DIONNE WARWICK TALKS WINDY CITY WITH WCT THE VOICE OF CHICAGO’S GAY, LESBIAN, BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 PAGE 26 APRIL 6, 2011 TIMES VOL 26, NO. 27 www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com AIDS @ CAPPLEMAN’S 46TH WARD RUNOFF PAGE 8 30 page 14 SAUNDRA KAROL’S PHOTO EXHIBIT In this edition of Windy City Times, we begin a nine-month series about the AIDS epidemic in Chicago and the U.S. This series will include hun- dreds of articles, photos, essays and more, looking at HIV/AIDS through the past three decades, and where we are with the epidemic today. See PAGE 30 inside for our first special issue, and pick up a copy each week for more coverage. You can also see our coverage online at www.windycitymedia- group.com under the AIDS @ 30 button. Photo: ACT UP/Chicago marches downtown in 1990. Photo by Lisa Howe-Ebright. SPRING THEATER ROUND-UP From left: The Alchemist, White Noise (produced by Whoopi Goldberg and choreographed by Sergio Trujillo, pictured) and Peter Pan are among the productions around Chicago this spring. Find out what else is out there—-and what’s coming--starting on page 19. Photos by (from left) DALE LEVITSKI Michael Laird, CromCo and Ed Krieger DISHES ON SPROUT page 19 PAGE 30 nightspots tMarch 30, 2011 pick it up Black Beauty take it home It’s rah-rah for tatas at the 10th annual Black Bra Party. page 14 The Candy Shop Moose’s Windy at evilOlive. City Gay Idol page 14 tips. page 10 2 April 6, 2011 WINDY CITY TIMES WINDY CITY TIMES April 6, 2011 3 this week in WINDY CITY TIMES NEWS ENTERTAINMENT/EVENTS LGBT health report; DADT repeal 4 Spring theater round-up 19 ENDA to be reintroduced 5 Theater reviews 24 Roller-coaster for binational couples 6 Dionne Warwick talks with WCT 26 Election results; prison workshop 8 Pop Making Sense 27 Cook County Jail’s trans policy 9 Gay singer/songwriter Tom Goss 28 Pro-life billboards in Chicago 10 Celebrations 29 Amendment dies; Cosgrove 11 Cape Project; Dale Levitski 30 Gay man goes after Gibsons 12 Billy Masters 35 HBHC’s new board; Taylor 13 Real estate: Cindy Gaffney 36 Gay in the Life: Francis Shervinski 13 Views: Monroe; letters 14 OUTLINES Real estate; classifieds 32 AIDS @ 30 Calendar Q 34 AIDS: The plague years 14 Sports: Volleyball; Gay Games 38 Munar’s reflections 15 T-shirt campaign 17 Photos on cover (left, from top): Dionne Warwick PR photo; James Cappleman photo from cam- paign team; Saundra Karol photo from Karol; photo of Dale Levitski from Bravo WINDY CITY TIMES www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com AIDS @30 DOWNLOAD THIS! Go to www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com to download complete issues of Windy City Times and Nightspots. SPRING THEATER ROUND-UP Then click on any ad and be taken directly to the advertiser’s Web site! online exclusives at www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com GETTING THE BOOT Dave Hochbaum (left) talks about Center on Halsted’s boot camp, which will get you in shape for summer—cheaply. Photo by Andrew Davis Read Sugar & Spice’s verdict on WCT was there the new restaurant RELIEF effort for the GLAAD Kingfisher. Local individuals talk about the support Hatter brunch. See they have provided and plan to give to photos online. Photo by Meghan Streit support the tsunami/earthquake victims in Japan. Photo by Jerry Nunn CIVIL BEHAVIOR? Harris Bank hosted an event on civil STORY DAZE unions, where attorney Dan Logan talked about estates—and divorce. THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT This week’s entertainment round-up includes items on Lady Gaga, Colin Farrell and Lily Tomlin. USA Network hosted an event with Peter Gallagher, Judy Gold and more that plus benefited The Moth, an organization DAILY BREAKING NEWS dedicated to storytelling. Photo by Jerry Nunn Black Bras, nightspots Gay in Santa Fe Show #410 green beers & tMarch 30, 2011 black leather Black Beauty It’s rah-rah for tatas at the 10th annual Black Bra Party. nightspots page 14 The Candy Shop Moose’s Windy at evilOlive. City Gay Idol page 14 tips. page 10 Find Nightspots on www.WindyCityQueercast.com WindyCityTimes_Boston_Caucasian_MALE.indd 1 3/11/11 6:06:25 PM 4 April 6, 2011 WINDY CITY TIMES in its clinical practice section entitled “Care of ONLINE AT Transsexual Persons.” It is the first time it has LGBT health issues dealt with the subject so extensively. Garofalo WINDYCITYMEDIAGROUP.COM said we have much to learn from the Dutch in NATIONAL NEWS this area. certified in new report Graham said the journal article, this report, inclusion in surveys and electronic health re- BY BOB ROEHR cords are important because they create oppor- tunities for self-reporting of sexual orientation “Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) and gender identity. And for others, including individuals experience unique health dispari- physicians, “seeing those questions legitimates ties. Although the acronym LGBT is used as an the fact that it’s okay to be that way. ... It is a —Matt Barber defends umbrella term, and the