Joiirnal (of Micropulueontology. 15: 83-95. 0262-821 X/96 $07.00 0 1996 British Micropalaeontological Society. Holothurian sclerites from the Triassic of Jordan and their stratigraphic importance WALlD SADEDDIN Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan. ABSTRACT - Holothurian sclerites are some of the most stratigraphically important microfossils of the middle Triassic of Jordan. Stratigraphically and palaeopeographically important faunas have been obtaincd by diissolving Triassic carbonate rocks with a dilute acetic acid. The oldest forms. Acanthoiheeliu jordanica Sadeddin. Priscopcdaiits qirudruiii.\ Kozur & Mostler. and Tetrcrvirga perforritrr Mostler. occur in the Hisban Formation (Anisian) in the area of the northeast corner ol the Dead Sea and Wadi Abu Oneiz. North of this area in Wadi Salit, Ladinian holothurian faunas are especially characterized by the mass occurrence of Schizothrelrrr jorrlanica and Schizothrelia multiporuiri Kozur & Sadeddin in the lower part of the section (Fassanian) and Threlicr rribrrcrrlr Kristan-Tollmann in the upper part (Longobardian). In spite of some differences. the Jordanian Middle Triassic holothurian faunas arc similar to those from the Northern Alps and Gcrnianic Basin. and the Himalayas. As yet, no holothurian sclerites have been recovered from Jordanian Lower or Upper Triassic deposits. J. Micropalaeontol. 15( 1 ): X7-9.5. April 19%. INTROD UCTIQN All studied specimens are deposited in the Department of Holothurians are a significant group of echinoderms in the Earth and Environmental Sciences, Yarmouk University, modern fauna but have a limited fossil record. They are Irbid, Jordan. rcprcsentcd only by sclerites ~~ small calcareous spicules formed in the body wall of the organism. Holothurian HOLOTHURIAN-BEARING SAMPLES - sclerites are widespread in micropalaeontological residues LITHOLOGY AND PALAEONTOLOGY but have only been the subject of limited study, e.g. Frizzell & Exline 1(195.%,h), Gilliland (1993). Northeast corner of the Dead Sea (Area 1 of Fig. 1) Holothurian :iclerites from Jordan were unknown until Samples Sl, 7b, Xb, TJ1, TJ6, TJ7. TJ17 and TJ19 were Kozur & Sadeddin (1 990) described the first holothurian taken from the Hisban Formation (Hisban Limestone sclerites from Middle Jurassic carbonate rocks. Later, Member) and the Salit Formation from Wadi Hisban and Sadeddin (1991) describcd the new holothurian species south of Jalda (Fig. la). Rcanthotheeliu j,ordunicu from early Middle Triassic rocks of The Hisban Limestone Member consists of massive thick the Pelsoriian (middle Anisian). Sadeddin & Kozur (1992) grey limestone beds in the base (Sl), followed by wavy discussed the geographic distribution of Theelia tiiherciila bedded grey limestone ‘Wellenkalk’ (7b). fossilifcrous Kristan-Tollmann and its Triassic distribution. Kozur & marly, grey to yellowish limestone (8b) with frequent Sadeddin (1992) described the new family Schizotheelidae bivalves (Placiinopsis sp.), brachiopods (Coenothyris and two new species: Schizotheeliu jordanicu and S. uirlguris, Aulacothyri.s cf. A. agniistu) and cephalopods t?i 11 Itipora r‘a and the new genus Schiz o~can thoth ediu from (Betieckeia spp., Gernzanonui~~iliisbidor.\utii.s) and thin the Fassanian (early Ladinian). Further investigations by layers of yellowish (subordinate reddish) marl. dissolving Triassic carbonate rocks from different localities Sample SI which was takcn from the lower part of the using dilute acetic acid solutions indicate that Triassic Hisban Limestone Member (massive limestone) at Wadi sediments in Jordan frequently contain holothurian sclerites Siyala contains the holothurian sclerites: Tlieeliu prrtinufor- (see Fig. 2). Upper Cretaceous carbonate rocks mis Mostler, Calclurnnu gertiiunic.a Frizzcll and Exlinc, (C‘enomanian-Turonian) have also been found to be rich in Cul(~1amria trettoensis Mostler, Theelia zripfei Kozur & holothuria n sclerites (Sadeddin, in preparation). Mostler. In this paper, Triassic rock sequences from various Saniplc 7b from the grey wavy limestone beds (in Wadi localities in which holothurian sclerites occur are briefly Hisban) contains a rich assemblage of holothurian sclerites discussed; holothurian sclerites aire described from strata of comprising mostly the genus Calclaninu: Culclarnnu sp.. C. the Anisian (Hisban Formation) and Ladinian. To date, no niirlu Mostler, C. trettoensis Mostler and few Thc~dia holothurian sclerites have been obtained from tbc lower (Threlia cf. rniielleri Kozer & Mostler). Triassic (Skythian) of Jordan. Holothurian sclerites from the Sample Xb was taken from the fossiliferous marly ic (Carnian) outcrops have not yct been limestone 10 m above sample 7b. It contained a rich sclerite documented (although the lower part of the rock sequences fauna dominated by species of Theeliu such as Theeliu at Wadi Huni could be placed into Cordevolian (lower gerrririnica Kozur, Tlzeeliu plunorhiciilu Mostler, 7’heeliu sp., Carnian). Achistriirn monochordata Hodson t’t a/., Culcancoru sp. 83 84 J D $ bb 0- .I O. N- E b 3 I Fig. 1. Ltrntion map. Numbercd areas: I. NE corner ot thc Dead Sea: 1. Adasiah: -3. Naur: 4. Zarqa River. (a) ('olumnar sections of the Triasic deposits in Area I. (b) Investiptcd section in Wadi Abu Oiiei7 in Area 2. (c) General17ed section froiii Wadi Salit in Area 3. (d) Lithology of the Triassic deposits from Wadi Huri in Area 1. Sadeddin Holothurian sclerites from Jordan -.