"Iloi+L'ua. T"Rr., Lio.O7z7oo7z013 Ac(Pwc), Dated- The. 28Th-February' 2014 Or

"Iloi+L'ua. T"Rr., Lio.O7z7oo7z013 Ac(Pwc), Dated- The. 28Th-February' 2014 Or

OFFICE OF THE STATE HEALTH SOCIETY' MANIPUR MEMORANDUM ImPhal, the l* March, 201'1 No. 122/E/CS/NRHM- 13 : On the approval of the Chairman, Governing Body, State tlealth Society, NRHM, Manipur, to the recommendation of the Selection Committee' 13 MBBS 02-Denta'1 01 SpecieilistDoctor lGynecologistl, 02 Pediatricians, .Doctors' Doctors,76-AYUSH Doctors, 02 Psychologists,0I-Consultant for AdolescentHealth' 01 Distrrct Consultant RBSK, O1-HR Consultant, og-Counselors(FP), 01-MCTS Officer' 01 Data Manager, o.r_Block Program Managers, o2-Block Data Managers' 02-Managers 02 Biock OZ-So"ir-fWorkers,02-Early interventjonists cum Special Educators' 1nfnO), 02- iinance Maiag..", 0l-Distnct i''inzLnce Manager, 06 District Accountants' & Speech PhysiotherapistJ, 07 Accountants (Distict Hospital), O2-Audiologlst Assrstants' Therapists,bZ AyUStt Pharmacists, 04 Dental Technicians' 02 Ophthalmic at OS n.lu n"ttf C)perators and 05 Laboratory Technicians appearing- "ANNEXURE" Februa-ry' 2015 on are selected lor engagement on conlract basis for a period up-to 28th "p"v post U^"t. plus performance based honorarium sho\r'n agalnst each """-""i under process ii'. .".t"ft"f ot ttte poir of nN'us, pnarmacisrs (Aliopathicl & Drivers ale and will be declared soon as per directives of the Honble High Court (PIC)' Governlnent of As per instruction contained in the FinancreDepartment March 2009' all these M"rip;;6.M. No. 2016197 FD(Pic) (Pt.lv), dated the 30d Agrcement form \&'rth contractua.l staifs who are belng en8aged have to sign the Contl act Memorandum- the undersigned within 02 (t\\'o) t..''a" ftorrl lhe date of lssuc of thls llonbte High Court dated' the 28ih Further, as Per the Judgment Ordcr of the & WPIC)No 104 n.rr.".ry, iOii or''We1C1No. 83/115 of2014, WP(C)No 294 of2Ol3 t"rr., lio.o7z7oo7z013Ac(PwC), dated- the. 28th-February' 2014 or Finance Manager' 03 na*.ut""iloi+l'ua. C.rr".uf, Manipur, the results of the posts of 0I-l3lock Program Manager & 0l- iato.atnr-., T""hrticirrts, 03-District Accountants, 01 Block of these cases by Distict !'in:tncc Manager are kepr withheld pendjng the findl disposal the Hon'ble !ligh Court Enclosed: As above ,-,2:=- Y-+-.._,>.,=/ 2! ( b-rrc. Ibomcha Singh ) MissionDirector Statc Health Mission Sociely,Manipur March' 2014 No. 122IE/CS/NRHM-13 Imphal, the Ol't Copy to i 1. The Secretarv io Hon'ble Chief Minister/ Ohairman' Sleering Committee, State Hcalth Societv, Manipur' 2. The P S to Minister lil&Fw)/Co Chairman, GoverningBodv' State Health Misslon Soclety,Manipur. 'lhe P.S. to Chief Secretary/Vice Chairnran Goveming Bodv Stale Heall.hMission Society.Manlpur' The P.S.to Principal Secretarv,{H&FW)/ Chalrman, ExecutiveCommiltee, Stat€ Health Mission Society,Manipur' The Deputy Commissioner/Chairman, Di-,ri, H.dlrh Su,'.r\... b. The Director, llealth Services,Manipur 7. The Director, Familr- Welfare Sewjccs, Manipur' The Chiet Medical Officer/District Mission Director nrsrn,r Hca'\ Su,ie v ..... 