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Position La^ S ipal From HasseD lege Says 18th Amend­ to Serve God According Clearly and Unmistakably and Cramer Recehred 3 ment Must Be Wiped Out to His Conscience/’ He In His Acceptance Speech Near Death Qn Arrival a. m. Sonday— Almost a to Save Constitution. Quotes. on Wednesday Night. New York, Aug. 20.— Near-dis­ Captain George Sweeting of tbe Day Overdne; Ships Ask­ aster marked the arrival on the Macon, his face -white "and tense, New York, Aug. 20.— Dr. Nichol­ Aboard Hoover Train, Enroute to Albany, N. Y., Aug. 20. — Gov­ Leviathan today of “ His Worship,” reversed his engines in time to Kansas City, Aug. 20.— Having avert a tragedy by a matter of sec­ ed to Keep Lookoot for as Murray Butler, president of Co­ ernor A1 Smith announced today the Lord Mayor of Southampton, lumbia University and uncomprom­ sounded a new appeal for religious onds. Through the few monients of that he would define his position on England, Mrs. Lucia Marian . Fos­ dknger^ the band played gaily, with Lost Fly«rsT-Had Been ising foe of prohibition, today de­ freedom in the heart of the Catho­ prohibition “ clearly and unmis­ ter-Welch, for an official visit to the musicians Ignorant that death clared his vigorous disapproval of lic southwest, Herbert Hoover takably” in the address he will de­ America. hovered near. Herbert Hoover’s stand for en­ crossed Kansas today enroute to a liver on the east steps of the Capi­ Death under the whirling blades Governor Whalen accompanied Warned by Experts Not \ X. of the liner’s propellers was avert­ tbe guests to the Savoy Plaza ho­ forcement, reaffirming his belief series of farm conferences at his S8. '.i. ' tol Wednesday night in formally birthplace In West Branch, Iowa. ed only by a few feet, and the dis­ tel. Mayor Walker was to greet that the ISth Amendment must be accepting the Democratic presiden­ tinguished visitor and her daugh­ them officially at City Hall later in to Attempt Hop at This The Repubiican nominee will tial nomination. wiped out “ if the Constitution it­ reach his birthplace early tomorrow ter, Mrs. Dorothy Marian Baton, the day. self Is to be preserved and protect­ Indirectly the governor indi­ knew nothing of it until the danger The Lord Mayor was resplendent morning, spending the day review­ cated that he expected prohibitiop was past. - ’ j y - Season. ed.” ing scenes familiar to his boyhood in scarlet robes trimmed with would become one of the major As the municipal tug the Macon, mink, an ornate gold chain, bear­ Continuing the fight he began and, deliver his first prepared farm issues in the coming campaign. speech at night. He will spend with the welcoming committee ing her keys of office, and the coat more than a year ago to win the The prohibition question came aboard, neared th,e liner, the little of arms of her predecessors on the Halifax, N. S., A u gf 20.— Radio­ Wednesday and Thursday at Cedar up for discussion at today’s con­ Republican party over to the re­ Rapids, meeting horny-handed sons craft was carried along the high chain about her neck, with the grams were flashed to ships at sea ference between the governor and steel wall of the ship, headed for peal movement, a fight which he of toil and farm leaders from all whole regalia topped with a tri- early today to keep a lookout for newspapermen because of the an­ the propellers. cornered beaver hat. carried personally and lone-handed sections of the middle west. He nouncement by Dr. Nicholas Mur­ Bert Hassell and Parker Cramer, to the fioor of the Kansas City will resume his return trip to ray Butler, president of Columbia Washington late Thursday. the two American aviators who be­ ' convention after encountering University, and one of the Republi­ On his journey east through can leaders of the country, that he came lost while attemping a flight overwhelming' defeat in the plat­ Arizona and New Mexico, Hoover would not be bound by Herbert GOEBEL CROSSES COUNTRY from Canada to Greenland. form committee, Butler declared received assurances from Republi­ Hoover’s views on that subject. While the route taken by the air­ that “ anyone who is opposed to the can leaders that he would carry When shown a newspaper con­ repeal of the 18th Amendment x x both states. He