W.G. 170 831, 854-5; other refs 264, 266, 281, 347, Barking Creek, 'Battle of' l 87 391, 529, 537, 554-5, 558-60, 562, 576, Barmen 669 606, 615, 661, 666, 669, 695, 697, 7og-10, Barrage balloons 296 713, 720-1, 752 , 757-8, 781-2, 791, 800, Barratt, A/M Sir Arthur 229 80~ 837, 858, 865, 881, 889 Barry, P/O W. 674 Bemburg 729n Barte, Walter 701 Bemeval 235 Bartholomew, Col H.I. 166 Berouka River 667 Basra 878 Bethune 203, 283 Bateman, F/O L.J. 407 Beurling, F/O G. 268 Bath 223 Beveridge, F/L M.W. 714 Battipaglia 653-4 Bhamo 905 Bayerlein, Generalleutnant Fritz 306 Bigoray, F/Sgt William 674 Bayly, F/L G.H. 388 Big Ben, see v-2 rocket Bays, Sgt B.O. 714 Billancourt 577 Beals, W/O W.F. 405 Bing, Sgt L.P. 222-3 Bean, W/C W.W. 448 Birch, F/O W.F. 352 Beardmore, F/O F.W. 194 Birchall, S/L L.J. 386-7 Belaria 778 Birmingham 549, 586 Belgium: German night-fighter bases in 528, Birnie, F/L H.W. 802 536, 538, 579, 587, 701 , 808, 821, 824-5, Biscay, Bay of: anti-submarine operations by 829; Resistance movement 673, 801 ; Coastal Command 375, 393-6, 398, 402- civilian casualties from Allied bombing 3, 407, 4og-10,440, 444, 446-7, 450; 794; other refs 182, 216, 283-4, 320, 323, anti-shipping operations by Coastal 714, 717, 782, 799, 878, 879, 886, 889 Command 417-18, 464-5, 467; Bomber Bell, Sgt R.G. 614-15 Command attacks U-boat bases and lays Bell, Capt T.J. 818 mines in 4rg-20, 938-9, 646, 656, 677, Belli-Bivar, F/O R.G. 277 742; other refs 400, 41 l, 464, 466 Bellis, F/O A.R.B. 405 Bishop, F/O A.A. 402-3 Bengal 386, 490 Bishop, A/M W.A. 402n Bengal, Bay of 903 Bissett, S/L R.C. 548 Benito, see radio, Ypsilon Bizerta 251 Bennell, S/L R.J. 714 Blackett, P.M.S. 585 Bennett, A/Y/M D.C.T. 612, 619 Blanchard, w/c S.S .: appointed to No 6 Bentley Priory, see Fighter Command Group from Home War Establishment Headquarters 633 Berchtesgaden 887 Blatchford, W/C H.P. 916 Berlin: bombed in reprisal for bombing of Blenkinsop, S/L E.M. 801 Index rn55 Blitzkrieg affects Canadian planning 174-5, interdiction 525, 529, 791-5; require air 184, 536-7, 568 superiority 530-2, 534-5, 568, 8 l I , Bochum 656, 666, 717-19, 730, 740, 835, 840-2; attacks on German shipping, 838-9 including Scharnhorst, Prinz Eugen, and Bohlen 856-7 Gneisenau 534, 548; Bomber Command bomb aimers: commissioning of 71, 94; tactics 549-50, 586, 840-4; Moling 639; supply of 84-5, 86-7, 97-9; and in­ bombing of own troops near Falaise 816- adequacy of bombsights 531, 65<}--60; 20; cause problem for crews who see specialist trade created 580; trained to use damage 842-3; other refs 53off, 549-50, H2S 618, 65<}--60; responsible for dis­ 585-6, 811-13, 815-20, 825, 835, 840-5, charging Window 694; other refs 96-9, 394 849 Bomber Command Headquarters: established night at High Wycombe, July 1936 528; - attacks on U-boat facilities 638, 640-1, concern about navigation 535, 542, 552, 666-7, 866 561, 667-9, 686-7, 730, 789-90, 805; - creep-back effect 667 bombing directives sent to 537, 538, 539, - crew discomfort on 546, 549, 573, 607, 541-2, 544, 575, 576, 576-7, 581, 582, 631, 634, 646, 736, 753-4 585, 639, 656-7, 689-90, 729, 766, 771 , - early returns from 548, 568, 582, 611, 791, 794, 796, 831-2, 846-7, 854-5, 861; 613, 629, 649, 664-71, 675-6, 680-1, and efforts to counter the German night­ 699, 706, 710, 740-1, 743-5, 772, 808 fighter threat 543, 562-6, 607, 705, 716- - ineffectiveness of 530, 533, 537, 538-9, 17, 742-3, 751-2, 762-3, 771 , 779-80, 547, 550, 553-4, 568, 578-9, 582, 596-7, 782, 797, 808, 823, 83'}---42, 861; and 610-1 l , 613, 614, 619, 665, 666, 667, Canadianization 545, 630; and need to 668, 695, 709, 716-17, 730, 736, 742, centralize control of operations 561-2, 761, 785, 793, 802, 812, 816, 822, 823, 566, 803-5; intelligence assessments by 838, 864 562-4, 587-9, 673-4, 742-3, 745, 751, - in North Africa by No 331 Wing 647 649, 769; critical of diversions of Bomber 653, 654 Command's effort 585; and Operational - leaflet raids (Nickelling) 532-4, 742 Millennium 593; policy re allocation of - navigation problems and failures 523-4, aircraft 601-2; and strengthening of 533, 535, 542, 547, 550-1, 554, 557, 561, Pathfinder Force 658; analysis of loss 573-4, 578, 584, 603, 604, 607, 610-l I, rates 675, 680--2, 698, 785, 802-3, 82 I; 617, 618, 620, 640, 659, 660, 667-8, 679, and Scarecrows 734; and aircrew morale 685-6, 751, 767, 844 743-5; and responsibility for bombing of - 1942 experiments with precision bombing own troops near Falaise 818-20; other refs 597 57-8, 77, I04 - role of master bomber 69'}---700, 707-8, bomber defence, see armament (aircraft) 801, 814, 816-19, 825, 842, 844, 862 bomber operations, American 702, 732 - success of attacks over France and the BOMBER OPERATIONS, BY BOMBER Low Countries, 1944 794, 800, 805, 809 COMMAND - tactics: essential to evade enemy defences casualties caused by: Belgian 794-800, 805; 543, 564, 607, 716, 771-2; advantages French 577, 641, 767, 795, 800; German and disadvantages of concentration in the 537, 548, 555, 557, 577.
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