1:25,000 scale topographic maps • Largest scale base maps that cover whole land of Japan Topographic mapping using satellite images • Total: 4,355 sheets • 1 sheet covers: longitude 7.5 min. latitude 5 min. (about 100km2) Geospatial Information Authority of Japan 3 Fundamental maps in Japan Photogrammetry Paper-based maps - Scale: 1:10,000 ~ 1:5,000,000 - Mainly: 1:25,000 scale topographic map Digital maps “Kunikaze III” - Digital Japan Basic Maps (Map Information) - Map image - Spatial data framework (2500, 25000) - Etc. Providing - Publishing (paper, CD-ROM, etc.) - Browse via the Internet - Download through the Internet (Map Image) 2 Aerial photographs (with 60% overwrapping) 4 1 2 Flight course Advanced Land Observing Satellite(ALOS) 㻢㻜㻑㻌㼛㼢㼑㼞㼣㼞㼍㼜㻌㼎㼑㼠㼣㼑㼑㼚㻌㼚㼑㼕㼓㼔㼎㼛㼞㼕㼚㼓㻌㼜㼔㼛㼠㼛 PRISM 2.5m-spatial resolution 㻟㻜㻑㻌㼛㼢㼑㼞㼣㼞㼍㼜㻌㼎㼑㼠㼣㼑㼑㼚㻌㼚㼑㼕㼓㼔㼎㼛㼞㼕㼚㼓㻌㼏㼛㼡㼞㼟㼑 three optical system 㻢㻜㻑 Panchromatic sensor Launch : January 24th in 2006 AVNIR-2 Missions 10m-spatial resolution •cartography Multi-band(BGRNIR䠅sensor 㻟㻜㻑 •regional observation •disaster monitoring •resource surveying PALSAR 10m-spatial resolution L-band SAR From JAXA HP 5 7 Photogrammetry -Principle- Comparison of aerial photo & satellite image Using Aerial Photograph ALOS PRISM plotter Resolution 40cm 2.5m Interval of 1-5 year (GSI) 46 days Images Shooting Shooting 5km㽢5km 35km X 35km Area 䠄Scale 1:20,000䠅 35km X 70km Others Hard to take at Hard to interpret isolated islands, small structures & volcanoes etc. point features 3D model (lighthouses, towers, road dividers etc.) 6 8 3 4 Example of update: road ALOS/PRISM 䠄35km㽢35km䠅 Areal Photograph (1:30,000) Overwrap 1:25,000 Map Sheet ©JAXA ©JAXA 9 11 Comparison of cost Example of update: large buildings Cost (US Dollar) Size (km) Cost / km2 Resolution (m) Aerial photo 7 29.00 0.6 QuickBird 2,304 8 36.00 0.6 IKONOS 1,375 5 55.00 0.8 SPOT 10,290 60 2.86 2.5 ALOS 500500 3535 0.410.41 2.5 ͤAerial photo’s scale is 1/30,000, scanning pitch is 21μm ©JAXA 10 12 5 6 Example of update: large buildings Coastline changes GCP Collecting ©JA XA ©JAXA 13 15 PRISM 60-6100 Sep-2007 Mapping / Compilation Isolate island located 1,200 km south of Tokyo Difficult to reach the photogrammetric aircraft Tokyo Many landform changes caused by Tsukuba volcanic activity ©JAXA Topographic map has not updated since 1982 Can take full advantage of Io To PRISM image 14 Published 1982 Revised 2007 16 7 8 Accuracy improvement of Antarctic map Showa Base ©JAXA ©JAXA 17 References • Bulletin of the GSI Vol.56 (PDF file can be downloaded at: http://www.gsi.go.jp/ENGLISH/Bulletin56.html) – Revising 1:25,000-Scale Topographic Maps Using ALOS/PRISM Imagery Yuichi UCHIYAMA, Misuzu HONDA, Yoshiyuki MIZUTA, Koji OTSUKA, Takayuki ISHIZEKI, Takaki OKATANI and Eiichi TAMURA – Verification of Topographic Road Centerline Data Using ALOS/PRISM Images: Implementation Hidenori FUJIMURA, Hidekazu MINAMI, Takenori SATO and Takahiro SHIMONO 18 9 Outline of Musashi Canal Reconstruction Project Musashi Canal Project outline Niigata Fukushima The Musashi Canal is an open channel of about 14.5 km connecting the Tone River and the Prefecture Prefecture Watershed Ara River. Shinano boundary River { Location: Gyoda City and Konosu City, Saitama Prefecture (Musashi Nagano The water to be used as city and industrial water in Tokyo and Saitama Prefecture is Canal connecting the Tone River and the Ara River) Prefecture Lake Chuzenji withdrawn through the Tone Weir, and conveyed to the Arakawa River. The water to be used Naka River to improve the quality of the water of the Sumida River is also conveyed. { Objectives: • Restoration of the function of steady flow Agatsuma Gunma Utsunomiya River Prefecture Tochigi Supply of water for urban areas through the Musashi Canal Prefecture • Securement and reinforcement of the function of inner drainage Maebashi W a tar Mito Karasu as e R River iv • Improvement of the water quality of the Ara River System Tone River er r Population of e v Tone Weir Omoi River i Ibaraki Supplied areas R a Kinu River d the supplied areas a Prefecture a nn n a Musashi Canal a m 20 cities and 8 towns { Numerical data (on reconstruction) K Ara River i Saitama Pref. Tsuchiura h Saitama Pref. Kasumigaura s a About 13 million people K Main canal: A portion of 14.5 m in length reconstructed Chichibu 3 18 wards and 18 cities Saitama ver Tap water: 3.498 m /s Tokyo e Ri 3 Prefecture Ton 3 Sections: 43.2 m /s from the diversion works Saitama Industrial water: 1.100 m /s * The number of supplied areas is as of the end of March 2008. (starting point) to Motoarakawa Akigase Intake Weir * The population of the supplied areas indicates the total population of Tokyo the administrative areas where water is supplied, as of the end of Tokyo Edo River 3 Ta a Tone River ma Naka River m March 2008. 