TELEVANGELIST SUMMARIES September 1986 PAT ROBERTSON Civil servants ..... .............................................................................. .. 110 De-population of the West ....•••••....•.................•. lll Healing ..................•...•.•.....................• 120-121 LEVIN, MICHAEL Women's rights •••...•...•........•............•...... 121 People For the American Way .........•...•..•• l0?-109, 114-115 Philippines •.............•.•.............................• 120 South Africa .. ..................................................................... 112, 121 JIMMY SWAGGART AIDS ........................................................................................... 122 Catholicism ....•..•.••.•...•.•••................. 113, 122-123 JAMES KENNEDY Church-state separation ..•........•. l04-106, 116-117, 118-120 DONAHUE WITH PAT ROBERTSON 9-29-86 TELEVANGELIST SUMMARIES September 1-15, 1986 Church and State JAMES KENNEDY ""I:2.<1£.L.~.<?____ q_~y-~ ___ g_\"_'?_C'___ !!J_9_Y_j._p_g_ ___:i,_Q ___ ~___ g_tr.<?.9J..L9.!L!!.!L:i£h ...~-H-\"_l!lJ?.~_/? ___ j;_9____ <:!f!.Y th_<!_~ __ tJl.?.L!l'_~_<!_!!_<:~ __ Jo_~-~-j;___ I.:_~_l_:i.e;_:i,Q_!! ___ t?____ t_q ___ \.>_~____ l!_q ___ p_?_r_t:.___ L!! __ J;Jl_<g__ n.!'_i<A.2.lL~.!? lJJ'-~ __ ..Q.f__ _j;_~_ _:i,__~----2.Q..!!.llY . .!:L I n f a c t , I r e m e m b e r a w e l l - k n ow n commentator saying to me on a national broadcast that this was to ·be a secular government ••• And this attitude is repeated by countless numbers of others today, that God cannot be mentioned in the public schools or our national life, that the Scriptures and prayers have been removed from our schools, and continuing efforts are being made by the atheistic organizations to remove every vestige of Christianity from the public life of America." (AFTER QUOTING THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE ABOUT ALL MEN HAVING BEEN Q~-~AIE~ EQUAL WITH CERTAIN INALIENABLE RIGHTS): "Yov. notice, my friends, that it declares that they were created equal. It does not say that they emerged from the primordial slime equally. It does not say that they emerged from the primordial slime equally. It does not say that they evolved equally. But it says that they were created equal. !i. .£.\'! __g ___ ~-~---yj._j;_~~-~-Y--.A!!!P.QEJ; a p_!;_ __ f2L ..~.'2---~-g ___ !'_'?_':\J_j._;e_£?___ j;_~-~L1.!lL.Y~.!:.Y f.:_C2_\LQ_q_'!_i<_:i,Q_ll__gf_ __~!!!~I.:.:i,.C!f! __ .\'!_~_<:~ ___~_1!.:\oH ...~P..2.l! __th.~ __q_q_Q_q_\"J?L.th_~_t __ .\'!_\" __ h_<!.!! . .J:l~~.!! ~~-"!.l<.\".Q __\.>.Y ___ g_9_2 and given by God certain in al ie nabl e rights. And tho:t governments were instituted merely to protect those rights w h i c h c a me f r om G o d • !i_<?