The ~111111111 • t International Convention and Contests Pittsburgh - Ju.ne 27 - July 4 (see story - page 4-7) PARTIAL REPERTOIRE: Ballad 01 Crazy Ahmed; Ain'l No Place Like Aome: I Ain't Gal No·Body; Novice Oualtet Medley: Liebfinger p,iesensladt; RunninQ \'Iild; Melancholy Baby; Somebody Siole My Gal; Bird In A Gildod CaQo; Phoenix; Curse Of An Aclloing Heart; Ono Alone; Side By Side; Annual Got- Together Of The KKK; Possibilities; Hi Lillie; Just In Case You Change Your Mind; Sick And Tired 01 Dixie Songs; Up A Lazy Aiver; Trick Or Treat; Swiss Miss; Harmonizer Song; Nice Little Bi?tbershop Song; The Doclot; Fill Out The Policies Mothet; Abendenz8, Oh By Jmgo; Rosie; Superman and many othels, Sure-fire show-stopping entertainment that will enhance any barbershop show. Their repertoire includes a wide variety of songs many of which are original. Don't miss their colorful costuming and hilarious skits. They sing pretty good, too. (It's in Doc Sause's contract.) Also available for parties, festivals and good times. They have a show waiting for you I CONTACT: Ed Keller/147 Oakview Ave./Maplewood, N.J. 07040/(201) 763-1989 _,I'-­ / Jhc (f!faImonizer JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1982 VOL. XLII No.1 A BI·MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF SPEBSQSA. INC" IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY, The HARMONIZER (ISSN 0017-7849115 the offIcial publication of tho Society for the Preservation *********** and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing In America, Inc. (S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A.1. it Is pub­ lished In the months of January, March, May, July, Septamber and November at 6316 - 3rd Avenue, Box 575, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141. Second-class postage paid at Kenosha, Wisconsin. Editorial and SOMETHING TO SING ABOUT! Advertising offices are at the International Office. Advertising rates available upon request. Publisher assumes no responslbliity for return of unsolicited manuscripts or artwork. Notice of change of address should be submitted to the editorial offices of THE HARMONIZER, 6315 - THIRD AVE., As we go to press we've learned that Box 575, KENOSHA, WISCONSIN 53141, at least thirty days before the next publication data. the 1981 half·million dollar goal in Logo· Subscription price to non-members Is $3.50 yearly or $1 an Issue. Copyright, 1979, by the Society pedics contributions set by International for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet SingIng In America, Inc. Service Committee Chairman Rcedie Wright was attained on December 29. A $435 contribution from the Minot, N. Dak. Chapter (LOll brought the year· Features to·date figure to $511,079.94! Thisraises 4 PITTSBURGH AWAITS. They're get· 16 1981 DISTRICT QUARTET the total amount to over four million ting excited in Pittsburgh about our CHAMPS. Meet the men in our new dollars since 1964 (when the Institute visit to the convention this summer. became the Society's UNIFIED SER· district champion quartets. VICE PROJECT) ... and that's, indeed, 6 A MUSEUM WHERE BARBER­ something to sing aboutI 20 NEW MUSIC NOTES, A comment SHOP HISTORY COMES ALIVE! about many of the songs published The Museum Committee explains by the Society during 1981. "whys" and "where fors" of their *********** preservation project and asks for 22 IT'S BARBERSHOP SYNERGY voluntary contributions. TIME. The six-time champion Louis­ ville "Thoroughbreds" have no deep, 10 THE MAKING OF AN INTER· dark secrets. NATIONAL CHAMPION QUARTET. What appeared to be a quick rise to 24 BABS CONCERNED ABOUT PRE· the championship actually took a SERVING MUSICAL STYLE. bit longer. A report on the status of barber­ shop harmony in Britain. 14 SINGING HISTORY LESSON MEM· ORABLE EXPERIENCE. A simple history assignment put to music ends up in a Washington, D. C. Contributors quartet performance. Merritt Auman ... Bob Hockenbrough ... Hugh Ingraham ... Joe Liles ... Jack Owens ... Jerry Peterman ... Dean Snyder ... Denis Spetz ... Dave Also in this issue Stevens ... Tom Watts ... Fran Wright 2 THINKING ALOUD 12 THE WAY I SEE IT 3 LETTERS Conventions 18 HISTORICAL NOTES 6 PITTSBURGH CONVENTION 32 NEW CHAPTERS INTERNATIONAL HOUSING FORM 1982 Pittsburgh, Pa. June 27·July 4 32 BARGAIN BASEMENT 1983 Seattle, Wash. July 3·10 7 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE 1984 St. Louis, Mo. July 1·8 1985 Minneapolis, Minn. June 30·July 6 MIDWINTER 1982 Tucson, Ariz. Jan. 27·30 1983 Sarasota, Fla. Jan. 26·29 THE HARMONIZERIJANUARY·FEBRUARYI1982 International Officers President, Merritt F. Auman, p. O. Box 7842, ReadIng, PennsylvanIa 19603 Immedlato Past President, Burt HuIsh, 1631 Julie Lane, Twin Folts, Jdaho 83301 Vice PreSIdent, Or. Hank Vomacka, 1881 Rose Stroet, Sarasota, Florida 33579 Thinking Vice PreSident, Gil Lefholz, 13316 E. 51st Street, Kansas CItY, MIssouri 64133 Vice PreSident-Treasurer, John T. Gillespie, 712 Newgate Road, Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Board