;Panaji; 26t.h;November..1981. (Agrahayana. 5,19031 SERI~S iii OFFICIAL GAZE' 'GOVEINMENT 'OFGOA,DAMAN AND GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND· DiU H()me Department ('General) Directorate of Transport Public Notice I -.Appli,eations have been'receiyed for grant of stage carriage permits tp operate bus/minibus on the following in response to the public notice' of this office published in local newspapers. Date gr. No.' ' of receipt Name and address of the applicant M. IT ---'....-=.._._-------- --------- Baga to .AgasCIJim~ viaC((.lflng~(te-aandolim-Pllmaji ancl '!>we versa (1 bus): i. 12~1(1..81 MIs. Empresa 'l."ransportes Agasaim Panjim Ltd., Registered Offi('A'). GDS 1945 Pilar-Goa. ., '::<.", 2. 13-1(1..81 Santana Pereira, H. No, E-40, Danddo, Goa Velha, Ilhas-Goa. aDT 23tH 3. 13-10-8i Kadamba Transport Corporation,Panaji-Goa. Tata/Leyl. 4 •.. 14~10-81 ConstaIlcio Pereira, Goa Velha, Dando, TIhas Goa. A. Ley!. '., Bus 1973 modsl qhi'Ynbel-pa;n.afi-.Agasaim and mce versa (1 bus); . 1. 13-1(1..81 Kadamba Transport Corporation, Panaji-Goa. Tata/Le~;! . Cluipora to .AgasaiYn via Saligao-Sangolda-Panaji nn(~ vice Ilersa '(1 bus): I. 13-1(1..81 Kadamba Transport Corporati~n, ~ana:ji-Goa. Panaji-.AZtinho-Don . Bosco-Miramar-Taleiglw.DOIw. Panla-Ch-irnhe7;­ -.Agdsaim and 'Lice versa (1 bus): 1. 13-10-81 Kadamb?-Transport Corporation, panaji-Goa. Tata/Le,yl Panaji-:.Altinho-Don Bosco-Miramar-Taleigao-Dona Pa,t/,la-Ohimfle/,­ -.Agasaim-Mwpus'k and 'v~. versa (1 bus): 1. 13-10-81 \ Kadamba Transport Corporation, Pana~i-Goa. 'rata/Leyl. Khotodmn to Ponikt' ana vice· vei'8a (1 miniblMlj: ,,: 1. 13-10-81 Chlmdracanta: M .. nevidas,Usgao-Goa. GDS 1955 BetaZbatim to Margao a~1il '!>ice ~f.-'r8a, (1 mirtIJiblw): , . 1. 14.-10-81 Ahmed Khan, !H. No. 18, Oilovaddo, Piligao, Bicholim, Goa. GDS 1830 ~ " ~I .' Sid"saim to Mapusa and, vice versa (,z,minibus): .1. 12-10-81 Jason .de . Sousa, Jacolil, Dart, Tivim, Bardez-Goa. Standard Minibus MargM to Sadashwijadand 'Vice versa (1 bus): 1., 29-10-81 M/s. The Goa Transport Ltd., P. B. No. 97, Margao-Goa. Bus above 1976 model ..29~lo.:81 MIs .. K. R. Nruk, Cuncolim, Goa. Latter than 1976 model Semi-Lux.. a. Theodosio Lu(';ianoFernandes, H. No; /10, Velim; Zuem, SaIcete-Goa. , :~shokLeyl. llilodeI 1979 , \ ,4. ih-l0-81 Managing.Di.rector; Kadamba Transport COJ.'P?I'ation, PanajHIDa. 'r.ata/Leyl. 1{)81 model 402 SER1JiJS ~ __~~ _______________. _":'"~. __--:- ___________~.~. __ . ,m~_.,"._. ~te of Name and address of the applicant ,Sr·.',No." <.. receipt .---'-----'------------------'-------_._-_.. _----_................. Oumbarjua to Panaji and vice versa (1 bus): 1. 2S-10~S1 OCF Transport, H.No. E-342, Rua Luis de Menezes, Pa,najL Dabal to Margao OiruJ; vice Versa (1 bus): . 1. 24-10-81 Shri Jaganath Kavu Bhorkar, H. No. 2302, Baag, Sanvordem...Goa.. GDS /, Oalangute to Mapusa a'J'Ul, viae versa (1 bus): 1.;, 31~10-81 Shri Jose D'Souza, H. No. E-654, Calangute, Bardez, Goa. 8q,torli to OhWudd. (Oanacona) ana vice versa (1 minib~8): Ii 1. 