WOMEN AND LEADERSHIP IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDONESIA: A STUDY OF A STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY IN ACEH PROVINCE Safrul Muluk Diterbitkan Oleh: Lembaga Naskah Aceh (NASA) ~ Ar-Raniry Press WOMEN AND LEADERSHIP IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDONESIA: A STUDY OF A STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY IN ACEH PROVINCE Edisi 2013, Cetakan 2013 Naskah Aceh dan Ar-RaniryPress x + 301 hlm. 13 x 20,5 cm ISBN : 978-602-7837-50-8 Hak Cipta Pada Penulis All rights Reserv e d Cetakan Desember, 2013 Pengarang : Safrul Muluk Editor : Habiburrahim Muhammad Thalal Desain Kulit & Tata Letak : Tim Desain NASA diterbitkan atas kerja sa ma : Lembaga Naskah Aceh (NASA) JL. Ulee Kareng - Lamreung, Desa Ie Masen, No. 9A Keca m atan Ulee Kareng Banda Aceh 23117 Telp./Fax. : 0651-635016 E-mail: [email protected] Anggota IKAPI No. 014/DIA/2013 ArraniryPress Jl. Lingkar Kampus Darussalam Banda Aceh 23111 Telp. (0651) - 7552921/Fax. (0651) - 7552922 E-mail: [email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ iii FOREWORDS ~ vi LIST OF FIGURES ~viii LIST OF TABLES ~ ix INTRODU CTION ~ 1 I. Context and Background~1 II. Demo gra ph ic Inform a tio n ~ 3 The Educatio n Secto r ~ 4 CHAPTER I ~ 11 GENDER RELATIONS IN INDONESIA ~ 11 I. Introduction ~ 11 II. Gender Theory: A Brief Overview ~ 12 III. Gender Issues in Indonesia: Western Propaganda? ~ 17 IV. Gender Politics in Indonesia ~ 26 V. Gender Relations in Aceh ~ 37 Institutionalization of Islamic Law in Aceh ~ 45 VI. Gende r Divisio n of Labou r and Work- Fam ily Conflic t (WFC) ~ 52 CHAPTER II ~ 59 GENDER EQUALITY/MAINSTREAMING AGENDA IN INDONESIA ~ 59 I. Introduction ~ 59 II. International Agenda on Gender Issues ~ 60 III. Gender Equality Agenda in the Old Order Regime Period (1945-1965) ~ 72 IV. Gender Equality Agenda in the New Order Period (1966-1998) ~ 76 V. Gender Mainstreaming in the Period of Transition to Democracy (1998-onward) ~ 87 CHAPTER III ~ 97 WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND THE CULTURE OF PUBLIC ORGANISATION IN INDONESIA ~ 97 I. Introduction ~ 97 II. Women in leadership in Indonesia ~ 98 III. Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia ~ 105 IV. Fema le Leade rs hip in High e r Educ a tion Institution in Indonesia ~ 114 V. Culture of Public Organisations ~ 120 VI. Glass Ceiling Phenom enon ~ 124 VII. Affirmative Action ~ 130 CHAPTER IV ~ 135 ISLAMIC LAW IN ACEH: HOW DOES IT RELATE TO GENDER RELATIONS? ~ 135 I. Introduction ~ 135 II. The Influence of Islamic Law on Gender Relations in Aceh ~ 135 III. Responses towards Implementation of Islamic Lawin Aceh ~ 154 IV. The Role of the Ulama in Shaping Gender Relations in Aceh ~ 164 iv CHAPTER V ~ 173 GENDER RELATIO NS AT IAIN AR-RANIRY BANDA ACEH - INDONESIA ~ 173 I. Introduction ~ 173 II. Organisational Culture at the State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh ~ 173 III. Composition of Academics and Appointm ent of Leadership at IAIN Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh ~ 187 Composition of Academics ~ 187 Appointment of Leadership ~ 199 IV. Workload and Responsibilities of Academics at IAIN Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh ~ 209 V. Gender Equality Effort at IAIN Ar-Raniry ~ 217 CHAPTER VI ~ 227 GENDER DIVISIO N OF LABOUR , WORK-FAMILY CONFLICTANDWOMEN’SCAREERPROGRESSION ~ 2 27 I. Introduction ~ 227 II. Gender Division of Labour in Aceh ~ 227 III. Work-F amily Conflict (WFC) ~ 235 IV. Time Managem ent and Family Support ~ 249 V. Women‘s Career Progression ~ 261 CHAPTER VII ~ 269 CONCLUSIONS ~ 269 REFERENCES ~ 278 FOREWORDS This book originates from the writer‘s dissertation. It investigates the issue of women and leadership in Higher Education in Indonesia. It specifically focuses on those women working at the State Islamic University in Aceh province. It examines the state of gender relations in Indonesia and in Aceh province in particular, through an investigation of the conditions of women and their status in both private and public domain, including the Higher Education sector. In the context of Aceh province, the writer also discusses the implementation of Islamic Law, its influence on gender relations, and how it affects and shapes the socio-cultural values of the Acehnese people. To assist in exploring the issue, the cultural, social and historical context of women‘s place in Acehnese society and in the Acehnese higher education sectoris discussed. How organisational culture influence women‘s involvement in higher education and what challenges and hindrances do they face in taking up leadership roles in Islamic higher education in Aceh are also scrutinized. As the only region in Indonesia implementing Islamic Law, the writer also aim at analysing the influence of Islamic Law on women‘s opportunity to assume leadership roles in Islamic higher education in Aceh. Finally, the writer looks at strategies that can be used to facilitate the process of empowering women‘s participation and promoting women to management roles in state