Ancestral Colonial Families GENEALOGY of THE WELSH AND HYATT FAMILIES OF MARYLAND AND THEIR KIN; Giving The Colonial Generations of The Howard, Hammond, Maccubbin, Griffith, Greenberry, Dorsey, Van Sweringen, Baldwin, Gaither, Warfield and Duvall Families. By LUTHER W. WELSH, A. M., M. D., Kansas City, Mo. Lambert Moon Printing Co. Independence, Mo. 1928 PREFACE. The writing of this ibook has been a labor of love to its author. The families given, with probably one exception, are his own ancestral families, and ,as such he has studied them with a regard for accuracy not always found in works of unrelated professionals. It is not pos­ sible to avoid all error in a work of this kind, from inadvertence or limited information, but it is believed such errors have been reduced to the minimum. The author will gladly welcome corrections. In the "Genealogy of the Welsh and Hy,att Families" he has sought to conserve in permanent form the many records he has gath­ ered in the research of years, many of which otherwise would become pevmanently lost to these families. The intrinsic value of genealogy, ihowever, fromJ the biologioal standpoint, does not lie in any one or two ancestral sources, but in all the elements that have contributed to the formation of the individual life and character. Hence, in the "Colonial Generations of Kindred Families," is given something of the origin and early history of these families-all of whom have been notivbly prominent in Md. history-whose blood strains have entered into and become a component part of the life-stream of almost all of the in­ dividual families who are represented herein. The scope of the book has necessarily restricted the consideration of these families to a few of the I earlier generations-referring to various other published soul'ces for their more complete study. In the hope that, among the many excellent contriibutions to Md. genealogy, this work may find its niche of usefulness, it is sent forth. To all those living ones who have aided in its compilation I desire to express my thanks and appreciation, and especially, for their mo.st generous assistance, to Miss Eliz,abeth Welsh, of Springfield, Ohio, Mrs. Audella Hy,att, of Annesquam, Mass., Mrs. Marvin R. Shipley, of Harmans, Md., Mrs. Elizabeth Bailey Strong, of Parkersburg, W. Va., Miss Luckett Iglehart, o:f Davidsonville, Md., and Mrs. Katherine Glass Greene, o:f Winchester, Va. Others have been ,particularly named in connection with their individual contributions. The older ones, to whom we are most indebted for the