9. TheDepuly Director (Fin), NRHM, 10. Notice Board. Mission Director Statc Ilealth Mission Society, Manipur ANNEXURE (Gynecologist): 1. List of Engaged specialist Doctor H"""ttt'"- st. RoU Name of the candidate category No No l, s.,,ar,,,i-arumN.bukanraN.bJkanrd ,,,nn.o*" ) Lhoudhurima)um C JzlOO-PBI'r ' j _ qharma 2. List of Engaged Pediatrician: Category ', o:T1-L"1o-ou" 1 02 x"'"t"i,lra u"tllu KonjengLeikai L 3. List of Engaged MBBS Doctot: fsl in"tt Name of the Candidate Dr. Usha Khundrakpam SegaRoad,'fakhel Lelkai Dr. Yaihkom Meghachandra Singh 1,1700+PBH Ibotomba Khuraijam 1.+700+PBH Sagolband Sa]'ang Rd Tat enjam Vija\ chandra Singh I4700+PBH L"rC94!9lc=!lg'..4r1"'\!l Dr. RK- Maipaksana 14700+PBH Moreh Ward No.5, NepaljBasti NisselMaibam G 14700+PBH Heirangoithong Maibqam Leikai Raikuma lpsita r+ /Qr)+Putl Yaiskum Chingakham LeiraK +11r; Thongam Dolh OBC 14700+PBII Thangmeiband Hijam Leikal Debina Chanu Athokpam --l 2l OBC 14700+PBH Nongmeibung Acadamy Road Kamei lanjanglu 10 ST 14700+PBH Sangaipurou Kabui Vjllage June) Ngalunching 11 ST 1.1700+PBII Hebron Vcng, Ne\! Lamka Dr. Judgeson Songvah 33 ST 14700+PBH Khamasom Phungdhar Village P. Nengzadou Sr 14700+pBH Fl.bron Veng, Nc\\'Lamka ] wait list candidates for MBBS Doctors: Name of the candidate Category Laishram Devabarta Wangkhei Thambalkhong Leishram Tungnung Steve Minlun Tuailengphai 15 Village Conrd...21- v ..-1. - -2, -2 4. List of-Engaggd Dental Doctor: Name of the Candidate Hijam Nirupa Devi 1.+700+PBH Sagc,LbandTcra Yenkhom l,ejrak Salam Nan.\ De\t Thangmciband Sinam Lelkar Wait list candidates for Dental Doctor: Roll sl. Name of the Candidat€ Dr. Jovrita Asem Thoubal Achouba Bazar Makha Leikai fl irgu,m Kandn.lDe\ I Pu'F -omb2 L.rkd . Pdlrt F Gd e List of d AYIJSH Doctor: sl, Categor RoU Name of the candidate Address Honorarium No. No. Wareppam Malangamba Haobam Marak Thingel G Keishampat Thokchom Thokchom Biia]ata Devi 14700+PllH L€ikai A$ang Yangoijam Santosh Khundrakpam Gen 14700+PtsH Sin gh Leikai Makha wangkheimayum Khundrakpam Gen 14700+PBH Roiceta Devi Leikai Singhjamei Makha tJr RtnnasKar lnouoam Gen 11700+pBH I Sorokhaibam Awang Khundrakpam Awang 10 Asharanl Devi Maibam Leikai lroo-"i l 1) Yumnam Kelbin Kongpal Kshetri i,cikai Gen 14700+PtsH lzl Dr. Thoudam Vandana Soibam Leikar Gen r+zoo-pd Dr. curumal um Sushil 2l Uripok Gopalaji Leirak Gen 1.+700+PBH Sharma First Gate Canchipur Gen I47OO+PBH 22 tsidvaraniKhaidem M.U Sanglakpam Kiran 29 Ilelngang Makha Leikai 14700+PBH Shaima 32 Thongam Khetfajlr Smgh Nameirakpam Leikai Gen 14700+PBH Iluidrcm Kananbala Laiphamkhunou Maning 13 36 Gen 1.+700+PBH Chanu Maycngbam 14 37 Thaibemma Sapam Gen 14700+pBH RIMS Road \itlainanda 39 Gen I4700iPBH IgI,tprc Bishnulatpam Brahma.pur Nahabam 4t Gen 1,1700+PBH DhanaDati Devi Salam Chingkheineanba 43 Lang.lum Makha Leikai Gon 14700+PBII Ninsthou.jam Napet Palli Gcn 14700+PBH Thounaojam Sushila l9 49 Gen 14700+PtsH Devi l,eikai 20 51 Sagolsem PalaceCompound Contd...3/ 3 sl. Roll Categor Name of the candidat€ Addtess Honorarium No. No. Malaikoibj Mamang 21 56 K. Bobeeta Devi Gen l.