' * I . ; . I ' : : 1 I 1 • 1 V y ' F » THE LOUISVILLE JOURNAL. V<HJ mi: X\i\. NUMBER 10b MIS< ELLAiNEOl S. FOR I.<H ISVILI.E JOl KNAL, SALE OR REXT. ' CiiAitrrv. — Mun M.irw I Jirt-.M. i*Hi I* f'» pretenling to lie a CITV oiti>iN.AN£i;.s.ic. A***- : i m Laif if/afer uf't 'iartf*, went Fiini. Broadway Lot for fri*m R'jche.<«ter last XII, t*KI \Tirr. IIUNIIt A jkfkkkm»\ (oi.nty Sale or Exchange. week along tbe Onlril Rjil- )S.S.KEN\EKViBRO1 U. liULf., locai»d r-Mii, uciler pr>t>Dsa A.N OKDIXAM'E T •%K»^ oi:k\t ri.i'Asi i:i: I T on tha »«.u*h Iiatvr. n of collci’ln^ nion.v for tbo * ^"^^*** ***^ >-r> .»1 tl>>vrr« a Moth, aith U fr#d front br t«» Kx l>esl,r « >rplnn 2I& l»«Hdr41. Asylum. .Sh*. p,i i ..I of lha teas l \ the f »ty of \Va»tiitifi;tu3, that ttto or- liriioiiig certain kimUnf nui aa>ai,a<i<l |•r•-<cril•lag J«iNntal Urf» •##.•1101 .^0 ^ c»f inHvdiiiK T»*n. IW>>ir1joo, two Jf Q’ElNTERA.Ia Am« k pb.ics ill sui-h pitiful i^rriis ILat * Urft* i4i*ck *4 r^ b •! >MII br ihe K fi.eatiirro engaKrtl in slir r\trxcUtl tho tbe lacde of aisstiog tfieiu. > ipl* if tt •o4 ll^rdf n. aK*. *« mid low. or iritrrn in i*art the axpMlitioa to ... If •« U^au'v. i«y I ( .. f fora ruitabk' U*t Him* from racli latt boom and lot. the ioterh.' i hof nwa »l.mi{ Iho ri.»J |WI(‘ TriWeek’.v lotiulrrof of hina, up the Yang-trz« K aig ii\ rrot# TUI. K«»tititrk« M*rk«*t iQlu IWron. At l.hurvhville. Vfe // orjulmni I '•ameU Insurante b*- a >*HYT V Uia a f1o»**r^ orl*T. Irfi awfall oraatJ H.W. ^ILKFS*, had been unable Pxirit-k ilo^o aoil men hf Hr uf tk» I'd nf tnaudif No.V to retiiro, owbi^ to the rapid fall f .taentt. Ai. Urv^too Market, or At SIuau*-. « "Hf«^ioo»r, will be at. lonrth Orert, liri, Mato aud karkrt. ^»v« •“.». l!-siij«ii tbe UlMirtre, Li)aurlUr, I'hht any building, bkckz ot ImiUioga, of tie water, ai.«l wt uUl probably he detained who a, well as )ti». *’»• \\e4-klf f>pT f*; 1 ** te.M M *o. there 0«ceMwr Mark 4 I'JU Al*' M K her money eect her eloog no the or parta of hail-liogs, atiag 4 Dow.,. kidw faruMlwM at rbort antirv Fl«.»er/ for aak until pex* prii'j^. The region vUiinl hsn'l.e»r, lueav situaud and fn apoa a- of Ma, fc» <r M by ilie expe> fttrewt, hetwwew c I4 her citizen* emtrihate.l, I'f F..wrth aad •' . .»r rt*(Ai< O I. LI.LWAMi r-l‘. For Sale. uit:oa m tbzt from Kinl^sterio tha atreeu or alleys uf sail city, which am gaow Fgkg .-kreeU, — j wh ii ao iDtirely uiikcoarn I ^ 'O’ to Karopeana that we - .'r4” U4i»Tf. at .»ar ri*A rrankf- rt taruFiar twoouk*. A oral Kr-idonre on Heonod Arort. b**tw«.