FOREWORD BY JOHN BEVERE Copyright © 2017 by Dennis Rouse All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmited in any form or by any means"electronic, mechanical, photo- copy, recording, or otherwise"except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior writen permission of the publisher. Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version.® Copyright © 1982 by Tomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NIV are from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION,® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked MSG are taken from Te Message. Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group. Te Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV) is adapted from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE,® Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by Te Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked CEV are taken from the Contemporary English Version,® Copyright © 1995 American Bible Society. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked TLB are taken from Te Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Jacket design by Chad Price and the Victory Experience Team. Interior layout and formating by Anne McLaughlin. ISBN: 978-1-947505-01-8 Published by Baxter Press First printing 2017 Printed in the United States CONTENTS Foreword 9 Introduction 11 CHAPTER 1 A Disciple Is . Passionately Commited to Jesus Christ 15 CHAPTER 2 A Disciple Has . Extraordinary Love for People 37 CHAPTER 3 A Disciple Has . Te Heart of a Servant 57 CHAPTER 4 A Disciple Is . Sensitive and Submited to the Holy Spirit 73 CHAPTER 5 A Disciple Is . Governed by the Authority of God’s Word 93 CHAPTER 6 A Disciple . Lives Morally Pure 113 CHAPTER 7 A Disciple Is . Evangelistically Bold 135 CHAPTER 8 A Disciple . Engages in Biblical Community 153 CHAPTER 9 A Disciple Is . Just and Generous 173 CHAPTER 10 A Disciple . Lives on Purpose 193 Endnotes 215 How to Lead a Group Using 10 217 About the Author 221 Resources 223 FOREWORD y wife Lisa and I have had the honor of being close friends with Pastor Dennis and his wife Colleen for over twenty-fve years. Tey are both on our Board of Directors. MTey not only help us with Messenger International’s administrative di- rection, but they also serve as part of a small group of pastors who oversee and speak into our lives. Lisa and I have had the privilege of meeting and geting to know nu- merous leaders in our travels. Over the years, we’ve learned it’s not the gif or anointing on a leader’s life that maters most; rather, it’s the life they lead in private that gives enduring success. We’ve spent a lot of time with Dennis and Colleen and have observed their constant commitment to live close to Jesus and refect His character. It’s a daily process, and they do it beautifully. Dennis and Colleen lead a very large and diverse community of be- lievers who are passionate followers of Jesus. Tey understand there is so much more to being a disciple than just professing to belong to Jesus, showing up to church on Sunday, or periodically reading a few scriptures. We are called into a relationship with God, and through that intimate re- lationship, we become His disciples. Too ofen we depend on a set of rules to give us a predictable out- come. Dennis reminds us that it’s not about the rules, but instead, it’s about the relationship. God wants us to enjoy the journey with Him. He wants us to experience His love, and He wants to teach us how to be His 10 followers. When Jesus walked with His disciples, He showed them how to live. We have that very same opportunity. God invites us to enjoy a richer, fuller life with Him, and as a result, to change our world. What greater calling can we ask for? As you read, I encourage you to press in and be expectant. Tis book will refresh your soul and give you a new perspective on what it means to follow Jesus. I’m so grateful Pastor Dennis wrote this book. I’m confdent that these pages will bring you closer to God in a way that empowers you to be a passionate and devoted follower of Christ! — John Bevere Bestselling Author and Minister Cofounder of Messenger International INTRODUCTION e’re about to take a journey! Not just an ordinary journey, but a journey into the very heart of what it means to move from merely being a believer in Jesus to becoming His fully commiWted disciple! Te only reason you would read this book is because you’re searching for something more than you’ve experienced with God. In fact, that was my journey. Many years ago, I started studying the life of Christ and real- ized that much of what we call Christianity is sadly lacking in substance and passion. In other words, many Christians aren’t true refections of Jesus to the world. Tis book was born from a burden I’ve had for many years: I’ve watched the church slowly slide away from the challenging values and high purposes of Jesus to the misguided conclusion that our purpose is only to feel beter about ourselves"even if we’re not living out the plan God designed for us. In John’s prophetic book, Revelation, Jesus warned that a church was becoming lukewarm because its people had traded their passion for God for worldly pursuits. I want you to take a moment before you read any further and ask yourself, “Where am I in my relationship with God? Am I just a believer in Jesus who does ‘the church thing’ every now and then as long as nothing else comes up, or am I passionately pursuing what it means to be a fully commited disciple of Christ?” Don’t answer too quickly. Tink about it. And it might help to ask yourself how Jesus would answer this question about you. 12 10 TURNING POINT Years ago, I was at a crisis point in my faith. Something was wrong, but I couldn’t put my fnger on it. I was trying really hard to please God, but I felt dry, burned out, used up. I drove up to the mountains in North Georgia to be alone, fast and pray, and see if I could fgure it out. Sometimes in all our busyness, we can drif away from God’s grace as the source of our joy and strength. At the time, everything in my life looked good on the out- side. Te church I was pastoring was experiencing incredible growth, and people’s lives were being touched around me every day in a very powerful way, yet I felt like I was running on empty most of the time. Afer I arrived at my hotel, I walked out on the balcony and looked out across the beauti- ful mountains. I began to realize I needed to push the reset buton on my life and allow God to talk with me. As I began to pray, I felt like God asked me a question, “How do you feel about yourself right now?” I told Him, “I feel empty. I just don’t feel like I measure up to what You expect out of me!” Afer a few moments of silence, I was even more honest. I said, “I’m batling the sense I’m losing my passion for You!” Ten the Lord said, “How do you think I feel about you?” Instantly I blurted out, “Disappointed.” I sensed the Lord telling me, “What you’re experiencing is very com- mon. It’s Satan’s plan for people to defne themselves by their successes and failures instead of My unconditional love, forgiveness, and accep- tance. When that happens, they eventually feel condemned, pressured, and hopeless. Tat’s the trap: defning your life by how well you measure up to some standard of performance instead of My grace and love. Every struggle you have in your fesh is a result of moving away from My love. When you try to earn approval by performance, shame will crush you and drive you away from Me.” Introduction 13 Tat was it! Tat’s the answer! Te reason we sin afer we’ve “When you try to earn approval by been born again is that we’ve moved performance, shame will crush you away from God’s love. Without His love, we’re lef with only our per- and drive you away from Me.” formance to defne us. When we succeed"at least, more than other people"we feel superior. When we fail, guilt and shame dominate our hearts and cloud every thought, action, and relationship. At that point, everything we do is an atempt to fll the void created by the absence of God’s love.
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