earlier family records-most of whom were near and dear to the writer-have long since gone beyond the reach of earthly thanks. Could they send back a message to pass on to all, it would doubtless be: The transitory things are not the most important---<character alone aibides. "Act well thy part, there ,all the honor lies." CONTENTS Part I-Welsh Genealogy. Sec. 1. Major John Welsh1 (Ann--, Mary--). Sec. 2. Capt. Silvester Wsh.2-Benj. Wsh.2 (Nfoholson)-Rd. Wsh.' (.Jacobs) - Mary' (T,oogood) - Eliz.' (Richardson) - Sarah (Giles)-Damads' (Stockett). · Sec. 3. Col. Jn. Wsh.' (Hopkins, Rach.-)-Eliz.' (Davis)-Sar­ a:h' (W.arfield)-Sophia' (Hall)-(Duckett, Dorsey, Gardner)­ (Duvall, Rawlings, Rieman). Sec. 4. Ann W•sh.' (Hammond)-(Worthington, Hawkina, W:cight, M,ackelfresh, Dorsey, Norris, Richmond)-Hy. O'Neale W·sh.' Sec. 5. Oaprt. Jn. Wsh.3 (Hmd.)-Jn. Wsh.4 (Dorsey)-Cath.1 (Dy.)-(Arms1trong, Watkins, Wfd.)-Lt. Jn. Dy. Wsh.'-Lydia D.' (Wfd.)-Gov. Edwin Warfield-(Watkins; Ba~ley)-Capt. Upton Dy. Wsh.' (Shipley). Sec. 6. Nich. Dy. Wsh.', Sr. (Fleming)-Derastus Wsh.6 (Mon­ roe)-Jn. Fleming Wsh.6 (Clark)-Howard Gth. Wsh.6 (Fleming)­ (Stewart, Mirtchell)-Nich. Dy. Wsh.•, Jr. (Stiles)-(Howe, Smith). Sec. 7. Ann Wsh.4 (Duvall)-Jn. Duvall' (Wyville)-Grafton Du­ vall" (Scheckles)-Philip Duvall' (Lovejoy)-(Duvall, Adams, GLaze, Ship1ey)-Lewis W. Duvall" (Wyville)-(Simpson, Thompson, Wfd.) -Hammond Duv,all' (Lovejoy, Sprigg)-Delilah Duvall" (Lawson)­ Jn. Lawson' (Layton)-Jas. D. Lawson' (Duvcall)-Gabriel L. Law­ son' (Mo~ley). Sec. 8. Chs. Wsh.4-Jn. Wsh.' (Waters)-(McNew, Turner) - Hannah' (Holland)-(Gth., Wfd., Clagett)-Philip Wsh.' (Dillorder)­ Rezin Wsh.' (Wfd.)-(Larimore, Godfrey)-Hy. Wsh.'-Walter Wsh.' (Moore) -Jas. Wsh.' (Dugan) - (Ramsower, Dent, Tibbets, Trout)-Dr. Dallas G.. M. Trout. Sec. 9. Warren W,sh.' (Wfd.)-(Coale, Scaggs)-Lycurgus Gas­ saway Wsh.' (Spear)-(Garner, Bennett; Schlager; Loane, Dickinson; Reed; Harman; Hawkins; Willie; North, Shipley, Miles; Watern)­ Rev. Washington W. Wsh.'-Eliz. Ann• (Lambden, Lilley) - Brun­ ette• (Wfd.)-Mary Eliz.' (Smirth, Atchison). Sec. 10. Saml. W.sh.4, Sr. (Gth.)-Saml. Wsh.', Jr. (Shipley)­ Ruth' (Th. Meredith)-Henrietta Meredith" (Norris)-Lydia A. Mere­ dith" (Wfd.)-Amos W. Wfd.' (Francis)-Jn. T. Wfd.' (Dorsey)­ Henrietta Wsh.' (Shipley)-Eliz.' (Levi Meredith)-Saml. Meredith• (E,cca11d)-Saml. Meredith', Jr. (Flook)-Eliz. Meredith" (Hughes)­ Ensign Jn. W:sh.'-Rach. Gth. Wsh.' (Wfd.)