

46 UTENSILI CUCINA KITCHEN UTENSILS 48 COLINI STRAINERS 50 CIOTOLE BOWLS 52 DOSATORI, IMBUTI DISPENSER, FUNNEL 54 MESTOLI, PALETTE LADLES, TOOLS 58 SPATOLE, FRUSTE, PINZE SPATULA, WHISKS, TONGS 62 PA PLUS UTENSILI PA PLUS TOOLS 66 CUCINA CREATIVA CREATIVE CUISINE 74 TERMOMETRI, BILANCE THERMOMETERS, SCALE 78 TEMPERATURE DI COTTURA CARNE MEAT BAKING TEMPERATURE 80 GADGETS SERIE 280 88 GADGETS SERIE 278 <a^ higjbZci^ ^be^Z\Vi^ Vhhjbdcd jcV kVaZcoV Kitchen utensils are just as crucial to the success XgjX^VaZ eZg aV WjdcV g^jhX^iV Y^ jc e^Viid! of a dish as the quality of the ingredients. A good iVcid fjVcid aV fjVa^i| YZ\a^ ^c\gZY^Zci^ X]Z ad kitchen utensil can make it a true joy to prepare Xdbedc\dcd# Jc Wjdc jiZch^aZ YV XjX^cV ej meals and give dishes both a special taste and a gZcYZgZaVegZeVgVo^dcZYZ^e^Vii^jcVkZgV\^d^V professional and modern appearance. ZYdcVVaaZe^ZiVcoZdaigZX]Zjc\jhidheZX^VaZ VcX]ZjcVheZiidegd[Zhh^dcVaZZbdYZgcd# 47 UTENSILI CUCINA KITCHEN UTENSILS COLINI STRAINERS >Xda^c^hdcdhigjbZci^WVh^aVg^^cXjX^cV!^cY^heZchVW^a^eZgXdaVgZ Strainers are fundamental kitchen utensils and are used to strain aVeVhiV!h\dXX^daVgZaZkZgYjgZZaVkVgZ\a^Va^bZci^#Cdcedhhdcd pasta, drain vegetables and wash food. There should be at least VhhdajiVbZciZbVcXVgZcZaaVYdiVo^dcZhiVcYVgYY^d\c^XjX^cV# one of them in every self-respecting kitchen. Cooking enthusiasts EZg\a^VeeVhh^dcVi^Y^VgiZXja^cVg^VcZZh^hidcdbdaiZea^X^igV can choose from a wide variety of strainers. With feet to keep your Xj^hXZ\a^ZgZ#8dcWVh^YÉVeed\\^deZg\VgVci^gZbVc^a^WZgZ!Xdc hands free, with a flat bottom so as not to crush the food and smaller [dcYde^ViideZgcdchX]^VXX^VgZ\a^Va^bZci^ZfjZaa^e^e^XXda^YV sizes for placing on saucepans, without feet but with a handle and Veed\\^VgZV^gZX^e^Zci^hdiidhiVci^!hZcoVe^ZY^bVXdcbVc^Xd reinforced rim. Why not choose the Chinese colander for straining Z WdgYd g^c[dgoVid# EZgX] cdc hXZ\a^ZgZ ^a Xda^cd X^cZhZ eZg soups and broths? Choose the shape and size of strainer you need eVhhVgZkZgYjgZdXgZbZ!gZVa^ooVgZkZaajiViZZ[^aigVgZWgdY^d for the job you want to do. eVhhViZ4 >c WVhZ VaaÉji^a^ood! X^VhXjcd edig| hXZ\a^ZgZ ^a Xda^cd YVaaZY^bZch^dc^ZYVaaZ[dgbZegZ[Zg^iZ# )'+(- )+.(% EVhhVkZg YjgVhiV\cVid 8daV[g^iid!Vaajb^c^d Vegeta bl e sieve, tinne d Fry dripping tray, a luminium Vg i# £X b Vgi# £Xb )'+(-"&- &- )+.(%"(. (. )'+(-"'% '% 48 VIVERE LA CUCINA CON PADERNO by SAMBONET COLINI STRAINERS &&.'