September 30, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E899 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS COMMENDING BRIGADIER Support Group, and members of the United During his time in the House, JOHN’s legisla- GENERAL DAVID A. PIFFARERIO States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). tive accomplishments ran the gamut—from the BG Piffarerio’s impact reaches far beyond 9–1–1 legislation and his impressive (and ex- HON. DEBBIE MUCARSEL-POWELL the work at HARB, ensuring the Homestead pansive) energy policy portfolio, to improving OF FLORIDA community benefits as well. He led efforts in child safety measures through Anton’s Law enacting positive change within the community IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and others, securing funding for rare cancer by partnering with local businesses, Home- research, protecting veterans and our commu- Wednesday, September 30, 2020 stead Hospital, Veterans Affairs, Military Af- nities, and leading countless biofuel and tele- Ms. MUCARSEL-POWELL. Madam Speak- fairs Committee (MAC), the South Dade communication provisions. er, I rise today to commend Brigadier General Chamber of Commerce, and many other com- The bills he championed have been signed David A. Piffarerio for his admirable dedication munity organizations. It has been an honor to into law by three different presidents, show- and selfless service to our Nation. BG have someone of exceptional caliber serve as casing the prowess JOHN has in legislating Piffarerio will retire from his assignment as Commander. On behalf of a grateful nation, I and working across the aisle to get things Commander of the 482nd Fighter Wing, Air join my colleagues today and congratulate done for the American people. Force Reserve Command, Homestead Air Re- General Piffarerio for a lifetime of service. We It’s this ability to find common ground and serve Base (HARB), Florida on August 2, wish him, his wife, Jennifer and his son, work together with his colleagues to get the 2020. BG Piffarerio first took command of the Bryce, the best wishes on his new journey as job done that has made JOHN so successful 482nd Fighter Wing at HARB on September 9, Deputy Commander, U.S. Alaskan Command, as a Congressman and so well-respected as 2018. BG Piffarerio’s tenure as Commander Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska. a colleague. has marked everlasting change in the City of f His leadership has been critical over the Homestead. years, and I know without question that this in- TRIBUTE TO JOHN SHIMKUS BG Piffarerio was commissioned to the stitution is better because of his service and United States Air Force in 1994 as an honor SPEECH OF that I am a better Member of Congress be- graduate. BG Piffarerio has served as a com- cause of his guidance. mand pilot with over 3,500 flying hours making HON. ADAM KINZINGER JOHN SHIMKUS is more than a colleague, him one of the most proficient pilots in air- OF ILLINOIS he’s a true friend and a patriot. His impact on crafts such as the F–15E. His devotion to fly- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Members like me has been incredibly pro- ing led him to a major milestone, becoming Tuesday, September 29, 2020 found and I know his legacy of servant leader- the first pilot in the Air Force to log 1,000 Mr. KINZINGER. Madam Speaker, I rise ship will continue to serve as a model for in- hours in the F–22 Raptor. BG Piffarerio has today in honor and recognition of my good coming Members of Congress for years to dedicated over 13 years on active duty in a come. friend and mentor, Congressman JOHN SHIM- variety of F–15E Strike Eagle and F–22 as- Madam Speaker, the hometown hero of Col- KUS of Illinois’ 15th District. signments. He was selected as part of the first For 23 years, JOHN has served here in the linsville, Illinois has served this chamber well cadre to test the F–22 during follow-on evalua- House of Representatives, leading our delega- and is most deserving of this recognition here tions in 2002. Shortly after, BG Piffarerio was tion and making his mark on the House En- today. We are going to miss our good friend named program manager and F–22 test direc- ergy and Commerce Committee. Before his JOHN SHIMKUS in the People’s House, but we tor at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. BG service in Congress, JOHN served our country wish him all the best in his retirement. Piffarerio was also a part of the initial cadre in the United States Army and the United f who stood up the 477th Fighter Group in States Army Reserve, retiring with the rank of TRIBUTE TO JOHN SHIMKUS 2007. He served as the Commander of the Lieutenant Colonel. 302nd Fighter Squadron, Air Force Reserve For his district and his country, JOHN has SPEECH OF Command’s 477th Fighter Group, Elmendorf served with great honor, integrity, and convic- Air Force Base, Alaska. Prior to assuming tion. He has changed the game with his work HON. JEFF DUNCAN command of the 482nd Fighter Wing, BG on our nation’s energy portfolio and chemical OF SOUTH CAROLINA Piffarerio was the Command Center Director safety measures, especially with the Frank R. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES at Joint Headquarters North American Aero- Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Cen- Tuesday, September 29, 2020 space Defense Command and U.S. Northern tury Act, which became law in June 2016 and Command. formally outlined how we use and dispose of Mr. DUNCAN. Madam Speaker, I rise to This admirable work ethic, experienced chemicals. honor a good friend and esteemed colleague, operational knowledge, and excellent leader- This was a major undertaking and the suc- the gentleman from Illinois, JOHN SHIMKUS. ship made him a respected and honorable cess of this legislative achievement is one of Congressman SHIMKUS has been a true Commander of the 482nd Fighter Wing. For many you’ll find throughout JOHN’s career. statesman and a devoted public servant for the community in Florida’s Congressional Dis- In Congress, he was a champion for finding the people of his district. trict 26, and the devoted men and women at safe nuclear waste repository solutions and re- He’s a testament to hard work, commitment Homestead Air Reserve Base, BG Piffarerio ducing greenhouse gases and sulfur emis- to the job, and dedication to serving the embodies superior professionalism. He led his sions. United States of America. members with courage and consistency. He introduced legislation that would stream- JOHN and I have served on the House En- Under his respected role, BG Piffarerio com- line permits to enable efficient broadband in- ergy and Commerce Committee together and manded over 2,500 personnel members, frastructure, recognizing the needs of under- share a passion for energy and environment stemming from active duty Air Force associa- served communities. policy. tion personnel, traditional reservists, Air Re- He also championed the 1999 legislation We have fought for Yucca Mountain and for serve technicians, and full-time civilians. BG that officially designated 9–1–1 as the uni- the promise of a permanent geological reposi- Piffarerio also managed wide-ranging tenant versal emergency telephone number within the tory for our nation’s nuclear waste, something units that include the Air National Guard’s U.S. that impacts both South Carolina and Illinois. 125th Fighter Wing, Detachment 1 Alert Force, Yes, that’s right—JOHN SHIMKUS made 9–1– We have fought for the advancement of nu- Headquarters, Special Operations Command, 1 the official emergency number and we clear energy as part of our all-of-the-above en- South (SOCSOUTH), U.S. Customs and Bor- should ALL be grateful. His effort to create ergy matrix and a carbon-free source of elec- der Protection, U.S. Coast Guard Maritime and establish this comprehensive emergency tricity. Safety and Security Team (MSST 91114), the communications infrastructure has undoubt- We fought for these things and more—and Florida Army National Guard’s 50th Regional edly saved countless lives. his efforts in these fights will be truly missed. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:28 Oct 01, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30SE8.001 E30SEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS.
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