Vancouver Island Marmot Restricted to the mountains of Vancouver Island, this endangered species is one of the rarest animals in North America. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks move between colonies can have a profound one basket” situation puts the Vancouver impact on the entire population. Island Marmot at considerable risk of Vancouver Island Marmots have disap- extinction. peared from about two-thirds of their his- Why are Vancouver Island torical natural range within the past several What is their status? Marmots at risk? decades and their numbers have declined by urveys of known and potential colony he Vancouver Island Marmot exists about 70 percent in the last 10 years. The sites from 1982 through 1986 resulted in nowhere in the world except Vancouver 1998 population consisted of fewer than 100 counts of up to 235 marmots. Counts Island.Low numbers and extremely local- individuals, making this one of the rarest Srepeated from 1994 through 1998 turned Tized distribution put them at risk. Human mammals in North America. Most of the up only 71 to 103 animals in exactly the same activities, bad weather, predators, disease or current population is concentrated on fewer areas. At least 12 colony extinctions have sheer bad luck could drive this unique animal than a dozen mountains in a small area of occurred since the 1980s. Only two new to extinction in the blink of an eye. about 150 square kilometres on southern colonies were identified during the 1990s. For thousands of years, Vancouver Island Vancouver Island. Estimating marmot numbers is an Marmots have been restricted to small Causes of marmot disappearances imprecise science since counts undoubtedly patches of suitable subalpine meadow from northern Vancouver Island remain underestimate true abundance. Differences habitat that are distributed like islands mysterious. Disease outbreaks, climate in weather, observer experience and count in an otherwise inhospitable “sea” of forest change and chance may have been con- effort make direct year-to-year comparisons and rocky mountain- tributing factors. Habitat destruc- difficult. Taking these factors into considera- tops. Because these Only by tion does not appear to have been a tion, researchers believe there were at least habitat patches are factor. Few sites have been subject to 300 to 350 marmots alive during the mid- small, marmot colonies greatly influences such as ski-hill develop- 1980s. Approximately 40 percent lived in are also small. Most increasing ment, and many of the historically clearcuts in a small area (40 square km) near colonies contain fewer occupied colonies are located within the headwaters of the Nanaimo River. This than five adults. Some population Strathcona Provincial Park, which is estimate does not include marmots that marmots are killed size and fully protected. Direct disturbance probably lived in Strathcona Provincial Park by predators such as by humans also appears to be irrele- at that time, as suggested by the presence of Cougars, Wolves and distribution vant since these remote areas are abandoned burrows in several locations. Golden Eagles. Others can the inaccessible to off-road vehicles and, In contrast, the 1998 population con- die during winter therefore, few people visit them. tained fewer than 100 animals, with 90 per- hibernation, possibly future of On southern Vancouver Island, cent found in the Nanaimo Lakes area and because they have been this engaging on the other hand, humans have 10 percent on Mount Washington. A few unable to build up suf- greatly modified the landscape colonies probably remain undiscovered but ficient reserves of body rodent be in which marmots live, mostly it is unlikely that large new populations fat to sustain them dur- secured. through forestry and road construc- will be found. Approximately half of the ing their long winter tion. Marmots can live and repro- world’s Vancouver Island Marmots live in sleep. Disease, parasites duce in high-elevation clearcuts, clearcuts that will eventually become and poor nutrition can also weaken or kill which resemble natural marmot habitat unsuitable as forest regeneration occurs. individuals and family groups. in many respects. In fact, populations The vast majority of Vancouver Island In response to these harsh natural limita- expanded during the early 1980s and mar- Marmots live on private land owned by for- tions, Vancouver Island Marmots have mots still inhabit some logged areas. The est companies. Two areas occupied by mar- evolved an interesting strategy. Some sub- most significant impact of logging may mots are legally protected and these contain adult marmots leave their home colonies, have been to alter dispersal patterns about five percent of the current population. usually at two or three years of age, and go in and, consequently, population structure. Growing concern over the status of search of a new place to live. These dispers- Forestry does not disrupt the marmot’s Vancouver Island Marmots led to their ing