health needs of this sensitizing experience.” anti-gay comments community are often grouped together, each of The NIH has appointed a liaison to coordinate these letters represents a distinct population implementation of the report’s recommendations —Giffords hero to with its own health concerns.” within that agency. speak at Camp Pride “The Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and “Furthermore, among lesbians, gay men, bi- Transgender People: Building a Foundation for sexual men and women, and transgender people, —Activists push Better Understanding” is available at www.iom. there are subpopulations based on race, eth- for Harvey edu/lgbthealth. nicity, socioeconomic status, geographic loca- Milk (left) stamp tion, age, and other factors,” is how the report opened. That summary statement is not news to any- one familiar with the LGBT community. But the fact that it was made in a report commissioned Tsongas, D-Mass., both Stanley and Gortney by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and House hears about said they expect the Pentagon will be ready written by the prestigious Institute of Medi- to submit in mid-summer its required written cine (IOM) adds new meaning and credibility to DADT-repeal certification to Congress that the military is shaping health policy, which that heretofore had prepared to drop DADT implementation. been lacking. implementation By Lisa KEEN President Obama, too, must submit written Traditionally IOM committees are asked to KEEN NEWS SERVICE certification to Congress, saying he is confi- identify research gaps and priorities within a dent the military is ready to implement repeal field. “But that paradigm does not fit for this Pentagon officials told a House subcommittee of DADT. Then, 60 days after his certification, area,” Chair Robert Graham, M.D., said at the April 1 that training for implementation of re- and that of Defense Secretary Robert Gates March 31 news conference releasing the report. peal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) has gone and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Ad- “There has been so little fundamental, across “extremely well so far” and that certification miral Mike Mullen, is submitted, the law will the board research with the LGBT communities Robert Garofalo. Photo by Bob Roehr to Congress might come by mid-summer. be repealed in practice. that we couldn’t just identify gaps, we really Republicans on the Military Personnel Sub- Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Joe Wilson, needed to base our findings upon a more broad committee of the House Armed Services Com- R-S.C., repeatedly expressed his concern and encompassing degree of needs in terms of served populations, like young African American mittee used the hearing to reiterate concerns that military chaplains might lose their First research,” continued the professor at the Uni- men in this country who are facing exorbitant from previous Congressional debates that Amendment right to freedom of expression versity of Cincinnati School of Medicine. amounts of HIV.” the military might rush to jump through the and religion. He also asked whether gay ser- He said much of the research that does ex- The past president of the Gay and Lesbian hoops necessary to actually implement repeal vicemembers were made aware of when they ist focuses on gay male adults, particularly with Medical Association said very little has been of the law. were in a country that considers same-sex regard to HIV and other sexually transmitted done in the area of intervention research that Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., for instance, said sexual relations illegal. Military officials re- diseases. And it has been conducted largely in has been proven effective in reaching this com- he was concerned that military leaders might sponded that all service members are given urban environments, not suburban or rural ones. munity. He is particularly interesting in struc- be pressuring service members to respond information about the cultural norms and There is little research focusing on bisexuals and tural and community-based rather than medical with “political correctness” during the repeal laws of countries into which they are going. transgender persons or on issue of childhood or interventions. process, calling it “social engineering.” Coffman suggested that, since separate aging. Information on racial and ethnic groups, Judith Bradford, with Fenway Community Rep. Mike Coffman, R-Colo., said he has housing for gay and straight servicemembers and lower income populations also is scant. Health in Boston, would focus on behavioral risk “no confidence” in the process because, he is not being mandated, perhaps the military Some of these factors may confer additional factor surveillance that includes sexual orienta- said, “this is a political decision made by the should end its practice of providing separate health risks “and these sorts of crosswalks just tion and gender identity.
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