NIMBADON,A I:,IEWGENUS AND THREENEW SPECIESOF TERTIARY ZYGOMATURINES(MARSUPIALIA: DIPROTODONTIDAE) FROM NORTHERN AUSTRALIA,WITH A REASSESSMENTOF N'OI''ZOS S.J. HAND, M. ARC}IER,H. C,ODTHELP.T.H. RICH AND N.S. PLEDGE Hand, S.J.,Archer, M., Codthelp, H., Rich, T.H. & Pledge,N. S. 199306 3O:Nimbadon,a new genusand three new speciesofTeniary zygomaturines(Marsupialia: Diprotodontidae) from nonhem Australia, with a reassessmentof Neohelos.Memoirs of the Queenslnnd Museum 33(l\: 193-210.Brisbane. ISSN 0079-8835. Thrce new species of Oligo-Miocene zygomatu.ine dip.otodontids are described from northem Australia. All are small,l, plesiomorphicplesiomorDhicand appearto comprise a distinctive clade of zygomaturines.naEed here Nimbadon.Nimbalon. TlreThe clade is Dartlvpartly defined on the basis of the posleriorly iqclined P" parastyleand blade exrendingfrom the parametaconeto the lingual halfofhalfofthe the P'crown and then to lhe anterolinpualanterolingualcinpulum.cingulum. Two ofthe sDe.iesspe.ies areiue known from Oligo-Miocenelocalfaunas ofRiversleigh Slalion,nonhwestern Queensland. The third is from the middle Miocene Bullock Creek Local Faunaof Camfield Station. norlhwestern Nonhern Territory. Descriptionof additionalfossil materialreferable ro Neohelostrrarensrs Stinon, 1967,a middle Miocene zygomaturinefrom the Kutjamarpu lacal Faunaoi South Australia, enablesthe genus to be distin9tished frcm Nimbadon. The chronoslratigraphic significanceof the ncw zygomaturinesis consideredand found lo approximalelycorrespond to curent undeBtandingofthe relative agesof the dcpositsfrom which the specimenswere obtained. n Diprotodontidae, Z;gomaturinae, Ninbadon, Neohelos, Oligo-Miocene, Riversleigh, Bullock Creek local Fauna, Henk's Hollow lacal Fautv, Fig Tree lncal Suzonne Hand, M. Archer & H. Godthelp, School of Biologicol Science, UniversiD, of New South Wales, PO Box I, Kensinglon, New South llales 2033, Australia: T.H. Rich, Palaeontology,Museum ofVictoria, Russell St,Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia: N.S. Pledge,Palaeontology, South Australian Museutn,NorthTerrace, Adelaide, SouthAustru- lia 5000, Australia;24 November, 1992. Specimensrepresenting a very small zygoma- (Rich et al., 1982, l99l; Archer & Flannery, turine werc collectedbetween 1984and 1986by 1983; Archer & Hand, 1984; Woodbume et al., Archer. Godtheloand Hand from the Henk's Hol- 1985;Munay, 1990a;Munay&Megirian, 1990; low Site, in an ds yet unnamedfreshwater lime- Archeret al., 1989,1991).Recent reappraisal of stoneon the Gag Plateauof Riversleigh Station the ageofcentral AustralianTeniary mammalian I (Archer, Hand & Godthelp, 1986;Archer & FIan- faunas,based on the study of foraminifera (Lind- nery, 1987;Archer er al., 1989,1991). Refened say, 1987), suggeststhat some of these faunas material includes maxillary and dentary frag- (e.g. the Ditjimanka, Pinpa and Ericmas Local ments and isolated teeth, A second, larger Faunas)are appreciablyolder than once thought Riversleigh species, representedby a maxilla, (e.g. Woodbume et al., 1985; but see Tedford, was collected in 1986 by Plcdge from Fig Tree 1966;.possibly latc Oligocene.By comparison. Site Locality adjacent to Godthelp Hill, the