January 2019 - I issue #5 KAREBA PALU KORO NEWS ON CENTRAL SULAWESI EMERGENCY RESPONSE The Tondo community members are participating in a Jitupasna meeting. Photo by: Evan/ERCB ENGAGE THE COMMUNITY IN JITUPASNA Entering the third month post the earthquake, tsunami and reconstruction. liquefaction disasters in Palu, Sigi and Donggala (in Indonesian: “In order to have the same understanding on the post Pasigala), Central Sulawesi, the Emergency Response Capacity disaster need assessment and able to develop a post disaster Building (ERCB) Team has entered the next step i.e. Post Disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction action plan document,” said Need Assessment (in Indonesian: Jitupasna). Currently, the ERCT Titik Susana Ristiyawati from the Rural Technology Development team is doing the Jitupasna in 7 villages out of 15 villages that are Institution (LPTP) when she was explaining the reason for located in Pasigala. involving community in the Jitupasna. “Jitupasna is a series of assessment activities and results Mohamad Fauzan, one of the ERCB facilitators from Yayasan appraisal, impact analysis and needs prioritization that would Merah Putih (YMP) who had conducted the Jitupasna in two become a basis in developing an action plan for the rehabilitation villages shared that the community were enthusiastic in and reconstruction. Jitupasna assesses the damages, loss, access participating in the Jitupasna because they were involved in disruption, function disruption, increasing risks and the human formulating the needs for their surroundings. resource and social capacities,” explained Agung Prasetyo from “The community responded enthusiastically to participate in Bina Swadaya, the ERCB spokesman. the Jitupasna because they expect that stakeholders who would Jitupasna applies a focus group discussion (FGD) method that like to assist them in the near future, are able to put attention involves community members from all backgrounds and it is to their areas,” said Fauzan who conducted the Jitupasna in Loli expected that through the Jitupasna, the communities are able Pesua Village and Kelurahan Panau. to mutually identify the post disaster needs for their villages. The community involvement in the Jitupasna process is The Jitupasna sessions that are attended by all community considered important because during the FGD, they would representatives such as Village Heads, Hamlet Heads, community disclose their thoughts and opinions among each other. prominent figures and also housewives aim to strengthen the Besides that, later when there is an aid or an accompaniment human resources capacity on the fields of rehabilitation and measure in that village, it is expected continued to page 7... THE CENTRAL SULAWESI EMERGENCY TRANSITION PHASE IS EXTENDED Community members are trying to save their stuffs that can still be used in their earlier houses in Petobo. Photo by: Martin Dody/ERCB PALU — The government of the Central Sulawesi Province has The casualties and survivors’ data should be completed with extended the emergency transition phase for another 60 days names and addresses in order the aids can be distributed to the starting from 25 December 2018 to 23 February 2019. This is the correct targets. second extension which is done by the government. The first “I request that this can be completed by this month. The data extension was from 26 October 2018 to 25 December 2018. would be consolidated and reported to the President,” said This decision was made by the Central Sulawesi Governor, Longki. Longki Djanggola, during the Forkompinda Coordination Meeting The Task Force Head of the PUPR Ministry for the Central with the National Agency for the Disaster Management (in Sulawesi Post Disaster Rehabilitation and Reconstruction, Arie Indonesian: BNPB), The Ministry of Public Work and Community Setiadi, said that the Task Force expected an emergency transition Housing (in Indonesian: PUPR), the Donggala and Sigi Districts phase extension because the temporary shelters development Government, on Friday, 21 December 2018 in the governor’s office. had not fully finished yet. The decision to extend the emergency transition phase was At the moment the PUPR Ministry has only completed 110 units made after listening the explanation from each stakeholder and from the 1,200 units target. looking at the development in the field. “Meanwhile the 220 temporary shelter units in Palu, 193 units in “A number of stakeholders such as District Heads and BNPB Sigi and 140 units Donggala are still in process,” said Arie during requested for an extension because there were still a lot of things the Central Sulawesi Government press conference. that should be addressed,” said Longki. The extension of the emergency transition phase was also During the meeting, Longki also requested the District Heads of requested by the Head of the Central Sulawesi Province Social Donggala, Sigi and the Palu Major to complete the data collection Agency, Ridwan Mulu, the Head of the Road Construction and process soon