27-10..81 Gopal Y. Bale, Chaudi, Canacona-Goa. GDS Duka,rkond to 8anvordem and vice versa (1 mimb~w): 1. 24-10-S1 Gurudas, S. ~aik, H. No. 762, Davatavada, CUrchorem, Goa. GDS 8ancor'dem to Ponda and vice versa (1 minibus) 1. 29-10-81 P. Baskaran, 5, ~arazan, Us~aon; Goa-403407. Advoi to 8anquelim and vice versa (1 milnibus): 1. 20-10-S1 Ganesh V. Porob, 230, Pansho, Satari-Goa. GDS 2. 28-10-81 Vishnu Vassanta Naik', Pissurlem, Satari-Goa. II..:.....·Applicatiorts have been received for grant. of renewal of stage :~carriage permits to operate on the routes: ----...;.---------------.---------~-''''',\_--------------='''''''''''''''"""",-- .;;Sr. Date of Date of No. " receipt expiry Name and. address of the applicant M. 1. , 20-10-S1 13-3~82 Go::!. Chitrapur Bus Service, Margao. Margao to Panaji and bacIr. (Renewal GD'r . of GDPst/471/71).· . 2. ~~1.9-sr " .' 13~3.,.82 . Goa Chitrapvr Bus Service, Margao.MunicipalMarket ofMar gao to Chow- GD'l' 2138 gule College via Old Bazar, Aquem and back. (aenewal of GDPst/475/71). 3. 2(}:-1Q-S1' 13-3-S2 .Goa Chitrapur. Bus Service; Margao. Margao to Mapusa and back. (Renewal GDT 2300 ,''',.,./ ., of GDPst/473/71). 4. ' '. 2(,:;10.81 13-3-S2 Goa Chitrapur'Bus Service; Margao.Margao to Mapusa ina back. (Renewal' GDT 2372 .' .j of GDPst/472(71). .:. ~ :' , . .The abOvEl applications will be considered by the State 0Applications of the applicants will be available for ins­ '~Transport ,A.llth~rity at its meeting to be held' in . the Office pection: to any person or authority specified in Section 47 -of of Transport, Panaji, Goa, together with of the Motor Vehicles Act,. 1939 at th~ Office of the under­ theDfr~tOr any' signed on receipt of a written request from such persqns. representations for· or against or objectionS that may be The date, time and place for considering the applicatiolL'" submitted, SO as to reach the underSigned within thirty days by" the State Transport Authority, Panaji-Goa7 win be -:from the. chte of:publication of '-notification in the Official notified. G:.tzett~•. Copies of the. representations unless sent to the Panaji, 13th. N o'Vember, 1981. - The Director, E. N (yl'Onhu ··applicant will not be considered. Rodrigues. ••• '. Wor~s,Education and. Touris~ Department ; ',. '~" Public: Works Department ..~:," Works Division r (SIC) Norfh-Pllnail Tender.Notice No. B!Adm-S/3S/81-S2~ i , The Executive Engineer, Works ,Division I, Public Works Department, North. Panaji invite;; )on behalf of President of India sealed item rates tenders for appro"ed arid eligibl~ contractor upto 3,0,0 p. m. on 4.,.12-81 for the '\:Vork of: - Estimated Earnest Cost of ~Sr. No. Descriptions' amoUnt money Time limIt Class of Tender in days contractor RS. J:RS. Rs. 1. ProVi.4.~g camp Office, servants-cum-centry room and ., 1,84,9SS/~ 4,625/- . 180 days Hiland 30/- garag~, to F'-5 type quarter at Altinho Panaji-Goa. inc!. above monsoon 2. Comet. of staff' quarters of COpordem phase I 'c' type 1,73,081/- 4,328/ 180 days IIII and 30/- • (Single) 2 Nos. an.d 'D'type(single)1~0. retender. incl. above monsoon ,": ,·,.;t··, 3~ Pl."0'[lQf!ed store-cmu_attendant rO<{m~ .. ,toilet blo,cks, 1,05,630/- . 