Bullock Crcek Local Faunais estimatedto be Riversleigh Station. ?middle Miocene in age, i.e. irnmediately post- A small Bullock Creek zygomaturineis known Wipajiri (Munay, 1990a; Murray & Megirian, from a palate collected in 1981, by Rich and 1990).On-going studies (Archer et al., l99l ) of colleagues,from HorsesboeWest tocality (WV the Riversleigh fossil faunas suggest that the I 13) in the Camfield Beds of Camfield Station, Henk's Hollow L,ocalFauna is ?middle Miocene northwest€m Northem Ter.itory (Rich et al., in age and the Fig Tree Local Fauna somewhere 1982.l99l ). betweenlate Oligoceneand early Miocene in age. Estimatesof the age of the Henk's Hollow, Fig The new zygomaturines described here are Tree and Bullcrck Creek l-ocal Faunasare based most similar to forms currently referred to the mainly on stage-of-evolutioncomparisons oIpar- genusNeohelos. Their generic distinction, how- ticular diprotodontian marsupialswith those of ever, has beenclarified by discovery at the type other northern and central Australian faunas locality of new material rcferable ro Neohelos 194 MEMOIRSOF THE QUEENSLANDMUSEUM TABLE l. MeasuremeltsoI Neohelostirarensis t' r ing unchallengedconvention, is called the hypo- (AMF87625) and M (At\4F87626)from the Leaf cone.Ch€ektootb homology is that proposedby I-ocality,Lake Ngapakaldi, South Australia. In mm. Archer (1978). Higher level systematicnomen- Abbreviations:ant, anterior;post, posterior; paramet, clature (1987). parametaconeiprotoc, protocone; parac, pamcone. followsAplin & Archer Lenqth 15.8 SYSTEMATICS width 13.9 SuperorderMARSUPIALIA Illiger, l8l I c widlh(parametto protoc lips) Order DIPROTODONTIA Owen, 1866 heisht(parameo I t.4 Family DIPROTODONTIDAEcill, 1872 h€ish(parastyle) 6.5 SubfamilyZYGOMATURINAE Stirton, lenqth 18.8 Woodbume& Plane,196? M3 width(anr) t1.2 width(post) r5.8 NeohelosSrinon, 1967 heisht(parac) 1.4 (Fig. I, Table l ) tirarensis, the tyW andonly namedspecies of the Typespecies. Neohelos rirzr"dJri Stinon,1967 genus.The original description(Stirton, 1967)of this Miocene zygomaturinefrom the Kutjamarpu REVTSEDGENERTc DrAcNosls Local Fauna of central Australia was basedon The following combinationof featuresappears five isolated teeth collected in 1962 at the haf to distinguishspecies of Neoftelosfrom all otber Locality, t-ake Ngapakaldi, Etadunna Station, zygomaturines:P'with large,erect parastyle that South Australia. The holotype, a broken P', pre- is well isolatedfrorn the parametaconeiparastyle serves only the posterior portion of the tooth. is conical without tip developedas-a biade; in- Though lesscomplete than the other teeth,it was terolingual basin well defincd in Pe by distinct selectedas the holotype becauseof the impor- basalcingulum extendingbetween parastylar cor- tanceof premolar morphology in diprotodontoid neroflooth lo anterolingualbase of protocone:P' systematics(Stirton, 1967; Stirton, Woodbume parametaconcwith an undividedtip: paranlcta- & Plane,1967). cone tip not developcdinto rnrcrobucall\ori, In 1982 two isolated teeth referable to M ri, ented bladc: linc r-ulrrccn prot()cone. rcrezsis were collectedfrom the type locality by paramclaconcand s idcstbuccal point on cro* n