INTERCITY RAILWAY SOCIETY Monthly Magazine http: // icrs.org.uk GBRf 66717 ‘Good Old Boy’ Southampton, 16 April 2007 VOLUME 35 No.6 June 2007 INTER CITY RAILWAY SOCIETY President: Dr. Pete Waterman O.B.E. The content of the magazine is the copyright of the Society No part of this magazine may be reproduced without prior permission of the copyright owner Vice President: Peter King 65 Long John Hill, Norwich NR1 2LX (01603 616298) Vice President: Jeff Hall – [email protected] 3 Ingham Grove, Hartlepool TS25 2LH (01429 421175) Chairman: Simon Mutten Coppercoin, Blofield Corner Road, Blofield, Norwich NR13 4RT (01603 715701) Secretary/Treasurer: Gary Mutten – [email protected] 1 Corner Cottage, Silfield Street, Silfield, Wymondham NR18 9NS (01953 600445) Editorial Managers: Trevor Roots – [email protected] Mill of Botary, Cairnie, Huntly, Aberdeenshire AB54 4UD (01466 760724) Peter Britcliffe – [email protected] 9 Voltigeur Drive, Hartlepool TS27 3BS (01429 234180) Editorial Assistants: Sightings: James Holloway – [email protected] 246 Longmore Road, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands. B90 3ES. Lincoln / Local Areas: John Barton, 46, Arbor Way, Chelmsley Wood, Birmingham, B37 7LD Wagons: Martin Hall – [email protected] 5 Sunninghill Close, West Hallam, Ilkeston, Derbys. DE7 6LS. (0115 930 2775) European: Robert Brown – [email protected] 32 Spitalfields, Blyth, Worksop, Notts S81 8EA (01909 591504) Membership Sec/ Maurice Brown – [email protected] or [email protected] Publication Manager: 192 Alvechurch Road, West Heath, Birmingham B31 3PW (0121 624 8641) Pub. Assistants: European: Bryan King – [email protected] 34 Anchor Street, Norwich NR3 1NR (01603 440432) Preserved: Martin Hall – [email protected] – address as above Wagons & Engineers: David Sharpe – [email protected] 25 Lynfield Road, Great Harwood, Blackburn, Lancs. BB6 7TS. (07944 718429) European: Chris James – [email protected] UK: Carl Watson – [email protected] USF: Mark Richards – [email protected] Web Site Manager: Mark Richards – [email protected] 7 Parkside, Furzton, Milton Keynes, Bucks. MK4 1BX. (01908 520028) Visits Official: Peter Gregory 30 Winniffe Gardens, Lincoln. LN2 4RP (01522 8595410) East Anglia Branch: Simon Mutten – address as above European Branch: Robert Brown – [email protected] 32 Spitalfields, Blyth, Worksop, Notts S81 8EA (01909 591504) Contents: Officials Contact List............................................. 2 Wagon Corner ......................................14-15 Society Notice Board ............................................ 3 Feature Articles: Current News Sections: All Our Yesterdays..................................9-10 European News ........................................ 16-19 Preservation Report................................... 22 Light Rail and Metro News............................. 13 Lincoln Sightings.......................................... 8 Out and About – Sightings ............................ 4-7 Where in the..? .......................................... 13 Railway Cuttings ....................................... 11-12 Publications.................................................... 23 Rolling Stock Changes.............................. 20-21 European Trips and Visits .............................. 19 Traffic and Traction News .............................. 12 £1.25 post free Printed by Ords Group, Progress House, Usworth Road Industrial Estate, Hartlepool TS25 1PD 2 Society Notice Board Editor’s Comments: So much for the warm dry weather !! Still I’m happy, as with the chance of frosts now virtually gone, I finally got round to planting (127 plants) newly dug borders (well more like small gardens !!) just before the rain came...very handy. Because of that, I’ve not been near a railway since 19 April, so it will be pleasing to get out when I head back to south coast for a week in middle of June. It will be interesting to see what changes have occurred since 20 May timetable change and catch up with rolling stock movements. Magazine: Any information / article on any railway related item will always be most welcome for inclusion in part or as a whole in the magazine. Your travel stories / anecdotes about far flung parts of the railway network, past or present can give pleasure to others or inform of places to visit. This railway hobby of ours is made all that more enjoyable by the sharing of information, so please consider sharing your knowledge and experiences. Please note that contributions for Out and About Sightings only should be sent to James Holloway, items for European News (and Sightings) to Robert Brown and for Wagon Corner and Light Rail & Metro News to Martin Hall. All other items should be sent to Trevor Roots / Peter Britcliffe. (All addresses are on Page 2) Neatly typed