UR. JERNEJ WEISS KONSERVATORIJI: PROFESIONALIZACIJA IN SPECIALIZACIJA GLASBENEGA DELA CONSERVATORIES: PROFESSIONALISATION AND SPECIALISATION OF MUSICAL ACTIVITY 4 studia musicologica labacensia issn 2536-2445 studia musicologica labacensia Izid monografije so podprli konservatoriji: profesionalizacija in specializacija glasbenega dela conservatories: professionalisation and specialisation of musical activity ur. Jernej Weiss 2020 Znanstvena monografija z mednarodno udeležbo Konservatoriji: profesionalizacija in specializacija glasbenega dela – The conservatories: professionalisation and specialisation of musical activity Uredil Jernej Weiss Studia musicologica Labacensia, 4 (ISSN 2536-2445) Glavni urednik ■ Jernej Weiss (Ljubljana/Maribor) Odgovorni urednik ■ Jonatan Vinkler (Koper) Tehnična urednica ■ Rebeka Glasenčnik (Maribor) Uredniški odbor ■ Matjaž Barbo (Ljubljana), Primož Kuret (Ljubljana), Helmut Loos (Leipzig), Lubomír Spurný (Brno), Michael Walter (Graz), Jernej Weiss (Ljubljana/Maribor) Recenzenta ■ Igor Grdina, Leon Stefanija Oblikovanje in prelom ■ Jonatan Vinkler in študenti predmeta Priprava besedila za tisk v študijskem letu 2o19/20 (Univerza na Primorskem, Fakulteta za humanistične študije): Gregor Benčina, Teja Breznik, Anika Černigoj, Anja Kolar, Tinkara Nared, Lan Rahne, Ana Rihar, Jasmina Selmanović, Meta Stergar, Enea Vukelić, Marjeta Zgonc Prevod ■ Amidas d. o. o. Jezikovni pregled (slovensko besedilo) ■ Jernej Weiss Izdali in založili Založba Univerze na Primorskem (zanjo: prof. dr. Klavdija Kutnar, rektorica) Titov trg 4, SI-6000 Koper Glavni urednik ■ Jonatan Vinkler Vodja založbe ■ Alen Ježovnik Festival Ljubljana (zanj: Darko Brlek, direktor) Trg francoske revolucije 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana Koper, Ljubljana 2020 ISBN 978-961-7055-86-3 (spletna izdaja: pdf) http://www.hippocampus.si/ISBN/978-961-7055-86-3.pdf ISBN 978-961-7055-87-0 (spletna izdaja: html) http://www.hippocampus.si/ISBN/978-961-7055-87-0/index.html ISBN 978-961-7055-88-7 (tiskana izdaja) Naklada tiskane izdaje: 200 izvodov (tiskovina ni namenjena prodaji) DOI: https://doi.org/10.26493/978-961-7055-86-3 © 2020 Festival Ljubljana Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani COBISS.SI-ID=303515648 ISBN 978-961-7055-86-3 (pdf) ISBN 978-961-7055-87-0 (html) Vsebina Contents Jernej Weiss 9 The Role of Conservatories in the Process of the Professionalisation and Specialisation of Musical Activity Jernej Weiss 13 Konservatoriji v procesu profesionalizacije in specializacije glasbenega dela 17 The functioning of music conservatories in Europe before and between the two world wars Delovanje konservatorijev pred in med obema vojnama v evropskem glasbenem prostoru Hartmut Krones 19 Paris (1784/1796) – Prag (1808/1811) – Wien (1812/1817): Zur frühen Entwicklung musikpädagogischer Konzepte Helmut Loos 39 Das Landeskonservatorium der Musik zu Leipzig in der Zeit nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg Peter Andraschke 51 Alte und Neue Musik in Praxis und Lehre an der Universität und Musikhochschule in Freiburg im Breisgau 5 konservatoriji: profesionalizacija in specializacija glasbenega dela Jana Lengová 59 Das Konservatorium in Bratislava und die ersten drei Jahrzehnte seiner Tätigkeit (1919–1949): Persönlichkeiten, Struktur, Bedeutung Luba Kijanovska, Zoryiana Lastovecka 75 Musikausbildung im Post-Habsburger Raum (am Beispiel der Musikinstitutionen in Lviv/Lemberg) Niall O’Loughlin 87 In the Shadow of Parry, Stanford and Mackenzie: Musical Composition studies in the principal London Conservatories from 1918 to 1945 Wolfgang Marx 105 Irish Conservatories during the Inter-War Period Jacques Amblard 123 The role of the Conservatoire de Paris in Messiaen’s development as a composer Antigona Rădulescu 133 Towards a Genuine University Status: the National University of Music Bucharest between the Two World Wars (1918–1940) Danutė Petrauskaitė 143 From courses to a conservatoire: Issues of musical education Institutionalisation in Lithuania (1919 to 1949) Vita Gruodytė 159 The Visions of Lithuanian Musical Education 171 The development of post-secondary and higher music education between the two world wars in Slovenia Razvoj višjega in visokega glasbenega šolstva med obema svetovnima vojnama na Slovenskem Jernej Weiss 173 The Establishment of the Conservatory of the Glasbena Matica in Ljubljana in the Context of the Construction of Central National Musical Institutions Luisa Antoni 189 Trst, Gorica in Istra: glasbena prepletanja Branka Rotar Pance 209 Pouk na konservatoriju od ustanovitve do formiranja Glasbene akademije (1919–1939) 6 vsebina ■ contents Tina Bohak Adam 235 Julij Betetto in njegova vloga v upravnem in pedagoškem ustroju ljubljanskega konservatorija Marjana Vajngerl 249 Pomen Janka Ravnika v slovenski klavirski