Ecological Versatility and Community Ecology Ralph C

Ecological Versatility and Community Ecology Ralph C

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-40553-9 - Ecological Versatility and Community Ecology Ralph C. Mac Nally Index More information Index Abricta curvicosta, 265 isoleg, 284 absolute rates principal component, 270 desirability of, 259-61 sensitivity, 225 Acacia, 287 Anolis, 37, 58, 79, 159, 327 Acanthiza, 288 eugenegrahdmi, 338 Acanthocy clops, 125 evermanni, 74—6 Africa, 48 gundlachi, 74—6 central-west, 250 humilis, 73 South, 61 limifrons, 73 agria, see Stenocereus gummosus stratulus, 74—5 Agropyron repens, 231 vermiculatus, 338 Alces alces, 86-7 Anoplocephala, 149 alcohol Auostraca 149 salicyl, 97 ant, 312 alga, 100, 340 see Lasius, Conomyrma bicolor, red, see Gelidium robustum Myrmecocystus kennedyi, allelochemical, 79, 86, 94, 99, 324 Conomyrma insana, Crematogaster Allium cepa, 131 emery ana, Iridomyrmex humilis Amanita Antarctica, 48 muscaria, 130, 131 Anthrocothorax nigricollis, 60 pantharina, 130 aphid Amazilia tobaci, 60 fundatrix, 154 Amazonia, 250 polymorphism, 154 Amblycercus holosericeus, 121 summer female, 154 America areography, 4 Central, 48, 121 Asia, 48, 106 North, 48, 106, 110, 118, 149, 165, ASM, see model, apparent size 214 Atherina breviceps, 61 South, 48, 121 Australia, 172, 301 amphibian, 54 Great Dividing Range, 287 anuran, 2, 37-8, 158 New South Wales, 272, 288, 303 amphipod Queensland, 288 Caprellidae, 146-7 south-eastern, 194, 275 Gammaridae, 146-7 south-western, 275 see Pontoporeia affinis Victoria, 9, 272, 287, 288 analysis Western Australia, 224 detrended correspondence, 270—1 autocorrelation, spatial, 297 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-40553-9 - Ecological Versatility and Community Ecology Ralph C. Mac Nally Index More information 424 Index bamboo, see Chusquea Cantharellus cibarius, 130 bananaquit, see Coereba flaveola carnivore Banksia, 224 plant, 119 bat, 334 primary, 110 insectivorous, 120 Carpodacus mexicanus, 277 Mollosidae, see Nyctinomops, carrying capacity, 144, 167, 209, 230, Molossus 295 surface-gleaning, 56 Catostomus bathymetry, 50 catostomus, 105 bear, grizzly, see Ursus arctos commersoni, 105 beetle, leaf, see Phratora vitellinae, cellular automata, 335 Galerucella lineola, Phyllobrotica Cennococcum Bellis perennis, 131 geophilum, 130 Betula pedula, 131 graniforme, 130 biogeography, 4 Centrostephanus rodgersii, 340 zone, 275 Cervus elaphus, 87 bird, 54, 320, 337 cestode fish-eating, 106 Hymenolepididae, 103 foliage-gleaning, 172 see Schistocephalus solidus frugivorous, 56, 321 Ch, see exploitation, coherent, hard granivorous, 321 Chamaelinorops, 37 nectarivorous, 67, 126, 321 chemostat, 360 rainforest, 250 Chlorella, 133 body size, of consumer, 315, 330 Chrysolampis mosquitus, 60 Boidae, 37 Chusquea, 121 Boletinus pictus, 130 cicada, 292 Boletus rubellus, 130 see Abricta curvicosta, Psaltoda Bosmina, 125 moerens, Henicopsaltria eydouxi, burbot, see Lota lota Thopha saccata, Cystosoma butterfly, 54, 89 saundersii Danainae, 89 cina, see Stenocereus alamosensis Heliconiinae, 89 Circus cyaneus, 73 Ithomiinae, 89 cisco, see Coregonus artedii