13100 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 17, 2005 of obligation. Although Father Joe yearned for Kaczorowski made national news headlines by ‘‘This [order] involves an absolute equality of his mom’s cooking and the camaraderie of his organizing a campaign with M-ONE Financial rights and rights of property between former old neighborhood while in the Seminary, he Services to send AT&T phone cards to U.S. masters and slaves, and the connection here- was appreciative of the jovial exchanges he troops overseas. He serves on numerous tofore existing between them becomes that shared with his fellow seminarians. boards, including the Coalition for Economic between employer and free laborer.’’ Father Joe’s religious assignment to St. Justice and the Workforce Development Cen- The United States, the first nation in history Lucy’s Parish has been a true blessing to him ter. ‘‘conceived in liberty and founded on the prop- and his congregation. In addition to being Mr. Speaker, I am personally proud to call osition that all men are created equal,’’ was, at close to his own home, Father Joe flourished John Kaczorowski my confidant and friend. He long last, fulfilling that conception and propo- under the guidance of Father Ruggiero until is the consummate campaigner—he has the sition for the millions of African-Americans his death in 1966. Father Joe took responsi- know-how, gravitas and experience to get the whose freedom had theretofore been denied. bility for the CYO, Drum Corps, Children of job done. His tireless work in my race for U.S. Juneteenth, then, is not merely a celebration Mary, Altar Boys, sick calls, First Friday calls House of Representatives last year was im- for African-Americans, or for Texans—it is a and confessions. He was subsequently ap- measurable. Although he may no longer be celebration for all men in all times. pointed Administrator in 1971 and in 1977; he Buffalo’s labor president, I am fortunate that It should instead be a celebration of human- was assigned by Archbishop Peter Gerety as he will remain a resident of the 27th Congres- ity itself, and of the human race’s universal the Pastor of his beloved St. Lucy’s. On July sional District. Once again, I would like to yearning to be free. 16, 1979, Father Joseph J. Granato was thank this outstanding gentleman for his mu- How many Americans—black and white— awarded the honor of being named Monsignor nificent service to our community. I wish him joined in arms decades after emancipation, to by His Holiness, John Paul II, which the hum- well with all his future ventures. pass along the gift of human freedom to the ble Father Joe attributed to the virtue of the f continent of Europe in World War II? people of St. Lucy’s rather than himself. Fa- How many more risked and gave their lives ther Joe has worked hard to transform the IN MEMORY OF SERGEANT together in the Cold War against communist neighborhood around St. Lucy’s. His leader- KENNETH J. SCHALL aggression? ship along with the cooperation of the city, How many more today are serving together state and federal government has resulted in HON. TRENT FRANKS to bring a new emancipation to the people of the removal of the old abandoned high-rise OF ARIZONA Afghanistan and Iraq, who for too long have apartments which have been replaced with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES suffered under slave-like conditions at the new beautiful townhouses. Friday, June 17, 2005 hands of their oppressors? Mr. Speaker, Reverend Monsignor Joseph The answer? As many as it takes. Mr. FRANKS of Arizona. Mr. Speaker, I rise J. Granato has served his church and the Americans of all races today are joined in today to pay tribute to a fallen hero—Sergeant community well over the past 50 years. He our hope for the freedom of all mankind, and Kenneth J. Schall of El Mirage, Arizona. will stand united against any enemy who has received several awards including the first On May 22, 2005, we tragically lost this sol- would deny any people their human rights. Msgr. Joseph Granato Italian Culture Award dier of freedom when his military vehicle was Juneteenth, then, is a reminder not simply from Seton Hall University and an induction involved in an accident. Kenneth was nobly of the great freedom won 140 years ago, but into the Our Lady of Good Counsel Hall of serving his country in Yusafiyah, Iraq as a vital of the great freedom to be secured in the Fame. St. Lucy’s Parish is thriving under his and supportive member of Operation Iraqi coming years, around the world. guidance and leadership. I know my col- Freedom. leagues join me in wishing Father Joe a very At the young age of 22, Kenneth has f happy 50th anniversary. marked history as a true American hero. He COMMEMORATION OF f sacrificed his life to protect the citizens of this JUNETEENTH DAY HONORING THE RETIREMENT OF great Nation and the cause of human free- JOHN KACZOROWSKI, PRESIDENT dom. Today, we deeply honor his memory HON. BENJAMIN L. CARDIN OF THE BUFFALO AFL–CIO with our profound gratitude and extend our most loving condolences to his family and par- OF MARYLAND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. BRIAN HIGGINS ents, Mr. and Mrs. John and Terri Schall. f Friday, June 17, 2005 OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JUNETEENTH, 2005 Mr. CARDIN. