OCTOBER 29, 1976 25 CENTS VOLUME 40/NUMBER 41 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE YOU SHOULD A Militant editorial When you pull the lever November 2, pull it for the Socialist Workers party! The Camejo and Reid campaign cham­ pions the struggles of the workers: • for full employment at adequate wages, to be provided for by ending military spending and inaugurating a massive federal jobs program; • for equal rights and opportunities for Blacks, Chicanos, Puerto Ricans, Native Americans, and all other oppressed nation­ alities; • for women's rights, for the right of abortion, for the Equal Rights Amend­ ment; • for an end to the cutbacks; for decent Continued on page 13 PETER CAMEJO WILLIE MAE REID ALSO: Interview with Gary Tyler , -PAGE 3 What's going on in China? -PAGE 7 Free the 5 P.R. Nationalists -PAGE 29 In Brief THIS 'LA MIGRA' HARASSMENT: Undocumented workers in antibusing amendment to the Constitution, CLUW reaf­ WEEK'S Utah and Idaho. have been the victims of. stepped-up firmed its "full support of quality education and school deportation raids by the U.S. Immigration and Naturaliza­ desegregation" and support for "the use of school busing MILITANT tion Service (la migra). Militant correspondent Luis Fuentes where necessary to achieve this goal." 4 NOW board sets of Salt Lake City reports that August raids in Idaho Jan. 13 ERA protest resulted in the deportation of dozens of workers. One N.Y. RALLY TO DEFEND AIM LEADER: A demon­ mexicano was shot in the back and killed during a raid. stration will take place Saturday, October 30, in New York 5 Working for peanuts Fuentes reported that in Utah, 54 workers were deported to support Leonard Peltier's request for political asylum in in Plains during the last week of September and at least 106 during Canada. the second week of October. 6 Sadlowski activist The protest will be held in front of the Canadian George Fasbender, officer in charge of la migra's Salt consulate at 1251 Sixth Avenue (corner of Fiftieth Street) at reinstated in Houston Lake City office, said the raids were necessary because his 2:00 p.m. 7 Factional purge splits area "is crawling with aliens." Peltier is a leader of the American Indian Movement. The Mao's successors Fasbender advised growers-who complained that the U.S. government wants to try him on charges of killing two raids came at the peak tomato harvest time-to hire "alien" FBI agents in June 1975 on the Pine Ridge Indian 8 Canada: one million employees legally by obtaining a certificate for them at the Reservation in South Dakota. Two other AIM activists have strike against controls immigration office. But growers don't like this option already been acquitted of the charges. 14 Some local because then they must meet housing standards set by local SWP candidates and state health officials. ROSENBERG SONS CHALLENGE JUDGE: Michael and Robert Meeropol, sons of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, 18 How to vote have filed a motion asking that Judge Irving Kaufman and on Nov. 2 the entire Second Circuit Court. of Appeals disqualify Panama exile to tour themselves from hearing an appeal of a new case involving 19 Campaign puts SWP on The United States Committee for Justice to Latin ballot in 28 states the infamous spy frame-up. American Political Prisoners (USLA) has announced a U.S. Kaufman was the judge who presided over the Rosen­ 20 Raza Unida runs tour by Dr. Miguel Antonio Bernal, a prominent opponent of bergs' trial and sentenced them to death in 1951. in four states the Panamanian dictatorship. The Meeropols seek to bar him from influencing the Bernal was exiled by Gen. Omar Torrijos last February outcome of a copyright, privacy, and defamation case they 21 Blacks and without charges or trial. He was ousted because of his have brought against Louis Nizer for his book on the the elections outspoken criticism of the Torrijos regime's intention to Rosenberg case, The Implosion Conspiracy. allow the United States to retain control of the Panama Meeropol attorney Marshall Perlin says that documents 22 The left and Canal Zone until the year 2000. the elections released under the Freedom of Information Act show that Bernal is tentatively scheduled to tour November 1-19. His Kaufman has been "obsessed with protecting his conduct in 23 NYC cutbacks: schedule includes stops in San Francisco, Berkeley, San the trial, the guilt of the defendants, his sentences, and their 'Worst still ahead' Jose, Los Angeles, Houston, Washington, D.C., and New execution." York. 24 Labor and The topic of Bernal's talk is "Repression in Panama­ HIROSHIMA REENACTMENT DRAWS APOLOGY: the elections Behind the Canal Zone Dispute." For further information, On October 14 the U.S. government formally apologized to contact USLA at: 853 Broadway, Room 414, New York, New 29 Free the five the government of Japan for the "bad taste" exhibited in a York 10003. Telephone: (212) 254-6062. P.R. Nationalists! Texas air show that featured a reenactment of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima complete with a simulated mush­ 2 In Brief room cloud and the original pilot of the B-29 bomber. ARAB-AMERICANS MEET: About 1,000 people attended More than 150,000 people were killed or wounded by the 10 In Our Opinion the ninth annual convention of the Association of Arab­ August 6, 1945, bombing of Hiroshima. Thousands still Letters American University Graduates (AAUG) October 1-3 in suffer from the effects of radioactivity unleashed by this first use of nuclear weapons against human beings. 