Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68083-7 - The Cambridge Companion to British Romantic Poetry Edited by James Chandler and Maureen N. Mclane Index More information INDEX 1820, significance for English poetry 12, apostrophe 245 14–20 Arabian Nights Tales 185 archaisms 84 Abrams, M. H. 3, 4, 252 Aristophanes 16 absorption 270 Armstrong, John, Sketches, on poetic abstraction 137 sources 60 Ackroyd, Peter, on the Gothic 39 Arnold, Matthew xx, 256 Addison, Joseph 80, 86 Arrot, Mrs, of Aberbothrick 249 Adorno, Theodor W. art, as knowledge, Adorno’s views aesthetic of dialectical negation 230 114n.4 on art as a commodity 230 Ashbery, John, and John Clare 272–4 on art as knowledge 114n.4 Asiatic Society of Bengal 186 on cultural production as art 223 Asiatick Researches 186 on Keats and Shelley 2 association, psychology of 200 on lyric poetry 218 Athenaeum xv “On Lyric Poetry and Society” 219, 220, Auden, W. H. 225 223 Augustus (Roman emperor) 45 aestheticism, and lyric poetry 223 aura 220 Aiken, John, Essays on Song-Writing,on Austen, Jane xii, xix British sources 60 Emma xviii Albion 44 Mansfield Park xviii “alphabetization” 241 Northanger Abbey xix America Persuasion xix, 117 independence encourages radical groups in Pride and Prejudice xviii Britain 183 Sense and Sensibility xvii legendary settlement by the Welsh authors, concerns to connect with readers 180 77 Anacreon 16 autographs, Blake’s views 104 angelology 171 Avebury 41, 44 annuals, poetry annuals 160, 161, 163 Aztecs 181 anticapitalism, in Romantic literary theory 222–3 Baier, Annette, A Progress of Sentiments,on antique sources, and classical sources, use in moral sense 141 poetry 35 Baillie, Joanna xi, 4, 10, 21 antiquity 37 Metrical Legends of Exalted cultural influence 44, 45 Characters xix influence on Shelley 47 Plays on the Passions xv Peacock’s views 49 Bakhtin, Mikhail, on novels 127, 132 279 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68083-7 - The Cambridge Companion to British Romantic Poetry Edited by James Chandler and Maureen N. Mclane Index More information index ballads 14, 61 Bewell, Alan, on nostalgia 202, 205 British ballads, influence 68 Bible broadside ballads 62 influence on poetry 64, 66 as challenges to standardized English 82 as poetic source 35 French ballade form 66 bisexual libertinism 156 nationals ballads, Fletcher’s views 124 black people, British domination of as as revealing the British character 60 formative influence on revival 42 Romanticism 181 transmission 249 Blackwood’s Magazine xix, 14, 17, 23 Welsh ballads 84 Blair, Hugh See also Lyrical Ballads The British Poets 263 Balzac, Honore´ de, Les Chouans xx A Critical Dissertation on the Poems of Bannerman, Anne Ossian, the Son of Fingal xi “The Dark Ladie” 165 Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Poems xvi Lettres xi, 78, 81, 103, 121, 124 sexual frankness 167 on prose 86 Tales of Superstition and Chivalry xvi, 166 prose 83 Barbauld, Anna Laetitia xx, 4, 10 Blake, William 2, 10, 11, 88–90 The British Novelists 119, 123, 124 “A Cradle Song” 61 Eighteen Hundred and Eleven 13 America: a Prophecy xiv, 183 The Female Speaker xvii on autographs 104 Poems xii biblical and classical influences on 65 on reading 125 birth xi on women’s reading and women The Book of Ahania xv novelists 126 The Book of Los xv bards, iconic figures 38 The Book of Thel xiii, 65, 172 Barham, T. F., Abdallah 15 The Book of Urizen xiv, 172 Barrett, Elizabeth, The Battle of on classicism 64 Marathon 19, 20, 30 “The CLOD & the Pebble,” in Songs of Barton, Bernard 19 Innocence and of Experience, style Bateson, Gregory, on communication 245 and patriotism 89 Baudelaire, Charles Pierre, on readers’ death xx difficulties with lyric poetry 220 A Descriptive Catalogue xvii, 106–8 Baumgarten, Alexander, Reflections on erotic seduction in 223 Poetry 198 Europe: A Prophecy xiv Beattie, James xii, 120, 145 The Four Zoas 30, 70 Beaumarchais, Pierre, The Marriage of and the Greek revival 46 Figaro xiii inclusion in the canon of romantic Beddoes, Thomas 202, 204 poetry 10 Beethoven, Ludwig van xii, xx influenced by the Gothic 44 Behme, Jacob 23 Jerusalem xvi, 44, 107 Bell, John 46, 263 biblical influence on 65 Benbow, William, Kouli Khan 15 as lyric epic 30 Benjamin, Walter on poetic form and meter 66 on lyric poetry 218, 230 poetry as text 70 “On Some Motifs in Baudelaire” 220 “Little Black Boy” 191 Bentham, Jeremy, Principles of Morals and “The Little Boy Found,” ballad forms 61 Legislation xiii lyric 30, 218 Berkeley, George 107 The Marriage of Heaven and Hell xiv, 65, Bernbaum, Ernest, Guide Through the 89 Romantic Movement 10 theme of the Fall 173 Bernstein, Charles 258 metrics 71 views on Wordsworth 270 Milton xvi, 44 280 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68083-7 - The