2014 CENTRAL SECTION TOP T&F MARKS season # 99 As of 5-18 Correction / updates E-Mail ( [email protected]) Phone 559 875 3011; I need results from all meets or I can’t count the marks. We also need legal wind readings on these events : 100,200,HH, LJ,TJ. No marks will count if we don’t have wind readings:!!! (Note!! in 2013 to qualify for Area Meets & Seq Sie Championship You can enter wind readings from 0.0 – 4.0) (Nwi= no wind guage present: Those marks can’t count toward qualifying meets:) I know that it is easier to put info on athletic.net. But I don’t have the time to go to every school and individuals to get wind readings. I need results of all Major Meets please e-mailed to me. Thank you. Ron Blackwood section t&f historian Central Section top marks & history can be found on (sangertrackandfield.com) KEY: +++ frosh class; ++ soph class; + jr class. AT = all time list. SR = school record: W = wind readings that exceeds 2.1 nwi = no wind gauge present Seq = sequoia- Sie =sierra divisions. The rest are from the various Yosemite divisions. Na, Ca, Sa & SS place at their area meets. mm 1-8 (placed in the top 8; 2013 master’s meet) 2014 Central Section T&F Schedule Mar 1 Bobbie Bass Sprint Classic @ Clovis: Fowler Throwers Classic Mar 5 Buchanan Distance Stampeed Mar 7 Kings County Championships @ Hanford Mar 8 Sanger Spring Classic: Redcat Relays @ Fowler Mar 14 Clovis East T&F Carnival- Seq-Sie schools Kern Invit @ Liberty-bk lg schools; George Olsen Invit @ Coalinga Mar 15 Clovis East T&F Carnival- Lg schools; Mt Whitney Pioneer Inivt; Mar 21 Buchanan Auto Time; Frontier-Bkd F/S invit; Washington Union F/S invit Mar 22 Golden West-vis Invit; Larry White Invit @ Sierra Pacific-Hanford Rafer Johnson Invit @ Kingsburg; West Side Small School @ Mendota Mar 26 Cmac / Nyl relays @ host Madera 27 Titan F/S top 16 @ liberty-bk host frontier 28 Exeter Monarch Invit; Clovis West F/S Showcase 29 Central Valley Classic @ Clovis North; Wilma Sams Invit @ Tulare Westerm Wildcat Invitational @ Taft Apr 4 Mike Young Invit @ Tulare Western WCR’s F/S @ Clovis East 5 West Coast Relays @ Buchanan-clo Apr 11 Yosemite Mt Invit @ Oakhurst; Lemoore Kiwanis Invit G.Adams / J.White Invit- McFarland Apr 11-12 Arcadia Invitational Apr 15 Sanger Easter Classic 4-18-19 Mt Sac 4-20 Easter Apr 25 Sanger Metric Classic Patriot Games @ Liberty-bk D.Kavadas Tul County Invi @ Granite Hills-porterville (cancelled after 4 events lightening) Apr 28 Sierra Pacific Golden Bear invit-hanford Apr 30 WsieL @ Mendota WseqL @ Fowler May 1 EsieL @ Farmersville May 2 Reedley Invit Foothill-bk Invit Dinuba Emperors Invit May 3 Corcoran Rotary Invit May 7 NseqL@ Wash U; CseqL @ Dinuba; SeqL @ RFK-delano ESeqL @ Sierra Pacific All Sierra Divisional @ coalinga SWyosL@ Lib- bk 8 Cmac @ san; Trac @ Clo W SEyosL & SyosL @ Bkd Coll EyosL @ RFK- delano 9 WyosL @ Rw NyosL @ Sunnyside TID BIT INFO: LEAGUE MEETS: WITHOUT WIND GUAGES; SO E Yos & So Yos Meets that DID NOT e-maile WIND READINGS; EyL; NyL; SoSeqL; E SeqL; C SeqL; W SieL; EsieL THANK YOU TO THE SWYL, TRAC, CMAC, SIE DIV; N SEQ L; So the events affected by wind readings may not be updated. May 14 (wed) Seq-Sie Championships @ Kingsburg 14 (wed) Area