X 1? Courier-Journal — Friday, April 4, 1969 Pope KuLto Elevate coming a cardinal on April 28, has customarily are not made until after (Continued from Page 1) ing elected president of the National (ContinuedT from Page 1) the, cosmos, the goodness_ojE God t£ Conference of Catholic Bishops long been recognized as one of the the consistory at which the new cardi­ ~ oitr fathers, how He liberated us , In his year as Archbishop of New -HNCCB) and the United States Catho­ most eloquent, versatile and experi­ nals are elevated. But unofficial priests and people to sing praise to York, Cardinal-designate Cooke, 48, 1 from slavery, of both the flesh and! lic Conference (NSCC), is best enced. Catholic churchmen in the x sounieb_Jia3reJsrw)ken„cif_two possible the Risen One:--~i , the youngest of the 10 U.S. cardi­ known in Detroit as a bishop deep- United States. appointments; The Secretariat for 'the spirit, bur visions of the future. nals, has already made an impres­ ly concerned with the prohreniria*"' Promoting Christian Unity, whose Our story mtunts as we begin four and His sombre warning of the price .- sive record in the fields of social the people of his archdiocese, He was singled out for special men­ first president, Augustine Cardinal lessons and four songs from Sacred\ "of our infidelity to His plan. action and ecumenical activity. tion by Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, Bea, died In November, and the Vati­ Scripture, telling of the origins~7sr Then we call out IhlT names of He is a tall, (6 foot 1) personable Apostolic Delegate to the U.S., in a can Secretariat of State, whose head, those present who-have-gomr before - The successor to the Me„ J&anck . statement on the appointment of the 86-year-old \Amleto Cardinal Cicog- Cardinal Spellman has stressed con­ —manr-with-ansJight touch of an Irish us in the light of faith: we begin brogue, who believes that his place four new American cardinals. "The nani, is reportedly planning to retire. chanting the Litany—of the- Saints* __. tinuity with his close friend and appointment jf Bishop John J. Wright predecessor since in installation on in the Catholic community is as a building up to the blessing of the to serve the "TCurla in Rome is of Born in Boston on Juty 18, 1909, Pope's Schedule Easter water and^rheUonferrat of— April 4, 1968, but has also repeated­ functioning chief pastor. special ^Ignif leanee^Arehbishop Rai­ Bishopj Wright was ordained in De­ ly cited; the need for the Church to As a man who has sat in on black Baptism with the renewing of the— mondi said. "It is evidence of the cember, 19^5 after studies at the baptismal promises of the faithful. adapt its struct-iros and procedures power meetings in order to learn Holy Father's desire to draw upon North American College in Rome. to changing tkwes. / more about what black militants are For Weekend prelates from various parts of the All of what has gone Before has •Jxying„^n_sayr-J^-haK_.ij.ltealing fi -world"—te—assist—hfctr lir-the -central ^JOii^Jbs&nggjarJinals are given, -A veteran social worker with close" their Red Eats, the list of American Good Friday, April 4: 5-p;m.j -been-a"preludo to this moment when and extensive personal contacts in the pulse of the community. administration of the Church." Princes will include, besides those a solemn afternoon liturgical we put to death the old man and his _New York's-Jarge-Ncgro and Puerto Bishop Wright, 59, of Pittsburgh, just elevated, the following six prel­ R i c a n comtnuuiUes, Archbishop The new post which will be given service in. the Basilica of Santa sinfulness and rise one with a new to the- American-prelate-has-not been ates, listed-in—order of seniorityf -Maria Maggiorer-led by Carle- Cbofcr iias enwmraged-experimental ment hrtbe Roman CttUa. after J»er announced—and -seen appointments James Cardinal-Melntyre, Archbish­ Cardinal Confalonieri. 9s 15 p.nur creation redeemedJa^nedrinodzofHie^ pastoral work and social action apos- traditional Way of the Cross at tolates among these minorities. He op of Los -Angeles; Richard Cardinal Lamb. 4 - /• appointed the first Negro pastor in Gushing, Archbishop of JBhstori; Law- the Colloseum. About midnight, the ministers pre­ the history of the archdiocese, Fath­ rence Cardinal Shehan, Archbishop Holy Saturday, April 5: 6. pare for the sacrifice-banquet of the ofBalti motfe; Patrick Cardinal er Harold A. Salmon of St. Charles D^m, Mass inJSkPeter's Basjlicju Eucharist and wc return JS-calling Borromeo church, Harlem, and desig­ O'Boyle, Archbishop of Washington, part of the Easter Vigil cere­ nated Father Salmon as his vicar D.C, John Cardinal Krol, ArcBblsnop mony during which Paolo Car­ on the saints and asking their inter­ delegate in Harlem. of Philadelphia; and John Cardinal dinal Mareila will bless the cession. Then there is a short epis­ Cody, Archftishop of Chicago. water and officiate at the re­ tle containing the words "since you He has "departed from tradition by newal of baptismal promises^..