The Bulletin ofWellesley College The Academic Year 1982-1983 Catalog for 1982-83 The Bulletin of Wellesley College, Vol. 72, No. 1 Contents Academic Calendar, 1982-83 3 The information contained in this Bulletin is ac- curate as of August 1982. However, Wellesley Inquiries, Visits & Correspondence 4 College reserves the right to make changes at its The College 6 discretion affecting policies, fees, curricula or 10 The Campus other matters announced in this Bulletin. Facilities and Resources 10 students, without Student Life 14 Wellesley College admits regard to race, color, religion, or national origin, Student Residences and Resources 14 to all the rights, privileges, programs, and ac- Student Government 16 tivities generally accorded or made available to Career Services 18 students at the College. The College does not Admission 20 discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin, in administration of its educa- Criteria for Admission 20 tional policies, admission policies, scholarship Admission Plans 21 and loan programs, athletic and other college- Transfer Foreign and Students 22 administered programs or in its employment Costs & Financial Aid 26 policies. Fees and Expenses 26 Wellesley College, as a private, undergraduate educational institution for women, does not Payment Plans 28 discriminate on the basis of sex against its Financial Aid 29 students in the educational programs or activities Graduate Fellowships 31 which It operates, and does not discriminate on The Academic Program 34 the basis of sex in its employment policies, in IX the The Curriculum 34 compliance with the regulations of Title of Education Amendments of 1972, nor does the Academic Policies and Procedures 36 College discriminate on the basis of handicap in Special Academic Programs 39 violation of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Academic Distinctions 42 of 1973. Honors Awarded, 1982 42 Wellesley College supports the efforts of secondary school officials and governing bodies Courses of Instruction 47 to achieve regional accredited status for their The Faculty 200 schools in order to provide reliable assurance of Presidents 217 the quality of the educational preparation of its The Board of Trustees 218 applicants for admission. The Administration 220 The Bulletin of Wellesley College (USPS The Alumnae Organization 226 078-360) is published September, December, The National Development Fund Council 227 January, March, and May by Wellesley College, Travel Instructions 229 Green Hall, Wellesley, MA 02181. Second-class Index 230 postage paid at Boston, MA. Postmaster: Send Form 3579 to Wellesley College Post Office, Green Hall, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA 02181. , Academic Calendar 1982-83 First Semester Second Semester SEPTEMBER JANUARY 2, Thursday New students arrive 31, Monday Labor Day Orientation Weekend activities for new students 4, Saturday Returning students arrive 7, Tuesday Classes begin 9, Thursday Convocation OCTOBER 8, Friday Fall recess begins after classes 12, Tuesday Fall recess ends NOVEMBER 24, Wednesday Thanksgiving recess begins (after classes) 28, Sunday Thanksgiving recess ends DECEMBER 10, Friday Classes end 1 1 Saturday Reading period begins 15, Wednesday Examinations begin 22, Wednesday Examinations end (Noon) 19, Sunday No examinations 22, Wednesday Christmas vacation (Noon) begins (after examinations) JANUARY 4, Tuesday Christmas vacation ends 5, Wednesday Wintersession begins 28, Friday Wintersession ends Inquiries, Visits & Correspondence Wellesley welcomes inquiries and visits to the prospective students can also be made during College from prospective students, their parents, vacation periods. Rooms for alumnae and for and other interested individuals. For those who parents of students or prospective students are would like more detailed information on many of available on the campus in the Wellesley College the programs and opportunities described in this Club and may be reserved by writing to the club catalog, the College publishes a number of bro- manager. chures and booklets. These publications, as well A prospective student who wishes to arrange as answers to any specific questions, may be ob- an interview with a member of the professional tained by writing to the appropriate office as staff of the Board of Admission should make an listed. appointment well in advance. For those who would like to visit the College, Student guides provide tours for visitors the administrative offices in Green Hall are open without previous appointment. Visitors to the Col- Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., lege may call the Board of Admission prior to and by appointment on Saturday mornings dur- their visit to arrange a mutually convenient time ing term time. Special arrangements for greeting for the tour. President Registrar General interests of the College Transcripts of records Dean of the College Dean of Continuing Education Academic policies and programs Continuing education Dean of Students Director, Center for Women's Careers Student life Graduate school; employment; Advising, counseling general career counseling of