Gambaccini, Goldzweig receive first Kozloski Service Awards ByKENJAUTZ fast at the Sheraton Gardens here, voluntary counsel to the board. FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - The including representatives of the The bearings, held a year ago thii Central New Jersey Tranaportetton board's six constituent municipal month, resulted in ICC raUags that Board, the sUte's most active and ities, a host of elected county and bus companies must provide Malting, influential bus commuters' group, state officials and Congressman aircooditioning, light* and other com- yesterday presented Louis J. Garo- James Howard, D-NJ, who served as mon amenities and saftoy features on t^l || of the state keynote speaker. all buses, regardless of the length of Department of Transportation, and Jack Sadow, the board's vice the route traveled. Arthur Goldsweig, Marlboro Town- chairman, praised Goldiwieg for his Previously, such regulations ap- ship Attorney, with the group's first "hundreds of hours of voluntary ef- plied only to those buses that traveled annual Walter J. KoxioaU Commuter fort to the board," and Gambaccini at least 100 miles over state Use* Service Award for being "the first appointed com- Hailed as a "historic and prece- The awards, established ia Iks missioner of transportation to take dent-setting" ruling that would affect memory of the late Assemblymen the time to come and listen to our commuters nationwide, the ICC de- Walter J. Koxioeki, were presented to complaints and recommendations." cision was the first aver to uphold a AWARDS CIMMONY - From Itfl to right Louis widow of Assemblyman Walter J. Kozloski, after the two men in honor of their years of Goldzweig, formerly the mayor of petition by a commuter group. J. O'Brien. Jr., chairman of tho Central Now Jorioy Goldzweig and Oambacclnl war* presented with the effort In aiding bus commuters Marlboro Township, orchestrated the Gambaccini, appointed as com- Trantportatkm Board, Arthur Goldzwolg, Marlboro board's first annual Kozloski Commuter Service throughout the state. first bearings held outside of Wash- missioner by Governor Brendan Township attorney, Louis J. Gambacclnl, sUta com- Award yesterday. The awards were presented before ington by the federal Interstate Com- Byrne in May 1978, also serves at mlsslonar of transportation, and Louis* Kozloski. more thaa 100 guests during a break- merce Commission while serving as awl The Daily Register Nonmouth County's Great Home Newspaper VOL. 102 NO. 250 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, APRIL 21.1980 20 CENTS Saved Visit to son _. £ Police, Coast Guard rescue boatman, son is approved LONG BRANCH - City police and the Shark River Coast Guard rescued two men whose boat ran into trouble off the fishing pier late yesterday after- noon. John Harlinski, Jersey City, and his son, Joseph, left Sandy Hook in Harlinski's 24-foot skiff en route to Belmar, police said - but with half their fuel supply depleted, they became concerned that they by militants wouldn't have enough left to reach their destination. A apnkasmsn for the militants said yes- Harlinski headed his boat for shore and bis son The militants holding the U.S. Embassy in terday they decided against allowing fami- Jumped overboard and started swimming In, police Tehran have given permission for an Ameri- lies of the hostages to visit the captives but said. ii stepfather and mother to vteit might reconsider if asked by Ayatollah Patrolman Robert Batallle, on duty on the i for the captors said today Rohollah Khomeini, the leader of the Iranian boardwalk at the time, observed the vessel flounder- However, it was not known when the vteit revolution. ing and coordinated the rescue effort, police said. would take place between Marias Sgt Kevin Later yesterday. F«^ Minister Sadogh The younger Harlinski was taken to Monmouth Hermenlag, *>, ate mother, Barbara Thorn, Medical Center for treatment of exposure, after aad bar hist aad. Kenneth, of Oak Creek, waa in favor of leeting the hostages' Im- being pulled from the ^degree water. His father •Aft mediate families visit them. And Radio and the skiff were towed to the Shark River bust at Today wa have decided to permit the Belmar. stepfather and mother of the hostags to visit and Ghotbsadeh had sent a written reqnestto Batallle and Patrolman Brian Carter, who as- bha," a spokesman tor the snilitaate said. the militants to let Mrs TtmravlBt her son sisted In the rescue, are the investigating officers. Asked whether Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini Mrs. Timm arrived in Tehran Saturday in approved the visit, he said, "Of course." defiance of President Carters ban on travel The Thorns' lawyer. Carl McAf as of Nor- to Inn by all Americans except Journalists ton, Vs., said before the aamunpamsat was Relatives of three other hostages