UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page Date 02/06/2006 Time 12:09:12 PM S-0869-0001 -09-00001 Expanded Number S-0869-0001 -09-00001 Title items-in-Peace-keeping operations - Cyprus - Mr. Galo Plaza, United Nations Mediator in Cyprus Date Created 11/05/1964 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0869-0001: Peace-Keeping Operations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant: Cyprus Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GEflJSRAL S/56Q1 COUNCIL 11 May ORIGINAL: ENGLISH REPORT BY THE; SEOE^^ARY-GEMSRAL TO THE SECURITY COUNCIL ON THE OPERATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS PEACE-KEEPING FORCE IN CYPRUS 1. In my report to the .Security Council on 29 April 1964 (8/5671), I referred to the urgent need to strengthen the mission in Cyprus by the addition of a top-level political officer, who, on behalf of the Secretary-General, could conduct negotiations for the implementation of the programne which was outlined in Annex I of the above-mentioned report. 2. I am now able to inform members of the Security Council that I have secured the services of Mr. Galo Plasa of Ecuador as my Special Representative in Cyprus. Mr. Plaza has served the United Nations previously in the United Nations Observation Group in Lebanon in 1958, and on a special mission to the Congo (Leopoldville) in 1960. 3. Mr. Plaza's Secretariat assignment will be a short-range one and he has agreed to serve initially until 27 June 196^. He will be directly responsible to me and, as indicated in the above-mentioned report, his functions will not in any way impinge upon the efforts of the United Nations Mediator to find long-term solutions to the problems of Cyprus, nor upon the functions of the Commander of the United Heticns Force in Cyprus. ^. Mr. Plaza will leave for Cyprus on Wednesday, 13 May. JEB/at 17 June 1964 Dear Mr. Plasa, Your letter of 10 Juns 1964 aad the original and two copies of the UWXCIP draft report eoveriag developments in the military and civilian fields for th© period fross 29 April to & June 1964 was received in due tin*©. J^r report to the Security Council was circu- lated under aysi&ol S/57&4 on 16 June, and copies have been forwarded to Nicosia by special pouch. I also understand that the final chapter containing th& suamiag up and observatioas was cabled to you by the Office of Public Information. Subject to the discussios on apartheid ending today or tosiorrow, the initial meeting of the Security Council on Cyprus is planned for either Thursday, 18 Juns, or Friday, 19 June. The material for the report sent by General Gyaai and yourself was most useful, aacl 1 asa pleased to have been able to place the report before tfae Members of the Council sufficiently in advance of the discussion. Ibis was possible, in so siaall measure, by the timely submission of your material. $r. Eels-Bennett reported to me on his exchange of views with yourself, General Qjrani and Mr. Flores, as well as \d-lh President Kakarios and ?iee-Fresident Ku^uk. I sbould like to wish you continued success in your very delicate task. lours sincerely, U Thaat Mr» Galo Plaaa OHFICIP Nicosia Cyprus cc: Messrs. Bunche, Narasimhan, Kola-Bennett, t* *~ 10 1964 L of <ua© origiaal UKFICY^'e report a IB l»ot.li &SAQ tail i >t«3ieit>ia wf 29 Aril 19Q4 to 8 19540 I? II Gu&d III as IV ita & S*i-ief £CYI*'Q ©fffurie tw V li 4 i jr Cwtlli-Vilo Hwl doubi- gis© j'wsa Esae o,ft>«!i la is ad that hie wi w«ja<i ouir £wr iL«3 u L UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES FORCE IN CYPRUS Personal and Confidential 24 June 1964 Dear U Thant, The time lias come for me to "bring to your attention the matter of termination of my mission in Gyp rue, which we had looked into during our interview in Lew York on 30 Kay. The pressures of personal affairs at home i. ake it impossible for me to change my original planu ~nd stay on beyond the first week in July. On the other hand, as matters stand now, I am inclined to "believe my continued stay would not "be necessary, However, if any significant change in the situation takes place that might demand alterations in the implementation of "H TICT1 ' ,<_• mandate, and if you find it practical and useful, I would, "be willing to return, at any time, on very short notice, I will endeavour to keep from the press any information concerning my departure until I hear from ycu. Tourr.; since, U Thant Secretary-General United Nations Hew York ©f ta ee: AP/.'e »r. Oslo Plasa S Ouly 196k Sgaeial Bsp?esent.ativa of th* Msr. A, Senior J. Sols-lessett tl» BgasmmHafc Misgiea of 30 Jime 196*«< fsraaa the Mission of Copras has bees eMp@sssa to tto Seersts^-Gsaera a request tfea% ^i® iafoKaaticffii coatsiiaisg the fa^pseats of ttos Turkish