2,640/_ ISO days IIIl .and 30/- . J?i~S::shelter and beautification at DiYax Hillock (4th incl. above .', ":caU"6f' tender) • monsoon ~6TIJNQT(EMBER)1981 (AGRAHAYANA &) 1903) " .. J', '.' '" Tenders' will be opened at 3.30 p. m. on, the same day. produce Income tax Clearance Certific,,'lt(: ,Condition!land tender forms can be had from above Office tenders. ,. ' upto12.0]0"noon on 2-12-81 during working hours. TendElrs of contractors who do not deposit earnest . money in the Panaji. .11th November, J! 981; - The prescribed forms are liable to be rejected. cOritractors must 8 .. Y. Kharangate. Works Division II (R Be B). Pallali ,. TeIllder Notice No. R&B/WDII/ASW /10/81-82 . The Executive Engineel:, Works Division II (R&B) P.W.D., Panaji invites on behalf Presi.dent 0:1: Rate !tender from approved and eligible contractors upto 2.30 p. m. on 15-1-82 for the fO]JOI1ivll:lI~ work: Time limit Estiinated' Earnest Name of, work incl. Br.No. cost money monsaon Rs. ' Rs. iud4Ys 1. B.T.,of the road from the House of Shri. Manuel Jose 1,42,544.32 3,565/· Arauzo Cabesawado to st. Agostinho MOTOO in V. Po santa-CrUZ. The tender win be opened immediately after 2.S0 p. m. \ OlD Right to. reject any 01' tender,,; the same day. any reason thereof is reserved with the to accept the tender. Conditions and tender form can be, had from the Office during office hours on all working days upto 13-1-82 upto Panaji, 20th November, jl!l81,.• ,,- Thl2 1.00 p.m. 1l!1. N. Raju. Tenders· of the ,contractors who do' not deposit Earnest Money and produce valid Income Tax clearance certificate in the prescidbed form are liable to, b€l rejected. Works Division XIX - ! Bambolim Complex I Tender Notice No. A/19/81-XIX/35 , , Th~:Ex:~utive Engin~er,WorkS DiVision XIX (BaInbolim~Complex), P.W.D., Panaji, invites on behalf of the of Il1dil'l.<\sealeq Percent~1:) ~te',T~nders, ·froll1 ~pproved and eUgible Class IV (RELD) Contractors of Goa, jC.P.W.p.;J¥,:m.S./Rail~a~s/P~~tc.; for the. followirig works up. to 3.00 p. m. on 4.12-81, .1 Estimated, , Earnest money 'En. No. Name of work cost deposit 'rime limit Rs: Rs. 1.. Construction of Playground for GOa Medical College 94,418-35 23ElO-90 120 clays Complex at Bambolim. (Phase I) {Jnclmllin.g M.onsoon) ~.. ".' ," . ---,_. .- __ 'TeMerswill be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same day. The ContractOT must produce Valid Inoome T,~x ClearfU.C€ The earnest money should be deposited in the State Bank Certificate at the time of issue of tendEr', . of India or any Scheduled Bank ,in the Form of Deposit at Call Receipt and the receipt of this amount. must be Right to reject any tender without assigni.ng any Jfe~ons enclosed with the tender without which no tender will be thereof is reserved. The conditional ,md unbalanced considered. Conditions and Tender Form can be had from may be rejec!ted outright. the Divisional Office up to 4.30 p. m.on 2-12-81 durmg '" .' .
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