Directory of Historical Records Repositories in Hawai‘i 5th Edition February 15, 2014 Compiled by the AHA 5th Edition Directory Committee Barbara Dunn, Mary Louise Haraguchi, Janel Quirante Alphabetical Listing of Repositories B M ­ O Bishop Museum Archives 1 Makiki Christian Church 9 Brigham Young University Hawaii Campus 1 Mamiya Medical Heritage Center, 9 Archives, Joseph F. Smith Library The Queen’s Medical Center Marianist Province of the Pacific Archives, 9 C Marianist Center of Hawaii Maui Historical Society/Bailey House Museum 9 Central Union Church Archives 1 Nisei Veterans Memorial Center 10 City and County of Honolulu, 1 100th Infantry Battalion Veterans 10 Municipal Reference and Records Center Congregation of the Sacred Hearts United 2 States Province, Provincial Archives New! P D ­ G Pacific Tsunami Museum 10 Palama Settlement 10 Daughters of Hawaii 2 Punahou School 11 eFIL Filipino Digital Archives 2 and History Center of Hawaii New! The Episcopal Church in Hawaii, 3 R ­ T Diocesan Archives Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu 11 442nd Veterans Club Archive 3 Saint Clement's Episcopal Church New! 11 Grove Farm Homestead Museum (Waioli 3 Saint Louis School New! 12 Corporation) Tropic Lightning Museum 12 H U Hana Cultural Center (Hale Waiwai o Hana) 3 United States Army Museum of Hawaii 12 Hawaii’s Plantation Village 3 University of Hawaii‐Hilo Hawaii State Archives 4 Edwin M. Mookini Library, 12 Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Archives 4 Hawaiian Collection Hawaiian Historical Society 4 North Hawaii Education and Research 13 Hawaiian Mission Children’s Society Library 4 Center (NHERC) Heritage Center New! Honolulu Museum of Art New! 5 University of Hawaii‐Manoa Hamilton Library Archives and Manuscripts Department 13 I ­ J Hawaiian and Pacific Collections 14 Jean Charlot Collection 15 ILWU Local 142, 5 Russian Collections New! 16 Priscilla Shishido Library New! University of Hawaii‐West Oahu ‘Iolani School Archives 5 ‘Ulu‘ulu Moving Image Archive 16 Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i, 5 of Hawai‘i New! Resource Center Center for Labor Education and Research 17 (CLEAR) Library and Archive New! K U.S.S. Arizona Memorial, 17 Ka Waihona Palapala Kahiko O Na Kula ‘O 6 National Park Service Kamehameha ma Kapalama (Kamehameha U.S.S. Bowfin Submarine Museum and Park 17 Schools Archives at Kapalama) Kalaupapa National Historical Park New! 6 Kauai Historical Society 7 Kauai Museum 7 Kawaiahao Church Archives 7 Kona Historical Society 7 L Lahaina Restoration Foundation 8 Lāna‘i Culture & Heritage Center New! 8 Lyman Mission House and Museum 9 Bishop Museum Archives City and County of Honolulu, Municipal 1525 Bernice Street Reference Center Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 558 South King Street (808) 848‐4148 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 (808) 768‐3765. Fax (808) 768‐3769 Email [email protected] Website www.Bishopmuseum.org Description of Holdings EstaBlisheD in 1929, the Municipal Reference Center (MRC) houses puBlications issueD By Brigham Young University Hawaii Campus anD for the City anD County of Honolulu Joseph F. Smith Library, Archives and agencies. Special Collections 55‐220 Kulanui Street Public Hours Box# 1966 Open By appointment only La’ie, Hawaii 96762‐1294 MonDay – FriDay 8:00 a.m. ‐ 4:00 p.m. (808) 675‐3868. Fax (808) 675‐3877 Contact Website liBrary.Byuh.eDu/liBrary/archives RoBin Ballentyne, LiBrarian Email [email protected] Central Union Church Archives Website www.honolulu.gov/csD/mrc/ 1660 South Beretania Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96826 (808) 941‐0957. Fax (808) 941‐9124 Description of Holdings History anD recorDs of the church are preserveD anD locateD in the Church Archives anD History Room. Public Hours MonDays 9:00 a.m. ‐ 11:30 a.m., anD By appointment. Contact Suzanne Case, Historian Rosemary EBerharDt, Associate Historian Email [email protected] Website www.centralunionchurch.org 1 New! Daughters of Hawaii Congregation of the Sacred Hearts United 2913 Pali Highway States Province, Provincial Archives Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 1124 7th Avenue (808) 595‐6291. Fax (808) 595‐4395 Honolulu, Hawaii 96816 (808) 732‐5565 or (808) 282‐8308 Description of Holdings RecorDs on Hulihe‘e Palace Museum in Kailua‐ Description of Holdings Kona, the Queen Emma Summer Palace in The Provincial Archives of The Congregation Honolulu, anD the Daughters of Hawai‘i. of the SacreD Hearts (SS.CC.) UniteD States Institution anD collection founDeD in 1903. 