50.0 m /s from Motoarakawa to Arakawa Kofu Ri a v Chiba h Yamanashi er ri u Tokyo Bay k Prefecture ju (terminating point) Tone Weir u K Weir Tone Ara River Pacific Ocean Sagami River r Siphons: Six Yokohama SumidaRiver e Tokyo v i Kanagawa R Mt. Fuji u Flood gates: Three (including one new flood gate) s Prefecture t 3 i b Tap water: 24.855 m /s Fuji River Fuji Tsurumi River Outlets: Six (including two new outlets) O Yoro River 3 Chiba Industrial water: 0.980 m /s Drainage pumping station: Up to 50 m3/s Prefecture Diversion works Other facilities: Drainage sluice pipes (1 natural drainage pipe and 1 forced drainage pipe), administrative facilities, etc. The percentage of water conveyed by the Musashi Canal to the { Project cost: About ¥70 billion total amount ofof waterwater suppliedsupplied inin thethe waterwater supplysupply areaarea Saitama Pref. Water provided by Tokyo Water provided by { Construction period: From 1992 to 2015 the Musashi Canal: the Musashi Canal: GyodaCanal GyodaCanal Saitama Canal About 25% About 47% { Current status: Project not required to be verified 20 cities and 18 wards and 8 towns: 18 cities: About 14 m3/s About 53 m3/s Minumadai Minumadai Musashi Canal Musashi Musashi Canal Musashi 1 2 Prepared by the Musashi Canal Reconstruction Office, the Incorporated Administrative Agency Japan Water Agency 1 based on the Water Supply Statistics 2007 (Health Service Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) 2 Current Musashi Canal Current Musashi Canal (dilapidated facilities, etc) Dilapidation has caused damage to water channels, suspended water conveyance, Typical cross section of the current Musashi Canal Typical cross section of the current Musashi Canal and increased chances for the occurrence of accidents caused by third parties. ϹЂ 4,000 8,000 Administrative road Administrative road 16,700 400 Design water level Embankment Embankment 1:1.5 1:1.5 2,500 Current ground line Weep hole 8,000 Ballasting at the Lateral drain bottom slab 150 6,000 Damaged lining panels Leakage through the joints of lining panels Left side underdrain pipe Right side underdrain pipe (point of 8,885 m, below the left band of the Namiki Bridge) (near the point of 2,500 m, left bank side) Transverse drain Center underdrain at the bottom slab Relation with nearby * Design section at the time of Relation with nearby constructing the Musashi Canal facilities Joetsu Shinkansen Line Kawazura JR Takasaki Line Water Gate Tone Weir Adachi North Drain Sama Water Gate Nukata Drainage Minumadai National Hoshi Chichibu Oshi Pumping Station Tone River Canal Highway Motoara River River Railway River Ara River Route 125 3 4 14.5 km Raised bottom slab due to uneven settlement Deformation caused by sinkage 3 (point of 13,250 m, under the Sanmai Bridge) (near the point of 13,200 m, left bank side) 4 Current Musashi Canal (lowered passing water capacity due to sinkage) Current Musashi Canal: Insufficient quake resistance A survey conducted in 1999 confirmed that the passing water capacity has lowered from 50 m3/s to The existing Musashi Canal was completed in 1967 but recent seismic design in about 37 m3/s since the time of the construction. preparation for a major earthquake has not been incorporated. Under the Musashi Canal Reconstruction Project, the canal will be reconstructed so that it will withstand the possible largest earthquake ground motions (Level 2 earthquake ground motions) in the future, and that the flowing and inner drainage capacities of the canal will be secured Crown height in 1967 even when a large earthquake occurs. (at the time of the completion of the construction) Araki Siphon Crown height in 2003 Tone River Tone Kamihoshikawa Siphon [Factors for lowered passing water capacity] [Factors[Factors forfor lowered paspassinsingg water capacity]capacity] Musashi Hakuchoda Siphon •• Reduced Reduced flow fflowlowareas, areas, and and uneven uneven longitudinal lonlongitudinalgitudinal grades ggradesrades due due tottoo uneven uunevenneven settlement sesettlementttlement Asahi Shimbun, March 31, 2012 Canal Nagano Siphon •• Incapability IncapabilityIncapability in in passing passinpassingg waterwater duedue to to localized localized deformation dedeformationformation •• Dilapidated Dilapidated concrete concrete lining lininglining surface surfacesurface Yomiuri Shimbun, March 31, 2012 Musashi Canal Sama Water Gate Motoarakawa Siphon Kawazura Water Gate Mida Siphon Nagano district Sta.: 44 + 00 Nukata Sluiceway Sinkage: 28.7 cm Ara River Nukata district Sta.: 132 + 50 Seismic intensity Sinkage: 76.4 cm 3 or less 4 5 lower 5 upper 6 lower 6 upper 7 Road condition near Tsutsumine, Gyoda City (STA90) Case 1: Seismic intensity of the Tokyo-wan Hokubu Earthquake with shallow plate borders incorporated 5 6 The predicted distribution of seismic intensity of an inland earthquake that may occur in the future was released by a research team with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 5 and the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo on March 30, 2012.
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