«»n Hyron ^e rould not have or mril 4 Im«* , leviveil :»-.*ii may her- Iwc avail ourelvea of tbe c n^iileration of a friend le^e than after iiaa unaale or daogemui to tbe t»*ro and Walaiil, roiitatnitue h r,.nniB Tl»r Lot who «)ie |«i<l her farean.l ij 4 Ni IN I m L.*l II LI lUY pliued sent heron tbetnirs. At lives nr Ualiwa uf pe.ncna paseing aioeg aac-l strewta - LOUISVILJiK, Al»\rm i.^iiroa f..rt at tur d.sio al Itua- KY. t,ATkM*»y 23 front bv lui d.***i*. ThV j*r •i-rrtj- a re>>rt cf the vuyain I LAt AUVilUTI'^LUr via .be forKot to call on rr ThoroBelibrril Miillions. will 440 cold r prrpa^rttl l Ka'her Met i.ue, I aUeys, lo other I loa for part raeli. and muatiidrr in 6, y one of Ilje otU^er^ t-f Ifar the itholii- or adJsceBt huu-es on otbar prop- •ua a exp«^ to prie.t, . Hitt^ lobtli^. rtvro wUi.b'ver dj'i^n^d. hut wfiitilirsc t to Kz*t Pembroke, any, are hereby \l\rKNT NuLTK f«.riA*.|if tt4# abridged, bef.ca i»or tender'*. where hhe ileclan-l to lx pabik- uUaiu.aa, ..:l 'fnrth>fiufomi«tioUBiplr to : Aiu«'rM‘au M*iwri>. >>levinA ( aio. toM rhn pcoi)le that he fent t:i A'C-kv lxii|M«.daiu lL.r> 1 he Mj ii l.on 1 -ft t^e her r .B»» r for ibe he almfMl m bersioaflrr uriyYnieM. ** |» aa«i. ni.'uth tf the .Shanirhai J r the fe|fc»«iift» r—oow-IMe lag g»»nt 1 ^..— « UHj. k%* « -.11 •• ti.in. iMiJi.iir s. LoHi»:. crphan.4 river <»Q m Butfilo, who, like id L'. •! Uthr , ihfc K rbestcr. lb»i it shuU be 4 leverallv •»rl. Id dtl lJuab thtuwu. Ky. uiuruiog of the *1 h of Noveinb* the iul^ tbe Mayor, auiee, an|-v.-t-»z g. i -Mm Ihe - «rLIVEH^b> H aai*«T. 4aiu Fitelit. b>* r last. |r- Mi<»yitia It cor suited fift-ut rtfi'VfirniiiiQ. .Xlsnv re«»^ivin^ tjir«rt*ftrt i **>*^ la oiiHi-t.M L«*tiathab. of ih« H!euniprs K^ve her iiicn>-y, I iofornmtiua of the eatuteace ai nay m kiammky Um mom lal R-«tributioo, Kur ouii! thr r t end all were to aul 'iite *ur«o<’** fj»w 0f HAV 1>|4 K -b«' iiaiN.n*d For Sale ruHer, H ive, aod aD'l «^l!ecc suiiisthin^^ f»»r nuirnsres as are (le*<.*rili44| in u i«M taal\e ui'>Uta» talnicoe L»e Toe Uneand 1^. iMirtr I the precniicif H fraa.. aoba b| itu|..»rted •y ^I'l: her on ikMw . Trmiib> W IIITl '"‘t.-*, Simdiv. .Shics-ne to church ro» eeMwiiM l.'«m»uie« M -he aMewi'ea iw. TilAT lirautiful ^la.ftr idtuated on tltr piocrerej th(s M,iuiln>n. • in llilav... ice ther«. f lo the UR V At*cvfi»eT, a* «ar4 ..f k ••. |«« att 4*«a* 41 <bakr ihr |>rvanit iHzl1 in .iiiziiiVV.' >n ttie Ifiip sre «. U aeaa.uat luf •‘tablaa, ucar iUrdiu |N*)tlaod road. or with the |ieople of Fii-l o«il.