LAB CODE TEST NAME CPT4 CODE CaroMont LAB219 (ASO) Antistreptolysin O Screen Sunquest Code:ASOS Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB530 17 Hydroxprogesterone Quantitative by HPLC-MS/MS, Serum or Plasma Sunquest Code:17PROG Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB1078 A1A Phenotype (Includes Alpha-1-Antitrypsin) Sunquest Code:A1APH Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB1000 ABO/Rh Type 86900 86901 Sunquest Code:ABRH CaroMont LAB43 Acetaminophen (Tylenol) 80143 Sunquest Code:ACT CaroMont LAB1054 ACHR Modulating Antibody Sunquest Code:ACRM Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB5000 Acid Fast Bacillus (AFB) Culture: Other 87116 87206 Sunquest Code:AFBO CaroMont LAB266 Acid Fast Bacillus (AFB) Stain Only 87206 Sunquest Code:AFSO CaroMont LAB1877 Acute Hepatitis Panel 80074 Sunquest Code:AHPA CaroMont LAB132 Alanine Aminotransferase (SGPT) 84460 Sunquest Code:ALT CaroMont LAB45 Albumin 82040 Sunquest Code:ALB CaroMont LAB46 Alcohol, Ethyl Blood, Ethanol 80320 001 (G0480) Sunquest Code:ETOH CaroMont LAB1073 Aldolase Sunquest Code:ALD Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB1074 Aldosterone Sunquest Code:ALDS Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB112 Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) 84075 Sunquest Code:ALKP CaroMont LAB5132 Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes Sunquest Code:ALKPIO Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB5105 Allergens (19) Foods Sunquest Code:FDAL Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB1068 Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP), Serum (Tumor Marker) Sunquest Code:AFP Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB1077 Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Sunquest Code:A1A Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB47 Ammonia 82140 Sunquest Code:NH3 CaroMont LAB1270 Amniostat- FLM PG 84081 Sunquest Code:FLM CaroMont LAB357 Amphetamine Screen, Urine 80301 Sunquest Code:SYM CaroMont LAB1913 Amylase Isoenzymes Sunquest Code:AMIS Place Of Service:LabCorp Page 1 of 187 LAB CODE TEST NAME CPT4 CODE CaroMont LAB48 Amylase, Blood 82150 Sunquest Code:AMY CaroMont LAB358 Amylase, Random Urine 82150 Sunquest Code:UAMY CaroMont LAB359 Amylase, Timed Urine 82150 Sunquest Code:QUAMY CaroMont LAB1007 Anaerobic: Bacterial Culture 87075 Sunquest Code:ANAC CaroMont LAB518 Androstenedione Sunquest Code:AND Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB179 Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Sunquest Code:ANCE Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB1626 Anti- TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase Autoantibodies) 86376 Sunquest Code:TPOA CaroMont LAB1691 Anti-Cardiolipin Antibodies (Anti-Phospholipid) Sunquest Code:CAB Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB5113 Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Sunquest Code:AMH Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB3235 Anti-Nuclear Antibody(ANA), IgG by Elisa w/Reflex to ANA by IFA and to dsDNA, RNP, Smith, SSA and SSB Antibodies Sunquest Code:ANARF Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB1609 Anti-TG (Thyroglobulin Autoantibodies,IgG Class) 86800 Sunquest Code:THYABA CaroMont LAB311 Anti-Thrombin, Enzymatic Sunquest Code:AT3E Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB278 Antibody Screen/Indirect Antiglobulin, Indirect Coombs 86850 Sunquest Code:AB CaroMont LAB275 Antibody Titration 86886 Sunquest Code:ABT CaroMont LAB5140 Anticardiolipin Antibodies (ACA), IgA, IgG, IgM, Quantitative Sunquest Code:CABAGM Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB5095 Anticentromere B Antibodies Sunquest Code:CTROMB Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB5092 Antihistone Antibodies Sunquest Code:ANTHIS Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB5103 Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody (ANCA) Profile Sunquest Code:ANCAP Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB147 Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) BY IFA, Reflex to 9 Biomarker Profile Sunquest Code:ANA Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB3102 Antinuclear Antibody (ANA) Sunquest Code:ANAIFA Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB5129 Antipancreatic Islet Cells Sunquest Code:ISLET Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB5001 Arterial Whole Blood COOX, LYTES, GLU, CAI, WBLA, PH (Code Blue Panel) 82375 82810 83050 Sunquest Code:AWBP 84295 84132 82435 82330 82497 83605 Page 2 of 187 LAB CODE TEST NAME CPT4 CODE CaroMont LAB131 Aspartate Aminotransferase (SGOT) 84450 Sunquest Code:AST CaroMont LAB1102 Aspergillus Galactomannan Antigen by EIA Sunquest Code:ASPGAL Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB106 B-Type Natriuretic Peptide 83880 Sunquest Code:BNP CaroMont LAB1104 Barbiturate Screen 80301 (G0479) Sunquest Code:BARU Place Of Service:CRMT CaroMont LAB15 Basic Metabolic Panel 80048 Sunquest Code:C7 CaroMont LAB367 Benzodiazepines, Urine 80301 (G0479) Sunquest Code:BENU Place Of Service:CRMT CaroMont LAB456 Beta Hydroxybutyrate 82010 Sunquest Code:BHYD CaroMont LAB49 Beta-2 Microglobulin Sunquest Code:B2MS Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB5110 Bile Acids Sunquest Code:BACID Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB5118 