NASA Technical Memorandum 89870 Radiation and Temperature Effects c in Gallium Arsenide, Indium Phosphide, and Silicon Solar Cells (NASA-TM-8987c) BADXATIGB AND TEBPEBATUBE N8 7-2 20 9 8 EFPEClS XN GALLliUE ARESEAIIDE, 1OCXfJM FBOSPBXICE AND SILICON SCLAB CElLS (NASA) I 14 p Avail: h9IS BC LIO%/WF A01 CSCL 09C Unclas Hl/33 0075143 I. Weinberg, C.K. Swartz, and R.E. Hart, Jr. Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio and R.L. Statler Na Val Research Laboratory Washington, D. C. Prepared for the 19th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1 New Orleans, Louisiana, May 4-8, 1987 . Pv- +,-*. r I tddi".'. r?C PACE 13 OF POOR ClJALlTY RADIATION AND TEMPERATURE EFFECTS IN GALLIUM ARSENIDE, INDIUM PHOSPHIDE, AND SILICON SOLAR CELLS I. Welnberg, C.K. Swartz, and R.E. Hart, Jr. Natlonal Aeronautlcs and Space Admlnlstratlon Lewls Research Center Cleveland, Ohlo 44135 and R.L. Statler Naval Research Laboratory Washlngton. D.C. The effects of radlatlon on performance are speclflc radlatlon envlronment. At present, the determlned for both n*p and ptn GaAs and InP n*p conflguratlon Is preferred excluslvely for cells and for slllcon ntp cells. It 1s found slllcon cells used ln space. Thls follows from a that the radlatlon reslstance of InP 1s greater demonstrated superlor radlatlon reslstance when than that of both GaAs and S1 under 1 MeV elec- compared to the p*n conflguratlonS6 However. tron trrad\at\on. For slllcon. the observed the sltuatlon Is unclear wlth respect to cells decreased radlatlon reslstance wlth decreased based on InP and GaAs. For GaAs, a prellmlnary reslstlvlty 1s attrlbuted to the presence of a comparlson of the two conflguratlons has been con- radlatlon Induced boron-oxygen defect. Compar- ducted after proton lrradlatlon.7 Conslderlng lson of radlatlon damage In both p*n and ntp InP, there Is a scarclty of data In the open llter- GaAs cells ylelds a decreased radlatlon reslst- ature comparing the radlatlon reslstance of the two ance for the n*p cell attrlbutable to conflguratlons. Hence, we have lrradlated InP and lncreased serles reslstance, decreased shunt GaAs solar cells wlth 1 MeV electrons In both the reslstance, and relatlvely greater losses In n+p and ptn conflguratlons and determlned thelr the cell's p-reglon. For InP, the n*p conflg- performance as a functlon of fluence. In addltlon, uratlon 1s found to have greater radlatlon we have determlned temperature dependencles of the reslstance than the ptn cell. The lncreased solar cell parameters for the unlrradlated cells. loss In thls latter cell Is attrlbuted to Our objectlve lles In assesslng the relatlve per- losses In the cell's emltter reglon. Tempera- formance of n*p and ptn InP and GaAs cells and ture dependency results are lnterpreted uslng thus contrlbutlng to a relatlvely scarce data base. a theoretlcal relatlon for dVoc/dT whlch pre- We also sumnarlze the state-of-the-art In AM0 effl- dlcts that lncreased Voc should result In clency achlevements for SI, GaAs, and InP and decreased numerlcal values for dPm/dT. The Include comparatlve radlatlon reslstance data for predicted correlation 1s observed for GaAs but all three cell types. not for InP a result whlch 1s attrlbuted to varlatlons In cell processlng. Exp e r 1menta 1 Detalls of the InP and GaAs solar cells used Introduc t lon In the present radlatlon damage experlments are shown In Flgs. 1 and 2 and Tables I and 11. The Photovoltalc arrays based on slllcon are, at GaAs cells were obtalned from Varlan.8 The n*p present, the major prlmary source of spacecraft cells were processed by the Rensselaer Polytechnlc electrlc power. On the other hand, galllum arse- In~tltute.~whlle the p+n cells were obtalned nlde solar cells are beglnnlng to see llmlted use from Arlzona State Unlverslty. Addltlonal cell In appllcatlons where end-of-llfe array output detalls can be found In the flgures and In Refs. 8 power, In a degrading radlatlon envlronment, Is a to 10. The cells were lrradlated by 1 MeV elec- major deslgn canslderatlon. Compared to these trons In the Naval Research Laboratorles Van de latter two cells, Indlum phosphlde solar cells are Graaf accelerator. Solar cell performance rneasure- In a relatlvely early stage of development. How- ments were carrled out at NASA Lewls. using an alr ever, It has been shown that InP solar cells are mass zero X-25 Xenon arc solar. The cell perform- slgnlflcantly more radlatlon resistant than elther ance data 1s based on total cell area lncludlng GaAs or slllcon when exposed to 1 MeV electron and that covered by the front contacts. Temperature 10 MeV proton 1rradlatlons.l e2 Thelr superlor dependency measurements on unlrradlated cells were radlatlon reslstance, annealablllty.3 and the performed In a nltrogen atmosphere uslng a varlable recent attalnment of 17.9 percent total area AM0 temperature chamber lnto whlch the X-25 slmulator effl~lencles.