9 AUGUST 1, 1966 50 CENTS 35TH YEAS ì Broadcasting THE BUSINESS WEEKLY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO Ford Foundation launches network satellite plan. p23 C &W radio: why it attracts such loyal audiences. p53 ABC -ITT move fast to answer FCC's merger questions. p34 Air editorials may replace newspaper's in influence. p74 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 The sound isWOR-FM 987 Stereo rocks New York...if you're not re not in. 00tn ANNIVERSARY I00 stations have already acquired Volume 7 and are now very satisfied clients for several good reasons not the least of which is that 21 of these 50 "Films of the 50's and 60's" are in color. oIUm'. The facts in black and white: Some more of Volume 7's PRIME TIME STARS in addition to those displayed here include: Marilyn Monroe in "Love Nest," Brigitte Bardot in "Concert of Intrigue," Richard Widmark in "My Pal Gus," Simone Signoret in "Time Running Out," Patricia Neal in "Something for the Birds," Dorothy McGuire in "Mother Didn't Tell Me," Claudia Cardinale in "Girl With a Suitcase" and (in color): Richard Boone and Gene Tierney in "Way of A Gaucho." Romy Schneider and Main Delon in "Christine" and Curt Jurgens and Maria Schell in "Duel In The Forest." VOLUME 7 LOOKS GREAT... AND OBVIOUSLY, IS AN OUTSTANDING FEATURE FILM INVESTMENT. If you're not part of our 100th Anniversary celebration. you should be taking a look at Volume 7 right now. For the facts and figures for your market. please call your nearest Seven Arts' sales office. Sev61tIrts ASSOCIATED CORP A SUBSIDIARY OF SEVEN ARTS PRODUCTIONS. LTD NEW YORK: 200 Park Avenue. YUkon 6 -1717 CHICAGO: 4630 Estes, Lincolnwood, III., ORchard 4.5105 DALLAS: 5511 Royal Crest Drive. EMerson 3-7331 LOS ANGELES: 3562 Roval Woods Drive. Sherman Oaks. Calif.. Slate 88276 TORONTO. ONTARIO: 11 Adelaide Sr Wer;. EMs''e 4 7193 ILL SUCCESS SPOIL ROCK HUNTER? Y RANDALL. JAYNE MANSFIELD k: INFERNO ROBERT RYAN, RHONDA FLEMING THE SIEGE AT RED RIVER HALF ANGEL VAN JOHNSON. JOANNE DRU LORETTA YOUNG, JOSEPH COTTEN THE GIRL CAN'T HELP I TOM EWELL, JAYNE MANSFIELD BETWEEN HEAVEN AND HELL THE RIVERS EDGE ROBERT WAGNER, BRODERICK CRAWFORD ANTHONY QUINN. RAY MILLARD III TRUE STORY OF JESSE JAMES ROBERT WAGNER, JEFFREY HUNTER THE PROUD ONES ROBERT RYAN. VIRGINIA MAYO J` e aE ? DESK SET PENCER TRACY. KATHARINE HEPBURN H MEN, OH WOMEN THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE NY RANDALL, DAVID NIVEN ERNEST BORGNINE. DAN DAILEY o s rea BELVEDERE RINGS THE BELL CLIFTON WEBE, ZERO MOSTEL HOUSE ON TELEGRAPH HILL r RICHARD BASEHART, WILLIAM LUNDIGAN OVE ME TENDER VIS PRESLEY, RICHARD ERAN JAYNE MANSFIELD. DAN DAILEY #r:i.iiiwae . I'LL NEVER FORGET YOU TYRONE POWER. ANN BLYTH Kx fir. t THE GUY WHO CAME BACK HATFUL OF RAIN PAUL DOUGLAS, JOAN BENNETT EVA MARIE SAINT. DON MURRAY al 1111, ZERO HOUR DANA ANDREWS, LINDA DARNELL THE WAY TO THE GOLD JEFFREY HUNTER, SHEREE NORTH ORTY GUNS ARDARA STANWYCK. Of AN JAGGER RETURN OF THE FLY VINCENT PRICE. BRETT HALSEY A BLUEPRINT FOR MURDE aAaz,< 111111111111111Ieisws 111111111111110,n,r-ef,,,-err' pR0ERgED PREFERRED KRLD -TV is the station preferred by more viewers in the nation's 12th ranked television market. With a quality in entertainment and informational tele- vision that produces dominance, KRLD -TV maintains its NUMBER 1 position with 18.7 %' ` more viewers than the second station in the market. For your next schedule, select the station Dallas -Fort Worth viewers prefer. See your ATS Representative. 'ARB May 1966 Audience Estimates 9:00 A.M. to Midnight Monday thru Sunday 4 nationally represented by 17' Advertising Time Sales, Inc l.!iaitiza T Dltil.4(ro -/ (. YV/N`, Clyde W. Re m be rl. President MAXIMUM POWER TV -TWIN to KRLD radio 1080, CBS outlet with 50,000 watts 4 BROADCASTING, August 1, 1966 Smith to head bureau ? CLOSED CIRCUIT* Newest name under consideration as chief of FCC's Broadcast Bureau is George S. Smith, legal assistant to present. Commission officials say mere (broadcasting) under Byron Price dur- Commissioner Robert E. Lee. Mr. presence of item on agenda doesn't ing World War II, began his career Smith, who had 30 years in private mean commission will be in position in broadcasting as amateur in 1918, as communications practice before he to take action-to grant or designate engineer attended Hoover radio con- joined FCC in 1962, reportedly has applications for hearing. "It's mainly ferences in 1923 and in 1931 built backing of all commissioners except for discussion," said one commission- WKZO Kalamazoo, Mich., his first sta- Kenneth Cox. He was head of license er. However, action is possibility, par- tion which he still owns. division of old Radio Commission ticularly if Justice Department's views from 1928 to 1932, worked alongside on