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to be here today to celebrate the 140th Anniver- Friday, June 17, 2005 HON. TOM DeLAY sary of Juneteenth Day. Today we remember Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the events of June 19, 1865, when Major Gen- OF TEXAS honor the retirement of Buffalo’s wonderful eral Gordon Granger led his Union troops IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES American Federation of Labor–Congress of In- through Galveston, Texas, to spread the news dustrial Organizations (AFL–CIO) President, Friday, June 17, 2005 of the Emancipation Proclamation. This was John Kaczorowski. Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, it has been 140 more than two years after President Lincoln After nine years of stalwart service as Buf- years now since the United States finally sev- issued this directive. Initially celebrated by Af- falo’s AFO–CIO president, Mr. Kaczorowski ered its ties with the ancient inhumanity of rican Americans who had been slaves in the chaired his final meeting on February 8, 2005. slavery. southwest, Juneteenth Day officially com- He has previously served at the Erie County At the end of a great civil war—a war fought memorates the ending of slavery in the United Medical Center and the Erie County Industrial over slavery and won to eradicate the ‘‘curious States. Development Agency. In a previous career, institution’’—600,000 Americans were dead, This important anniversary represents how Mr. Kaczorowski was both an autoworker and but 4 million were freed. far we have come as a nation. With an em- a union chief for General Motors Corporation, The last of those 4 million were freed 140 phasis on freedom, education, and achieve- Tonawanda engine plant. years ago Sunday, June 19th, 1865, in Gal- ment, Juneteenth Day recognizes the ending John Kaczorowski has worked tirelessly to veston, Texas—by a man named Gordon of one of the most sinister periods in our Na- improve the quality of life for the working men Granger. tion’s history and the beginning of a new era and women of Western New York. His contin- On his arrival in Galveston, Major General of liberty, not just for the slaves that were gent of 75,000 affiliated union workers is Granger of the United States Army, issued freed, but for all Americans. among the largest of AFL–CIO members in General Order Number Three to the people of Today, a growing number of Americans cel- any congressional district nationwide and he Texas, informing them of the end of the war ebrate Juneteenth Day. People of all faiths, has vigorously campaigned on their behalf. He and the emancipation of slaves. races, and creeds from cities and towns has organized numerous boycotts and pro- As he read the words of President Lincoln’s across our country are gathering together to tests, deftly handling both picket lines and self-consciously legalistic Emancipation Proc- both rejoice in the progress this Nation has conference rooms. This past December Mr. lamation, the world changed in front of him: made and reflect upon how much work there VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:39 Feb 02, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00093 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK9\NO_SSN\BR17JN05.DAT BR17JN05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE June 17, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 13101 is still to be done. We celebrate this day by HOW MUCH TO FEED A DRAGON The reason for this rapid growth in oil de- spending time with our close friends and fam- mand is attributable to one single fact: Oil ily, enjoying ourselves and listening to others. consumption in China is growing at astro- HON. TIM RYAN nomical rates. During 2004 Chinese consump- In my own district in the State of Maryland, OF OHIO tion of oil averaged more than one million Juneteenth Day is being observed at Fort IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES barrels a day above the previous year, an in- McHenry. In addition, on June 22nd, the mem- Friday, June 17, 2005 crease of 19.3 percent, or eight times faster than the growth of energy consumption in bers of the Boys and Girls Club of Central Mr.
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