+ &&.') &&.', 8daVeVhiVhZb^h[Zg^XdXdcbVc^XdZ\VcX^d!^cdm 8daVeVhiVXdcbVc^XdZ\VcX^d!^cdm 8daVeVhiVigdcXdXdc^Xd!^cdm Strainer with hook, stainless steel Strainer with hook, stainless steel Conical colander, stainless steel Vgi# £Xb ]#Xb ai# Vgi# £Xb ]#Xb ai# Vgi# £Xb ]#Xb ai# &&.'+"'' '' &' '!, &&.')"&- &- && '!- &&.',"') ') &' (!* &&.'+"'+ '+ &) ) &&.')"'% '% &' (!+ &&.',"'- '- &) *!* &&.')"'' '' &( * &&.',"(' (' &+ -!- &&.')"') ') &) +!* &&.',"(+ (+ &-!* &'!- &&.')"'- '- &* .!( &&.',")% )% '% &, )'+'' )'+') )'+(& )'+(% 8da^cdVgZiZ!^cdm 8da^cdVgZiZ!hiV\cVid 8daVeVhiVgZiZhiV\cViV 8daVijiid!^cdm Soup strainer, s/s Soup strainer, tinned Tinned strainer Strainer, s/s Vgi# £Xb a#Xb Vgi# £Xb Vgi# £Xb a#Xb Vgi# £Xb a#Xb )'+''"%, , &' )'+')"%, , )'+(&"&' &' &) )'+(%"'' ''m&- &. )'+''"&% &% &' )'+')"&% &% )'+(&"&) &) &, AJC<=:OO69:AB6C>8D )'+''"&' &' &, )'+')"&' &' )'+(&"&+ &+ &, * HANDLE LENGHT )'+''"&) &) &, )'+')"&+ &+ )'+(&"&- &- &, )'+''"&+ &+ &, )'+')"&- &- )'+(&"'% '% &, )'+''"&- &- &, )'+')"'% '% )'+(&"'( '( ', AJC<=:OO69:AB6C>8D )'+(&"'+ '+ ', * HANDLE LENGHT AJC<=:OO69:AB6C>8D * HANDLE LENGHT )&.(& )&.'* )&.(( &&.'. 8da^cdXdc^XdVgZiZ!^cdm 8dgcZiidX^cZhZ!^cdm HjeedgideZgXdgcZiidX^cZhZ!^cdm 8dgcZiidX^cZhZVgZiZ!^cdm Chinese soup strainer, s/s Chinese colander, s/s Chinese colander stand, s/s Colander with wire gauze, s/s Vgi# £Xb Vgi# £Xb Vgi# £Xb ]#Xb Vgi# £Xb )&.(&"%- - )&.'*"&) &) )&.(("&- &- '- &&.'."'% '% )&.(&"&) &) )&.'*"&+ &+ &&.'."') ') )&.(&"&+ &+ )&.'*"&- &- )&.(&"&- &- )&.'*"'% '% )&.'*"'' '' )&.'*"') ') )&.'*"'+ '+ 49 UTENSILI CUCINA KITCHEN UTENSILS CIOTOLE BOWLS AZ X^didaZ gVeegZhZciVcd jcV eVgiZ ZhhZco^VaZ YZ\a^ jiZch^a^ YV Bowls are essential kitchen utensils. How could we prepare a meal XjX^cV#8dbZh^edigZWWZVaig^bZci^egZeVgVgZjceVhidhZcoVjc without a container for mixing, preserving or serving food in? They gZX^e^ZciZ^cXj^bZhXdaVgZ!XdchZgkVgZdhZgk^gZ4CZZh^hidcdY^ are available in many different materials, shapes and sizes for a wide Y^kZgh^bViZg^Va^![dgbZZb^hjgZ!eZg\a^^be^Z\]^e^hkVg^Vi^#FjZhi^ variety of uses. These multi-purpose containers, without handles, XdciZc^idg^bjai^jhdhegdkk^hi^Y^bVc^\a^Zhdcdji^a^eZggV[[gZYYVgZ can be used for cooling liquids, bain-marie cooking, whisking and a^fj^Y^!XjdXZgZVWV\cdbVg^V!bdciVgZVcZkZZbdaidVaigd# much more besides. 50 LIVING THE KITCHEN WITH PADERNO by SAMBONET CIOTOLE BOWLS )&.*% &'*-' &'*-% 7VX^cZaaVhZb^h[Zg^XV!