037 690305 the Trans

037 690305 the Trans

Horld ElstorY >#9 h. Eoeb Hednesday P.t{. lEE TnAtrSIfIOnAt KII{GDUSs VAI{DI,LS' HEiltLI' OSIBT0ES lfter the Roam defeat bf tbe Vlaigoths at 441b,gs tn t8, rp bart the cqo- uautng eto:y of the collapse of tbe Rccdr &pfre ps fo:nd e pag€ 134 fn t+g"r. Stlllcho rt tll3 bottm of tb3 flrst col:uor rp dlscswr tbat tbe @ercr Bcrorlu a (9*t&3) rypolntect Ure VErSgl Stlllplro es Easter of tbe troops. Eere nas a sltaratlcn rbera a Uerlgqls EA ffid ofE-tbe nttltary forceel It rns not just tbat tbs C'€ina,s ;ffi-:y lrr charge of Ee rrall alorg tbe RhJ.ne, hrt,gon me of tbeo le tn obarge of tbe Rmm arry fneiae tbp r.ratl! Itrs ltke tbe cansLto nose under tbe tmt. far see litt&e ty ltttte rbat is bappentng I Golng to colu.m tvo: trr 406 Cauf. ras ,qP.rnm by Vmdals srd other trlltBs. dgpqf:re-of fn Lgt'51o tberc vas @ lccc'ed evaoratlor € Brltafg.-the..cglete t& troq>J- dates rnay:Er@g$E- sore sdrcAsErt f thl$k tbls is tbe elgplslg dg!g- for tho purposef\r1 evasusticn of the ls1ad. lnd then ln lueust of /+oB Sbilfpl*r l€g Elgl*g at Fcrelusr cdsrt ttt€ @ere did no[ tnrEt brs rnlrrtary c@EQs r.nre Just not golng rtght fcr tie fupire. Rm Sacked I relgn llotlce next that tbe @eror Theodoslus. erperor ll th9 9eg! $o b€99 -hie i" 4OS; ;i"*ua tbe earllest' colleffilf existLne lgggr tbe-lieodoela CodE.; l&eD yan_bave a good rJ"i6W bas to 16rltlply,-fi c1assl$r -md cod,l.$ none-art none latr, "tafc"trcn tbat socLety breatcnp'0gg, due to lncreased ccrlos srd Laltless:eegt lbea people ar€ Uun"":irg tb€r'selvee teet'e ls no need for a lot of lane. ht ttbs old lavs have to Ue deftd md nerr cnos Passed as a S!€!!!g!9 foar tle EngaEd-qF t" e€cpf;i; chqrqcter, tbe,natlcn is in tranble. So it uas in sacient Rcme. So 1t ls fn trc Untted States todryll Nou, ln 4g9 ALaric lnvaded Italy ad bricfly set up a- usurper. Itqr.ln 410 thtg v1sre;tfiic ieaa"rG6re to gack the clty of Boe I lbls bad ney€r been dme sc-uco genrls dld ix 390 B,c.t (neger" bacl to pags 85.) 1?"'s ls strlld:rg. EractJv the lt g-eg$Ijgg't @ vears ]s!sE! RG bs$, .reBs rmtqrch€ teE Battle of Adrlanople t-n 378 *m tbo E!'- Icok bou fast thls bapperoed: Sro the (lrgll, per6 faLL to revoilts Ja liace-t lb" (:s-l) .-d tb" enalcuatLoa 6f f if,ch "try the attack of tbe hue la the east [G ruqt l.g of nore ad nore laus being codiftea, . ad the Vlsigotb.r fleefng ttm thec-io tbe Visigothg_enter lltg_tb nelt od dcr' lnate nrcb of tbe nest ti tne porri tao. tner aie able to go q-U. tbe nry don thrcflgb tbe Italtar peninsrla $ the "i!1 oq Bcoet Alarlc aocn dled Jn sorthern lta3y md biE botbr-in-Ian led t|t Vlefgdbs lato Cstll