-- Ani! Ladinian ,j Carnisn Pelsonian Ill rian Fassanian Longobardian ;Cordevolian r4-r * I n Acanthotheelia jordanica Priscopedalu r quadratus . 7efrmwgaperfiwata n Tetrvirga nnperforata .ma Cnlclamna gernranica . Calclamna tretloen 71 s 0 Achr&uni sp 0 Theelra cf nrullrporato 0 Theelta gerinanica I Theelia palinajornrrs C) . Theelra zapJei 0 Theelra mulfrradiafa 0 Theelia planorhicula . Achistrum nionochordata 0 Calclamna nuda 0 Calclamna sp 00 0 Theelra cf muelleri 0 Praeeuphronrder muitrperJorata 0 Acanthotheelia cf ladinrca .0 Theelta sp rankli aff x+ Schizotheelia jordanica I Schizofheelra multipora fa .. An+++.+ Theelra tubercula Theeiia cf barkeyi . Theeha immissorbicula . Theelia multiplex 0. T cf variabilis slovakensis . IAcanthofheelra mockr 0 = 1-5 = 20-35 0 = 5-10 -I- ~35-70 A = 10-20 x = > 100 Fig. 2. Stratigraphic distribution 01 thc holothurian sclcritcs found in the present study. Sample.. 7’51;‘ and TJIY were collected from the upper Naur (Area 3 of Fig. 1) portion 01 thc Jalda section which belongs to the lower part Samples 15, IS”, 8. 4 and 4, were collected from the Salit of Salit Formation (lower part of member A) which consists Formation at Wadi Salit west of Naur (Fig. lc). Samples 15 01 sandy limestone beds with Trigonodits, dolomitic and IS” were taken from the sandy limestones (lower part of limestone and :sandy dolomitic limestone. These samples member A). In these samples abundant holothurian sclerite yield the folluwing holothurian sclerites: Schizotherliu faunas have been found that are dominated by the genus Iordunicu Kozur & Sadeddin. Schizotheelia niiiliilioratrc Schizotheelia. and include Schizotheelia jordanica Kozur & Kozur & Sadeddin (dominant), Priscopcdatus sp. (few), Sadeddin. Scliizothtdia ndtiporara Kozur & Sadeddin. 77zrrlitr sp. (solitary). Also present are Acanthoihrelia cf. A. ladinica Kozur & Mostler, 77zerliu sp. aff. T. zankli Kozur & Simon, a few unidentified sclerites (poorly preserved PriscopedaiiLs) and a Adasiah (Area 2! of Fig. 1) rich conodont assemblage containing among other forms Samples N8 (NTS) and NY were collected from the Hisban frequent Pseitrl(~,frirnishiiispriscus Sadeddin. Formation (lower part of the Hisban Limestone Member) at The holothurian-bearing samples 8, 4”, and 4 were taken Wadi Abu Oneiz 2.5 km SW of Adasiah (Fig. Ib). Both from member B of the Salit Formation which consists of samples were taken from the massive, thick bedded grey limestones, dolomites, dolomitic limestone, mark and shales limestone (N9 is 5 m above N8). They yielded rich in the form of streaks and lenticular deposits. Sample 8, holothurian sclerite faunas containing Teirauirgu perforuta collected from limestone beds with Trigonodus and Mostler, C’alclum~nagermanicu Frizzell & Exline, Culclunina Posidonia that are overlain by a 4 m volcanic intrusion sp., Achi.striini sp., Pri.ccopedatii~ yiiurlraiits Kozur & (tracyandesite sill), contains the holothurian sclerite Theelia Most Icr, 14 canthotherliu jordanica Sadeddi n , Threlia sp., tiihrrc~ula Kristan-Tollmann and also yields frequent Thcclia zapfei. Kozur & Mostler. conodonts (Pseiid~~,fzirni.shizr.s.sosiorn.sis Gullo CYC Kozur). 85 Sadeddin Anisian age. The basal portion of the upper part of the Jalda Samples 4" and 4 were collected from the upper portion of the Salit Formation (upper part of member B) which section consists of fossil-free, brownish weathered, hyper- consists of 30 ni limestone with nodular, fossiliferous layers saline dolomites, cellular dolomites. sandstones and and dolomites containing some banded, platy fossiliferous dolomitic sandstones. These sediments correspond in facies to the higher upper part of the hypersaline Germanic middle layers. Sample 4 contains a rich assemblage of holothurians belonging to Theclin cf. barkeyi Kozur & Simon, T. Muschelkalk (Kozur, 1974). They are also overlain by the 7'. basal beds of the upper Muschelkalk, which consist of sandy irnrnissorbicrilti Mostlcr, 1'. miiltiplex Speckmann, Theelia cf. T.nzu1tiplr.w Speckmann, TIzrelirz cf. T.vuriahi1i.s slovakerzsis limestones, dolomites,
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