> . da Wl a rvevv aeealww e sad — 71- ‘ IdudlOf ou fa d avrciiir anl .^Oe Nove„.lz,r IVn.hr k-, bnl was ar-ested *!“*”. du'.v it shall i«- rw4i \f |.or aUUUMI tl*y .siKhtcJ .SilLr ba to move tha Ci Coart of hi t.HTU k« Inland. Il.% ir n-el- - -I oavaae. aa>l l>r.vzialll iZ!; raih.«i1, coQtaiuiac. niorr or Irw. ,h" •I'* y ..,|e ia a!; hftr«.n''Xr eiipi'Me. of Ih.* I-iirHiu, Mnidt w bo c impo iti.-n Ciac iver d t,ef.>ra said I lly k-r an order f'aMiralarf ia miuOI I illn. vtilcli * liaee everv faeitilv f- r obtaining our . on n ‘ir sh* left to il— I1 efir V az «UI b» 9*ut tv bail t< arrx*4of we a- . ken n.ck, not in Ihe ahme such nai-ianrw, acd wew» w sad Wtww w«w hv adew.u« laud, with 'iiipr<>v».inrnb>. miiMBtiiiK ihirt« l^he oaMaMw * d^^iriartbetn t*‘riui i vill.ige I'ne aa. u< A4dr*w«. ' pre|<ared to offer our articit * i.u a^ ^'Hid sod wbi.-h tximioxtl.> h ox pi tlercupiri .aid || Mun>liv t• r.tii)o darllitiir fire prijof I Ihe llrliizh HeeH ire hefo-e .Mr Court i*ial' order a rufansoas iaev.r>-i bou«r. bri«*k buildiiif, pni-ed in IRIJ to I wud aAA'^ioaai -.Mar«' a* bait i ak- v» withem’ Kimlerivon K. ... the 1 . a. rin«t Ml UHIIV which i« a^ifcrptihlr and »a-ilc converted into tli(»;-.verin){. The delay ecc-z-'ioota Ith. Tbe f ti were sworn to, the owner nr ow-rrsrf ihs prooerty, 4% -rTT^f -ai* |-u 4 *»|. vi 1.4 kr^i i:< iv>R sti r- hy liK'hteninj. raiom- , a L a finv r»*«idrtir4*: \V F IIAVF HANK AM> when, iriTHhcr «U)i out-biiildinitH and two lo! she denied her Smtrrjhifi, a- ah e within time . «• !. •••I .»» . d tbe E-qnl-e mb a. Iter mil a«4 artmiydwcm rearoo. i' IOI.>l\\N |, o* Uever-failiui! waior and a Iar*f»» idzr ci-tern Ml'Tl'.kl. LIFE IN.sr:; V.V.K Mr-Y af -a* Ysrh 0 0 T0l» pmp- a t her ' Aub.>awrii«r .«•« r«-e^ I-* ».»a‘* M> \ .niSTtltll. c ty laid want e hy at Idierty. tl'coiiri.i .iba will cheat a,>le, rci|uiring him or them 10 Ions Zinc \\ the rehtlz. ( olbers to - orty b wnrthr th.- oi I liiip In the IHIth ap.ear acd show C’mti I'ai-it.l • ••' “* '1^11 K ait«.n^..B of attmtiou uvrin; an t will b- Md I in tVliitP l.pail: in oil; cf #k*M,sea 4 ««^«*^'*Mikril 4 * a * UmU it. 4oal« r» and ('uBMiiaiT*' b> tiarticu'ai l> 5,000 kf«h and fall ir to A one bod> or in li|4 to Veinher they eiKhled the bands of ju-tice.
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