Members Aloud • •• Cardinal, Morris Jonnlngs, 508 Gardner Court, Marlon, Indiana 46952 Central States, Thomas M. (Mike) HInes, 3317 Ravenwood Terrace NW, Cedar Rapids, lowo 52405 This is being written shortly after the world; and honest-to-goodness wood­ Olxlo, Ralph Oolano, P. O. Box 9, Benson, receiving the word of "Bud" Harvey's North Corollna 27604 shedding, with its searching for the right Evergreen, Harry Neuwirth, 1109 Maple Street, death. What a loss. Not just as president note or chord, still has its place in the Silverton, Oregon 97381 Far Western, Beryl Caron, 10809 Welhvorth of PROBE, but as a writer. Such a gift vast sea of expanded sound and perfect Ave., Los Angeles, California 90024 for words. I could hardly wait to get vowel formation. Illinois, Jim Vliet, 807 W. Springfield, Urbana, Illinois 61B01 each edition of Sunshine District's That's where people like Bud Harvey John ny Appleseed, Darryl Flinn, 7975 Cleve· "Sunburst" to see what that crazy are of such value. They refuse to allow land Ave. NW, North Canton, OhIo 44720 Land 0' Lakes, Don Challrnan, 916 W. County character had written this time. And his us to take ourselves too seriously. Bud's Road G2, St. PaUl, MInnesota 65112 Mld·Atlantlc, William Park, Box 470G, AD 1, articles in the HARMONIZER. Classics, gift was with words, but how many others Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania 19317 many of them. Not since the days of do we have who lend their gifts to make Northeastern, Ronnie Menard, 60 Tufts Drive, Nashua, New Hampshire 03060 humorist Stirlingl Wilson have we had a SPEBSQSA a better place to sing? The Ontario, Cliff Watts, 234 Walden Blvd., FOrt man with Bud's touch for humor. script writers, coaches, judges, the man Erie, Ontario L2A 1 RS CANADA Pioneer, Doran McTaggart, 890 Buckingham, The ability to make people laugh. who's been secretary for the last five Windsor, Ontario N8S 2C8 CANADA Rocky Mountain, Jack Smith, 700 Valencia Boy, we need lots of that in this day and years, the show chairman, the COTS Drive NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico age. Not just in society but in our Soc­ faculty member who gives up so many 87108 Seneca Land, Robert Culbertson, 438 Buffalo iety. Without question barbershop har­ weekends during the year to teach Street, Franklin, Pennsylvania 16323 mony is one of the greatest outlets a others, the bulletin editor, and on and on. Southwestern, Donald Wagner, 10106 Lalng­ tree, Dallas, Texas 75234 man can have to alleviate the stress and Those are men who work hard, often Sunshine, Bert Warshaw, 9100 SW 16th strain of everyday life. unacknowledged, so that you and I can Street, MIami, Florida 33165 You can get carried away with barber· have more time to sing and enjoy our· shopping, though, just the same as you selves. Unselfish gifts, shared among And Past International Presidents can with anything else. Be serious about many. Roger Thomas, 3720 St. Andrews Blvd., Raclno, Wisconsin 53405 your barbershop craft, but not too ser· Thanks, Bud Harvey, for sharing ErnIe Hills, Box 66, Medford, Oklahoma 73759 ious. Losing a contest is not the end of your gift. Les Hesketh, Jr., 7467 Clifton Aoad, Clifton, VirginIa 22024 International Office Executive Director HUGH A. INGRAHAM Music Education and Services ROBERT D. JOHNSON, Director JOE E. LILES, Assistant Music Services Assistants DAVE L. lABAR lYLE E. PETTIGREW DAVID M. STEVENS Public Relations Director ROBB OllETT Editor lEO W. FOBART Administratorl Field Services D. WilLIAM FITZGERALD Field Representatives TOM P. COGAN RON ROCKWEll Finance and Administration DALLAS A. LEMMEN, Director Accounting & Membership Services FRANK E. SANTARELLI, Manager Telephone: (414) 654·9111 Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday (Central TIme) 2 THE HARMONIZERIJANUARY-FEBRUARYI19B2 District chorus contest. Several weeks Requests We "Come Clean!" earlier, one of my other sons, Paul We've just asked all registered quar· Eastman, sang with the "Peninsulaires," tets and choruses to re-evaluate their winners of the Far Western District respective "acts" as to whether or not chorus contest. they are "F"·rated (family-rated) enter· The real dilemma will occur next June tainment. at the international contest in Pittsburgh. Areas they've been asked to check Which chorus do I root for? And how can are bathroom or other smutty humor, I honestly hope to have one son's chorus minority or ethnic jokes, plus humor win over the other son's chorus? JUST at the expense of those with speech Letters WHAT IS A MOTHER TO DOl! difficulties, physical handicaps, etc. Although I'm open to suggestion, We'd also hope that chapters will I'm contemplating one solution that Is Barbershop Harmony Really Different? demand clean material for their shows could make that big nail-biting contest a All music is organized sound. All from a/l talent - including emcees. bit easier to sit through. music is made up of the same ingredients.
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