_~_L ___!_f ___ .\'!!L_£_\"_1;, ___ £LL.2f.__ j;_]l_\" ___ £Q_Q_Q_'?_P..L __g_f :i,R_a_L:i,_~_Q_<!!?.L\" __ LLS..!?.t'L.&~_Y..'?_!l___ !?_y_ ___Q_q_q ___t_~_\"_Q ___~_\" ___ L9. s e___ 1!?.<?___ v~rLLC2.!!R_qf!_t i o.!! q_L_9_l_l_!'___ ~-~-!?.<?_!'_j;_ _j._§.;'l ___ .\'!]l_:i,£)1_!!~-r:-~---""-"-t,-~_l!_U_'2J:l~.<i-~-C'---j;_\:l_~---P..~£1-.?.!:?_j;_j._9.!l.o ..._A n d teh.'!.t __:i,_'2 __!!_~Y.. ___t,_~_\" ___~_y_q_Ll!.teA2.'2.'!I.:Y.. ___i;,~A-2h_:i,_Q£ __ _QJ'_g_\!I.: ___i<_:i!!.\"_:i:_<:~ ___<:~_q ___cjA_!!.£~_r_:_q~§ t.£ ___th~---~-"!_'2_:i,_q __ lH§..r.:.H.~-"---~<h.'!...l<_.\'!_\" ___~_Qj_qY.._,_ 122 .. Y...<?!-! •• .'2.<?1 __~_<!_\" ___i<hA_t __ _:i,f__!!!_<!_Q __\!A_'2 __Q_q_t_q_r_~"!-L~cJ--!?.Y..---Q.Q_q_,_ __ g __ I.:A.l<.!L\"£ ~-~-.!!L\".r..<?.l-.Y.. ___ §.y_q_LY.<?..si___ \.>L_§..9..!!!_\" ___ .Qg_g_9_§l_j;_§..Q_~_tt2.n ___ 2.L.. !!.!!!_:i,_Q_() ____ ~_g_ts!.!". ___ ~l!.2 1!!_'2..L\"_2_t!.L~_'2 __ _j._p____ ~_Q ___ §l_!l_£_j._~_!l_L_'2~_"!.1. ___ t\:l_~_!f__ ll~-.!L~-"--1'-'2.. ..A.l!AE!"_f!A!.>_l-_§. __ r.:i:_g_t!_t_'2.! The only rights which he has are those rights which the government may see fit to grant unto him, and those rights which are granted by governments may be withdrawn at their pleasure, and that is precisely the situation that exists in every atheistic, Communistic country in the world today. My friends, without a belief in a Creator, there are no absolute and i n a l i e n a b 1 e r i g h t s , t h e r e f o r e ~Y..\"I.:Y.. ___ ~_9_\!.9_()_1_ __g_L~_'2_'2!.:2.'2Jl! ..J:I_\:l_t9_\:l_ is ~-l!.<!_~_r..!!!_:i.o_l!J.!.'.& ___ t\:l_~___ Q_9_!l.£.\"J?_Lg_L __Q.r.:~_"!_i;,l_q_Q ___ t~____ :i,_l}_q_\"_~_cj ___ \!_!l_sl_~_!'_!!l_~_p__j._p_g_ ___i;,h§ 12.."!_'2_:i,_~ __ gL__g_l!£ __lL!!_~_tA_\"_"! __ A_n d ---"~I.: __ r_:i,_gh_t_<:~_,_ " "And so, my friends, we see from our discoveries that the documents that formed this country, the ideals of those that framed them, the convictions of those that settled this land, all of the constitutions of the various states, the inaugurals of all of our Presidents, the statements of all of the constitutions of our fifty states, the inscriptions upon the monuments in our VOLUME 6, Issue 9 1September, 1986 104 nation's Capitol, unmistakably testified that l!!!_:i,_"! ___ L~----""--1)-~j;j._gJ.l \!}1_Q_~_r.. ___ Q_g_g_L __ f_Q_Q_t1_<:!_~_g___ _L9_!:'____ t_l)_~---_LI,l_!:'_j;_!l__~_r:_!_t)_g_ ___Q_f ____ t_J.:l_~----Q-g_~_P..§._l_ ___ ~_t)_Q____ t_h~ l£.!:..!!K<:!_«!I! ___gf_ __ g_t!_!: __ .\,_g_!:_<:! __ L~_"!_\!_~---~!!I.:L"!_i!