G12)-t*a-tl*ce Lee the ccnqutst of Sain fron the YEtSIs (415).o the Bcnsrs DlSntt-Care ! rE., 111d so the collapse of Bqne c€ntl,rmes. this was not a very-pretty-ptc-brre. Brt it does shcrs that 1.rltldn abcut cne cenb:ry aftsr Christtanfty hed-been legallz€d, tb 372 lrlorld l{tstcury ct 3-*6j 2 n'r'firs rras collapsJ:rg fron tdthln. Mmy of the pagms Alaned tbe chrch fcr tha falJ; brl actuaLl;r there Ls avery eyidenc€ to show that the Sqrlre vas on lts last legs ll the 3rd cenh.r:1r A*D. ad was saved by a few great nm like &[oc]etl.m, Cmstgtlnet and theodosius so tbat tbe final edllapse vas PS!!,gSg for lnrothe{ @EII. But lt cculdntt lastr md nou 1t uas beginnjag to collapss becaus mcre and rore tho pecple had lost aIL jsrterest i-u, eefuitainq€ tbe FFlr6. trn faott tbg1o rr1€ lg1.- barianj 11ke Stillcbo vbo !€re nqre laterested ln preservlag the Arplre thg ths !gg- ffig""g -!@tt they bad Lost lnt€rest. ttLs uas tbe stst€ of affalrsl @t Nsw if ue look at the story begj$iag cn pag€ 135 w vlLL sae sotns ner dewlcpr nants corpletely unprecedented In the Roan uorld! Up !o tbts polat-llsteal-tbe ngr.e, beE g nasb ;;i; .of i&g, lteattei'r?:.r_e.Sg llcg.lg, .Ig f* cegtyl9s. gnd -@, Bceg basin I nffi'aG+EffiV'i soraethiug unrsual ls ta!*rg place I ?he barbarl,ens r.pre raoving past Itaty gotng thrargh Srenco md ilto Sab-8!d sgddenJy ycn d!.scovor tbat cne-l*ro1e-reglor of !b9 Rca^@ Bf{.1 ln the nost rrnlika\y o"u (& iuyt the nost likely areal)r m! completelJr'o-ccttpig{ by a beb?r1ry peqfle. tire Rornan tern here-ubarbai'i@trt lbis rms &qE!h ArrlSp ocpngie4 ![ !& Itsr]jl'use goo V*auru y@ efid$g-U-t qate gog, tbP legrm.? 9f Pgl*q. 43 Vmda].s bad fro frG?-tffiu&*mffif'rtU:Ftft-n1G S€a €nd tbe Ulrraine, tben uedered through ctcu- tral srd r,estem g\rt.p" thrcugb Gsul tnto Slaln, tbsy stayed h Satn rmtll tbs Vlsl- goths drorre them cutr- md then they r"ent lnto t{cth Afrlca. So nov ue havs tbe beginniag of a wry renarkable series of evqtg deftned Prt pheticajly:31 ti," Book of tiqdef-{Oa. ?:8). 1!rd.er tbe date l&9-very bottcnn of col. '2 ,tme Lnr o,.. p. {34-,"e read, 6@ q"lpr{ Bcsrlfatlus trted to set hlarsetf up as depenhent t1n Efricar'nitb tEe afE'ot tbe Vmdals, ubo crossod frcg Sain under.ggls- i"-fCe"s"rlc). But'the Vandals saized AJbice for thlmeelvogtr-not iugt under. tbe fr-*; g"o"""i-'tafter a tuo-year siege ofn tbe. giW :-g Rpp: cn the coast not far r,est of cartbage. Drri:rg this slegp-El;-Jggglilgr tue uilncp of Elppo, died (430). &e nort paragraph under tbe date 430 tells hou letlus, alrotber Rcman gonerall_ defeated the viEigltUit t:r Gsu-l. So thls nan vas able to resohn- the proble1 in Gnrl brt, Ln tbe reantlme, tbe Va:rdale rcre able to take oner ln Ncrtb Aftrlca. lnd so lF aat6 tne ueg:sing oi'thr Vsrdauc klagdm, as a_separate lndlnaadent krnqdcn lrr llorth A"1e tbs reglca of Aiti"u, tn 7rZg. g35g csreflrl n-ote e!