Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly WEDNESDAY, 28 AUGUST 1940 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Address in Reply. [28 AuGusT.] Questions. 109c WEDNESDAY, 28 AUGUST, 1940. Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. E. J. Hanson, Buranda) took the chair at 10.30 a.m. QUESTIONS. MARGARINE PRODUCTION IN QUEENSLAND, 1939-40. JUr. WALKER (Cooroora) asked the Secretary for Agriculture and Stock- '' What was the tonnage of margarine produced in Queensland in 1939-40 ~" The SECRETARY FOR AGRICULTURE AND STOCK (Hon. F. W. Bulcock, Barcoo) replied- '' Complete figures are not yet available, but it is estimated that approximately 920 tons of margarine were produced in Queensland in 1939-40. Of this quantity, by far the1 greater proportion was of animal origin.'' ALLOCATIONS OF STATE TRANSPORT RoAD FuND. 1\'Ir. NICKLIN (Murrumba) asked the Treasurer- '' 1. In 1939-40 what amounts of the Heavy Vehicles Road Fund were allocated to-(a) the Main Roads Commission; (b) local authorities; and (c) consolidated revenue~ '' 2. What were the details of the allo .. cations to local authorities~" no QuestionB. [ASSEMBLY.] Questiom. The TREASURER (Hon. F. A. Coop~er, authorities on account of the contributions Bremer) replied- which would otherwise be due by the local authorities for maintenance.'' " 1. (a) £18,228 lls. 3d.; (b) £9,803 13s.; (o) £26,913 7s. 10d. 'The Heavy Vehicles Road Fund no longer exists, it REPORT OF WOOL ADVISORY COMMISSION. having been superseded by the State Trans­ Mr. MAHER (West Moreton) asked the port Road Fund when the State Transport Premier- Act of 1938 became law from 2 January, 1939. " 1. Having regard to the remarks made by him on 20 an·d 21 November, 1939, when t' 2.--..j he stated that the recommendations of the Wool Advisory Commission were being Local Authority. Amount. investigated by the departments concerned, ---- and that the Government would subse­ £ 8. d. quently give full consideration to them, will Atherton Shire 16 14 11 Beaudesert Shire 7 16 8 he now advise the House of the outcome Beenleigh Shire 18 12 2 of this investigation and consideration~ Boonah Shire .. 19 10 9 Booringa Shire 62 10 5 '' 2. Will he advise the House which, if Bowen Town .. 13 0 0 any, of the recommendations of the Wool Brisbane City .. 4,858 19 5 Advisory Commission will be implemented Bundaberg Town 78 13 0 Bungil Shire .. 115 12 6 by the Government~' ' Bnrrum Shire .. 22 14 8 Caboolture Shire 30 1 8 The PREJUIER (Hon. W. Forgan Smith, Cairns City 145 8 g Mackay) replied- Cairns Shire .. 0 8 11 Card well Shire .. 1 0 0 '' 1 and 2. The Government is not pre­ Chinchilla Shire 41 7 8 pared to accept without reservation the Cleveland Shire 2 16 1 Coolangatta Town 2 10 0 recommendations of the Payne Report. The Dalby Town .. 24 0 1 Government has given valuable concessions Drayton Shire 24 2 2 to the pastoral industry, and will continue Eacham Shire 0 4 1 Esk Shire .. 0 6 10 to do so as circumstances warrant and Fitzroy Shire .. 3 11 10 permit.'' Glengallan Shire 49 1 5 Goohurrum Shire 16 13 7 {}ympie City .. 128 0 11 TAXATION REVENUE, 1939-40. Herberton Shire 1 16 3 Highftelds Shire 7 0 5 Mr. lUAHER (West Moreton) asked the Hinchinbrook Shire 5 0 0 Treasurer- Inglewood Shire 0 12 0 Ipswich City .. 822 17 9 '' 1. What were the amounts of tax J ohnstone Shire 146 0 1 revenue collected, in 1939-40, under the J ondaryan Shire 172 12 5 Kilcoy Shire .. 39 1 6 following headings:-(a) Consolidated Kilkivan Shire 7 8 6 revenue-licenses, registrations, fees of Kingaroy Shire 24 18 8 office, &c.; (b) 'Trust Funds-(i.) motor Kolan Shire .. 6 10 10 Laidley Shire .. 13 16 4 taxation, ( ii.) other licenses, &c. 1 Landsborough Shire 0 12 9 Livingstone Shire 0 11 4 '' 2. What was the total tax collections, Mackay City .. 37 6 10 in 1939-40, under all headings~'' Maroochy Shire 37 3 3 Maryborough City 65 12 7 The TREASURER (Hon. F. A. Coop~er, Millmerran Shire 26 8 5 Bremer) replied- Miriam V ale Shire 2 11 0 Murgon Shire .. 6 14 7 " I. (a) £238,893; (b) (i.) £960,433; N oosa Shire .. 1 2 5 Normanby Shire 0 17 11 (ii.) £86,524. Perry Shire 2 2 0 '' 2. £8,842,930. Whilst license fees, regis­ Pine Shire .. 6 7 10 Pioneer Shire .. 12 16 4 tration fees, and items of an analagous Pittsworth Shire 83 12 10 nature are classified by the Commonwealth Redcliffe Town 55 11 4 Statistician as taxation, it ia obvious that Rockhampton City 451 9 4 RomaTown .. 10 9 7 revenue frolll these sources represents fees Rosalie Shire .. 70 14 0 paid for services rendered.'' Sonthport Town 8 10 5 Tamborine Shire 274 2 10 Tara Shire 76 18 8 RATION RELIEF AND UNEMPLOYMENT, 'Tiaro Shire .. 