(LJKWK6HULHV9RO,91R 7XHVGD\$SULO &KDLWUD 6DND /2.6$%+$'(%$7(6 (QJOLVK9HUVLRQ 6HFRQG6HVVLRQ (LJKWK/RN6DEKD /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 1(:'(/+, 3ULFH5V CONTENTS No. 24: Tuesda" April 16, 1985jCII(nlra 26, 1907 (StIka) Columns Ora 1 Answers to Questions : 1-28 ·StalTCd Questions Nos. 445 to 452 and 4" Written Answers to Questions: 28-187 Starred Questions Nos. 453, 454 and 456 to 464 28-36 Unstarred Questions Nos. 3112 to 3140, 3142, 31~4 to 3238, 3240 to 3245, 3247 to 3257 and 3259 to 3274 36-187 Paperc; Laid on the Table 188-190 Presentation of Petition 190 Matters under rule 377 191-196 (i) Need to implement the recommendations contained in the twenty-seventh Report of the Committee on Sub-Ordinate Legislation reaarding recruitment rules for various posts in the Water Management and Command Area Development D"*on in the Ministry of Irrisation. Shr i Gansa Ram 191 (ii) Need to lay a railway line between Sahajanwan and BalJampur via Bansi Dr. Chandra Shckhar Tripathi 191 (iii) Need to revise the timina! of certain trains runninlR on 0.,.- Kiul Sections of Eastern R.ail\\'ay and to provide a fast train between Gaya and Deoahar . Shrimati Krishna Sahi 192 ·Tbe sian + marked above tbe Daroe of a Member indicates tbat the question was actually asked of the f1aor of the HoUIC by that Manber. (ii) Columns (iv) Need to sanction additional funds for renovation and modernisation of Kothagundam Thermal Power Station Shri V. Sobhanadreeswara Rao 193 (v) Need to clear scheme for modernisation of Kangasabati Reservoir Project in West Bengal Shri Ajit Kumar Saha 194 (vi) Need to provide stoppages of Malwa Super Fast Express and Datshin Express at Vidisha and Ganj Basoda Shri Pratap Bhanu Sharma 194 (vii) Need to bring Purnca (Bihar) on the air map of India Shri D.L. Baitha 195 (viii) Need to complete the distributaries in Ganganagar Djstricl~ taking off from Indira Main Canal Shri Birbal 195 Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance 1%--212 Reported removal and shipping of priceless treasures of I ndian art and culture including rare works of sculptures for display during the Festival of India in the United States of America and France Sbri K. P. Unnikrishnan 197 Sbri K. P. Singh Deo 197 Shri S. Jaipal Reddy 21S Demands for Grants (General), 1985-86-Colltd. 223-313 Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Contd.-CGncluded} Shri Dipijay Singh 223 Sbri S. Krishna Kumar 226 Shrimati Vyjayanthimala Bali 230 Shri Satyqopal Misra 233 Shri Somnatb Ratb 238 (iii) Cduuwts Sbt'i Chiranji Lal Sbanna 24:4 Dr. Chandra Sbekhar Tripathi 250 Dr. V. Venkatesh 252 Prof. M .R. HaJder 256 Shri Anaota Prasad Sethi 258 Dr. C.P. Thakur 262 Shri RamashTay Prasad Singh 266 Shri ~adan Pandey 268 Shri Manoj Pandey 271 Shri Mool Chand Dap 273 Dr. G. Vijaya Rama Rao 278 Shrimati Mohsina Kidwai 280 Mmistry of irrigation and Power (Not concluded) 293 Shri M. Subba Reddy 29' Shri Drahma Dutt 301 Shri Dhola Nath Sen 307 Shri D.P. Yadav '313 (Speech not finished) Busin~~ Advisory Committee 313 Fifth Report Paper Laid on the Table 314 LOK SABHA DEBATES • 2 LOK SABHA COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRI ARIF MOHAMMAD KHAN): (a) to (c). As a general policy of the Governmen~ use of foreiln brand sames is discourascd. For~ign brand names are not ordinarily allowed for Tuesday April 16, 1985, Chaitra 26, use on products for internal sales, although 1907 (SAKA) there is no objection to their use on products to be expocted. A condition to this effect is being incorporated in all approvals for foreign collaborations.. Sabha mel at Eleven of Cloc~ 71t1' Lok tIle There has not been any change in Government Policy on this matter. [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair) SHRI K.P.. UNNIKRISHNAN ~ Sir. the ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS reply given by the Hon. Minister is very disappointing. Numerous reports have Foreign Trade Marks aDd Braad Names appeared that foreign brand names are making a spirited come back after decades of resistance put up both by our own {EnA'lish] national movement as well as by the Govern· ment. The Government also in 1960s and + 1970s had actively discouraged the use of *445. SHRI K.P. UNNtKRISHNAN : imported brand names for new products SHRI ANANDA PATHAK: manufactured in this country. But suddenly we find that we are flooded with massive Will the Minister of INDUSTRY AND advertisement campaigns in recent months. COMPANY AFFAIRS be pleased to state: They have made it dear that Indian consu· mers will soon have the benefit or will have (a) whether Government have come to the privilege of new products indigenously a conclusion about allowing foreign Trade made or manufactured but sold in their Marks in 1ndia; world~wide known