-$,-ga!g 439t h -central md rrstern n"rtlEi"6r-T[-anS sudd€rr]t-clEslb.re1 s SeII0e?-sFSk+q Pglgr- th€ V*a"f", gpttfnJ ecryLet6 ecntrol. tbey 3.atev (+SS) got, Eelr nare because of thc ,rqy il.+ iiffugJa-tiratrs the Rmsr usagB of the tert-hrt they rrre also called nTsrdaltr earller ne*r{ng sme}o{f r&o uqrde.rs; it ccmes frcn tbe Gernm uont ggg- trto 9alpcr !,tdab ms&s vander.; vem$a]. rfPgFm IS0GNSDI Notlce r*rat ls stated nct Ln the flrst co}rm crt p. 135 under tbe yer 435r Sbo recomlaFd. The Vadal.g took Carthage lr {3.9.' llhat VadaL kined@ in lfr"tca res -A11 dg€s it r"a tbey rge urG@pizodo? kLnde of, bcbarLans bd beo aro.rnd-.thc Bmars sau then ttiat ts tbe slgntficanse of the tesa l*@4393? [r{s Ls a good noderrn tezt 32€ t{cld Eiatory ot Y*9 3 It rems these Vardals l+ere-r6c_qlntzed-$-the Rman eovernner& gg g J.gglUXgtA Fi+sten !F!hJ" .tbe sres pf nerq llpli psst$&F@ Er@- hrt, ln this cas€, via tbo Vmdals and thpl,r governmontt I11 othor barbarims r:p to tkls t{mn, rrJ-thcrrt exceptlcn, rer€ n't'l onred to gettLe lnslde Rcrrets banndgctes tut rcre or\y cltlzsrs Gr lan lcrry, friends; b't ttiey d1d not sCrdrigter the gover::nsrt. &$ tg th? flfet tlre. g forpjq DglCL 3gg alt('l,ed fu dninlsLgr. J&g Rongr eoy€l3u€nt indeoendentlv l.,ithjr itg slg ,areo lnsi,ae tbe livn{ts of the fuirel Ihis rras tbe flrgt of the horns to be estabIlshed,, Ycrr reneuber the ten hqas of r&.isb 3 nere uprooted, rfuich grev ant of tbe beast (Deo. 7 z'1..8, 2O1 ?-,1+), lbis sas tbe establlshurent of that flrst kLngdon. lbe Srnq St_osp€d I Ccntinuing domr the page, first co}:m: Marcisr lras erperor ln tbe east. ItHo a1'l6rypd the osf,roeo&bs (eis{ eotUs) to eettle is tary eri.tEs (t""d*"til io pa- ncniarr-hrrt ffiffiirint -*as not yet adrdnistered fudeperrdent\y [email protected] (ttat ts, the Ostrogothic kingdcri r.ras not establisheC j-n ftaly tmtll 493 rcrlch mg tbe thlrd of tbe first tbree hqrrs.) lGmr&ILe, tn l+fr1 "A!!llg, loader of the @r declded to bing his pecple frcm the east 5rtto Gzuln-remi:rg from eastern Egope. thear ocsured the faoacr.le Ba.ttle of 9balma ln t+51 near the city of bcyes. (lnd *rat Ls the clty of $qr E@-in-tE;EE{ urrless bojas cae thero ca:ryirrg the nanet) l,cnepr statesTere tbat the Buns r*re defeated. Acttrally nobody vcn this stnrggle hrt tbe Erns rpnt no f\rther sirply because they difort wlrr.

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