4 12 3 30 JUNE, 1940. Tingalpa Shire 16 18 7 Toowoomba City 695 3 10 Mr. MAHER (West Moreton) asked the Townsville City 441 3 3 Wambo Shire .. 357 17 0 Secretary for Labour and Industry- Warwick City .. 46 2 6 '' In view of the anticipated short session, Waterford Shire 38 16 8 Widgee Shire .. 33 5 3 and the fact that the annual reports of his Wondai Shire .. 1 15 9 department are usually not tabled until Woothakata Shire 4 8 5 November or later, will he kindly furnish £9,803 13 0 the information asked for J:>,y me on 21st instant~'' The allocations are strictly in accordance The SECRETARY FOR LABOUR AND with the terms of the Acts governing same. INDUSTRY (Hon. T. A. Foley, Normanby) 'I'he Commissioner of Main Roads uses the replied- portion paid to the Main Roads Fund for '' Every effort is being made to table the maintenance of roads and relief to local annual report of the department at an Questions. [28 AUGUST.] Questions. lH early date, and the information desired ment with a request to make this institu­ by the hon. gentleman will be contained tion available to the Air Force for training therein.'' purposes. The Board >ms informed on 10 April last that the Queensland Govern­ ment was agreeable to make the premises ''GOLDEN CASKET'' AGENTS AND available to the Commonwealth Government CoMMISSIONS, for war purposes on terms and conditions Mr. NIMMO (Oxley) asked the Secretary to be arranged by the Public Curator with for Health and Home Affairs- the Commonwealth Government. So far no definite action has been taken by the Air " 1. How many 'Golden Casket' agents Board. The last communication the are there in-(a) Brisbane; (b) elsewhere department has had with the Air Board in the State~ was dated the 8th instant. '' 2. What was the total commission paid '' 2. Eight. The balance of the informa­ in 1939-40 to-(a) Brisbane agents; (b) tion sought will be contained in the other agents in Queensland (in each case Auditor-General's report.'' excluding the Golden Investment Com­ pany); (c) the Golden Investment Com­ panyW" NEw LocOMOTIVEs, 1939-40. The SECRETARY FOR AGRICULTURE 1Ir. YEATES (East Toowoomba) asked AND STOCK (Hon. F. W. Bulcock, the Minister for Transport- Barcoo), for The· SECRETARY FOR '' How many new locomotives-stating HEALTH AND HOM.E AFFAIRS (Hon. E. class-have been delivered to the Railway M. Hanlon, Ithaca), replied- Department during the year ending 30 "1. (a) 192; (b) 267. June, 1940 ~" "2. (a) £36,694 lis. 5d.; (b) £27,216 The 1HNISTER FOR TRANSPORT 5s. 6d.; (c) £17,257 lls. 10d." (Hon. J. Larcombe, Rockhampton) replied- '' Nine. Eight BlS! and one Diesel. TAXATION INQUIRY CoMMISSION. Six more locomotives will be placed in service before the end of December.'' 1\Ir. YEATES (East Toowoomba) asked the Premier- ACTION TO COMBAT COLDS AND INFLUENZA. '' 1. Is the roval commission on taxa­ tion still functio:r;'ing ~ Mr. YEATES (East Toowoomba:) asked the Secretary for Health and Home Affairs- '' 2. If so, about when is it expected that the investigations will be finalised and "Will he state what action, if any, has the report made available W" been taken by the Health Department of Queensland, or in co-operation with the The PREMIER (Hon. W. Forgan Smith, ]federal health authorities, to combat by Mackay) replied- scientific methods the common cold or ''1. Yes. influenza, which causes a loss of many thousands of pounds, plus inconveniences, '' 2. The commission's investigations will to the community each yead" be completed shortly.'' The SECRETARY FOR AGRICULTURE JUBILEE SANATORIUM, DALBY. AND STOCK (Hon. F. W. Bulcock, Barcoo), for The SECRETARY FOR Mr. YEATES (East Toowoomba) asked HEALTH AND HOME AFFAIRS (Hon. E. the Secretary for Health and Home Affairs- Hanlon, Ithaca) replied- " 1. Are there at present any inmates of " None. Such an investigation would any kind at the Jubilee Sanatorium, require much greater resources and facili­ DalbyW If not, when were the last patients ties than are possible in any small country. removed W Researches are being carried out in '' 2. How many persons are there America and elsewhere, where the greater employed at this institution, and what was prevalence of this disease makes success in the total expenditure for (a) the year end­ investigation more likely. Queensland ing 3 0 June last, and (b) since the last could not contribute materially to success inmate departed~'' in such a huge piece of research, but is in a position to profit by applying any The SECRETARY FOR AGRICULTURE discoveries made.'' AND STOCK (Hon. F. W. Bulcock, Barcoo), for The SECRETARY FOR VENEREAL PROPHYLACTIC CLINIC, BRISBANE. HEALTH AND HOME AFFAIRS (Hon.
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