Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) in cooperation with the WORLDWIDE DRAGONFLY ASSOCIATION (WDA) Editors: Dr. Martin Lindeboom, Landhausstr. 10, D-72074 Tübingen, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)7071 552928; E-mail: Lindeboom @aol.com and Martin Schorr, Waldfrieden 25, D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: [email protected] Published in Rheinfelden, Germany and printed in Tübingen, Germany. ISSN 1438-0269 1997 beginning of September, but in the flume to the field the emergences started in the latter part of August and 1572. Aida, M. (1997): Two cases of ovipositing finished in the end of September. The difference will Sympetrum frequens (Selys). Gekkan-Mushi 320: 40- come from the fact that the water temperature of the 41. (in Japanese). [S. frequens usually lay eggs at the flume is lower than that of the rice field. 3. The teneral open space of puddles dipping in the mud or sometimes or immature dragonflies used to remain near the site of in the water. The following observations seem emergence, and after getting mature they dispersed. 4. exceptional: 1. Oviposition in the bush of reed. 2. The male insect did not make his territory, but when he Oviposition on the gravel in a slow running stream. found the female under both in flying and sitting (taken from DJOSC No. 6)] Address: Aida, Masahito, 1- conditions he caught her and copulated. 5. They usually 7-15,Sakae, Ichinomiya City, Aichi Pref., 491, Japan laid eggs to the slow-running water of the flume and small stream by striking the surface with the tip of 1573. Andrew, R.J.; Tembhare, D.B. (1997): female's abdomen in tandem, but occasionally to the Collection of Odonata from Nagpur City, Maharashtra still water and rarely to the wet mud." (Author)] Address: State, India. Fraseria (N.S.) 4: 1-4. (in English). ["A total Arai, Y., 1233-2, Oaza Sueno, Yorii-machi, Osato-gun, of 43 species and subspecies of Odonata were Saitama Pref., 369-12, Japan. collected from the city of Nagpur, India. Among these, 12 are recorded for the first time from Central India and 1576. Artmeyer, C. (1997): Ökologische Untersuchun- two are new records for the state of Maharashtra. A list gen zur Libellenfauna der Ems und ausgewählter of species caught at night around electric light and the Auengewässer im Kreis Steinfurt unter besonderer physio-chemical parameters of local water bodies are Berücksichtigung von Gomphus vulgatissimus (Linné, appended." (Authors)] Address: Tembhare, D.B., Dept 1758). Diplomarbeit am Institut für Landschaftsökologie Zool., Nagpur Univ. Campus, Amravati Road, Nagpur- der Univeristät Münster. 104 pp, Anhänge. (in German). 440010, Maharashtra, India [For published odonatological details of the M.Sc. thesis see OAS 1329 and 1788] Address: Artmeyer, C., Philip- 1574. Arai, Y.; Kita, H. (1997): Ecological notes on pistraße 16, D-48149 Münster, Germany. E-mail: Gynacantha japonica Bartenef at the paddy fields (I). [email protected] Gekkan-Mushi 320: 8-12. (in Japanese). [The following items are treated: occurence of larvae and emergence 1577. Asahina, S. (1997): On the breeding habitat of of adults from paddy fields; period of emergence and the halophilous damselfy Mortonagrion hirosei Asahina. adult season; behaviour of tenerals; feeding behaviour Tombo 40: 34. (in Japanese with English translation of of mature adults; seasonal change of adult behaviour; the title). Address: Asahina, S., 4-4-24 Takadanobaba, u-lined searching flight; hovering flight; copulation; Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169, Japan oviposition (taken from DJOSC 7)] Address: Arai, Y., 1578. Asahina, S. (1997): Records of six Chinese dra- 1233-2, Oaza Sueno, Yorii-machi, Osato-gun, Saitama gonfly species. Tombo 40: 2-5. (in Japanese with Pref., 369-12, Japan. Kita, H., Takiyama 6-2-15-308, English summary and description of the new species). Higashikunime City, Tokyo, 203-0033, Japan. [Enallagma sp., Somatochlora dido, Palpopleura 1575. Arai, Y. (1997): Some ecological observations sexmaculata, Orthetrum brunneum neglectum, on Sympetrum pedemontanum elatum Selys. Tombo Sympetrum commixtum, and Sympetrum nomurai sp. 40: 15-20. (in Japanese with English summary). nov. are recorded from western China (29.IX.1996, ["During a period from 1996 to 1997, some ecological Sewurong Yidui, Dichi Shan Mts., Kangding Xian, observations on Sympetrum pedemontanum elatum 3300m). S. nomurai spec. nov. and S. commixtum are Selys were carried out at Yatsuda and its vicinity in figured.] Address: Asahina, S., 4-4-24 Takadanobaba, Yorii-machi, Saitama Prefecture. The results are Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169, Japan summarized as follows: 1. Although the emergences 1579. Asahina, S.; Togame, S. (1997): The insect of were seen in one rice field, no emergences were the month: Aeschna nigroflava (text by Dr. S. Asahina, observed in the other adjacent rice field. The cause of photo by S.Togame. Insectarium 34 (9): 291. [General this difference is thought to be water condition meaning introduction into the distribution of A. nigroflava, and whether the field dried up or not even temporally during comparision with A. mixta (taken from DJOSC 6, see the period of larvae. 