pedagogiki Maruša Zupančič 265 Bohemian Violinists in Ljubljana: Jan Šlais’s Contribution to Ljubljana’s Violin School Ivan Florjanc 297 Didaktični glasbeno-teoretski in kompozicijski prispevek Slavka Osterca v času učiteljevanja na Konservatoriju in Glasbeni akademiji v Ljubljani Primož Kuret 323 Polemika o ljubljanski kompozicijski šoli Darja Koter 331 Proces ustanavljanja in prva leta delovanja Glasbene akademije v Ljubljani (1939–1945) 353 Higher music education among the southern Slavs after 1918 Visoko glasbeno šolstvo po letu 1918 v južnoslovanskem glasbenem prostoru Nada Bezić 355 Konservatorij Hrvaškega glasbenega zavoda v Zagrebu in konservatorij Glasbene matice v Ljubljani – primerjava Lana Šehović-Paćuka 369 Socio-political discourses of the development of music education in Bosnia and Herzegovina before and between the two world wars Ivana Medić 383 Beginnings of the Piano Department at the Belgrade Music Academy 401 Povzetki 421 Summaries 441 Avtorji 451 Contributors 461 Imensko kazalo/Index 7 doi: https://doi.org/10.26493/978-961-7055-86-3.9-12 The Role of Conservatories in the Process of the Professionalisation and Specialisation of Musical Activity Jernej Weiss University of Ljubljana / University of Maribor The purpose of this monograph is to reflect on the conceptual, organisa- tional and substantive aspects of music education in Central Europe and among the southern Slavs in the light of general and ethnically specific trends in musical development after 1918, with a particular focus on the circulation of knowledge and institutions providing public music educa- tion. The primary focus of research interest in this fourth monograph in the Studia musicologica Labacensia collection, entitled The conservatories: professionalisation and specialisation of musical activity: On the centenary of the founding of the Ljubljana Conservatory and the 80th anniversary of the Music Academy in Ljubljana, is the activity of the Conservatory in Lju- bljana, founded in 1919, and its successor the Music Academy, founded two decades later, and of similar musical institutions in Europe before and be- tween the two world wars. The papers in the monograph are divided into three thematic groups. The first groupThe ( functioning of music conservatories in Europe before and between the two world wars) looks at some important milestones in the development of conservatories before and after the First World War, with a primary focus on the development of higher music education in the light of the societal changes that took place in the interwar period. It also con- siders degrees of institutionalisation and state control and examines peda- gogical approaches and the concert repertoire of conservatory productions. 9 konservatoriji: profesionalizacija in specializacija glasbenega dela The second group The( development of post-secondary and higher mu- sic education between the two world wars in Slovenia) devotes particular at- tention to institutions providing higher music education in Slovenia in this period and their role in the development of individual subject fields. It also examines pedagogical concepts and approaches to teaching and the insti- tutional changes that saw the Conservatory become the Music Academy. The third group Higher( music education among the southern Slavs after 1918) focuses its attention on connections or differences within the “new” higher education area encompassing the lands of the southern Slavs and examines teaching methods within individual music disciplines. The end of 1918 was one of the key turning points in the recent histo- ry of Europe. The period was marked by the political transformation of Eu- rope and the emergence of a number of new states. For Slovenes, too, this period was of historic importance at multiple levels. The break with the old monarchy was symbolically illustrated by the events surrounding the final concert of the “German” Philharmonic Society at the Tonhalle (today the home of the Slovenian Philharmonic) on 25 October 1918. Three days later, the constituent assembly of the National Council, the body that was to lead the Slovenes into the new era, took place just across the square in the palace of the provincial government, today the seat of the University of Ljubljana. Then, on 29 October 1918, at a vast gathering in Congress Square, the Slo- venes bade farewell to the disintegrating monarchy to which they had be- longed for more than 600 years, and, together with the Croats and Serbs, formed a new State of the South Slavs, which became the kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes on 1 December of the same year. The end of ties with the Habsburgs and the resulting new geographi- cal, political, economic, cultural and linguistic environment also had a
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