Bile Acids, Fractionated and Total, LC/MS-MS Sunquest Code:BILEA Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB168 Bilirubin, Total / Indirect, (Blood) 82247 82248 Sunquest Code:TDBIL CaroMont LAB5043 Bilirubin, Total Whole Blood 82247 Sunquest Code:WBTBIL CaroMont LAB52 Bilirubin,Direct (Blood) 82248 Sunquest Code:DBIL CaroMont LAB50 Bilirubin,Total (Blood) 82247 Sunquest Code:TBIL CaroMont LAB5116 BK Virus Quantitation, Real-time DNA PCR Sunquest Code:BKPCR Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB1116 Blastomyces Antibody CF & ID Sunquest Code:BLAS Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB246 Blood Culture: Acid Fast Bacillus (AFB) Sunquest Code:AFBL Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB462 Blood Culture: Bacterial 87040 Sunquest Code:ARD CaroMont LAB242 Blood Culture: Fungal Sunquest Code:FCBL Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB1714 Blood Gas: Cord(Umbilical Artery) 82805 Sunquest Code:ACORD CaroMont LAB2039 Blood Gas: Cord(Umbilical Venous) 82805 Sunquest Code:VCORD CaroMont LAB76 Blood Gas: Arterial 82805 Sunquest Code:ABG CaroMont LAB78 Blood Gas: Capillary 82805 Sunquest Code:CBG CaroMont LAB79 Blood Gas: Venous 82805 Sunquest Code:VBG Page 3 of 187 LAB CODE TEST NAME CPT4 CODE Sunquest Code:VBG CaroMont LAB1009 Bordetella Culture PCR 87081 Sunquest Code:BORDE CaroMont LAB1951 Borrelia Species by PCR (Lyme Disease) Sunquest Code:BSDNAO Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB5003 Bronchial: AFB Culture 87116 87206 87015 Sunquest Code:AFBB CaroMont LAB1829 Bronchial: Bacterial Culture 87070 87205 Sunquest Code:BWAC CaroMont LAB5004 Bronchial: Fungal Culture 87102 87205 Sunquest Code:FUNC CaroMont LAB140 BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) 84520 Sunquest Code:BUN CaroMont LAB521 C-Peptide Sunquest Code:CPET Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB149 C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Regular / Plain 86140 Sunquest Code:CRP CaroMont LAB1161 C1-Esterase Inhibitor Sunquest Code:C1ES Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB1163 Caffeine 80155 Sunquest Code:CAFF CaroMont LAB53 Calcium (Blood) 82310 Sunquest Code:CA CaroMont LAB54 Calcium, Ionized (ICA) 82330 Sunquest Code:CAI CaroMont LAB371 Calcium, Random Urine 82340 Sunquest Code:UCA CaroMont LAB1128 Calcium, Timed Urine 82340 Sunquest Code:QUCA CaroMont LAB1594 Calculi (Stone) Analysis Sunquest Code:STANA Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB5111 Calprotectin, Fecal Sunquest Code:CALPRO Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB1126 Cancer Antigen -GI (CA 19-9) Sunquest Code:CN199 Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB155 Cancer Antigen 125 Sunquest Code:C125R Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB1127 Cancer Antigen 27.29 Sunquest Code:CA27 Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB5142 Candida Antibodies, IgA, IgG, IgM, ELISA Sunquest Code:CANAB Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB21 Carbamazepine, Carbamazepam, (Tegretol) 80156 Sunquest Code:CARB CaroMont LAB55 Carbon Dioxide 82374 Sunquest Code:CO2 CaroMont LAB56 Carboxyhemoglobin 82375 Sunquest Code:HBCO CaroMont LAB57 Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) 82378 Sunquest Code:CEA Page 4 of 187 LAB CODE TEST NAME CPT4 CODE Sunquest Code:CEA CaroMont LAB1132 Cardiac Enzymes (CPK & CKMB ISOENZYME) 82550 82553 Sunquest Code:ENZ CaroMont LAB1168 Catecholamines, Plasma Sunquest Code:CATEP Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB294 CBC Hemogram with Platelet / without Differential 85027 Sunquest Code:OABC CaroMont LAB1725 CBC with Platelet and Automated Differential 85025 Sunquest Code:CBCA CaroMont LAB342 CD4 Percent and Absolute(Lymphocyte Subset Panel 2) Sunquest Code:CD4R Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB5094 Celiac Antibodies tTG IgA/IgG With DGP IgA/IgG Positive/Negative Combination Screen Sunquest Code:TGDGP Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB3044 Celiac Disease Reflexive Panel Sunquest Code:CELRP Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB1174 Ceruloplasmin Sunquest Code:CERUP Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB244 Chlamydia trachomatis Culture Sunquest Code:CHLCU Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB374 Chloride, Random Urine 82436 Sunquest Code:UCL CaroMont LAB1146 Chloride, Timed Urine 82436 Sunquest Code:QUCL CaroMont LAB3239 Chloride, Whole Blood 82435 Sunquest Code:WBCL CaroMont LAB59 Chloride,Blood 82435 Sunquest Code:CL CaroMont LAB60 Cholesterol,Blood 82465 Sunquest Code:CHOL CaroMont LAB1549 Clinitest (Urine) 81005 Sunquest Code:CLNI CaroMont LAB1182 Clozapine Sunquest Code:CLOZ Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB1427 Co-Oximeter Analysis 82375 82810 83050 Sunquest Code:COOX CaroMont LAB2286 Coagulation Profile 85610 85730 85384 Sunquest Code:CP CaroMont LAB378 Cocaine Screen, Urine 80301 (G0479) Sunquest Code:COCU CaroMont LAB1151 Cold Agglutinins 86156 Sunquest Code:COLD CaroMont LAB152 Complement 3 Sunquest Code:C3R Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB151 Complement 4 Sunquest Code:CC4 Place Of Service:LabCorp CaroMont LAB154 Complement Activity Enzyme Immunoassay, Total (CH50) Sunquest Code:COMT Place Of Service:LabCorp Page
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