2. In the rice field the emergences page 54).] Address: Asahina, S., 4-4-24, began in the beginning of July and ended in the Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160, Japan Odonat. Abstr. Service 7 (January 2001) - page 1 1580. Bland, K.P. (1997): A precisely timed case of Society of Odonatology,] Address: Eda, S., Matsumoto nocturnal migration by Aeshna cyanea (Müller) Dental University, Gobara, Hirooka, Shiojiri, Nagano (Odonata: Aeshnidae). Ent. Rec. J. Var. 109(5/6): 154- 399-0781, Japan 155. (in English). ["During the night of 2-3 August 1996, I was running a mains-operated m.v. moth-trap in a 1587. Fukui, M. (1997): Record of Sympetrum garden on a housing estate in the village of Tarvin in cordulegaster from Shizuoka Pref.. Tombo 40: 14. (in Cheshire, VC58 (OS Grid reference SJ 4S66). [...] At Japanese with English translation of the title)] Address: precisely 03.40 hrs, I was suddenly awakened by a not stated vigorous scraping and rustling sound coming from the 1588. Hacet, N.; Aktac, N. (1997): Odonata fauna of vicinity of the light-trap some three metres away. Istranca Mountains. Turkish Journal of Zoology 21(3): Investigation revealed a fine female Southern Hawker 275-289. (in Turkish with English summary). [The Aeshna cyanea Müller, 1764), rattling against the odonate fauna of Istranca Mountains, (European part of illuminated asbestos wall immediately behind the light- Turkey) has been investigated in 1992-1993. 19 trap. As the trap was more than a mile from the nearest species are recorded from 39 localities. Pyrrhosoma open water it is probable that this individual was pulled nymphula and Aeshna cyanea are considered new for into the light while actively migrating at this early hour. Turkey. Of some interest are the records of Epallage However, none of the 64 species of moth in the trap fatime, Coenagrion scitulum, Brachytron pratense, next morning were particularly indicative that a long- Cordulegaster picta, and Somatochlora metallica (?, S. distance migration of other insects was in progress." meridionalis?)] Address: Hacet, N., Institution Trakya (Verbatim)] Address: Bland, K.P., 35 Charterhall Road, Univ., Fen-Edebiyat Fak., Biyol. Bolumu, Edime, Turkey Edinburgh EH9, 3HS. UK 1589. Hara, T. (1997): Mortonagrion hirosei, its new 1581. Eda, S (1997): A female of Libellula quadrima- distribution and homoeochromatic female from Ube. culata asahinai, forma praenubila from Nagano Yamaguchi Pref.. Tombo 40: 21-24. (in Japanese with Prefecture. Tombo 40: 31. (in Japanese with English English summary). [On July 8,1995, a new habitat of summary). ["Although forma praenubila of Libellula q. Mortonagrion hirosei at Takenokojima in Ube, quadrimaculata Linne is commom in Europe, the forma Yamaguchi Prefecture was discovered. This locality is of Japanese subspecies, L. quadrimaculata asahinai is the westernmost of Honshu. One week later 2 extremely rare. On July 6, 1997, a female of forma homeochromatic females were found in the same praenubila was captured in Nagano Prefecture." habitat.] Address: not stated (Author)] Address: Eda, S., Matsumoto Dental University, Gobara, Hirooka, Shiojiri, Nagano 399-0781, 1590. Inoue, K. (1997): Report and information on the Japan SIO. Tombo 40: 44-45. (in Japanese with English trans- lation of the title). Address: Inoue, K., 5-9 Fuminosato 4- 1582. Eda, S. (1997): Annual meeting of the chome, Abeno-ku, Osaka 545, Japan Japanese Society of Odonatology in 1997. Tombo 40: 47. (in Japanese with English translation of the title).] 1591. Ishida, M. (1997): Epitheca marginata and E. Address: Eda, S., Matsumoto Dental University, bimaculata sibirica inhabit together in Hokuragawa lake. Gobara, Hirooka, Shiojiri, Nagano 399-0781, Japan Tombo 40: 25-26. (in Japanese with English summary). Niigata Pref., Japan] Address: not stated 1583. Eda, S. (1997): Division of Nature Conservation in Japanese Society of Odonatology will start in next 1592. Ishizawa, N. (1997): A drop of haemolymph in year. Tombo 40: 46. (in Japanese with English the forewing of a female Anax parthenope julius. translation of the title).] Address: Eda, S., Matsumoto Gekkan-Mushi 320: 39-40. (in Japanese). [On Dental University, Gobara, Hirooka, Shiojiri, Nagano December 8, 1996, I caught a larva of Anax parthenope 399-0781, Japan julius at Omori flood controlling pond at Miyadera, Iruma City, Saitama Prefecture, which is a spring pond, and 1584. Eda, S. (1997): Dragonflies on stamps in the bred it indoors. From the larva, a female emerged on world. 13th report. Tombo 40: 38-43. (in Japanese with January 9, 1997. I kept the dragonfly covered with a English translation of the title).] Address: Eda, S., basket overturned on a table. When I saw it on January Matsumoto Dental University, Gobara, Hirooka, Shiojiri, 22, it was still alive and a light green drop of Nagano 399-0781, Japan haemolymph was seen near the tip of the right forewing 1585.
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