individuals are important because they natural subalpine meadow habitat, but being legally designated as Endangered allow “rescue” of colonies that are in decline, may concentrate all the members of this under the British Columbia Wildlife Act. and recolonization of sites where marmots species in a small area. This makes them They are on the provincial Red List, and have disappeared. Because dispersal is so more vulnerable to predators, disease or are also listed as Endangered by the critical, changes in the ability of marmots to the effects of local weather. This “eggs in Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (), and by white fur on the nose, chin, forehead and the middle of the day. When moving about, the International Union for the Conser- chest. Newborn pups have uniformly dark, they bound like squirrels rather than walk- vation of Nature (). almost black, coats. As summer progresses, ing like cats. They are good climbers and are their fur fades to a more rusty colour. often seen ascending or perched atop pre- What do they look like? Unlike most mammals, Vancouver Island cipitous cliffs. When alarmed, they give a armots are the largest members of the Marmots do not complete their molt every piercingly loud whistle that sounds very squirrel family and are about the size of year. For this reason, yearlings are typically much like a police whistle. a large house cat or small dog. An adult a uniform faded rufous colour. Older ani- Marmot droppings are about 4 to 6 cm MVancouver Island Marmot (Marmota mals can take on a decidedly mottled long, 1 to 1.5 cm wide and pinched at both vancouverensis) typically measures 65 to 70 appearance, with patches of old, faded fur ends. Their colour ranges from brilliant centimetres from its nose to the tip of its contrasting with new, dark fur. This is a green when fresh to “baked-potato-chip- bushy tail. Weights show tremendous season- useful characteristic for researchers because brown” when aged. Marmots seem to use al variation. An adult female that weighs pups, yearlings and adults can be readily particular spots as “latrines” and it is more 3 kilograms when she emerges from hiberna- distinguished in the field. Seen up close, common to find several scats than just one. tion in late April can weigh 4.5 to 5.5 kg by Vancouver Island Marmots have large, Burrow entrances are typically 30 to 45 the onset of hibernation in mid September. beaver-like incisors, sharp claws and very cm in diameter and generally located on Adult males can be even larger, reaching powerful shoulder and leg muscles. the downhill side of boulders or, in weights of up to 7 kg. In general, marmots Typical Vancouver Island Marmot clearcut habitats, below stumps. Burrows lose about one-third of their body mass behaviour involves spending much of the used as hibernation or birth sites will during winter hibernation. day sprawling or sitting on boulders, logs or almost always have some dirt mounded on The most striking feature of the Van- stumps. Relatively little time is spent feed- the low side of the burrow entrance. couver Island Marmot is its rich chocolate- ing. Marmots are more likely to be seen in Lounging spots are identifiable by mud brown coat with contrasting patches of early morning or late afternoon than during stains on rocks or stumps. Finding these is how most Vancouver Island Marmot made it advantageous to behave nicely to after emergence from hibernation. The gesta- colonies are detected. immigrating strangers. tion period is probably about one month and Marmots living in colonies seldom pups are thought to be born in early June. Why are they unique? travel far, but dispersing sub-adults can The abundance of females and the results of he Vancouver Island Marmot is one of five species of mammals entirely confined to Canada, and the only one of these that is Tendangered.It is one of 14 marmot species found around the world, 6 of them in North America. Its closest relatives are the Olympic Marmot of the Olympic Peninsula in Wash- ington State and the Hoary Marmot, which is Present Distribution of Vancouver Island widespread throughout the mountains of Marmot western North America. The Vancouver Island Marmot’s mainland cousins are generally griz- move considerable distances (5 to 30 km). genetic studies suggest that males occasional- zled grey or tawny brown. The Vancouver Marmots have turned up in some strange ly sire more than one litter in a given year. Island species can also be distinguished from places over the years, including a woodshed Most pairings, however, are monogamous. other marmots by skull structure, vocaliza- in Youbou, a horse stable in Nanaimo, a Although female Vancouver Island tions and behaviour. new subdivision at Bell’s Bay on the west Marmots are capable of reproducing at The Vancouver Island Marmot’s unique coast of Vancouver Island and a boat dock three years of age, most do not breed until ecological and behavioural attributes are at Lake Cowichan.
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