_,_ " "These and many others are examined by the Supreme Court of the United States back in 1892 and after examining these carefully in what is known as the Trinity decision, the Supreme Court of the United States reached this conclusion: "This is a religious people, this is a Christian nation." The abundance of documentary evidence clearly indicated that that was the only conclusion that could be reached." "Indeed, there are organizations today of atheists and other unbelievers and separatists who would try to do exactly what the Communists ordered in that protocol, to get rid of every vestige of religion, to push the idea of the separation of Church and State, which, of course, is not found in the Constitution, that was taken from a private letter to the Danbury Baptists in 1802, eleven years after the First Amendment was passed, and it does not represent accurately what the First Amendment says, And, therefore, they want to push this to the extreme position and get rid of all of the Christian and religious foundations of this country. J;_~.!!!---~-l!F-_~ ___t.h_"!_l! __ i t: __ i_h~-R~QR.!e_E: __EQ_ll_ __'\:.!i._E: __ }!!:l_E:_I.!I_~AILJ'!AX_,_ ___~.Q::_~All~_g_. W:_~I.:-~ ___ j;_ he __ .Q_t1_~-~---li_Q_g ___ !/_~r._~___ .f.Q_\!.!}.Q._:i,E_g __ _1;_l!_il2 ___ _c_g_g~j;_.r_y___ tg_<:!AY ___ t_l]~_L_t)_9.1___ .Qp e "!Ll)_g_ 1 e --~-'L£!! __ .§_§._t1_tL~-~-t)_j;___ A~ ___ §l_u_ __ g_t:__!;_ll_~-~-~-_j_q_~-~-t_l_~ __ J.l_r____ "!_Q_9I.:_~_"! ___ !-_h.!!-_L.! l]_""-~---~-~l)_!;_j._QE_E!_st___ t_g_y_g_l,l ___ t_g_Q_§l_Y_o ___ \i..2.!!.l_<:! __ Q§. ___ f.2..t!_t_l_Q_ __ _:i,_t_l ___ .Q.\!J.: ___ Q_f!.H on_f!.! l!!'!...t:~c.L"!g_~~-----A.r!_<:! __ Y!'!.b.._i.h..~"!~--£-~-«.P..J._~ __gg ___t_l_q_t_,_ __.£_!!_<:! __ 1 e t...!I!!'!. ___"!AY.. __"!.I!;_f!l_t_l_,_ __d o t_l.Q_t __ _!:_~£.!:_~_"!..~-t1-L_t!!_~--~.!!!!'!...t:_:i,_c:Lf!_t1 ___\:!_"!Y~------'!:h_~ __ _r:_~_r:-~_"!_~t_l_t_"! __ _tg_t_f!_l. ___<:!_~.£.!'-Lt u r ~ t:J.:.Q!!! ___\;)>.§ ___ !!_~_t_()_r_:i,_~---~-~...!'.l:.J._9_?_t)___ .!!Ay_,__L~i_l.!_tg_\l___ i_"!)___ 9l_'§'_?_t:l:t_ __ j._p_g_j._ _c_§l_!-_~_f!. ___~ f!_l__l_ ___ g_f_ ___t!!_li! ___ g_g_g_l,l_~_ e n_j;.§_, __ _Jl._t_l_<:!__!l_~l}_ __ g_f_fi.c_j._.§'_llY.. ___"!..tAi_e d __ l>_L_!-_\l_~--~-l!.J2£_~!1!~ 9..<Ll!£_L..\'L_l!hL"!_La n_<ic __ _l:~L_\!_~ ___t1.Q..t ___\?_€1_d e c e i v e _g ___~_t_lY ___t:_l!..t:_t_l]_<~.r_\?y __ t h ~!!I • " "I believe that the time is long passed for Christians to stand on their feet and say "Thus far and no farther." We have had e n o u g h o f t h i s • 1:1-~---9-~l)__ ..!.l o __l_o n.l!;§._r: __§ll_l o w ___.£_ u c_h..._jl_ _!!l..Q..Y_~-~_§_l}_j;__§l.§__t_\_l i s t_g_ ___r...!'_<:!_\!_.C_§. ___t_l]_L"!.. __ .e;_r:_~_tl ___!'!.~ t i _o n ___1!_9..._§1 __ ...§..!'!._~_\!L~!'...i_"!_L_h..,_!D_~ni_~U_q__,_ ~_t_l]_~_t'2..ti_~--~-gj;_EL_ w~5'X!'!._ALl.
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