also were made that Mrs. Timm had a "definite planning to go to Tehran this week, according r PlMaJid] bV RQsMrt *• WisftaWt! statement from the students that she could to a group in Lawrence, Kan., that arranged ANATOMY OF A RESCUE — John Harlinski of see her son." Eaater services for the captives by three U.S. Jersey City waits aboard his floundering skiff "It is a question of whan," said McAfee. clergyman. Misty off the shore of Long Branch yesterday "We are nursing Iks telephone." laaVMLaasjal (photo at left) for cltv police and the Shark River Coast Guard to rescue him. Below left, Patrolman Brian Carter helps Harlinski Over 4 the side of the boat while Patrolmen Robert No Si' from Castro yet Bataille and James Coyne take control of trie vessel. Below right, Harlinski relaxes on shore following his narrow escape. His son Joseph, who started to swim to shore, also was rescued on Costa Rican offer and the skiff was towed to safety In Belmar. SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) - Costa the Cuban government barred the use of Rica has offered asylum to the 10,000 Cubans Costa Rica as an intermediate atop and said still trying to leave Havana via the Peruvian that henceforth the Cubans must be flown Embassy and appealed to Fidel Castro to let direct to those countries accepting them as the evacuation resume immediately. refugees. The Cuban president did not answer the Costa Rica responded yesterday by offer- Costs Rican offer yesterday immediately or ing to accept all of those fleeing from com- lift the ban he imposed Friday on flights to munist rale. the Central American country. Bat he did "The doors of Costa Rica remain open for allow 8 of the would-be exile* to flU empty all those who seek a comer In the world seats on an Iberia Airlines night torn Ha- wherein to fulfill their aspirations of liberty vana to Madrid X and peace, without taking into account their Since most of the Cubans who crowded origin, Ideology or color of their skin," the into the Peruvian Embassy's grounds two Foreign Ministry said in a statement. weeks ago want to go to the United States and "We will allow them to stay here but they flights between Havana and Miami would be can also go to other countries if they want difficult to arrange, Costa Rica offered to to," said one Costa Rican official. give the refugees temporary haven until asy- In addition to Para, which has agreed to lum could be arranged for them. accept 1,000, and the United States, which After about 700 had been flown to San Jose has said it will take up to 3,500, Argentina, and half of those had bean ftown on to Peru, Sec Ne STtreaa Castre, page I Dear Dad: The Inside Story Send water THE WEATHER MUNCIE, Ind (AP) - When students at Ball State 4 University wrote borne last rstr ana sliasat —i***-1 —>«•»——— »« "j weak, the message was: saaay today aad tisaimw with highs heth days "Mom and Dad, send wa- areaad «. Lews te the axM ate u tew Ms linl|hl ter." And area parents have ramplat.rep.it page*. been complying, carting Mere thaa l.tM expected at .11 gallons of water to univer- Arm wrestlers abaaad ta Asaary Park. .11 sity dormitories. Whateefasatete The water deliveries Or, IT began Thursday when Mun- cte Water Works Co. of- ficials found the city's wa- Bridge advice.. II DAILY REGISTER ter contained a high level of Thousands flock to Jersey boardwalks, beaches ..I PHONE NUMBERS slimy bacteria. .1S41 Utility officials, who are By LARRY HAAS rants were all crowded and there was "no trou- traffic was "normal" on their road and said .... II Toll Free.... .171-MM working to clean the sys- The water was much too cold for swimming — ble" to mar the festivities, according to police. there were "nodelays." II Ten Free.... MU1M tem, knew the bacteria • Creeaword panic.. 55 degrees off the Long Branch pier-but that did Traffic was reported anywhere from light to And even In the areas where traffic was more I Classified Dept... .Mt-1700 strain was not harmful. But Editorials. not keep thousands of area residents away from heavy on the various roads leading to the beaches. congested, in Sea Bright where it was "heavy" I they feared it indicated oth- er harmful bacteria could county beaches yesterday. The Garden State Parkway experienced and in Long Branch where it was' "extremely lifestyle W4I be hi the water and asked Under partly sunny skies and cool breeses, heavy," according to local police, everything Make A Date... close to ION showed up at the beach at Sea Bright, moved smoothly. ".'".' 4 residents to boil any drink- Ocean Grove Sunday: according to borough police. All in all, those who chose to were able to , 11-14 ing water. Fountains were In Long Branch, few were on the sand, al- Auto; people, page 4 enjoy a peaceful day along the snore, and did not Tetevtetea..
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