Copyright by Patrick Brrett Welch 1956 THE DEVELOPMBHT OP AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION PROGRAMS ON RADIO AND TELEVISION NETWORKS THROUGH THE SEASON OP 19^6-$7 DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Pulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By PATRICK ERRETT WELCH, B. A., A. M, ******* The Ohio State University 1958 Approved by; Adviser Department of ^eeeh TABLE OF C0NTENT3 CHAPTER PAGE I. INTRODUCTION ............................ .. 1 The Audience Participation Program . • • 3 Types of Audience Participation Programs 7 Human Interest Programs ...... 7 Studio Quiz Programs ............... 8 Telephone Quiz Programs ......... 9 Stunt Programs .................. 10 Organization of tho Dissertation ..... 11 Major Sources of Information ....... 13 Previous Academic Studies .......... 15 Periodicals and Newspapers .......... .. 22 Trade Publications ........ 23 Previous Qualitative Research • • • . 21*. II. HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OP AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION PRO (SLAMS............... 27 Introduction of Audience Participation Types ......... .............. 30 Use of Audience Participation Programs In Radio Networks ..................... 32 Reasons for Extensive Use ...... 36 Reasons for Decline in Extensive Use . * 38 Use of Audience Participation Programs on TV Networks lf.3 ii Ill CHAPTER PAGE Reasons for Extensive Use ...... 1^3 The Shift from Nighttime to Daytime Programming ......................... i|4 Nighttime to Daytime on Radio Networks . 1^.6 Nighttime to Daytime on Television N e t w o r k s ........................... ii7 III. HUMAN INTEREST PROGRAMS ON RADIO NETWORKS . 1;9 Extent of Use of Human Interest Programs . ^2 General Popularity of Programs of the Type ..................... Human Interest Programs on Radio Networks. SS Individual Human Interest Programs • . • 57 Court of Human Relations ...... Si de-Walk Interviews ................ 59 We, The People ..................... 62 Good Will H our ............. 61|. Hobby Lobby . ................... 66 Court of Missing Heirs ............. 68 Quiz K i d s ......................... 70 Alexander's Mediation Board ..... 72 Blind Date .............. 7k Breakfast with Breneman .......... « 76 House Party ..................... Ô1 Queen for a D a y .................... 83 Juvenile J u r y ...................... 81|. Iv CHAPTER PAŒ Bride and G r o o m .......... 8? Do You Want To Lead A Band 89 Candid Microphone • ................ 89 Welcome Traveler 91 Life Begins at 80 93 This Is Your L i f e .................. 95 Ladles Pair .................. 96 Mr# Keen, Tracor of Lost Persons • . • 97 John J» Anthony Program .......... 98 Anonymous •••• ........ 98 Wonderful City .................. 99 Luncheon at Sard! * s ......... 99 Moppets and Melodies ......... 100 General Evaluation of Human Interest Programs on Radio Networks •••••• 100 IV. HUMAN INTEREST PROGRAMS ON TELEVISION NETWORKS ....................... 102 Extent of Use of Human Interest Programs * 102 General Popularity of Programs of the Type 103 Human Interest Programs on Television Networks . ...... ..... lOi*. Individual Human Interest Programs . 10? We, The People .......... 106 Sidewalks of New York ........ 109 V CHAPTER PAG» Okay, Mother 110 Candid Camera ............... Ill Quiz K i d s .......................... 112 Stork C l u b .......................... 115 Life with Linkletter.................117 Faye Emerson ........................ 11Ô Life Begins at 8 0 .................. 119 Blind D a t e .......................... 121 Wonderful Town ........... 122 Bride and G r o o m .................... 123 Juvenile J u r y ...................... 12î^. Wisdom of the A g e s .................. 126 Art Linkletter's House Party ........ 12? Welcome Traveler ......... 128 This Is Your L i f e ................. 130 Person to P e r s o n ............. 133 Queen for a D a y .................... 135 Love Story ............. ...... 136 Stand Up and Be Counted 13d It Could Be Y o u ............. 139 You're On Your O w n ................. ll^O Mike Wallace Interview ........ ll{2 General Evaluation of Human Interest Programs on Television Networks . 11^.3 v l CHAPTER PAGE V. INTRODUCTION TO QUIZ PROGSIAMS ...... Major Changes In Quiz Prograjus ........... ll|.7 Changes in Pattern .................. 1^.6 Changes In Selection of Contestants . 150 Changes in Master of Ceremonies . • • . • 155 Changes in Size of Prizes ............. 156 The Give-Away Concept. .................. 160 Were the Give-Aways good or bad for Radio? 16^. Were the Give-Aways Essentially L o t t e r i e s ? ............... 169 Quiz Program Research ..................175 Foreign Quiz Programs ............ .. 177 VI. STUDIO QUIZ PROGRAMS ON RADIO NETWORKS . l80 Major Changes #....