THE GUARDIAN Volume 43, Number 13 Univer ity of California, an Diego Thur.. sday, May 7, 1981 Harris wins in a squeaker, but is disqualified from office 93-cent overexpenditure, failure to file receipts on time leads .to declaration of Bagneris as winner; Key wins VP ' s post BY PAUL FARWELL violated an election cod , but it evidence u bmitted to the Judicial laff Wriler wa n't the most prof ion ally run Board we felt th ir (Elections What's wrong J hua Harris won the A el ction." Commi s ion ) actio n was presidential election Tue day, but The Election Commission justified." wa immediately di qualified for could not com.e up with a milder Bockman, a member of the with Tuesday? what amounted to be a 93-c nt punishment. The commi ion did , Judicial Board, commented, campaign overexpenditure. in fact, consider two alternative: "Ba ica ll y, the way the election They should have just stuck with Tuesday. Opponent Jules Bagneri , who ubtracting vote in proportion to code are written, he definitely The AS run-off election, originally lost in the run-off 766 to 738 (Ies the amount over pent, and violated them ." scheduled for Tuesday and then reset for than a two percent difference) wa nullifying the election. According The Election Commi ion Monday, ended up on both day . named AS president last night by to commission member David inve tigated code violations by Was it an unusual how of compromise in the AS council. His term formally B kman, the proportional y tern other candidate ' during the pa t an otherwise dog-eat-dog election? Not begin next Wednesday, until wa con idered too difficult to couple of week, but never leveled exactly. which time Harri ' disqualifica­ ca lc ulate. Likewi e, the a trict a puni hment a It seems that the Election Board didn't like tion still can be appealed. commission decided that di qualification. the date that its code had chosen for the run­ Harris' vice presidential nullifying the run·off was out of Pam Gerber, Muir repre· off, Tuesday. Cinco de Mayo was on Tuesday, running mate Eric Singer, who the que tion. But, "hort of entative to the A and incoming and the run-offs might conflict with the­ lost to Bagneri ' running mate removing Harri from the race was ommi sioner of ext rnal affair , holiday, Elections Commissioner Melissa Alma Key (835 to 638), wa al 0 to do nothing," B kman aid. com nted, "If they h Id all the Ligman reasoned. disqualified. Said Bill Topkis, A pre ident, candidate to the receipt filing So to avoid interfering with festivities that ince Tue day' run-off, Harri "What went down wa bogu. date, our whol late (Action: not did not begm until late in the afternoon - has turned in additional campaign When you work a hard a Jo h Reaction) would hav been about the same time elections polls would receipt totalling $17 over the ha , I find it really diffi ult to di qualified." have closed - the com iss ion violated its own limit. Tue day 's Judicial Board believe that (theJudicial Board and The Election ommis ion al 0 codes and set the big day for Monday. Later di qualified Harris and inger for the Election Commis ion) came to cited Toby Raymond , winner in their decision was upheld by the Judicial the 93-cent overexpenditure with a deci ion which a bridged t he voice the Public Relation run-off , for Board. the under tanding that the total of the tudent ." receipt violations. inc Raymond Then someone remem red that the wa actually higher, accordin~ to Harris consulted with Vice turned in receipt an hour before tallying ystem, on loan from the San Diego Elections Commis ioner Meltssa Chancellor of Student Affair th poll clo ed Tue day, the County Registrar, wa already re erved Ligman. Richard Armitage yesterday and commission decided to punish him Monday for the counting of the city's Harri and Singer were cited by decided to appeal his case to the by announcing hi violation when convention proposition_ the Elections Comm! ion for two judicial board · he was formally declared winner. The commis ion decided to count the violation of the election code: "It is a matter of opinion " If the ituation wa analogou , ballots themselves, and Monday became the overspending their allotted $50 wheth r it wa absent·mindedne (the deci ion) would have been official run-off day. limit by 93¢, and not filing receipt or ignoring the election code ," unfair," said Ra ymond. "But the But it just didn't work out. The polls, and copie of poster with the AS commented Bruce Napell , member ituation unqu t ion ably wa