Lycaenidae, see Plebejus argus Cittotaenia, 103 Nymphalidae, 89 cladistics, 89, 98, 103 butterwort, see Pinguicula cladocera, 124 Clerodendrum, 98 cacique Clinus spatulatus, 61, 74, 76 yellow-billed, see Amblycercus Clitopilus prunulus, 130 holosericeus clone, 59, 139 cactus, columnar, 52 coenocline, 269 Caffrogobius multifasciatus, 61 distinct preference, 220 Canada, 96 shared preference, 221 Alberta, 105 Coereba flaveola, 60, 69 New Brunswick, 64 coevolution, 94 Canadian Shield, 124 bilateral, 318 cannibalism, 54, 122, 125 coexistence, 229 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-40553-9 - Ecological Versatility and Community Ecology Ralph C. Mac Nally Index More information Index 425 ecological versatility and, 261—3 cosmopolitanism, 9, 35, 267 probability of, 262 Costa Rica, 56, 96, 121 Colluricincla harmonica, 9-10, 265, 273 Crematogaster emery ana, 148 Colubridae, 37 Cs, see exploitation, coherent, soft community cue, environmental, 151 fungal, 16 curve, indifference, 23-4 hammock, 56 cyanobacteria, 133 microbial, 16 Cyanophaia bicolor, 280 plant, 16 Cyphoderia ampulla, 36 competition Cystosoma saundersii, 265, 293 coefficient, 230-1, 374; equivalence with resource overlap, 222 Dacelo novaeguineae, 265 exploitation, 169, 171, 374-5 Daphnia pulex, 158 interference, 171 Darlingtonia haetiana, 37—8 interspecific, 15, 27, 213-64, 267, DCA, see analysis, detrended 316, 327-8; actuality of, 214; correspondence combining ability, 223; Dendroica compression, 213, 280-1, 322; castanea, 118 context-specificity, 251—3; pensylvanica, 118 depressive, 214, 231; ecological petechia, 281 versatility and, 220-4; exclusion, plumbea, 281 213, 227; intransitivity, 223; density, of consumer populations, 330 manifestations of, 214; matrix, Deschampsia flexuosa, 178 216; release, 213, 280-1 desert intraspecific, 230, 316, 326 Great Basin, 148 competitiveness, 236, 242-3 Mojave, 148 complementarity, 302 design, sampling, 329-30, 332-5 component deterrent, chemical, 55, 340 environmental, 20 detoxification, 136, 317 conformance, 40—1 development, continuous, 159 Conomyrma Diacy clops, 125 bicolor, 148 Diaphanosoma, 125 insana, 148 Diaptomus, 125 conservation biology, 203 Dicaeum hirundinaceum, 301 constraint, 25 digestibility, 87-8 Contopus latirostris, 280 Dionaea muscipula, 119 Conus, 62 discrimination, sensory, 323 chaldeus, 74 disease, 218 copepod, 76, 106 dispersal, 204, 218 see Senecella calanoides, Epischura agents, 49 Coregonus displacement, character, 215, 327 artedii, 105 distance, Euclidean, 270 clupeaformis, 105 distribution Cortinarius ideal free, 282-3 glaucopus, 130 isotropic resource, 372—3 mucosus, 130 disturbance, abiotic, 218 cosmology, 1 Dolabella auricularia, 23, 99 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-40553-9 - Ecological Versatility and Community Ecology Ralph C. Mac Nally Index More information 426 Index dormancy, 177, 195 pryoriana, 11, 287 DRM, see model, digestive rate regnans, 131 Drosophila, 52-3, 60, 139, 318 sideroxylon, 288 aldrichi, 53 sierberi, 131 arizonensis, 53 stjohnii, 131 Hawaiian, 318, 337 tricarpa, 273, 287, 288 mojavensis, 53 euryphagy, 89 drought, 54 evolutionary bilogy, 12, 279 earthworm, 