ROSEHALL FOREST Rosehall, Sutherland 245.65 Hectares/607.00 Acres ROSEHALL FOREST Rosehall 2.5 miles Lairg 9 miles Bonar Bridge 13 miles Inverness 50 miles (Distances are approximate) ROSEHALL FOREST 245.65 Hectares / 607.00 Acres A maturing commercial forest, with annual income from two wind turbines and an anemometer mast, in an area of stunning scenery. Excellent deer stalking with sporting rights included. FREEHOLD FOR SALE AS A WHOLE Offers Over £695,000 SOLE SELLING AGENTS John Clegg & Co, 76 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3BU Tel: 0131 229 8800 Ref: Patrick Porteous MICFor LOCATION MINERAL RIGHTS LOCATION The property can be found in central Sutherland, just to the MineralMINERAL rights areRIGHTS included except as reserved by Statute or in The property can be found in central Sutherland, just to the Species Planting Year Area (Ha) Mineral rights are included except as reserved by Statute or in north-east of the village of Rosehall in Strath Oykel. terms of the title. north-east of the village of Rosehall in Strath Oykel. Lodgpole pine 1975 148.55 terms of the title. Open ground 1975 97.10 The forest is shown on the location and sale plans within these WAYLEAVES & THIRD PARTY RIGHTS The forest is shown on the location and sale plans within these Total 245.65 particulars and can be found on OS Sheet 1:50,000 Number 16, ApartWAYLEAVES from the existing & THIRD Wind Farm PARTY Lease RIGHTS and its use of the land particulars and can be found on OS Sheet 1:50,000 Number Grid Reference: NC 497 024. to Apartthe north, from there the existing are no otherWind thirdFarm party Lease rights and itsover use the of forestthe land WIND FARM DEVELOPMENT 16, Grid Reference: NC 497 024. or towayleaves. the north, there are no other third party rights over the forest WINDE.ON ClimateFARM DEVELOPMENT& Renewables UK Developments Limited have E.ON Climate & Renewables UK Developments Limited have or wayleaves. ACCESS a 27 year lease over the forest for two Siemens 1.3 MW wind ACCESSTo reach Rosehall Forest, follow the A9 Trunk Road north from a 27 year lease over the forest for two Siemens 1.3 MW wind turbines and an anemometer mast. These are located in the WOODLAND GRANTS ToInverness reach Rosehall and turn Forest, off on follto owthe B9176the A9 between Trunk RoadEvanton north and turbines and an anemometer mast. These are located in the ThereWOODLAND are no grant schemes GRANTS in place and no transfer of obligations northern corner of the forest. The lease commenced on 16 fromAlness. Inverness and turn off on to the B9176 between Evanton northern corner of the forest. The lease commenced on 16 required.There areFor nofurther grant information schemes inon placecurrent and grants no transferavailable of March 2010 and includes some habitat improvement as part of and Alness. March 2010 and includes some habitat improvement as part of pleaseobligations visit the required. following For websites: further information on current grants the planning permission. Follow the B9176 to connect with the A836 to Bonar Bridge and the planning permission. available please visit the following websites: • https://forestry.gov.scot Followcontinue the in B9176 a westerly to connect direction with to thereach A836 the toA837. Bonar Follow Bridge this • https://www.ruralpayments.org/publicsite/futures https://forestry.gov.scot androad continue towards inRosehall a westerly and directionthen turn toright reach on tothe the A837. A839 Follow towards TheThe turbinesturbines andand mastmast areare partpart ofof thethe largerlarger 24.7MW24.7MW RosehallRosehall https://www.ruralpayments.org/publicsite/futures thisLairg road to reachtowards the Rosehall forest access and atthen point turn A1, right as shown on to theon theA839 sale WindWind Farm Farm commissioned commissioned in January in January 2013, which2013, haswhich an exclusive has an towardsplan. The Lairg nearest to reach postcode the forest is IV27 access 4BD. at point A1, as shown accessexclusive road access to the road east toof thethe eastforest. of the forest. AUTHORITIES on the sale plan. The nearest postcode is IV27 4BD. ScottishAUTHORITIES Forestry Highland Council Scottish Forestry Highland Council From point A1, there is a servitude right of access over a forest TheThe annual annual rent rent paid paid over overthe period the periodSeptember September 2013 to October2013 to Fodderty Way Headquarters Fromroad topoint point A1, A2 there and isup a toservitud the foreste right entrance of access at point over A3. a forest From 2018October averaged 2018 £22,291.22, averaged which£22,291. is based22, onwhich a quarterly is based base onrent a DingwallFodderty Way GlenurquhartHeadquarters Road roadA3 toto A4point there A2 isand a recentlyup to th upgradede forest entranceformation at road,point