^cdm 7VX^cZaaVXdc^XVWVhhV!^cdm 7VX^cZaaVXdc^XVVaiV!^cdm Hemispherical mixing bowl, s/s Kitchenbowl low, stainless steel Kitchenbowl high, stainless steel Vgi# £Xb ai# Vgi# £Xb ]#Xb ai# Vgi# £Xb ]#Xb ai# )&.*%"'% '% ' &'*-'"&( &(!' + %!* &'*-%"&& &&!, , %!* )&.*%"'* '* (!, &'*-'"&, &+!* ,!* & &'*-%"&, &*!* . & )&.*%"(% (% ,!' &'*-'"'' '' ,!* ' &'*-%"'& &. &&!* ' )&.*%"(* (* &%!* &'*-'"') ') .!* ( &'*-%"') '' &' ( )&.*%")% )% &*!+ &'*-'"(' (%!* &&!* + &'*-%"'. ', &(!* * &'*-'"() ('!* &) - &'*-%"(% '. &* + &'*-%"(& (%!* &, - &'*-%"(+ (*!* &-!* && ),+%% ),+&& )&.+% 7VX^cZaaVidcYV!eda^egde^aZcZ 7VX^cZaaVidcYV!eda^egde^aZcZ HZXX]^Zaad\gVYjVid!^cdm Mixing bowl, polypropylene Mixing bowl, polypropylene Graduated bucket, stainless steel Vgi# £Xb ]#Xb ai# Vgi# £Xb ]#Xb ai# Vgi# £Xb ]#Xb ai# ),+%%"&+ &+ , . ),+&&"%& &. ,!. & )&.+%"%- '-!* '%!* - ),+%%"'% '% -!* &!+ ),+&&"%( ') &&!* '!* )&.+%"&% (% '* &% ),+%%"') ') &% '!- ),+&&"%* '- &(!* )!* )&.+%"&' (& ', &' ),+%%"'- '- && )!* ),+&&"%+ ('!* &)!, + )&.+%"&* ('!* (& &* ),+%%"(' (' &'!* +!* ),+&&"%. (+ &+!* . ),+%%"(+ (+ &) &% ),+&&"&( )% &-!* &( ),+%%")% )% &*!* &(!* &&.*& &&.*( 7VhiVgYZaaVhZcoVbVc^\a^Z!^cdm 7VhZeZgWVhiVgYZaaV!^cdm Mixing bowl without handles, s/s Foot for mixing bowl, s/s Vgi# £Xb ]#Xb ai# Vgi# £Xb £WVhiVgYZaaV bowl &&.*&"'' '' &' '!, &&.*("&+ &+ ''"'+ &&.*&"'+ '+ &) ) &&.*("'' '' ('"(+")% &&.*&"(' (' &- .!* &&.*&"(+ (+ '%!* &) &&.*&")% )% '&!* &- 51 UTENSILI CUCINA KITCHEN UTENSILS DOSATORI DISPENSER HZ\j^gZbZi^XdadhVbZciZaZ^cY^XVo^dc^YZaaZg^XZiiZdYdhVgZaZ Do you follow recipes to the letter or are you free and easy when fjVci^i|ÆVYdXX]^dÇ4EZgZcigVbW^\a^VeegdXX^VaaVegZeVgVo^dcZ it comes to judging quantities? No matter what approach you use, YZ^ e^Vii^ g^hjaiV Z[[^XVXZ aÉjhd Y^ XVgV[[Z \gVYjViZ! YdhVidg^! graded carafes, dispensers, measuring vessels and funnels are b^hjg^c^!hZhhdaZZ^bWji^# certainly very useful. )'+&% HZiVXX^dgZiZ^ciZgXVbW^VW^aZ !^cdm GZiZ ^ciZgXVbW ^VW ^aZ Sieve with spare gauzes, s/s Spare gauze Vgi # £X b Vgi# £Xb Vgi# £Xb Vgi# £Xb )'+&%"(% (% )'+&&"(% (% )'+&'"(% (% )'+&("(% (% )'+&%"(* (* )'+&&"(* (* )'+&'"(* (* )'+&("(* (* Vgi#)'+& ( G:I:>C9 DI6O> DC: SUPPLIED WITH GAUZ E 52 VIVERE LA CUCINA CON PADERNO by SAMBONET DOSATORI DISPENSER ),+%+ ),+%, ),+%- 8VgV[[V\gVYjViV!eda^egde^aZcZ 8VgV[[V\gVYjViV!