59 radiation, 12 echolocation, 120 EWMA, see moving average, ecology, theoretical, 207 exponentially weighted ecophysiology, 266—7 experiment effect, Allee, 372 ecological field, 214, 233, 342 efficiency, digestive, 88 optimal design, 225 Elaenia martinica, 280 exploitation elaenia, Caribbean, see Elaenia martinica coherent, 162, 179 electivity, Ivlev index, 60, 70 hard, 182-7; hard, algorithm, 363-4; Eleutherodactylus, 37-8 soft, 182-7; soft, algorithm, 364-5 elk, see Cervus elaphus efficiency of, 202 Embiotoca later alis, 146-7, 165 facultative, 142-6, 179 emigration, 205 hard, 175-8 Endogone lactiflua, 130 incoherent, 163, 179 Enhydra lutris, 340 resource-like, 162, 164, 179; hard, enslavement, 146, 148, 313 187-94; hard, algorithm, 365-7; environment soft, 187-94; soft, algorithm, predictable versus stochastic, 246-7, 367-8 310, 321 soft, 175-8 test, constant, 180—1; stochastic, specialization, 163, 179; hard, 194— 247-8, 254; variable, 180-1 201; hard, algorithm, 368-9; soft, variability, 245-51, 310-11 194-201; soft, algorithm, 369-71 Epibolium glandulosum, 131 extinction, 218 Epischura, 124 expected time to, 19 equilibrium, see stability, asymptotic stochastic, 372 Ericales, 130 Esox lucius, 105 factor, exogenous, 43, 136 ETE, see extinction, expected time to Falcunculus frontatus, 304—5 ethology, 279 fantail Eucalyptus, 131,287 see Rhipidura calophylla, 131 grey, see Rhipidura fuliginosa camaldulensis, 9, 131, 273, 287 fasting, 177 dairy'tnpleana, 131 feasibility, 216 diversicola, 131 fecundity, 51, 146 maculata, 131 finch marginata, 131 Cocos, see Pinaroloxias inornata microcarpa, 9, 273, 287 Darwin's, see Geospiza obliqua, 131 Emberizidae xviii, 302 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-40553-9 - Ecological Versatility and Community Ecology Ralph C. Mac Nally Index More information Index 427 ground see Geospiza, small, see epistatic, 148 Geosp iza fu liginosa pleiotropic, 148 house, see Carpodacus mexicanus genetic diversity, ecological versatility fish, 54, 139 and, 310, 318 estuarine, 61 genetics, population, 152 piscivorous, 157, 160 Geospiza, 66, 73 planktivorous, 157-8 fuliginosa, 12> fitness, 6-7, 19-20, 333-4 Geum, 131 FIVAR, see design, sampling germination, 52 fixation Gerygone, 288 phenotypic, 151 gerygone, see Gerygone floater, 173 Gilchristella aestuarina, 61, 74, 76 fluke, blood, see Schistosoma japonicum Glomus flux, energy and nutrient, 205-6 caledonius, 131 flycatcher fasciculatus, 131 brown-crested, see Myiarchus macrocarpus, var. geosporus, 131; var. tyrannulus (oberi) macrocarpuSy 131 neotropical (Tyrranidae), 56 monosporus, 131 flytrap, Venus, see Dionaea muscipula mossae, 131 food, availability glyph, see parameter space, span between-year variation in, 278—9 grain, 87 seasonal variation in, 276—8 grass food web, 29 silica content of 99 theory, 339-40 see Agropyron repens, Poa pratensis, forest Phleum pratense broad-leaf, 118 grassland, 275, 278 coniferous, 118 Great Britain, 96, 178, 275 deciduous, 68 Kent, 294 montane, rain, 280 Greya politella, 129 Fragaria, 131 gum chiloensis, 131 Gippsland manna, see Eucalyptus frog, see amphibian,

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