proposal are received by then. Growth minded current FCC Chairman Rosel H. Hyde Failure of Justice thus far to ex- when latter served on Radio Commis- press its views is something of nagging Hooper -Holmes Bureau Inc., 67- sion's legal staff early in career that problem at commission. FCC has been year-old commercial reporting serv- led to commissionership in 1946 and keeping that department closely ad- ice, which through its market research chairmanship now. vised of developments, and could act division has been intermittently active Among others nominated for Broad- on own, without ever getting word in broadcast audience measurement cast Bureau post are Sol Schild- from Justice. But commissioners are since late 1930's, wants to expand in hause, FCC examiner; James O. said to be reluctant to do so. this field. Division, headed by John Juntilla, deputy chief of bureau; John Higgins with headquarters at Morris- Cushman, administrative assistant to Delayed incubation town, N. J., recently completed spe- chairman, and Robert J. Rawson, cial -order radio study in home state, chief, renewal and transfer division has another tentatively set in Connecti- Despite general industry slow -down of bureau. Final decision, it's expect- cut-and is bidding for next assign- in development of new properties for ed, will be made at next full FCC ment in NBC Radio's pioneering Cu- 1967 -68 season, CBS -TV has 25 proj- meeting, Aug. 17. James Sheridan, in- mulative Radio Audience Measure- ects on drawing boards that are con- cumbent Broadcast Bureau chief, it's ment (CRAM) project. Hooper - sidered promising. How many will understood, will be named to new Holmes has nationwide fulltime field come to fruition, how many will fall post within commission where his staff of some 2,000 persons and in out and how many more will come in expertise as professional economist radio research uses personally placed, it's difficult to say at this point, but will be utilized. Mr. Smith was form- personally picked up diary technique network is confident that it will be erly partner in law firm of Segal, like one of two top -rated systems able to come up with at least 25 pilots. Smith and Hennessey. in All Radio Methodology Study Program development has been much (ARMS). more difficult this year because many Free ride producers took serious financial loss last year. As result, network has be- Advance in FM ABC -TV's upcoming late-night come much more deeply involved in show, to feature Joey Bishop as host seeking out creators and working co- Nationwide FM listening survey (see page 71), is being offered to operatively to pull shows out of them. commissioned by CBS Radio has affiliates on no- money -compensation CBS -TV is just as far along in new come up with some figures that basis, with "payment" to be in form of programing development now as it startled its sponsors but pleased them, commercial positions for local sale - was at same time last year. too, since they're getting ready to similar to arrangement contemplated syndicate specialized music program- ABC -TV and NBC -TV both note by new Overmyer Network on late - ing to FM stations. Though study night show it plans to offer from Las sluggishness in devolpment of 1967 -68 included small markets where FM lis- Vegas when it starts operations in fall projects. Former hopes it has broken tening is supposedly light, it found of 1967. ABC plans no charge of co- lagging pattern by recently signing de- 41.1% of adults do "some" FM lis- op fees to affiliates carrying Bishop velopment deal with 20th Century tening and 40.2% of these are listen- show. On only current late -night net- Fox to do three hour series for season ing more now than year ago. In 18 -24 work offering, NBC's Tonight Show after next. Latter's program vice pres- age group, approximate target audi- with Johnny Carson, affiliates get both ident, Grant Tinker, now in Holly- ence of CBS Radio's FM service, FM spots for their own sale and dollar wood, made trip from New York listening was said to be up in 50.4% compensation on network sales in one partly to quicken NBC -TV's new -pro- of cases. Survey was done by R. H. hour, pay co -op fees on their sales, graming pace. Bruskin Associates as part of its Jan- get other 30 minutes (in some cases uary AIM study. 45) on straight co -op basis. Early choice Although CBS officials decline for competitive and sales reasons to iden- Next look at ABC -ITT Insiders predict 1967 recipient of tify FM subscribers, it's understood Distinguished Service Award of Na- that in addition to seven CBS -owned FCC's next discussion of proposed tional Association of Broadcasters will FM stations they include WJR -FM De- merger of International Telephone and be John E.
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