-Avolina Wfd.' (Riggs). Sec. 11. Hy. Gth. W.sh.' (Shipley)-Hy. Gth. Wsh.', Jr. (Ha11ps, Zepp)-Martha E. (Sadler) - (McKinnell, Wfd., Longacre) - Mary Oath.7 (Sheldon) - Robt. Hy.7 (Lewis) - Lucretia7 (Browne) - Gao. Gth. Wsh.6 (Parsley). Warner Wsh.', Sr. (Scott, F1eming)-LU'ther Wsh.', Sr. (Moxley) -Rach. C.7 (Norris)-Capt. Warner G.7 (Knox)-Luther Jr.7 (Han­ na)-Lt. Milton1 (Nelson)-EHz.• (Thorne)-Raich. Jane• (Etchinson). Sec. 12. Warner Wsh.", Jr. (Hyatt)-Wm. Wallace1 (Higgins)­ Warner Wellington7 (Smith)-.Asa Hyatt7 (Miller)-Mary Ann7 (Rihodes)-Dr. Luther W.1 (Clayton)-Mary Fleming Wsh." (Norton) -Rev. Saml. Wsh.0 (Dick). Sec. 13. Rev. Hy. Wsh.• (Davis)-Chs. Ws·h.' (Wfd.)-Ruth• (Franklin)-Columbus O'D. Wsh.0 (Zepp)-Lydia" (Wfd.)-Philip Wsh." (Wilson)-Oliver J.• (Fisher)-Philemon Hy.• (Thomas)­ Philemon Hy.', Jr. (Penn)-Martha• (Brandenburg)-Sarah" (Ship­ ley)-Ruth Welsh' (Seth Wfd., Jr.)-Seth Wfd. III (Shipley)­ Rachel Wsh.' (Barnes)-Philip Welsh' (Davis)-Lucre,tia G.' (Phile­ mon D. Wfd.)-Amanda Wfd. (Riggs)-Dr. Milton Wsh. WM.­ Prof. Joshua Dy. Wfd. Sec. 14. Th. Wsh.3 (Dorcas), P. G. Co.-Th. Wsh.', Jr. (Ann)­ Comfort Wsh.' (Wood)-1\fary Dorcas Wood' (Laurence Augustine Washiugton)-Comfort Wood' (Dailey)-Cath. Wood' (Glass)-Col. Wm. Wood Glass" (Campbell). Sec. 15. Rd. Wsh.' (Prather)-Th. Wsh.' (Sellman)-Maria De­ borah" (Jas. A,. lglehart)-(Digges)-Rd. Wsh.0 (Mills)-(Knight, Pitcher, Royal)-Eliz. Semmie" (Hall)-(Horn)-Mrgit. Ella" (Th. S. Iglehart)-(Sellman, Curtis, Wilson)-Dr. N. E. B. Iglehart-Th. S. Iglehart7, Jr. (Price)-Dr. 'Dh. Wsh.' (Waters)-Ann Eliz.• (Wat­ kins)-(Beall)-Deborah Wsh.' (Nathan Edmondson). Sec. 16. Benj. Wsh. (Hmd.) - Caroline Wsh.' (Capt. Elisha Riggs)-Col. Jn. Hmd. Riggs' (Howard)-Ann Riggs' (Jesse Hyatt) -Mary' (Th. Riggs). Sec. 17. Robt. Welsh' of Maj. Jn. (Lewis)-Dr. Robt. Wsh.3, Jr. -Benj. Wsh.4 (Lee)-Senator Robt. Welch" (Sellman)-Dr. Albert Geo. We1ch" (Bedford, Krebs)-Dr. Eberle Geddings Wekh1-Judge Chs. S. Wch.• (Bell)-Dr. Wm. S. W,ch.'-Ann Wsh.' (Jacobs)-Kath.1 (Maccubhin)-Sarah' (Whittington). Sec. 18. Jn. Wsh.' (Ra.wlings)-Robt. Wch.' (Garr, Owens)­ Benj.' (Drury)-Mary• (Owens)-Jane• (Davidson)-Eliza Welsh6 (Rev. Geo. Hildt)-Eliz.6 (Gray)-Susan' (Owens)-Ben Allen Wch.6 (Pindell)-Robt.' (Mallonee)-(Saunders, Duvall, .Adams, Merrikin)­ Lt. .Aaron' (Franklin)~Cath.5 (Carr)-Jn.' (Owens)-Rach.5 (Owens) -Rach.' (Lee)-Ann' (Childs). Sec. 19. Benj. Wsh.3 (Rebecca) - Jemima' (Ijams) - Rebec. Ijams' (Duvall)-Rebec. Duvall" (Baker). Part II-Hyatt Genealogy. Sec. 1. Chs. Hyatt1 of P. G. Oo. (Sarah)-Seth Hyatt' (Alice)­ Seth'-Shadrach'-Abednego'-Peter' (Howerton). Sec. 2. Meshach Hyatt' (Sarah-, Hobbs), Fred Co.