Residence undergraduates and alumnae MIT cross registration Vice President for Financial and Business Exchange programs Affairs International students Business matters Study abroad Vice President for Planning and Resources Class Deans Gifts and bequests Individual students Executive Director, Alumnae Association Director of Admission Alumnae interests Admission of students Director of Financial Aid Address Financial aid; student employment; Wellesley College fellowships; student loans Wellesley, Massachusetts 02181 Bursar (617)235-0320 College fees The College Four years of Wellesley have given me one advantage that I will value for the rest of my life: a sense of confidence. If you apply yourself at Wellesley, what you get is a feeling that, as a woman and as an intelligent person, you can do absolutely anything. Julie Gess '82 The College A student's years at Wellesley are the the necessary self-confidence as an individual beginning — not the end — of an education. A and as a woman to fulfill them. Above all, it is Wellesley College degree signifies not that the Wellesley's purpose to teach students to apply graduate has memorized certain blocks of knowledge wisely, and to use the advantages material, but that she has acquired the curiosi- of talent and education to seek new ways to ty, the desire, and the ability to seek and serve the wider community. These are the assimilate new information. Four years at a elements of an education that can never grow women's college can provide the foundation for old and can never become obsolete. the widest possible horizon of ambitions, and Wellesley is a college for the serious student, one Wellesley find themselves taking courses and who has high expectations for her intellectual life pursuing interests that elsewhere might be seen and for her career. Beyond this common as more appropriate for men. They also take ground, there is no Wellesley stereotype. Stu- courses and pursue interests with an emphasis dents at the College come from all over the on the lives and achievements of women, that world, from different cultures and backgrounds. elsewhere might not be available at all. The Col- They have prepared for Wellesley at hundreds of lege has always encouraged women to make different secondary schools; two-thirds of them responsible choices, without regard for prevail- attended public secondary schools. Wellesley ing convention. In the early part of this century, students are white, Black, Hispanic, American a woman choosing to become a physician would Indian, and Asian-American. Through the Con- have been viewed as atypical. Today, it might be tinuing Education Program, a number of older equally unconventional for a Wellesley graduate women, many of whom are married and have to devote herself to a family and to volunteer ac- children, are part of the student body working tivities. Either way, the women's college ex- toward a Wellesley degree. Men and women perience helps each student understand that she from other colleges and universities study at has many choices, that she may set her own Wellesley through various exchange programs. goals and strive to fulfill them in a way that is This diversity of people and personalities is satisfying to her. made possible, in large part, by the College's In recognition of the importance of studying continued ability to maintain an "aid-blind" admis- the contribution of women to their world, the Col- sion policy. Students are accepted without lege inaugurated a major in Women's Studies in reference to their ability to pay. Once admitted, 1982. While the major concentration is new and those with demonstrated need receive financial presents many exciting opportunities, the in- aid through a variety of services. Approximately vestigation of women's work and women's lives 75% of the student body currently has financial has been a respected part of academic life for help; about 42% of those receive aid directly many years. The Wellesley College Center for from the College. Research on Women, a policy-oriented research Wellesley's founder, Henry Fowie Durant, was institution on campus was founded in 1974 and an impassioned believer in educational oppor- has produced much work of national importance tunity for women. Throughout its 1 07 year history about the role of women in contemporary Wellesley has been one of a handful of preemi- society. nent liberal arts colleges in the country, and, at Wellesley is not, however, a community com- the same time, a distinguished leader in the posed only of women. Many members of the education of women. faculty and administration are men, and through Wellesley has remained a women's college the various exchange programs there are always because there are priceless advantages for the male students on campus. With Boston and student. These advantages have increased in Cambridge, and their many educational institu- importance over the last twenty years, especially tions, only 35 minutes away, there is a wealth of since women began entering the paid labor opportunity tor each student to enjoy the kind of force in large numbers.
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