spoke to a dozen men was Tar north of the regula­ taining Dr. Butler’s criticism of tion steamer lane, small ships ply must then be in favor of the only crowds from the rear platform of Hoover’s prohibition stand, the IN LITTLE OVER 19 HOURS alternative, which is the continu­ the water where the men may have his train, including one prepared governor glanced at it and remark­ come down. ance of the present reign of law­ speech at Albuquerque. It'was in ed, smiling: lessness, debauchery and govern­ his speech with Catholics predom­ Favorable weather conditions “ I’ll read that when I get time, “IT’S THE BALONEY” were reported, off the coast. ment-made crime.” inating in his audience, that Hoover business before pleasure.” Coupled with his denunciation sounded the religious liberty note. Winner of Pacific Flight Es­ STARTLES RADIO FOLKS Belief is maintafned here that Asked if he had any comment the plane was forced to land by me­ of Hoover’s acceptance-speech ut­ “ I like to remember in these to make on Dr. Butler's announce­ terances on the prohibition ques­ days of the occasion of raising the chanical trouble, but there is no ex- - ment, the governor answered: tablishes New Record; Cincinnati; Ohio, August 20. planation of its silence. The last tion, Butler, in an open letter made American flag in this state by Gen­ “ It’s the baloney!” - public at his Southampton, Long eral Kearney, when he made a “ I will define my position on pro­ signal from it was received at Z hibition clearly and unmistakably When the radio audience of o’clock Sunday morning. Island, summer home, also ex statement that is as true today as Old Mark Was 26 Hours W L S heard this succlnt ex­ pressed dissent with the Republi­ it wus then,” said Hoover. “ He next Wednesday night. When fhe campaign starts we will talk it and pression boom out of their loud ROCKFORD GLOOMY. can nominee’s stand on disarma­ said: ‘We come as friends to make speakers Saturday night, just ment and world peace. this a part of representative gov­ debate it.” and 50 Minutes. Rockford, ill., Aug. 20.— Gloom The governor said he would not after the acceptance speech of spread over Rockford today as hope Calls Doctrine False ernment. IjU our government all Senator Charles Curtis had been He assailed Hoover’s brief treat­ men are equal. Every man has a give any thought to his campaign waned for the missing Sweden- plans until after the notification broadcast, they gasped In as­ bound flyers, Bert Hassell and ment of “ the truly remarkable right to serve God according to his Curtiss Field, N. Aug. 20.— tonishment — and Announcer treaty just now being signed by conscience and his hearf.’ ” ceremony. Parker Cramer, who are almost a Art Goebel, winner of the Dole William Stees was still perspir­ day overdue at Mt. Evans, Green­ ourselves and all the great powers “ This was a great charter for a ing today as he explained that land. of the earth pledging renunciation new member of the union. It em­ ANSWER TO WHITE flight to Hawaii, arrived here this the ambiguous words meant the of war.” He denounced as false bodied the true spirit of American ‘‘No sign of Hassell yet. Long Albany, N. Y., Aug. 20.— On the morning, establishing a new record title of an organ solo to follow overdue.” doctrine, overturned by the whole liberties.” Back to the scenes of his boyhood in West Branch, la., Herbert eye of- the ceremony at which he from the station’s studio, and trend of history since the World In each state the Republican for a non-stop fiight across the con­ That was the discouraging report Hoover, Republican presidential nominee, is returning to meet pld will be formally notified of the had no connection with the radioed from Mount Evans, in the War, Hoover’s statement that leaders boarded his train, the wo­ tinent. vice - presidential nominee’s friends and revisit familiar places. At the to^p here is Newt.Buffer, Democratic presidential nomination. ban da of the Chamber of Commerce adequate preparedness for de­ men leaders were entertained by Gov. A1 Smith was expected to issue Goebel left Los Angeles at 12:06 speech at Topeka^ j fense” is a factor contributing to Mrs. Hoover, who is rapidly shar­ who “ licked” Hoover in a boyhood 6'attle.
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