Meets No @ Clovis; Cen @ Tulare (TW); South @ Liberty-bk Top 3 automatic qualifies for the MASTER’S MEET from the North,Central, South Area Meets plus the Sequoia-Sierra championships Then the 6 best marks @ large from all of the above Meets May 24 (sat) Cenral Section Master’s Championships @ Buchanan Top 3 in each event qualifies for the STATE MEET Jun 6-7 California State Championships @ Buchanan These are the best marks for the Master’s Meet top1-2 3 in each area meet plus seq-sie & for those who (Q) QUALIFIED 2014 TOP T&F CENTRAL SECTION MARKS Week 12 (5-18) ## state leaders BOYS 100 meter dash: (11.1-11.34a) (ss11.1-11.34) (MM @ lg for St Meet 10.65a) Open record: 10.33a Marquez Holiwell, West-Bkd ‘95 MM record: 10.36a Marquez Holiwell, West-Bkd ‘95 CA open 10.25 Henry Thomas, Hawthorne, ‘85 CA meet 10.30a Riley Washington, Southwest,San Diego ‘92 Nat record 10.15a Henry Neal, Greenville-Greenville, TX ‘90 MM ’13 results: (1) 10.66a L.Matos, Gd V-bk (1.3); (2) 10.70a E.Whitlock, Mad (1.3); (3) 10.79a +C.Wheeler,Ed (1.3) (4) 10.87a +K.Nutt Jr, Ed (1.3) (5) 10.88a A.Owens, Bul (1.6) (6) 10.89a ++J.Souza, Kb (1.6) (7t) 10.95a +B.Wright, Ed (1.6) (7t) 10.95a +M.Crouch, CW (1.6) 2014 top marks: Mm 4 10.59a (1.7) ##3 na-1 Kevin Nutt Jr Edison fresno 5-2 Reedley Invit = #8 AT Mm 3 10.63a (1.7) ##5 na-2 Charles Wheeler Edison fresno 5-2 Reedley Invit = #18 AT Mn 6 10.73a (1.4) ss-1 + Joey Souza Kingsburg 5-14 Seq-Sie #1 @ kingsburg SR Mm 7t 10.87a (2.0) na-Q Marcus Crouch Clovis west 5-8 1- trac @ clo west 10.89a (1.7) na + Savion Simms Central 5-2 Reedledy Invit 10.90a (1.2?) na Nick Wilson Central 4-5 WCR @ Buchanan 10.90a (0.4) na-3 Kammeron Reed Edison fresno 4-8 1- cmac @ sanger 10.92a (1.7) na Eric Fernandez Bullard fresno 5-2 Reedley Invit 10.95a (1.6) sa-2 Corey Collins Stockdale Bakersfield 5-14 south area #2 @ liberty-bk 10.98a (1.6) ss-2 ++ Emmett Brooks Kingsburg 4-23 weekley duel vs Exe @ kb 10.99a (2.0) na Brailin Paulino Clovis West 5-8 2- trac @ clo west 11.00a (1.6) sa-3 + Anthony Mariscal Liberty Bakersfield 5-14 south area #3 @ liberty-bk Mm 7t 11.04a (0.4) na-Q Blake Wright Edison fresno 5-8 3- cmac @ sanger 11.04a (1.1) na-Q ++ Isaiah Robinson Buchanan clovis 5-14 north area #5 @ clovis 11.07a (1.1) na-Q ++ Lawrence Cairo Central 5-14 north area #6 @ clovis 11.08a (1.4) ss-3 Terrance Grinner Wasco 5-14 Seq-Sie #3 @ kingsburg 11.11a (1.6) sa-Q Adarius Rowel Stockdale bakersfield 5-14 south area #6 @ liberty-bk 11.14a (1.6) ss + Carlos Morfin Wasco 4-25 Patriot Games @ lib-bl ( ss#4) 11.14a (2.0) na Aurelio Valenzuela Buchanan clovis 5-8 6- trac @ clo west 11.16a (1.7) sa + Marcus Watkins Bakersfield 5-2 Reedley Invit 11.16a (2.0) ca-1 + Abram Lyons Tulare Union 5-14 central area#1 @ tulare 11.18a (1.6) sa + Rayvon Hooper Ridgeview Bakersfield 5-14 south area #8 @ liberty-bk 11.19a (1.2?) ca + LeAndre Jefferson Mission Oak tulare 4-5 WCR @ Buchanan 11.20a (1.0) ca-3 Andrew Maxwell Hanford 4-28 Golden Bear Invit @ sie pac 11.20a (2.0) na Matt Bowen Buchanan clovis 5-8 8- trac @ clo west 11.20a (1.8) na De’Jonte O’Neal Bullard fresno 5-14 north area 9t @ clovis 11.21a (1.6) sa Jeremiah Reddick Bakersfield 5-14 south area #10 @ liberty-bk 11.22a (1.70 ss ++ Ryan Ross Central Valley Christian Visalia 5-14 Seq-Sie #5 @ kingsburg 11.23a (2.0) ca-3 Jon Hainsworth Mt Whitney Visalia 5-14 central are a#3 @ Tulare 11.23a (1.1) na Fabian Serna Clovis 5-14 north area #11 @ clovis 11.23a (1.4) ss ++ Seth Brooks Kingsburg 5-14 Seq-Sie #6 @ kingsburg 11.24a (1.1) na ++ Joshua Valenzuela Buchanan clovis 5-14 north area #14 @ clovis 11.25a (0.4) na + Victor Trigos Madera 5-8 4- cmac @ sanger 11.25a (1.8) na ++ Charles Williams Bullard freso 5-14 north area #14 @ clovis 11.27a (-1.5) sa-1 Mason Rollins Mira Monte bakersfield 5-2 Dinuba Invit 11.27a (1.6) sa Xavier Chisholm Stockdale Bakersfield 5-14 south area #12 @ liberty-bk 11.31a (0.7) sa Justen Delk North bakersfield 3-22 Rafer Johnson @ kingsburg 11.31a (1.8) na + Jeremy Wheeler Bulalrd fresno 5-14 north area #15 @ clovis 11.32a (1.8) ca + Robert Rivera Delano 5-8 2- EyosL @ rfk-delano 11.33a (-0.5) ca Willshawn Beasley Hanford West 3-22 Golden West-vis invit 11.33a (1.2?) sa + Dion Anderson West bakersfield 4-5 WCR @ Buchanan 11.34a (0.1) sa Malik Nicoles East bakersfield 4-25 Patriot Games @ lib-bk 11.35a (0.8) na Tymon Locklin Clovis North 3-21 Buchanan Auto time 11.35a (1.2?) sa ++ Darius Smith Ridgeview bakersfield 4-5 WCR @ Buchanan 11.37a (1.2) na Greg Porter Clovis 4-9 2w cw @ clovis 11.38a (1.8) sa Noah Frazier Centennial bakersfield 3-19 swyl #1 @ liberty-bk 11.38a (1.00 ss + Jusrin Douglas Coalinga 4-28 Golden Bear Invit @ sie pac 11:39a (1.7) sa ++ Ben Hibbert Frontier bakersfield 3-27 Titan F/S top 16 @ liberty-bk 11.40a (1.5) sa Daris Dallas Bakersfield 3-14 Kern invit @ liberty-bk 11.40a (1.4) ss Edgar Sequra Mendota 5-14 Seq-Sie #7t @ kingsburg 11.40a (1.7) ss Elijah Cunningham Woodlake 5-14 Seq-Sie #7t @ kingsburg 11.40a (1.4) ca ++ Tyler Gonzalez Monache porterville 5-14 central area # 4 @ tulare 11:41a (1.1) ss Wade Wallace Liberty madera ranchos 4-28 Golden Bear Invit @ sie pac 11.42a (1.2?) ss +++ Noah Beuker Washington U easton 4-5 WCR @ Buchanan 11.42a (1.3) ss Robert Gutierrez Farmersville 5-7 2- Sierra Div @ coalinga 11.46a (1.9) ss Johanthen Pavich Farmersville 5-1 1- EsieL @ farmersville 11.67a (0.3) ss Elijah Cunningham Woodlake 3-8 Redcat relays Wind aided: 10.76a (2.2) Mason Rollins Mira Monte-bk 5-14 SoArea #1 10.85a (3.7) + Anthony Mariscal Liberty-bk 5-7 SWyl @ liberty 10.89a (2.2) Marcus Crouch Clovis West 5-2 Reedley Invit 11.00a (2.5) ++ Lawrence Cairo Central 5-1 fresno county f/s 11’06a (3.7) + Marcus Watkins Bakersfield 5-7 SWyl @ liberty 11.08a 2.5 ++ Fabian Serna Clovis 5-1 fresno county f/s 11.09a (2.2) SA-Q++ Darius Smith Ridgeview-bk 5-14 south area # 4 200 meter dash (22.7 – 22.94a) (ss23.1 -23.34) (MM @ lg for st meet 21.63a) Open record: 20.5 Marquez Holiwell, West-bkd ‘95 21.06a Marquez Holiwell, West-bkd ‘95 MM record: 21.15a Ronald McCree, Madera ‘86 CA open 20.43a Bryshon Nellum, Poly-Long Beach ‘07 CA meet 20.43a Bryshon Nellum, Poly-Long Beach ‘07 Nat record 20.13a Roy Martin, Roosevelt-Dallas,TX ‘85 MM ’13 results: (1) 21.59aw L.Matos, Gd V-bk (2.5); (2) 21.83aw +C.Wheeler, Ed (2.5); (3) 21.92aw +K.Nutt,Jr, Ed (2.5) (4) 21.96aw +J.Herrera, TW (2.2)
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