~wlth feaslblllty lndlcated for beam was lntroduced through a glass port. In a efflclencles greater than 20 per~ent.~make InP later sectlon of the present paper we compare the cells prlme candldates for future use In the space performance of S1, GaAs. and InP cells under 1 MeV radlatlon envlronment. Thls belng the case, It Is electron lrradlatlon. For background lnformatlon concelvable that all three cell types wlll even- to thls comparlson we present In Table 111, the tually be used In space, thelr utlllzatlon depend- performance parameters of those cells havlng the lng on the spacecraft EOL power requlrements In a 1 hlghest AM0 efflclencles. Addltlonal detalls can Level Translent Spectroscopy (DLTS). Evldence be found In Refs. 4. 8, 11, and 12. obtalned from DLTS has led to the concluslon that a radlatlon Induced defect, composed of boron and . Res u 1 t s oxygen, 1s predomlnant In causlng radlatlon Induced degradatlon In boron doped p-type slllc~n.~~*~~ Normallzed efflclencles of the GaAs and InP Of the three major deep level defects observed In cells are shown In Flgs. 3 and 4. From the flgures electron lrradlated slllcon, only the boron-oxygen It Is seen that the radlatlon reslstance of the InP defect exhlblts an lncreasln concentratlon wlth cells Is greater than GaAs cells under 1 MeV elec- decreaslng cell res1 stlvlty.31 Hence, the tron lrradlatlon.1*2 From Flg. 3 It 1s seen that decreased radlatlon reslstance, wlth decreaslng the radlatlon reslstance of the GaAs ptn cells cell base reslstlvlty, noted from Flg. 5, Is are slgnlflcantly greater than that of the ntp attrlbuted to the consequent lncreaslng concentra- L cells under the present lrradlatlons. For InP, the tlon of thls defect. Thls fundamental llmltatlon ntp cells exhlblt hlgher radlatlon reslstance presents a barrler to the use of low reslstlvlty (Flg. 4). The behavlor of the remalnlng cell boron-doped, slllcon solar cells In the space radl- parameters at constant hlgh fluence 1s sumrlzed atlon envlronment. In Tables I11 and IV. Radlatlon Effects In GaAs and InP PrevIous results have shown that, when plotted on a normallzed basls, the radlatlon reslstance of The superlor radlatlon reslstance of n+p InP cells 1s greater than that of elther GaAs or slllcon cells over the ptn conflguratlon has long Sl.2*13 The present data Is found to be In been an establlshed fact. However, the preference agreement wlth thls result (Flg.' 5). In the flg- of one conflguratlon over the other Is far from ure. data for the cell labeled InP (dark) and the establlshed for elther InP or GaAs. GaAs cells are obtalned from the present results. The cell labeled InP (dark) was lrradlated by 1 MeV For galllum arsenlde. the thlnner emltter electrons In the absence of llght. It has been reglon of the present ntp cell could lead to the found that lrradlatlon of InP cells ulth the cell predlctlon of Increased radlatlon reslstance for Illumlnated by llght results In Increased radlatlon thls cell. Thls would seem to follow from prevlous reslstance due to photolnjectlon of mlnorlty results on LPE grown GaAs cells where It was ~arr1ers.l~Thus, the cell labeled InP (llluml- observed that radlatlon reslstance tended to nated) was lrradlated under a llght lntenslty of Increase 4th decreaslng emltter thlckness.z2 70 mW/cm2. Data for thls latter cell was However, desplte the decreased emltter thlckness obtalned from Ref. 14, whlle that for the 10 n-cm the present nip GaAs cell exhlblts slgnlflcantly SI cell was obtalned from the JPL radlatlon hand- decreased radlatlon reslstance. To examlne thls b00k.l~ The low reslstlvlty slllcon cells behavlor In greater detall. we conslder the I-V (0.1 and 0.2 n-cm) are slmllar In deslgn to the curves of the Irradlated and unlrradlated GaAs hlgh efflclency slllcon cells In Table 111. Typl- cells (Flgs. 8 and 9). From Flg. 9. relatlvely cal temperature dependency runs for GaAs and InP small changes are lndlcated, for the pin cell, over a wlde range of temperature are shown In In both serles and shunt reslstance after Irradla- Flgs. 6 and 7. In general, over most of the tem- tlon. However. for the ntp cell, Flg. 8 lndl- perature range, maxlmum power (Pmax), Voc. and flll cates a relatlvely large decrease In shunt factor (FF) decrease wlth lncreaslng temperature reslstance and a relatlvely large Increase In whlle Isc Increases wlth temperature. serles reslstance. These effects result ln decreased solar cell output and thus decreased Dlscusslon efflclency. The relatlvely large decrease In Isc noted for the n+p cell (Table IV) 1s another Radlatlon Effects In Slllcon factor resultlng In decreased efflclency.
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