submissions are perfectly acceptable, but if you have a PC with Microsoft Word or Excel, then a document on CD is a bonus or better still e-mail them to the appropriate official. Good quality photographs are always welcome for inclusion in the magazine – colour or black and white clear prints of any railway subject will be considered but preferably digital photographs via e-mail. To credit members correctly please include your name with any submissions. Some items may be placed on our excellent website if we have insufficient space in the magazine, The latest date for articles / info for the next magazine is Wednesday 27th June 2007. Items for Out and About Sightings should be sent in to James a few days earlier if possible please. Membership Matters: Membership Rates: Annual: £15.00 Five Year Rate: £70.00 (discounted during 2007) New Members: The following new members have joined this month: Thomas Anderson, Alan Grant, Richard Tatlow - A warm welcome to you all. Members’ Survey: Could the new member who returned the survey saying he could provide news for LUL to the magazine, please contact the Membership Secretary, Maurice Brown, (Tel: 0121 624 8641 or Email: [email protected]) as there was no name or contact number to follow your offer up. Contributors: Thanks to John Palin, Kenneth Pryce, Paul Bright, Mark Chaldecott, Mark Wallace, Ken Allen, Mike Rumens, Derek Sneddon, Paul Tarrant, Dennis Dey, Nigel Hoskins, Malcolm Wallace, Gordon Wharrie, Michael Hillier, & Trevor Roots. We are sorry if anyone has been missed. We now post some contributions direct to our Web Site. All photos by Trevor Roots unless shown otherwise. RAILWAY CRIME REPORTING To help the reputation of genuine enthusiasts may we remind Members of the following dedicated British Transport Police telephone contact nos. for the reporting of Crime and Incidents: Graffiti/Vandalism via Crimestoppers (annonymous)………. 0800 555111 Anti-Terrorist (confidential)……… 0800 789321 Non-Emergency Railway Crime………. 0800 405040 graffiti can also be reported on-line at [email protected] 3 Out and About Sightings & News Please send all your observations to: James Holloway 246 Longmore Road, Shirley, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 7ES or e-mail at: [email protected] Paul Bright: Leicester 15.31-16.15: 1st May: 43007/047, 66140, 158783, 170103/108/513 Preston 10.40-13.55: 222002/15/23 66227/553/583, 142011/041/048, 150138/139 150/141/273, 153301/307, 156454/464/473/479 Ken Allen: 158754/758/844/906, 185101/05/10/18/22/29/46 3rd May: 220034/117/29/30 Rugby 08.40-1600: 390003/20/22/24/31/42/44/50 43013/014, 57310/314, 60082, 66112/197/404 66407/417/419/515/525/575/582/590/593/594 Mark Chaldecott: 66602/604/621/711/720/723, 90034/043/044 21st May: 90046/049, 92002/013/026, 221106/22 Cambridge 08.30: 321403/411, 50104/07/13/15/16/18/22/24/26/27 66080 and 66087 T&T 6 aggregate wagons 390001-03/05/07/09-18/20/22-26/28-32/34 36-46/48/50-53 Mark Wallace: 5th May: Mike Rumens: Ipswich 09.00-11.15: Nuneaton: 34067 ‘Tangmere’, 47813, 57004, 66505/516 8th May 15.27-17.24: 66533/536/574/590/592/594, 86501/604/638 66122/214/412/507/537/538/718/725, 86501 90001/002/004/006/008/011-013/036/042/043 90041/042, 153356, 158810, 170113/503/511 153311/314, 156407/416, 170202/203/205/207 170518/523, 221127, 390001/04/15-17/21/22 170208 390027/34/35/40/42/43/45/49/50 Norwich 12.00-15.00: 10th May 14.44-16.55: 47815 and 47847 charter from Blackburn 66170/410/507/543/570/575/718/725, 90042 67005 and 67006 Northern Belle charter 90043/044, 390008/09/15/17/19/21/24/27-29 90001/002/005/006/008/013/015/036 390033/37/42/43/46/49/53 156402/409/412/417/419/422, 158799/862 11th May 15.22-16.35/18.05-19.20: 170201/270/273/632/639 57310, 66163/405/415/540/541/569/586/588 17th May: 66594/602/621/624, 86501, 87012, 90024/044 Peterborough 06.55 and 17.15: 90048, 153384, 158780/812/857 EWS Depot: 170397/511/518/637, 390003/05/06/11/16 66105/211 390017/20/23-29/34/35/37/44/46/49/51 GBRf Depot: 12th May 07.05-08.05: 66701/705/707/714/722 50049+3309+99349+99361+99353+1201+9496 Syston Junction 07.46: on charter form Tyseley to Havant 66109 northbound freight 170101/512/639 Leicester 07.50-12.20: 14th May 15.45-17.00: 43043-045/048/049/054/055/059/066/075/076 66089/402/504/507/576/719, 86501/610/614 43104/178, 31233/285, 60026/045 90044, 153356, 158770/858, 170113/512/519 66707/722, 67014, 153356, 156401/406/413 170632, 221107, 390002/05/16/19/31/40-42/52 158770/783/810/857/862, 170103/108/117/513 15th May 08.50-10.00: 170515/522/631, 222001-04/06-08/10-12/14-17 60027/071, 66516/541, 90046/049, 153356 222019-21/23 158857, 170509/631/634, 221127, 390004/06 DR73942+DR73107+DR73419 southbound 39008/09/13/15/21/30/48/53 Derby 13.00-1500: 22nd May
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