12 The Great Society New York. Among the guest speakers were Shafiq al-Hout, spokes­ The apology came after the Japanese government, the Women in Revolt Hiroshima chapter of the Japan Council Against Atomic La Lucha Puertorriquefia person for the Palestine Liberation Organization; Tawfiq Zayyad, mayor of Nazareth; and Felicia Langer, Israeli and Hydrogen Bombs, and the Hiroshima Prefecture's defense attorney for many Palestinian political prisoners. Council of Atomic Bomb Victims all protested. Mayor WORLD OUTLOOK Takeshi Araki of Hiroshima called the display "a blas­ 25 600,000 join Basque Both Langer and Zayyad are members of Rakah, the Israeli Communist party. phemy against the many people still suffering from the general strike Literature displays included a sizable array of AAUG aftereffects of the blast." -Peter Seidman 26 Social Democrats duck books and pamphlets as well as tables set up by defenders democratic rights issue of Iranian political prisoners and the imprisoned Crimean Tatar nationalist Mustafa Dzhemilev. A message from the 27 Kings, presidents, Camejo-Reid 1976 Socialist Workers party presidential dictators mourn Mao ticket was distributed, and twenty-five Militant subscrip­ 28 Billions in U.S. arms tions were purchased by those at the convention. pour into Iran A list of AAUG publications is available by writing: Post Office Box 7391, North End Station, Detroit, Michigan 48202. THE MILITANT BOOKS AVAILABLE • : Revoluci6n y contrarevolu­ ci6n en Espana by Felix Morrow, the Trotskyist classic on VOLUME 40/NUMBER 41 the Spanish Civil War, long out of print in Spanish, has just OCTOBER 29, 1976 become available from Editorial Pluma, a Bogota, CLOSING NEWS DATE-OCT. 20 Colombia-based publishing house. Editorial Pluma has also Editor: MARY-ALICE WATERS just released Leon Trotsky: Escritos, 1939-40 in two Managing Editor: NELSON BLACKSTOCK volumes. Plans are under way to publish all the volumes in Business Manager: HARVEY McARTHUR this English-language Pathfinder Press series in Spanish. Southwest Bureau: HARRY RING Washington Bureau: NANCY COLE The Spanish-language books may be ordered from 9,666 Pathfinder Press, 410 West Street, New York, New York Published weekly by The Militant Publishing Ass'n., 10014. The Morrow book sells for $2.95 and the Trosky 14 Charles. Lane. New York. N.Y. 10014. Telephone: writings for $5.00 per two-volume set. Editorial Office (212) 243-6392; Business Office (212) 929-3486. Southwest Bureau: 1237 S. Atlantic SUBSCRIBE TODAY Blvd .. Los Angeles. Calif. 90022. Telephone: (213) ... AND NOT AVAILABLE: An October 17 New York 269-1456. Washington Bureau: 2416 18th St. NW, Times dispatch from Rhodesia reports that vigorous Washington, D.C. 20009. Telephone: (202) 265- censorship is part of the white minority regime's efforts to 10 weeks lor 81 6865. Correspondence concerning subscriptions or stem the advance of revolutionary ideas. A sixty-two-page changes of address should be addressed to The "Catalogue of Banned Books, Periodicals, Records Etc." Militant Business Office, 14 Charles Lane, New lists "not only most books published on Rhodesia's and York, N.Y. 10014. South Africa's race problems and politics but also most Second-class postage paid at New York. N.Y. 0 $1 for ten weeks Subscriptions: U.S., $7.50 a year; outside U.S .. writings of African leaders and the literature of American 0 $7.50 for one year $13.00. By first-class mail: U.S .. Canada. and Mexico. blacks." The catalog bans among many others the works of Name __________________________ $35.00. Write for surface and airmail rates to all other Ernesto "Che" Guevara and Frantz Fanon, the prison countries. memoirs of a Soviet dissident,· and the writings of Leon Address _______________________ For subscriptions airmailed from New York and then posted from London directly to Britain, Trotsky. City _________________________ Ireland, and Continental Europe: £1.50 for eight State'-----------Lip____________ _ issues, £3.50 for six months, £6.50 for one year. CLUW REAFFIRMS SUPPORT TO BUSING: The Send bari'ker's draft or international postal order Where (payable to Pathfinder Press) to Pathfinder Press, National Executive Board of the Coalition of Labor Union Make checks payable to 'The Militant,' 14 47 The Cut.
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