Civil S®rmnts fe® teeli^teS in ths Seeaparb®?y-G«Hcy<al's sp®port. to bft in a posities to exaaiBS such a request., I ^ould be to b&v«, at your easrly eoERr«iii®53e®, your e^ssatests oa the tsbis @et@33ii©lKid by the Go^srHsieiat «f Qjffffi'UB. la pesliieulas', a of th.e figiapss glvea, with those of the perioSs cc: Secretary-General Mr. Karasimhan Mr. Rolz-^ennett THE BLUE BERET Tuesday, 22nd September, 1964 Issued by the Information Office of the United Motions Force in Cyprus 0 No. 23 Security Council /VEW CYPRUS MEWS Discusses UNFICYP IN FINNISH Mandate. MEDLATOi APPOINTED N 16 September, the Se- '"THE new United Nations Ocurity Council resumed Suomaiaispataljoona kunnioitti discussion of the Cyprus ques- Mediator for Cyprus, suurlahettilas Tuomiojan muistoa tion. The Council had before Senor <3alo Plaza, whose ap- jarjesiamalla Kykkon alueella it a report by the Secretary- pointment was announced to muistotilaisuuden viime keskiviik- Qeneral, which recommended 16 September, was born in kona. Muistopuheen piti maj. the continuation of the Peace- New York in 1906. At the Keeping Operation in Cyprus Tauno Kuosa. Jaljenpana julkai- for another three months. time his father, General Leo- semme maj. Kuosan muistopuheen nidas Plaza, was Minister kokonaisuudessaan. Mr. Kyprianou, of Cyprus, of Ecuador to the United said his government agreed to States. the extension of the United YK :n joukot ovat saapuneei Nations Peace-Keeping Opera- Galo Plaza was educated in talle sisaisten riitojen repimalle tion. He stated that agree- Quito, Ecuador, and attended saarelle pitamaan ylla rauhaa, jot- ment had been reached on the the Universities of California freedom of movement for the and Maryland, where he stu- ta sen pulmat voitaisiin selvittaa Force. He opposed the creation died agriculture, and George- poliittisilla neuvoueluilla. Fatal- of buffer zones. town School of Foreign Ser- joonamme muodostaa huomatta- Mr. Eralp, of Turkey, fa- vice. van osan YK:n rauhanjoukoista, voured the strengthening of In 1936 he was elected Mayor joiden harteilla on hyvin suuri vas- the United Nations Force but Senor Galo Plaza tuu koko maailmanrauhaa uhkaa declared that UNFICTP had of Quito and in 1938 became been unable to prevent a Greek Minister of Defence — a po- vien Kyproksen pulmien selvittelys- Cypriot arms build-up. He said sition he held for two years. ta Tama on ensimma'inen kerta, that Turkey was agreeable to pared the basis for the Latin kun Suomi osallistuu na'in huomat- the proposals regarding the From 1940 until his appoint- American common market) ment in Cyprus, on 11 May tavalla tavalla kansainvalisten kiis- restoration of peace, but de- 1959-1960, Chairman of a study lakysymysten ratkaisemiseksi. fence positions should be main- 64, as Special Representative of tha Secretary-General he group on administration of the Maamme osuus ei ole kuitenkaan tained until 'UNFICYP was in Karnina and Kitona Bases in position to provide an effective had held several official ap- rajoittunut vain sen asevoimien pointments in his own country guarantee against attack- the Congo 1960 and President antamaan panokseen, Suomi aset- and in the United Nations Be- of Ecuadors' Development tween times he has returned ti myos valittajan. jonka tehtavna Mr. Bitsios of Greece agreed Bank 1960-1964. with the Secretary-General's to private business and was oli saattaa kiistapuolet yhteen ha- view that withdrawal of the actively engaged in several nen hahmottelemaansa sovimorat- projects connected with the During 1946 Senor Plaza United Nations Force would kaisuehdorusta kasittelemaan. be disastrous. agricultural development of attended the San-Francisco Ecuador. Olemme kokoontuneet tanaan ty- Conference, where the United On 17 September, the Coun- onsa aareen kaatuneen YK:n Ky- Nations Charter was written, cil heard PJaton Morozov, of Among the official appoint- prok-sen-valittajan, suurlahettilas the Soviet Union, say that his ments which Senor Plaza has as a member of his country's Sakari Severi Tuomiojan, government would agree to ex- held are Ambassador to the delegation. tension of the mandate of UN- United States 1914-1946, Pre- muistoa kunnioittamaan. FICYP only on the express sident of Ecuador 1948-1952 condition that the Council's re- Senor Plaza who has a tho- (his father had also been Pre- Saattaa tuntua sattumalta, etta solution of 4 March was com- sident 1902-1906, 1912-1916), rough knowledge of all aspects plied with, particularly as to Chairman of the United Na- of the Cyprus problem has been valittajan valinta kohdistui kaikis- the financing and the function- tions Observation Group in the ta ma ait man poliitikoista ja valtio ing of the Force.
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