V I -* / J ^ ' 1 ■/ • * t \ t ■ FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 199S , - ^ i EIGHTEEN Arerave Deil^ Net Preee Rna The Weather For the Week Ceded > ■ ..•*•7 . 3 iianrl|9Btrr Inrntng Urtralli , -I Foreeeet of U. 8, Weetbbi Bmaeu ,. ^ ■m ’ i ..................... • .1 ■! . I M. I. B I I I.m I I I I ^ifi II.. daenery 18,1881 The BSghth District F lr«v^- The Keeney ’School PTA will [ The third session of a Senior The Polish Women’s Alllimce, Members o f' Ben Elzra Chapter Hom Co. N a 4, Town Fire De­ Oradael loieeriiif, oeld partment will hold a drill Uix all meet Tuesday at, 8 p.m. at the Girl Scout leader-ln-tralnln)f pro; Gi%up 246, will meet Sunday at bf B’nal B’rith will meet Tueaday partment, will hold Its annual ban­ Low 10 to 15, eoUer IB reiel vel-' About Town 2:30 p.m. at the clubhouse for In­ 13,535 m .e n ib e ra , Ihcluding aiptillaries,- school. After a business meeting, j gri\m wdll take place Monday at 7 at 8:30 p.m. at Teniple Beth Sho- quet tomorrow, at 6:30 p.m. at FREE DEUVERY leys. Sunday 'geoenBy fair, oold. Monday at 7. p.m. at fireXeadquar- there will be a panel discussion on jp.m., in the Junior Room at Cen- stallation Of new'officers, ‘j. ' lo^ vestry for a game night pro­ Rosemount Restaurant, Bolton. Member e< tke Andtt We Will Deliver Anything! Bnreea of dreoletlim High in jqiper 80s. X iUm on the I960 eeason for ters. Two films, "Danger Sleuths,” •Technlques of Reading.” Partlcl-iter Cbngregailonal Church. Twen- gram. X Manchetter-— A City o f ViUage Charm (}w feoCbell OianU will be shown and "The Torch,” vnll he shown. pants will be Mrs. Byron B oyd.! ty-one former Girl Scouts, now Jun- The Pgli-sh National Alliance, Past Mistress Club, Daughters ARTHUR’S Mrs. Bradley Dearington and C. 1 lors and seniors at Manchester Group 1988, will meet tomorrow at The yFW,wlll hold a card party Monday to membem of the Man- These'are from .'the film library of Liberty, No. 125, will'meet at MO I-ISOS elwirter Junior Chamber o f Com- of the Nationa|'6 oald of Fire Un­ Donald Standlsh, teachers at the | High Scbbol. are enrolled in the 6 p.m. at 77 North 8t. Officers will tonight at 8 at the post holne, Man­ the home of Mrs. Matilda Lindsay, OMroe. The Jaycee has invited all derwriters. school. program to become leaders. be Installed. chester Green. 38 Edgerton St,, tonight at 8. VOL. LXXXI, NO. 93 (TEN PAGES—TV SEfTTlON) MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1962 (ClaasUled Adverttslng on Page t ) PRICE FIVE CENTS maa between the ages of 21 and SB to view the hour lon^ movie. T" Tte meeting, which begins at 8 la at the'Manchester Coun- LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY, WINF, MONDAY thru FRIDAY at 1:10 P.M. ^ SATURDAY 11:10 A.M. Looking to Seven More ti]r Chib. f l ; State News SPRINGCALE PERCALE - LADIES' WARMLY s-. Cob Boout Pack 47 will meet to- ' Bight a t 7:30 at South Methodist SHEETS LINED FINE LEATHER Kennedy Completes Roundup Church. An advancement cere­ a 100<> line cotton T GLOVES in mony vrtll be held, All cubs are • silk-soft finish • reg 7.99 B.88 remhided to wear headbands. 72''xl08” and twin fitted 2.19 in imported fine kldakln, 100% 81"xl08” and full fitted 2..19 wool lined, 6 button length, Eight Families Obvenant Women's Guild of shirred at wrist, black, brown, First Year in Office 90'xl08” 2.99 Trinity Covenant Church will meet 42''x.38'i” pillowcases .59c tan. 6 >4 to 8. Krem lin Escape B 1 r z e hi ^ church tonight at 8. Mrs. 45'x38>i” 65c reg. 4.99 _ 8.68 Bada Carlaon, Mrs. Beda Walrath fine capeskin classic pull-en, By STAMUSY JOHNSON By DOUGLAS B. CXmNlXL ^ Even from the weather stand­ and Mrs. John Walrath will be 100% acrylic lined. black, point, the day Was reminiscent of 111' New Haven hoatenee. New ' of ficera will be ! Main Street, Manchester FREE PARKING, rear of store Phone Ml 3-4123 brown, tan. fit* to 8. Moscow, Jan. 20 (fl*)— West­ New York, Jan. 20 (JF)— Congo Massacre SPRINSKNIGHT inaug^iration day a year ago. Again alaetsd and installed. reg. 3.99 2.88 ern diplomats pictured the President Kennedy reached Washington was cloaked in snow, New Haven, Jan. 20 (/P)-^ MUSLIN SHEETS piggrain cap-skln pull-on, 100% strange quiet eihanating from the end of his first year in although there was nothing like acrylic lined, black or browTi. Eight families fled an early- Outo Scout Pack 144 will meet s fine luxury muslin the I^emlin today as a mask the White House today— and the. six or eight inches dumped on morning 3-alarm fire today. t b h ^ t at 7 at Keeney St. School. 