brand-names. (b) whether the recommendations con- For example, in scooters industry, Vespa tained in the Report of the Committee which which is prohibited by the Government ,has went into the matter have been accepted by made a come back in spite of the declara- Government and the technological and tions made by the Hon. Minister in both economic benefits that the Committee have the Houses of Parliament in recent session~. found for justifying foreign trade marks and It is with impunity, they are advertisinl. brand names for even domestic sales; and So, Sir, there was a time. I am sure you would recall, when we used to talk of (c) whether Government propose to Swadeshi and self ·reliance. In 19708, we amend the Trade and Merchandise Marks have actually legislated FERA and Trade Act and Indian Patents Act consequently 1 &. Merchandise Marks Act for this purpose. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN Now. it is said that a Committee of THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND Socretaries have lone into the questions and 3 APRIL J6,191' Oral Answ".~ sugested some drastic changes. If I 10 by certainly, the Hoo. Member can bring it to the report of the Committee of Secretaries, our notice. But as I ha"e already said, thj~ they say that it has to be chanpd because ~ter is under consideration. The whole tbey find a hospitable environment. thing is being reviewed whether we should continue to insist upon this Therefore, my Question is, will the Minister speJI-out c1eady tht! approach as SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN: He is evolved by the Committee of Secretaries and not prepared to give an assurance. lay its report on the Table of the House. SHRI VEERENDRA PATIL: We are TIlE MINISTER OF CHEMICALS insisting upon them that they should not AND FERTILIZERS AND INDUSTRY use fOft!ign brand names. But they are using AND COMPANY AFFAIRS (SHRJ hybrid names. I lake the instance of Maruti. VEERENDRA PATIL): Sir, the Hon. In the case of Maruti, we have allowed Member wanted to k now what is the po liey them to use hybrid name, that is, Maruti that is being followed. We have given the Suzuki. Similarly, there is an instance of policy that is being followed now. Toshiba Anand and the like. We have not allowed them to use any foreign brand name. This is incorporated in the foreign collabo- Now, this matter i~ under considaration ration agreement itself. and the Committee of Secretaries was cons- tituted. They have made certain recommen- dations. But the Government has not taken SHRI K.P. UNNJKRISHNAN: What any final decision. So, once the Government about Vespa? takes a final decision, it will be made known to Parliament and public. SHRI VEERENDRA PATlL: I do not think Vespa is ~old as Vespa. SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN: My question was what the Committee of Secre- taries has said and whether it will be laid SHRI K.P. UNNIKRlSHNAN: It is on the Table of the House. advertised as Vespa. MR. SPEAKER: He says, that will SHRI VEERENDRA PATIL : I do not become knQwn after they consider the know when that foreign \ collaboration matter. agreement was finalised, whether there is any clause that they should not use any foreign brand name and whether they have violated SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISHNAN: So, it. The Hon. Member is bnn.ging it to my after it is fully considered, it will be done. notice. J will certainly look into that matter. But, as 1 said, the whole policy with regard The Hon. Minister has been saying that to using foreign brand names is being re- as a condition for the foreign collaboration, considered and it is being reviewed. Once a clause is inserted that they shall not U5,C we take a policy decision. some whtaever any foreign brand name. May I know whe- poJiC"y decision we take, then accordingly ther he will give an assurance that in every the foreign collaboration agreement win foreign collaboration this particular clause have to be finalised. vittI be scrutinised to see that they stick to this stipulation and whether he is prepared SHRI ANANDA PATHAK: The word to have a mechanism evolved to see that ·'ordinarily" used in the main answer given they stick to it ? by the Hon. Minister is so vague. That means anybody can use foreign brand names SHRI VEERENDRA PATIL: 1 have and the loopholes are there. What is already said that as a policy, we are not the meaning of the word "ordinarily··? That allowing foreign brand names. It is incor- silould be clarified. The Hon. Minister has porated in the foreign collaboration agree- said that the whole matter is under consi- ment itself. Jf there is any violation, deration. Under the existtna rules and 5 CHMnlA 26.
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