universities in Aceh. Findings in this study revealed that, in general terms, gender relations in Indonesia were patriarchal in nature. vi Despite gender equality/mainstreaming efforts carried out by the government and considerable improvement in the level of education and trainings that women enjoy today, overall, only a small number of women manage to assume senior leadership roles. Besides the practices of patriarchal culture, and religious values, gender state ideology formulated using a traditional essentialist approach used by the New Order regime to promote its national development agenda, has been considered as one of major factors contributing to gender inequality. Like other regions in Indonesia, gender relations in Aceh are also patriarchal. The passing of Law No. 18 of 2001 has granted Aceh government to implement Islamic Law. This study confirmed that formalization of Islamic Law in Aceh has strengthened patriarchal gender relations in Aceh. An assessment of the role of ulama and that of several institutions established to oversee and implement Islamic Law provide insights into the current development of gender relations in Aceh. Adelaide, Australia July 2012 Author, Safrul Muluk LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Map of Aceh province ~ 4 Figure 2. Structure of the National Education System in Indonesia ~ 5 Figure 3. The number of public and private universities in Indonesia in 2004 and 2012 ~ 106 Figure 4. The number of Islamic HEIs (IHEI) in Indonesia in 2012 ~ 108 Figure 5. The enrolment rate between male and female students in HE from 1990-2006 ~ 109 Figure 6. The enrolment rates at all levels of education in 1990, 2000, and 2006 ~ 110 Figure 7. The number of male and female students at IHEIs in 2010 ~ 111 Figure 8. The number of male and female lecturers at public and private IHEIs in 2010 ~ 113 Figure 9. The distribution of leadership positions based on sex in 2004 ~ 191 Figure 10. The distribution of leadership positions based on sex in 2012 ~ 192 Figure 11. The number of lectu rer at IAIN Ar-Ra niry base d on acade m ic qualification and sex in 2008 ~ 193 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Percentage of education participation rate in Aceh in 2003-2011 ~ 6 Table 2. Qanun on Shari‟a rules ~ 51 Table 3. Main WID policy approaches ~ 65 Table 4. Number of students at all levels of education between 1945 and 2006 ~ 80 Table 5. Composition of members of House of Representative 1955-2009 ~ 100 Table 6. The numbe r of civil serv an ts base d on echelo n in Decem ber 2005 ~ 101 Table 7. The number of male and female lecturers at five faculties based on their sex from 1966 - 2006 ~ 118 Table 8. The number of lecturers based on work unit and gender at IAIN Ar-Raniry in 2011 ~ 119 Table 9. The number of administrative staff based on work unit and gender at IAIN Ar-Raniry in 2011 ~ 119 Table 10. Recom m endations from women ulama workshop ~ 170 Table 11. The number of male and female lecturers at five faculties based on their rank in 2005 ~ 189 ix Table 12. The number of Masters degree student at IAIN Ar-Ra niry Banda Aceh from 2005 - 2011 ~ 196 Table 13. The number of Doctoral degree students, Majoring Islamic Education ~ 198 Table 14. The number of public servant based on sex and work unit in the government of Aceh province, 2010 ~ 232 INTRODUCTION I. Context and Background Aceh became the centre of worldwide attention on the morningofthe 26 of December, 2004 whenthebiggestnatural disaster in recent history hit killing hundreds of thousands of people. A report from the United Nations (UN) showed that approximately one year after the tsunami, the Indonesian government estimated there were 129,775 deaths, 38,786 missing, and 504,518 tsunami-displaced persons in Aceh Province (United Nations, 2005). Undoubtedly, the tsunami has profoundly impacted and changed all aspects of life in Aceh . Significant public infrastructure and huma n reso urc e s –the backbone of Acehnese governance- were destroyed, and the province was left paralysed. Since then, Aceh has undergone massive redevelopment. One of the most important sectors affected by the December 2004 tsunami in Aceh was that of education. Besides the damaged infrastructure, the loss of human lives working in the sector has radically destabilized it. While considerable attention was given to stakeholders at primary, secondary, and senior secondary levels, activities at university level did not resume until nearly six months after the disaster. At the State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Ar-Raniry, for example, administrative and instructional activities completely stopped following the disaster. A number of lecturers, administrative staff and students became victims, while most of the survivors had to deal with the terrible ordeal. Undoubtedly, the loss of human resource within the universityandtheimpactithadonitsday-to-daymanagement were profound. Teaching and learning processes were placed on hold as infrastructure and facilities were badly damaged.
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