72 "xl0.S” and twin fitted 1.89 6*2 to 8. obviously he already is look­ the city on Inauguration eve in Iint^^No. 3 will present a skit, for a major development in 1961. The fire broke out on the groimd 81’'xl09” and full fitted 2.09 ing ahead toward seven more. floor of the 3-story brick building ‘ • K n W s c< Tore.'-' RefresttmenU .; ; 42"x36” pillowcases 46c SALE the wind. The ETesident recalled that bliz­ P ilots See will be ga^’ed. Exactly where It will blow no Kennedy is certain of three ad­ zard in chatting with reporters in at 139 Wsshingtoh Ave. and BONNIE DOdN IGLOO western diplomat was brash ditional years in prctbably the most New York last night, during a spread rapidly through an sir ANOTHER SHIPMENT important, challenging job In the shaft to the roof where It did con­ TOa G ulld'of Our Lady of St. ; i;;;;: enough to predict But one of the theater intermission. He took in CREW SOCKS ". moat respected western ambas- world. And it is sUmost os certain the hit musical comedy, "How to siderable damage. No Giviliaiis Bartholomew's Parish will hold a i The fire was discovered by ■quare dknee tonigM at Waddell j SEAMLESS MESH 69c— 3 for 2.00 ' sadors in Moscow' siUd he be- that he will try for another four, Succed In Busines without Really lle'ved It is much more likely to since he is one President who nev­ Trying.” eight year-old Maria Rosa at 5:41 School begining at A:30. Stagley | : SUPPORT HOSE 99c p r. a.m. when she was awakened by will be caller. Tickets are DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS reg. 1.00 involve Red China than Berlin. er has been particularly coy about The Qilef ExecuUve had flown At Mission if perfect 4.9.5 Noting that So'viet foreign and running for reelectlon. from Washington to New York the smell of smoke from a fire In available at the door. I • heavy weight blend of orlon the ground floor drug store. • measure length.s and lambs wool domestic policy seems pretty much In observance of this first anni­ yesterday morning to keep a lunch­ • rose tone on dead center, this diplomat said versary of his Inauguration, the eon appointment In the Waldorf- Ail eight families which occu­ By PETER GROSE A representative from Kaman j i;:::; e colors only pied the top two floors of the build­ Aircraft will be guest speaker at I i:::;: a sizes 8's to 11 SATURDAY WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES a sizes 9 to 11 there never has been a period of Chief Executive was shifting Astoria Hotel suite ' of Adlal E. Leopoldville, The , Congo, ing escaped without Injury but 18- a meeting of the Kiwanis Club of quet like this without it exploding locales and emphasis from New Stevenson, United States ambas­ Jan. 20 (/P)~Marauding d!dn- Manchester next Tuesday noon at into some major move. York and International politics to sador to the United Nations. ThS year-old Shirley Shorten was j taken to Grace-New Haven Com­ golese troops held responsible the M a n d ies^ Country Club. The diplomat, who Is In close Washington and domestic, Demo­ only other guest was U Thant, SOLID COLOR and MEN'S WASHABLE contact with high members of the cratic politics. acting secretary-general of the munity Hospital and tre a ts for for the massacre of white Richard K. Seavey, 471 Park St., X THE GREATEST Soviet government, . said it was Thus the major event on the U.N. smoke Inhalation. She was not ad­ missionaries at Kongolo in j mitted, however. | Maachester, will be installed as i lii;;: PRINTED INDIAN HEAD CORDUROY DICKIES obvious that a major disagreement Kennedy calendar for the day Is a It was the first meeting between North Katanga province fired ‘ is going on. What was not clear, dinner In Washington's National Authorities said they did not I secretary, and Stephen T. Hopkln.s, | Kennedy and U Thant. at two U.N. reconnaissance 80 Stremg Rd.. South Windsor, a s , liili: reg. 89c and 98c yd. 5.50 he said, was whether it was a Guard Armory. Thousands of Stevenson fed his distinguished know how the fire started. ThSre | alumni secretarj- of Epsilon Alpha ; i::;;! squabble im ong top members of the Democrats were crowding In from guests the same thing he had had was no Immediate estimate of' planes today.
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