whichA3. andquarterly output base top-up rent payment. and output top-up payment. Ross-shireDingwall InvernessGlenurquhart Road Fromwill requireA3 to A4surfacing there isprior a rece to ntlyfuture upgraded timber formationextraction. road,Stone IV15Ross-shire 9XB IV3Inverness 5NX whichis available will require within surfacingthe property prior for to road future improvements timber extraction. and any FurtherFurther information,information, includingincluding a a copycopy ofof thethe leaselease andand mostmost Tel:IV15 03000 9XB 676 950 Tel:IV3 01349 5NX 886 606 Stoneextension is available that may within be required. the property for road improvements recentrecent annualannual paymentpayment schedules,schedules, is is availableavailable fromfrom thethe SellingSelling Tel: 03000 676 950 Tel: 01349 886 606 and any extension that may be required. AgentAgent upon upon request. request. VIEWING Viewing is possible at any time during daylight hours so long Timber will be extracted using the A839, a short section (2.5 VIEWING as potential purchasers are in possession of a set of these sale Timbermiles) ofwill which be extracted is classified using theas aA839, Consultation a short sectionRoute by(2.5 the SPORTINGSPORTING RIGHTS RIGHTS Viewing is possible at any time during daylight hours so long as particulars. Please contact the Selling Agents in advance of your miles)Highland of whichTimber is Transport classified Group,as a Consultation which leads onRoute to an by Agreed the TheThe forestforest hashas aa healthy populationpopulation ofof Roe, Red and Sika deer, potential purchasers are in possession of a set of these sale visit to arrange a viewing. For your own personal safety please be HighlandRoute south Timber to the Transportmarkets located Group, around which the leadsInverness on andto an the providingproviding some some challenging challenging deer deer stalking. stalking. The The sporting sporting rights rights are particulars. Please contact the Selling Agents in advance of your aware of potential hazards within the forest when viewing. AgreedMoray Region.Route south to the markets located around the includedare included with withvacant vacant possession. possession. visit to arrange a viewing. For your own personal safety please Inverness and the Moray Region. be aware of potential hazards within the forest when viewing. OFFERS DESCRIPTION BOUNDARIESBOUNDARIES If you wish to make an offer or would like to be informed of a DESCRIPTIONRosehall Forest is situated in the stunning wilderness of Sutherland TheThe commercialcommercial forestsforests toto thethe southsouth andand west are owned by closingOFFERS date for offers, it is important that you contact the Selling Rosehalland forms Forest a sizeable, is situated but manageable, in the stunning forest in wildernessa very attractive of ForestForest & &Land Land Scotland, Scotland, who are who responsible are responsible for the maintenance for the If you wish to make an offer or would like to be informed of a Agents to note your interest and to obtain the specific Anti- Sutherlandpart of North and Scotland.forms a sizeable,Established but as manageable, a commercial forest plantation in a ofmaintenance the adjoining of boundarythe adjoin fence.ing boundary fence. closing date for offers, it is important that you contact the Money Laundering details that we require from a purchaser prior veryduring attractive 1975, most part of ofthe Nort croph is Scotland.maturing LodgepoleEstablished pine as with a Selling Agents to note your interest and to obtain the specific to accepting an offer. commercialparts ready toplantation be felled. Thereduring is also1975, some most very of attractive the crop ancient is TheThe northnorth and and east ofeast the ofproperty the propertybounds on bounds to Glen onRossal to Anti- Money Laundering details that we require from a maturingCaledonian Lodgepole pine woodland pine with scattered parts ready along to part be felled.of the There southern is EstateGlen Rossaland the Estate Rosehall and Windthe RosehallFarm. These Wind sections Farm. ofThese the Pleasepurchaser also be prior aware to that accepting all offers an mustoffer. be submitted in Scottish alsolower some slopes, very adjacent attractive to some ancient streams. Caledonian Several hills pine and woodland rides have boundarysections offence the areboundary to be maintained fence are toto abe stock maintained proof height to a Legal Form before they can be formally accepted. scatteredbeen left alongas open part space, of thewhich sout providehern lower excellent slopes, opportunities adjacent to for withstock-proof maintenance height shared with with maintenance the neighbouring shared proprietors.with the Please also be aware that all offers must be submitted
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