^be^aVW^aZ!eda^egde^aZcZ 9dhVidgZeZgb^XgddcYZ\gVYjVid!eda^egde^aZcZ Measuring jug, polypropylene Measuring jug, stackable, polypropylene Microwave measuring jug, polypropylene Vgi# £Xb ]#Xb ai# Vgi# £Xb ]#Xb ai# Vgi# £Xb ]#Xb ai# ),+%+"%' -!* &% %!'* ),+%,"&% &'!* &)!* & ),+%-"'% &- &*!* ' ),+%+"%* &%!* &%!* %!* ),+%,"'% &(!* &, ' ),+%+"&% &'!* &)!* & ),+%+"'% &(!* &, ' ),+%+"(% &*!* '& ( ),+%+"*% &. ') * )'+&+ )'+&* )'*-& B^hjg^c^!^cdm B^hjg^c^!^cdm B^hjg^cd\gVYjVid!^be^aVW^aZ!^cdm Measuring cups, s/s Measuring spoons, s/s Graduated measure jug, stackable, s/s Vgi# Xa# Vgi# ba# Vgi# £Xb ]#Xb ai# )'+&+"%) +"-"&'!*"'* )'+&*"%) &"'!*"*"&* )'*-&"%& ,!* * %!& )'*-&"%( &% , %!( )'*-&"%* &&!* && %!* )'*-&"&% &* &( & )'*-&"&* &*!* &* &!* )'*-&"'% &, &. ' )'+%- )'*+' ),+%) HZhhdaVidcYV!Vaajb^c^d >bWjid!^cdm >bWjid!eda^egde^aZcZ Flour scoop, aluminium Funnel, s/s Funnel, polypropylene Vgi# a#bb ai# Vgi# £Xb Vgi# £Xb )'+%-"&' &'% %!&* )'*+'"&' &' ),+%)"%- - )'+%-"&+ &*% %!(* )'*+'"&) &) ),+%)"&% &% )'+%-"'% &-* %!, )'*+'"&+ &+ ),+%)"&' &' )'*+'"&- &- ),+%)"&* &* )'*+'"'% '% ),+%)"&- &- )'*+'"'* '* )'*+'"(% (% 53 UTENSILI CUCINA KITCHEN UTENSILS MESTOLI, PALETTE LADLES, TOOLS >bZhida^hdcdjckVa^YdV^jideZgbZhXdaVgZZg^kdaiVgZ!kZghVgZZ Ladles are used to mix, turn, pour and collect food during cooking, gVXXd\a^ZgZ^aX^WdYjgVciZaVXdiijgV!h\gVhhVgZ^hj\]^ZaZhVahZ! remove fat from sauces, measure liquids and serve up dishes. YdhVgZ^a^fj^Y^ZhZgk^gZ#FjZaa^XdcbVc^Xdg^Xjgkdd[dgVidedhhdcd Ladles with curved or perforated handles can be hung on utensil ZhhZgZXdbdYVbZciZVeeZh^VaaZVhiZedgiVjiZch^a^eZgVkZga^hZb" racks so that they are always within easy reach and free up space egZVedgiViVY^bVcdZgZXjeZgVgZheVo^dcZ^XVhhZii^#AZeVaZiiZ in the drawers. hkda\dcd [jco^dc^ h^b^a^ V^ bZhida^! bV h^ XVgViiZg^ooVcd eZg jcV Spatulas perform similar functions to ladles but their shapes make [dgbVVYViiVVhdaaZkVgZ!g^kdaiVgZZhZgk^gZe^ZiVcoZhda^YZ#FjVc" them more suitable for lifting, turning and serving solid foods. YddXXdggZhXdaVgZ[g^iijgZ![^aigVgZWgdY^dYZa^b^cVgZaVhX]^jbVY^ Skimmers, available both with a mesh (more or less dense) and in Xdc[ZiijgZZhVahZh^ejhXZ\a^ZgZjcVÆhX]^jbVgdaVÇ!Y^hedc^W^aZ perforated steel, are used to drain fried food, filter soups or remove h^VXdcgZiZVbV\a^Ze^dbZcd[^iiZX]Z^cVXX^V^d[dgVid# foam from jams and sauces. 54 LIVING THE KITCHEN WITH PADERNO by SAMBONET MESTOLI, PALETTE LADLES, TOOLS C7D? 9E Ha ndle >(, Yc C7D? 9E Ha ndle >(,

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