before the end of December which should be Maintenance (in Indonesia Bina Marga), the Head of Spatial Plan accompanied with the District Head/Major Official Decision Letter. Agency, Syaifullah Djafar and also the BNPB Logistic Deputy, Rudi The data is important to be used as a reference to distribute aid, Phadmanto. stimulant fund, compensation, temporary shelters and permanent The emergency transition extension aims to make the aid shelters allocations. distribution access become more straightforward to support The data covers the number of dead and injured causalities, the disaster impacts recovery process. (Patarudin/Ika Ningtyas. internally displaced people, temporary shelters need and the Source: Kabar Sulteng Bangkit) current condition of the survivors. KAREBA PALU KORO 02 TO SERVE WITH Gede Arya Wibawa is taking care a survivor. HEART Photo by: Martin Dody/ERCB Masnani and Risnawati looked cheerful when Kareba Palu Koro met them again in the evacuation post in Panau Village on Wednesday, 26 November 2018. It was very different from their condition when Kareba Palu Koro met both of them 5 days before. At that time Masnani was in a room inside her temporary shelter. Meanwhile, Risnawati has joint dislocation on her left hand. Masnani and Risnawati are two of the survivors from the the PERDHAKI Program Manager. “Then he also joined in Nias tsunami that hit the place where they live in Kelurahan Panau. earthquake response in March 2005 and Yogyakarta earthquake “I was drowning in the water,” said Masnani recalling the in May 2006 and West Sumatera earthquake in March 2007,” she tsunami in last September 2018. added. “I can’t think of anything, I just surrender my life, my body hit After retired from Borromeus Hospital in Bandung, Pakde many stuffs. Even there was a nail stick in my body,” she added. worked as a lecturer in a nurse academy and an operation Those bumps caused her left leg experience a joint dislocation assistant in a private clinic. When the earthquake, tsunami and and she suffered from a painful felling in her waist. liquefaction hit Central Sulawesi, Pakde was heartfelt called to It’s different from Risnawati, she shared her story that she was join the PERDHAKI medical team again and help the survivors to thrown away from her house and her body hit something hard. get a standard medical service. “The left part of my body was very painful, I was not able to “The main point is to serve. How we serve wholeheartedly the move,” she said. Her left arm experienced joint dislocation which community, in this matter the impacted community,” said Pakde was quite severe. Her left leg and right hand also got injured but to Kareba Palu Koro. not too bad. “Seeing the smiles of the cured people becomes a distinctive Knowing that condition, Gede Arya Wibawa immediately went happiness that is so precious and can’t be compared to anything, to Panau village to meet both of them. Gede Arya Wibawa, who my tired and weary feeling are all disappear at once,” he said. is usually called Pakde has a special skill to do muscle massages Besides his expertise in nursing, he is also an expert in prana and to transfer his healing inner power. Pakde is in Palu with energy healing. There are quite many survivors who get better PERDHAKI organization that provides health services for the from their injuries or joints dislocation caused by the earthquake. survivors and it is a member of the ERCB consortium during the “I use this technic (medical treatment and prana energy) to emergency response phase in Central Sulawesi. reduce the use of medicines in the healing process,” said Pakde. Gede Arya Wibawa was born in Tabanan, Bali, on 3rd July 1957. “Besides that, I would like the people that I help feel After graduating from his Senior High School, Pakde continued comfortable. Comfortable means that they can do their routine his study in a Nurse Academy (AKPER) St. Borromeus Bandung. activities again. Of course, the pains are still there, however at Because of his achievement and skills during his study when he least they are reduced a lot,” he added. graduated from the AKPER and he was directly assigned in St. Pakde’s intention to share also motivates him to always involve Borromeus operation room. in humanitarian works in disaster locations. “I’m pension already, “Pakde’s involvement with PERDHAKI was started during my family has been blessed with sufficiency. As long as I’m the tsunami in Aceh in December 2004, said Irene Kusuma capable, I would like continued to page 6... 03 KAREBA PALU KORO ERCB Learns from a Process Since its initial involvement in the Palu, Sigi and Donggala (in Indonesian: Pasigala) emergency response, the ERCB team has implemented its intervention in 15 villages and kelurahan that were spread in three districts in Central Sulawesi for more or less 3 months. To see the process deeper and the achievements hat have been gained, during 17-18 Decembers 2018, the ERCB team organized a two-day evaluation meeting in Yogyakarta.
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