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Writingfornews- COMMERCE IS WAIT- papers,novels, or pictures is not a gift: ING FOR -' [.,Kurgriii-7,71iiii it is a science that can he acquired by Just tryitforyourself. --g.m lilt -'.A. diligent application and proper guidance. co<Trace or draw the outline It is the most fascinating way of making and then put in the features pastimeprofitable.Trained ability only There are hundreds of openings in connection with -.;,:r vie ,.-..-...is required; we dothetraininby post. Humorous Pasers, Advertisement Drawing, ..4,. Z.)4t.-N1-0-Let us tell you about it. Posters, Calendars, Catalogues, Textile Designs. DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE 76 Book Illustrations, etc. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL AND MOST i"- tin per cent. of Commercial Art. 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Name c,""--,-,e-e<ART DEPT. 76. Address CONDITIONSOF SALE AND SUPPLY.-This periodical is sold subject to the following conditions, namely, that it shall not, without the written consentthe of publishers histgiven, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of byway of Trade except at the full retail price of 9d.; and that itshall not be lent,resold, 'Lived out or otherwisedisposed of in a mutilated condition or in any unauthorised cover by way of Trade; oraffixed to or as part ofany publicationor advertising literary or pictorialmatter whatsoever. April,1941 NEWNES PRACTICAL MECHANICS 241 AA'ke- ,144-eA.A- Assiol ENGINEERING WORKSHOP PRACTICE Recent developments in engineering workshop prac- tice have been so rapid that it has been found neces- sary to produce a new and revised edition. This new edition deals with the underlying principles, crafts- manship, machines, tools, measuring processes and machining methods of today, and it will prove indis- pensable to the engineer, draughtsman, mechanic, apprentice and engineering studentIts scope extends by using from simple hand tools and machines to the latest elaborate machines and methods employed for mass - AZOL ina production purposes. SOME OF THE SUBJECTS Files,Chisels, Scrapers, Shears, Punches, Burnishers, Hand Screw -cuttingTools,Spanners,Vices,VariousMeasuring methods. Verniers, Micrometers, Gauges, Optical Devices, Fluted and TwistDrills,Grinding Angles,DrillingData, TANK Small and Large Drilling Machines, Electric Drills, Practical Your camera need not be idle during the Lathework inallitsbranches. Machining of Metals and coming months. There are plenty of good Synthetic Materials. subjects "ready to hand", simply demand- Tungsten -carbide and Diamond Tools. SpecialOffer ing to be taken. 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