Cambridge Companion to British Romantic Poetry Edited by James Chandler and Maureen N. Mclane Index More information index as lyric epic 30 expansion 178 poetry as text 70 resistance to 179, 181 “On Homer’s Poetry” 64 British history “On Virgil” 64 cultural importance 39 Ossianic prose 84 Keats’s views of progress in 143 Poetical Sketches xiii British identity 36 “Proverbs of Hell,” on futurity 257 British imperialism “The Sick Rose,” meter 71 Moore’s criticisms of 190 Songs of Experience 61, 70, 244 Romantic support for in the light of the Songs of Innocence xiii, 61, 70 effects of the Napoleonic wars 183 Songs of Innocence and of Experience xiv, British Literature 1780–1830 (Mellor and 251 Matlak) 10 style 88–90 British nationalism, and the sense of the on thinking, knowing, and execution 105 Gothic 39–43 on thinking in verse 98 Britishness, concept 4 Tiriel 65 Brooke, Charlotte, Reliques of Irish “To the Public,” on print 252 Poetry xiii use of accentual meter 70 Brown, Anna Gordon 249 use of poetry as text 70 Brown, John 29, 200 use of the theme of the Fall 172 Browne, Mary Ann 173, 174 Visions of the Daughters of Albion Browning, Robert xvii xiv, 84 Bryant, Jacob 46 The Visions of the Daughters of Albion, Burke, Edmund xv, 63, 181 theme of the Fall 172 A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Blessington, Marguerite, Countess 159, 163 our Ideas of the Sublime and the Bloodless Revolution (1688) 40 Beautiful xi, 41 Bloom, Harold 3, 4, 239, 258 Reflections on the Revolution in France xiv Bloomfield, Robert (the “Farmer’s Boy”) xv, Burney, Charles 211, 253 16 Burney, Fanny xii, xiii, xv, xviii, 126 Bluestockings 11, 161 Burns, Robert 4 Boccaccio, Giovanni 29 anonymous contributions to James Boswell, James, The Life of Samuel Johnson’s The Scots Musical Johnson xiv Museum xiii Bowles, William Lisle birth xi “Coombe-Ellen,” as conversation death xv poem 69 influences Scott 84 “Fourteen Sonnets” 57 literary success (1820) 19 Fourteen Sonnets, Elegiac and on meter 60 Descriptive xiv and orality 243 Fourteen Sonnets Written Chiefly on Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect xiii, Picturesque Spots during a 83 Journey xiii reformist politics 84 The Invariable Principles of Poetry 23 republicanism 180 The Missionary, endorsement of Christian Scots language 83 paternalism 191 sexual frankness 167 The Tale of Paraguay 191 Songs, as evidence of cultural Bowring, Specimens of the Russian nationalism 4 Poets 15 “Tam o’ Shanter” xiv Boyne, Battle of the (1690) 40 “To a Louse,” meter 60 Brant, Joseph (Thayendanegea) 192 use of accentual meter 70 Bristol 89 Byron, George Gordon, Lord 2 British Empire admiration for Pope 64 civilizing mission 191–2 “Beppo,” ottava rima 66 281 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68083-7 - The Cambridge Companion to British Romantic Poetry Edited by James Chandler and Maureen N. Mclane Index More information index Byron, George Gordon, Lord (cont.) on the Lake School and the Romantic birth xiii canon 24 The Blues 161 Lament of Tasso 17 The Bride of Abydos xviii Lara xviii Cain 71 leaves England (1816) xviii Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage xvii, 128 lyric poetry 218, 229 avoids archaisms 85 Manfred xix, 71 as epic 30 “Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte” xviii, 26 epigraph from used by Shelley 17 Orientalism 189, 190 inclusion in Carey’s Beauties of the poetic style affected by orality 244 Modern Poets 21 poetic trademarks those of poetesses 163 and poetry as medium 251 poetry Roman influence on 49 and shifting sexual identities 158 style 84, 91 as text 71 Collected Poems xviii on print medium 245 combines the classical with the Gothic 37 publishes in The Liberal xx conversation with Shelley on thinking in regarded as a bestselling author 16 verse 99–101 reviews 18 The Corsair xviii, 17, 69 riposte to Southey’s Vision of Judgment 19 critical response to Hemans 25 satires inspired by 17 death xx scandalous reputation as the poet of dedications of his work 17 passion 156 “The Destruction of the Sennacherib” 66 sexual frankness 167 Don Juan 7, 24 sexual views 156 asides 71 The Siege of Corinth xviii on the development of the print “Stanzas,” sources 61 medium 255 “Stanzas for Music” 226, 227, 228, 229 as epic 30 “There be none of Beauty’s inclusion in Carey’s Beauties of the daughters” 228, 229 Modern Poets 21 style 90, 93, 94 literary success (1820) 19 use of ancient sources for poetry ottava rima 66 condemned by Peacock 35 publication xix views on women 159 sexuality in 158 “We repent – we abjure – we will break theme of the Fall 172 from our chain” 229 English Bards and Scotch Reviewers xvii, Bysshe, Edward 55, 64 217, 223, 230 erotic resistance and seduction in his lyric calenture
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