15 Province contains the collective memory of a lin. ft. of holDings. religious community of Roman Catholic priests anD Brothers. The recorDs, which Public Hours chronicle the history, Decisions, activities, anD Research By appointment only. personnel of the Province, span the years 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 1825 to 2011. They consist of meeting minutes, provincial reports, Decrees, Email [email protected] corresponDence, Diaries, sacramental registers, financial recorDs, real estate transactions, personnel files anD Directories, New! seminary anD formation recorDs, site maps, eFIL Filipino Digital Archives and History architectural Drawings, photographs anD Center of Hawaii negatives, auDio‐visual materials, electronic 94‐428 Mokuola Street #305A files, scrapBooks, commemorative Booklets, Waipahu, Hawaii 96797 puBlications, artifacts, relics, anD ephemera. The size of the collection is approximately 250 Description of Holdings cuBic feet. Languages representeD within the ConceiveD from the start as a Digital archives collection incluDe Dutch, English, French, anD history center, eFIL's mission is to Hawaiian, Italian, Latin, anD Spanish. Of assemBle, Digitize anD proviDe internet access special interest are original letters anD oBjects to a selection of primary anD seconDary relateD to Father Damien; late nineteenth to source materials for stuDents, eDucators anD early twentieth century photographs of the researchers that will help the general puBlic Kalaupapa Community; anD early Hawaiian increase their awareness, unDerstanDing, anD language puBlications. Access to some of the appreciation of the history anD contriButions recorDs in the collection is restricteD anD of Filipinos to Hawaii. requires permission of the Provincial Superior. Holdings incluDe: oral histories, pamphlets, recorDings, photographs, manuscripts, Public Hours newspapers anD Books. By appointment Public Hours Contact WeB access availaBle 24/7 at Stuart W. H. Ching, Provincial Archivist www.efilarchives.org SS.CC. U.S. Province Site at Filcom ‐ By appointment Email [email protected] Contact Clement Bautista, ADministrator Gina Vergara‐Bautista, Archivist Email [email protected] [email protected] Website www.efilarchives.org 2 The Episcopal Church in Hawaii, Diocesan Grove Farm Homestead Museum (Waioli Archives Corporation) 229 Queen Emma Square P.O. Box 1631 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii 96766 (808) 536‐7776 or (808) 282‐8308 (808) 246‐6093 Description of Holdings Email gfh‐[email protected] The Diocesan Archives of The Episcopal Website grovefarm.org Church in Hawaii collects, preserves, anD accesses historical Documents relateD to the Anglican presence in the Hawaiian IslanDs Hana Cultural Center (Hale Waiwai o anD its missions overseas. Collection materials Hana) Date from the estaBlishment of the Church in 4974 Uakea RoaD 1862, By King Kamehameha IV anD Queen Hana, Hawaii 96713 Emma, to the present Day. The collection (808) 248‐8622 consists of papers of the Bishops, Journals of convention, constitutions anD By‐laws, Email [email protected] meeting minutes, committee reports, Website www.hanaculturalcenter.org corresponDence, parish histories, sacramental registers, photographs, scrapBooks, Diocesan puBlications, anD a few artifacts. The size of Hawaii’s Plantation Village the collection measures approximately 55 94‐695 Waipahu Street cuBic feet. The preDominant language Waipahu, Hawaii 96797 representeD in the collection is English, (808) 677‐0110. Fax (808) 676‐6727 though there are a few Documents anD puBlications in the Hawaiian language. Of Description of Holdings special interest are the Baptismal, Plantation history from 1830s to 1950s on all confirmation, anD marriage recorDs of islanDs, especially the Oahu Sugar RecorDs. Hawaiian royalty anD memBers of the Court. IncluDes Documents, photographs, corresponDence, Birth anD Death certificates, Public Hours meDical recorDs, employee leDgers, scientific By appointment testings, Daily routines relating to plantation lifestyle, artifacts such as Domestic Contact implements, etc. Stuart W. H. Ching, Historiographer Public Hours Email [email protected] MonDay ‐ SaturDay 9:00 a.m. ‐ 4:00 p.m. Research By appointment only. 442nd Veterans Club Archive Email [email protected] 933 Wiliwili Street Website www. hawaiiplantationvillage.org Honolulu, Hawaii 96826 (808) 945‐0032. Fax (808) 949‐1539 Description of Holdings Documents, photos, a/v materials anD artifacts relating to the history of the 442nD Regimental ComBat Team as well as postwar activities of the 442nD Veterans CluB. Public Hours Research By appointment only. Email [email protected] 3 Hawaii State Archives Hawaiian Historical Society 364 South King Street 560 Kawaiahao Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 (808) 586‐0329. Fax (808) 586‐0330 (808) 537‐6271. Fax (808) 537‐6271 Description of Holdings Description of Holdings Archives of the government of Hawai‘i (1790 Extensive collection of 19th‐century materials to present), private papers of Hawaiian on Hawaiian IslanDs in
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