-Shadrach' (Pa.)-Meshach' Jr. (Pa.)-Eli Hyatt' (Jamison), Pa.-Alx. H. Hywtt6 (Baldwin)-Noah Hyatt' (Bute, Grimes), 0.-Meshach Hyatt• (Brownfield), 0.-Lydia B." (Serrels)-Seth B.' (Keeler)-Mary B.6 (Patterson)-Dr. Wm. B.' (Richie)-Dr. Elisha H.' (Ely, Johnson)­ Rebecca A.' (Hunter)-Sarah E.0 (Numbers)-Abednego', Va. Sec. 3. Sara:h Hyatt' (Wolfe)-Susan' (H::i.ga:n)~Sarah Hagan• (Brown)-Zach. Brown' (Hyatt)-Eliz. Hyatt' (Davis)-Jo. Hyatt• (Cutsa:il)-Sophia' (Todd)-Cath. Hyatt' (Hinton). Sec. 4. Eli Hyatt' (W£d.), Hyattstown-Wm.' (Kinna)-Eliz.• (Davis)-Julia Davis' (Greentree)-Mary Davis' (Wolfe)-Wm. Davis' (Duvall)-Eli Davis' (Mornell)-Mary Ann Davis6 (Duva,Ll)­ Charlotte Davis" (Fowler)-l'Saac H. Davis' (MiLes)-Rd. Davis6 (Williams). Sec. 5. Asa Hyatt' (Phillips), Hyattstown - Phillips Family - Levi Th. Hyatt' (Zeigler, Beall)-Eleanor A.6 (Zeigler)-Mary Ann6 (Warner Wsh. Jr.)-Lucinda Maria' (Za,eh. Brown)-Saml. Hyaitt• (Purdy)-Lloyd' (Wise)-Emily' (Umstead)-Anna6 (Norwood)­ Dr. Vernon Lee Norwood' (Knight)-Saml. Hyatt', Jr. (Young)­ Polly Hyatt' (Hyatt)---'Oharlotte' (Fowh"r, Richards)-Eli Hyatt5 (Waters)-Eli Hyatt III' (Lewis)-Mary Ann' (Norwood)-Jere­ miah Norwood" (Miles)-Eleanor Norwood" (Watkins)-Sarah Ann Norwood" (Richards)-Ralph Norwood" (Watkins)-Eliz. Ann Nor­ wood" (Jacoib B. Thomas)-Mary Ann Norwood' (Willis)-Th. Nor­ wood' (Lawton)-Lloyd Hyatt' (Richards) . .Sec. 6. Jesse Hyatt' (Riggs), Hya:ttstown-Elisha R.' (Polly Hya:tt)-Wm.' (Brown, Hyatt)-Jesse' (Ball, Wolfe)-Geo. W.8 (Hurd)-Philip' (Watkins)-Luther L.' (Smith, Wolfe), Ohio-Susan Matilda" (Chapin)-Jo. Hamilton' (Seymour)-Eliz. Sarah6 (Cunning­ iltam)-Olive' (Smith)-Maria' (Tarr)---'Columbus Delano Hyatt,6, Neb.-Mesha,ch Hyaitt' (Bricker, McDonald)-(Dana, Moxley, Morris, McDonald, Bryan, Geiselman). Sec. 7. Lavinia Hyrutt' (Richards, Wolfe)-Meshach Richards•, (Purdy)-Wm. Richards', Jr. (Hyatt)-Susan Richards' (Duvall)­ Sarah Ann Wolfe' (Price)-Eliz. Wolfe' (Moxley)-Eli Wolfe5 (Hyatt) -Geo. Wolfe', Jr. (Davis)-Josiah Wolfe' (Beall). Sec. 8. "Family Record" of Prof. Alpheus Hyaitt-Wm. Hyatt' (Walker) - Wm. Jr.3 (Duvall) - Aquilla' (Hyatt) - Christopher' (Peach, CJarke)-Ohds. C.' (Culver, Perkins)-Lucretia' (Hyatt)­ Seth' (Jones)-Jemima' (Lansdale)-Rach.' (Hyatt)-Seth', Jr. (.Somerville)-Wesley' (Hyatt)-Alpheus I' (Stettinus, King)-Prof. Alpheus II' (Beebe)-Harriet R." (Mayor)-Alpheus III' (Carter)­ Anna Vaughn" (Huntington)-.AJbednego'-Martha' (Bryan, CNIIW­ :f'ord)-Delilah E.
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