n't." scheduled to open at 9 am, instead opened at before the poster were posted. of the Election Commi ion . "In Likewise, Mark Ma ara, noon because of a delay in the printing of ''I'm not plea ed and I don't either ca e it wa a violation of ind pendent candidate for the ballots. think 760 tuden t wi ll be either," code, and the Election presidency, wa c ited for To maintain its equity standards, the Harris said yesterday. " I Commi sion decided under the overexpenditure during la t commission extended the run-oifs through understand that if (a candidate) circumstances that removing him month's primar . Rather than half of Tuesday. goes over by one penny (h has) from the race was warranted. By picas ' (urn to page 4 Legislature moves to\Vard passage of anti-tuition bill BY RICK DOWER ' acramento Correspondent Following in the footstep thi ' week of their of higher education that wou Id be eff ted . A embly colleagues, a enate committee Arditti 'aid the mea urewould unfairly "tie pa sed a mea 'ure last week that amounts to a the hand " of th Regent · if they were faced legislative veto over the UC Board of Regent' wit h orne future finan cial di aster where right to charge tuition at the university. tuition mjght be the only solu tion . The Senate Education Committee approved en Walt tiern, (D-Baker field ) aid he wa: SB 963, authored by Yolo Coun ty Republican distrubed that the Regents can now legally Jim Nielsen, on a 7-0 vote and ent the bill to begin charging tuition at UC without the full Finance Committee. con ulting anyone else if they want ed to. The bill was approved with only about 20 "They have the authority to do it, who' minute of debate. The Univer ity still has the going to re train them?" Stiern asked. "They chance to rever e the decision at the later could go ahead waving that hi Id (of hearing or on the Senate floor . constitutionali ty) that they use every time an Niel en' bill , like a similar measure by i ue orne up." Charle Imbrecht, (R-Ventura) easily pa ed Student Lobby Co-dire tor Paul Rog rs told by an A 'embly committee yesterday, would the Senate committee that C Pre ident remove any financial incentive the Regent David axon has warned tuition might be would have to impose tuition at C by cutting impo ed if th state ever tried to cut th the Univer ity' state budget by th am Uni v r ity" budget by morethan five percent. amount. "I think, frankly, that the Uni er ity ee Both bill were drafted by th UC tudent tuition as th ea y way out." Rog raid. Lobby. Th two bill ' are the late t in a tring f Th nate hearing lacked th drama of the plcasl' turn to pug 7 A embly hearing the day before, when Democrati Speaker Willie Brown and Republican Leader Carol Hallet made an Photo contest winner almo t unprecedented joint appearance in upport of Imbrecht' bill. Daniel Roitman won fir t prize for the University lobbyi t t ve Arditte argued black and white photo at right in a befor the committ m mbers that Niel en' Contemporary Is ues photo contest on bill i, unne e ary becau e th Regent wou ld " nature," never d ide to impo tuition withou t e s tory and another photo on pag con 'ullinjllh Legi latur ~n other 'ewnent . 6. Thursday. May 7.1981 ,'hur;;day, May 7. 1981 2 The Guardian TIl(' Guardian 3 ---letters------------------------------- --here and now---------------------------- 'Guardian,' 'ni' misrepresented Gavin Detroit doesn't look at student needs WASHINGTON - Many the showroom floor. Detroit year off right, offering a make within 30 day. Tho e getting in return for higher Editor: newspapers discussing the derriere - except for the spending their time and associate at social events you.ng Americans are doing has unleashed a game· how generou rebate program asked to te t drive a luxury prices? Not added safety. Last Anyone who had faithfully same individual? Are readers involvement of the campus manpower on a regular basis planned by their obliging theIr country a favor this array of free bies and that reduced the prices of line Imperial are eligibl for hosts. week, GM announced a halt been reading the two campus simply being treated to a police, of course. In case your in an attempt to incarcerate spring and shopping for a gimmicks that won't many 1981 models by '500- their choice of three Cartier in it air bag program. It said newspapers last week would second-rate campus version chief interest in newspapers an individual who, according If anyone would care to new car.
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