# .............. l6l Extent of Use of Studio Quiz on Radio Networks . ............. l66 General Popularity of Programs of the Type. I87 Studio Quiz Programs on Radio Networks . I88 Individual Studio Quiz Programs . « • . « 190 Professor Quiz 191 Old Time Spelling B e e ................. 193 Uncle Jim's Question Bee ....... l^l^. Melody Puzzles ...................... 195 vil CHAPTER PACæ Spelling Bee . $ . .............. 195 Ask-It Basket 196 Battle of the S e x e s ................. 197 Kay Kyser's College of Musical Knowledge................ 198 True or F a l s e ....................... 201 Doctor le q..........................203 Don't F o r g e t ....................... 20l|. Quick S i l v e r ....................... 20li Mystery History Q u i z ................205 Qulxle Doodle 205 Youth Vs, Age ................. 206 Name Three Quiz 207 Double or Nothing ....... 207 Beat the Band ................ 207 Take It Or Leave I t ................. 210 Play Broadcast Quiz 212 Spin and Win ........... 212 Who K n o w s ? .........................212 Consumer's Quiz ............ 213 Auction Quiz ............ 213 National History Q u i z ................213 What's Vtj Name?......... 211f Dr. I. Q. Jr ......................... 21i^ viii CHAPTER PACffl Thanks to the Yanks ......... 21$ Better H a l f ...................... 216 Yankee Doodle Q u i z .............. 216 Grand Slam ................ 217 Scramby Amby ....................... .219 Skyrlder Q u i z .................... 219 Stop or G o ................ 219 Which Is Which? ...................220 Quick as a Flash ................ 221 What'a the Name of That Song? • . • . • 222 Darts for Dough ....................223 Bob Hawks S h o w ............... , 225 Detect-a-Tune...................... 227 Detect and Collect •••••• 227 Think You Know Music? ........ 228 Try and Find M e ............ 228 Give and Take . .......... 229 Break the Bank .................... 230 Winner Take All .......... 233 Hollywood Jackpot .................. 235 You Bet Your Life ........... 236 Strike It Rich .................... 238 Man on the Farm Quiz 2 I4.O Take a Number .............. 2J|I Ix CHAPTER PAGE Comedy of E r r o r s ....................21^1 Earn Your Vacation . .............. 21^.2 Meet Your Match .............. 21^3 Think Fast .................... 21^ Hollywood Q u i z ................ 21jl(. Rate Your Mate 245 Shoot the Moon ............ 246 The $64 Q u e s t i o n .................... 246 Two for the M o n e y .................... 248 Movie Q u i z .................... 249 College Quiz Bowl ......... 249 The Phrase that Pays ••••«•••• 250 Second Chance 251 Easy M o n e y ......................... 25l Spend a Million........... 25l I Ask Y o u ........................... 252 Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom •••••• 252 Wheel of C h a n c e .................... 252 General Evaluation of Studio Q,uiz Programs on Radio ................ 253 VII. STUDIO QUIZ PROGRAMS ON TELEVISION NETWORKS , 255 Major Changes ..................... 257 Extent of Use of Studio Quiz on Television Networks .................. 261 X CHàPTKR PAGE Ganeral Popularity of Programs of the Type 263 Studio Quiz Programs on Television N e t w o r k s ......... 265 Individual Studio Quiz Programs . • , . • 268 Vinner Take A l l ............. 268 Break the B a n k ............. 2?0 Kay Kyser’s College ...................272 You Bet Your Lif e .................... 273 Big Payoff ...................... 276 Strike It R i c h ...................... 277 Balance Your Budget .................. 26l Double or Nothing ............... • • 282 Wheel of Fortune .................... 201| Two for the Money . _................. 285 Dr. I. Q .............................. 287 Name That Tune •••••••••••• 288 Place the F a c e ..................... 289 Quick as a Flash ........... 291 On Your Account * .................. 292 Feather Your Nest ......... 293 The $614.,000 Q u e s t i o n .................294 The Big Surprise .................... 298 Do You Trust Your Wife? ......... , 300 Ths $ 6 4 , 0 0 0 Challenge ......... 301 xl CHAPTER PAGE High Finance ..................... 303 Tic Tac D o u ^ ......... 30l|. Treasure Hunt ......................... 30^ Twenty O n e ........................... 307 Break the $2^0,000 Bank ......... 308 Giant S t e p ........................... 310 The Price is Right ........... 311 Hold That N o t e ....................... 312 General Evaluation of Studio Quiz Programs on Television Networks • • • • • 313 VIII, TELEPHONE QUIZ PROGRAMS ..................... 315 Extent of Use of Telephone Quiz on Radio and TV Networks ......... 317 General Popularity of Telephone Quiz Programs on Radio and TV Networks . • • . 319 Telephone Quiz Programs on the Radio Networks ...........................320 Individual Telephone Quiz
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