- Hiave-7b^n-^aised~-with~-Ch^strseek~ pledging to consult with priests be­ Since the year ISJo^upL Jo_ithjt ~ the^Things aboveT' Io"wTuch /we say fore giving- them -new asrfgnmentsr present moment, 26 American pre­ Easter Sunday, April 6: Out­ President Eisei by appointing his vicar general for a lates have been named to the Sacred door Mass in St. Peter's Square yes by singing the great .Easter Alle­ limited three-year term and by ask­ at noon and the imparting of luia. With the Presit ing his clergy to submit nominations College of Cardinals, the first being the traditional blessing "urbi Eisenhow for "various diocesan offices." He John McCloskey, Archbishop of New et orbi" (to the city and to the As Augustine said: "we are Resur- has offered Mass on tho steps of New York, who was elevated in 1875 by world.i . Jection-€hFistians~and Alleluia is our York's city hall and before a folk- Pope Pius IX. " Gen. Eisenht singing congregation of 12,000 in song." Central Park. A native of New York. Cityr-the- new cardinal was born on March 21, 1921, and ordained in 1945. Barnes of the 33HNe w Cardinals ( As chairman of the American Bish­ ops' Committee for- Ecumenical and ¥ollowingr is a list of the 33 prel­ JOHN J. WRIGHT; 597 Bishop of ARTURO TABERA ARAOZ, 65, Interrellgious Affairs since its estab­ ates designated by Pope PauLJVJLsres- Pittsburgh,.^ „„«__„ -.. Archbishop of Pamplona, Spain. lishment in 1966, Cardinal-designate tentiay "for~elcvatidfl on April 28 to Carberry, 64, of St. Louis, has been the Sacred College of Cardinals, with PAUL GOUYON. 68, Archbishop EUGENIO de ARAUJO SALES, the official ecumenical leader and their offices or places of residence of Rennes, France. Archbishop of Sao Salvador da Bafoia, spokesman for the bishops during a (two other Cardinals have been se­ Brazil. period of rapid advance toward great­ lected by the Pontiff but their names MARIO CASARIEGO, 60, Archbish" er Christian unity. will remain secret): op of Guatemala City. JOSEPH PARECATTIL, 56, Arch­ bishop of Ernakulam, India. VINCENTE HENRIQUE TARAN- The archbishop, long an active ecu­ PAUL YU PIN, 67, Archbishop of CON, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain. menist, is also tho co-chairman of a Nanking, ChUna, residing on Taiwan. JTEROME, RAKOTOMALALA, S5, 36-member official liaison group Archbishop Flahlff, right, with then Au^iliajgLBishojUCasfiyL,^ "Archbishop of Tananarive, Madagas­ PAOLO MUNOZ VEGA, 65, Arch­ car^ which bas J3een working on relations. — St. John Fisher^commenccment Jut JULIO RCSAJLES, -62r Archbishop bishop of <Ji-Jte,-Eeu~ador. — of Cebu, the Philippines. between the bishops and the National GIUSEPPE PAUPINI, 62, Papal Council of Churches. ANTONTO POMA, 58, Archbishop ALFREDO VICENTE SCHERER, of Bologna, Italy. Nuncio in Colombia. Besides his ecumenical involvement,. 66, Archbishop of Porto Alegre, Bra­ zil. MIGUEL DARIO MIRANDA y the prelate is best-known as an expert GIACOMO VILLARDO of Italy, GOMEZ, 73, Archbishop of Mexico On Canon Law. Ho is a former presi­ Archbishop Flahiff Has Secretary of the Vatican Congrega- dent of the Canon Law Society of JOHN DEARDEN, 60, Archbishop tioh of Sacraments. City. America. — of Detroit and president of the United States—Episcopal-Conference, — —JOSEPH-Hf>FFNERr7tlt;llbisnop-of — PETER THOMAS M*«ip;EFRYT-69r -Archbishop of Wellington, New Zea­ Archbishop Carberry has Been the TERENCE J. COOKE, 48, Archbish- Cologne, West Germany. -"~ land. head of his present diocese (the fifth .op.of New York. he has served as a priest or~bishop) ManvLo cafConnections JAN WILLEBRANDS of the Neth­ JOHN J. CARBERRY, 64, Arch- for just over a year. He was installed erlands, head of the Vatican Secre- Cardinal-designate- George Bernard - ^ bishop^of-gtHbouis. ~ :— as Archbishop of St. Louis, succeed­ In 1964 he dcl^ed-the-corr* of St^^^^j. Andrews and Edinburgh^ , Scot­ ing the late Joseph Cardinal Hitter, Flahiff, 64, archbishop of Winnipeg, mencement address at St. John Fish­ JEAN DANIELOU, French Jesuit Man., has many Rochester connec­ land. on March. 25, 1968. er and received an honorary doctor _MARIO NASALLL ROCCA-di COR- theologian: -- tions. -of laws degree from the then Aux­ GEORGE BERNARD FLAHIFF, NELIANO of Italy, Prefect of the iliary Bishop Lawrence B. Casey Vatican Palace. Born -in-Brookly n-on-July-91r-190*r" He was Superior, General of the -bishop of Winnipeg, Manitoba. SEBASTIANO BAGGIO, 55, of he was ordained in 1929 after stud­ Italy, Apostolic Nuncio in Brazil. ies at the North American College Basilian Fathers from 1954 to 1961 While serving on the Aquinas JOSEPH WALULA, 51, Archbish- SERGIO GUERRI of Italy, a Curia in Rome.
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