Archer, Hand, T. Flannery,G. Hiclie, J. Cascand is appro\inralcl\r!'itilincdr lnd dirrdcs crown P. Bridge: a well-preserved RPr (AMF8762-5) eitherin hlrlf r)r lca\c\ lnlcnr)r division shorter and RM' (AMF87626). These add considcrably than the F)stcn('rdir rrion: P *ith well-devel- to knowledgeof this species.Additional materi. opedhrg'--^onc or hlFEonc shelf; M2-rwith well als rcferableto Neolelos from the Bullock Creck dcvelol^-dpara\t) lc and metastyle. l.ocal Fauna (Plane & Gatehouse.1968: Planc. l97l; Munay & Megirian, 1992) and various \imbadon n.gen. Oligo-Miocene Riversleigh local faunas(Archcr tFigs2-5, Table 2) et al., 1989,l99l) arepresently under stud1,. 'Irpe lnstitutional abbreviationsuscd hereare as fol- sptcus..\'i badonlarorackorutn n.sp. lows: QMF, fossil collectionof the Queensland Addiiono! sp.cies.Nitnbadon wltitelawi n.sp.. Mrr- Museum; AMF, fossil collection of the Auslra- DAdotrscoIloft ot um n.sp. lianMuseum; SAMP, palaeontolosical col lecrion of the Soulh AustralianMuseuri; NMVP, pa- GENERIcDIAGNOSIS laeontologicalcollection of the Museum of Vic- Specicsof Nirnbadon differ fiom thosc ol all toria; AR, researchcollection of the School of other zygomaturines(with special rcfcrcnce 10 Biological Sciences,University of New South Neohelos,Ihetaxon to which they are othcrwise Wales. Cusp nomenclature follows Archer most similar) in the following combinationof (1984) and Rich, Archer & Tedford (1978). The features:small size (althoughthey are largerthan posterolingualcusp of theupper molars, conven- RaeneotheriutnRich, Archer & Tedford, 1978); lionally called the hypocone(e.g. Stirton, Wood- in havinga molargradienl lhilt does nol apprecia- burne & Plane, 1967), is now called the bly increaseposteriorly (in contrast to all other metaconule followine Tedford & Woodbume zygomaturinesexcept Raeneotlrcriu,r); posteri- (198?) but the postero=lingualcusp of P3,follow- orly inclined parastyleon P' (nther than conical NEWDTPROTODONTIDS FROM NOR-IHII{N AUS ]RALIA r95 l l(' | ,\eoltelostirat?/rJlr, baf l,o,calily,Lake Ngrpakaldi, $outh Austmlia. AMF87625, RP': A-A', occlusrl 't.rcopair:B. buccal!iew; C, liogualview. AMF87626, RM': D D', trclusal stereopirir.Ilar irrdicnlcslOnt l. .rrrJ( recr .rs in othcrz) gnn rrlurine\ e\cept possi zygomaturinesexcepl Neo lrc [ o s aDdA Ibrc rt atlr blt PLaisiodoncerr,'.?l/.r Woodbume, 1967); an erilal Munay, 1990b);an"antcrobuccal hlade on 3nlerolingualblade on the parastyleof P' that the panmelacoDcof P' that sunnounts an surmountsa postcrolinguallyoriented thegotic obliquelyoricntcd anlcrolingual thcgotic frcette lrcctte (in contrastto no apicalblade such as (in contrastto eitherno bladeor a poolly devcl- nrar'[?]charactcrise Neo he Lo s); completelyundi- opcd antcriorlyoricntcd bladc such as may['/] \idcd parametaconeon P' (in contrastto all other characteriseNeohelos); very snlall to absenthy- 196 MEMOIRSOF THE QUEENSLANDMUSEUM LOWERDENTITION A Species Ninbador lavaracko.un TABLE 2. Measurements of OMF 23t42 23t53 23154 23155* 23158 23t59 Nimbadon lavaroc korum L 12.5 lo.9 PJ n.sp.,1V.writelalri n.sp.and N. 1.O 5.8 scottorrofum n,sp. from L 14.0 Riversleigh and Camfield Sta- 13.3 ll.0
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