+700+PBH Leikai Mamang 22 charangpat 58 Konsam uedana Devi Gen llToolPBH KhdePm Ddlli Hu id om 23 60 :,aPana Konleneoam Gen 14700+PBH Sega Lambi 24 66 LaishramAnushrce De\i Gen 1 Thoudabhabok Leikai i;,;;;o;" 25 73 lrom Kendajit Singh Leishangthem Gen 14700+PBH Dr. Athokpam Surjjt Thoubal Athokpam 26 71 Gen 14700+PBH Sineh Awane L€irak Achouba Keishampat Thokchom 27 76 RaJkLmar Di\ akar Salam Gcn 47OO+PBH l,eikai Keishampat Thivam 2t3 7<) Vivek Yeekhom Gen 14700+PBH L€ikai 29 8l Namoijam Rjtuparna KhagempalliPanthak Gen 14700+PBH NongthombamSoroja I.B. RoadBabupara 30 84 Gen 14700+PBH Dcvl Jiribam Thangmeiband 31 a6 Thoudam Sheilaza De!i Khomdram Selungba Gen 1.1700+PBH Leikai Thangmeiband 32 a7 Thoudam Sheila Dc\ i Khomdram Selunsba Cen 1470O+PBH Leikai Pukhrambam Iboton Pukhrambam Mamanp 33 92 14700+PBH -,sr!ch Dr.Adhikarimayum 34 98 Brahmapur Aribam Leikai Gen 14700+PBH Sal ana Devl Chongtham Sangeeta 35 102 wansiins Wanskhei cen 1,1700+PBH Devi Athokpam Khik\raiba 36 114 Wangkhei Yonglan Lcjrak Gen 14700+PBH Sinsh Dr. Machathoi Haobam marak Keisham 37 Gcn 14700+PBH Leikai 38 r55 lrish wahengbam Wangkhci Tokpam Leikai Gen 1,1700+PBH Kshetrima\um Nlotilal 39 7 ^orPrror^iher-r LFrkal Gen 14700+PBH .+0 154 Konthoujam Santa Singh Arapti Konthoujam Lcikai Gen 14700+PBII rar qmPibdnd Hr-dTL 11 148 Gen L47OO+PBH -l-oLdd-n 12 2 RFnrb ,l DFvi L ripol (l aio"m L-rl.l Gen 121700+PBH Yur-ir"m HL d-om Makhd 43 l6 L.Is[ram hama€ ue\'r OBC 1,1700+PBli Leikal \eu{hmkon chrnsorq 54 sL. irr" rho,ddrn oBc r4700+PBH 45 136 Dr. Asem Sundari De\.i Sagolband Akham L€ikai OBC 4700+PBH 46 137 Khangembam Nganthoi Kumbi Khuga Wangma oBc 4700+PBH 78 UsharaniThongram WanebaiLamboirhong OBC 47o0+PBH Sinshjamei .+8 12 KhelesworiThangjam ChingamathakYumnam otsc 4700+PBH Leikai 49 ^"*.*"'0" *,..erLou rembom 75 lSXi'"' T-L- oBc t-tI-t"" ElanebamM.i.-npanb' - T'.: - 50 r05 , Kcirdk \4akhr Lpila oBc 1,1700+PB1l "--:. j->--\ . Categoi Honorarium Name of the Candidate Sujaia Devi I4700+PBH Tongbram Lelkal Razia Begum Lilong Turel Ahanbi CherapLrrYumthak Lll Md. Apsharuddin Khan qq!e4{um-p44!4 Ningthoujam Sunn] Thangal Bazar Near Sanr qitrch - Mandir Malanglambam Sangeeta SC 14700+PBH De\'l l,eishansbam Paren Kakching Kbullen Makha 1.+700+PBH Leikai Phaleng Makha Leikai 1.170O+PBH -1a766'eeuf Ngangbamtsidlala-xmi 5a 63 Khurkhul Makha l,eikai SC Christian Viliage ST 14700+PBH 59 19 LRcena Langhu Anal Chandel Langhu Michael Ritha 60 27 Thungcheng Village 14700+PBH Khangkhui Khullen 121700+PBH 17 Eunice Shangchirl Yi&C. !9 Liukinwiliu Newmei T.ts.CRoad Ward I 14700+PIrH 70 Ng. Ilellia Mgl on Komlathabi Villagc L47OO+PBH Nemneikim Thangsei Tensnoupal Village 1.r700+PBH Baite 14700+pBH 106 Siling Dingthgi Rosemee Chinglangmei YiIage 109 PitharThouman Saibol Village 1,1700+PBH Theire Mu Talui Awontang 1,1700+PBH Dr. Reisangmi Vashum Ne$'Tusom Village ST 14700+PBH Uripok Laikhurembi ST 14700+PBH Th. Sicily L€ikai !a I r\\'achanC rng \'illa 14700+PBH hching 1,1700+pBH [: Tlpaimuk Road LhingneithemKi I{ensbung Village ST 14700+PBH 73 156 Zenbik Lun cangpimual (BSF Road] ST rylqo-!PH ki Haokip Veng Saikul t e'l 14700+PBH Ts.-Rajngam Monsa!!4lc Japhou Village ST 14700+PBH Lhingneith.) Lunkim Saichang Villasc ST l.r7oo+PBHl.l70O"PBH Khongsai I "t Wait list candidates for AY[rsH Doctor: sl. Roll No. Name ofthe Candidate No, Dr- Lisham Dhrubasen Singh Nongthombam Chandramala General qr um a um a;..*"1 ] lltrrelqtrr \ - sq Privanka Adhikari 1.:*"; 6l Kumam Deelak Singh General Kshetrima\,um Vineeta General 53 -.

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