^ I r TH E NOTRE DAME t • Si SCHGLASTIC - s ^ " 9,': w 1/ I. 17 I' ft' * 15 CTS. A COPY May 19 $3.00 THE YEAR 1933 Prices Slashed! Rolls Royce down to two thousand Ermine Coats down to a thousand And the Juggler down to 15 cents! The COMMENCEMENT i NUMBER Take it home instead of a degree! Read it during those long summer months. YOU'LL NEED SOMETHING TO READ! HUMOR by Editor-elect Degnan, Woods, Dreux, and the Old Scripper. SKETCHES by Becvar, Doyle, Singson, Prezebel, and Beaulaurier. ALL FOR 1 5S CENTS! May 19, 1933 One O. A. CLARK^S SOUTH SHORE LINE RESTAURANT Bargain Excursion Sunday! ROUND TRIP 104-106 North Michisan Street $ 2 South Bend to South Bend's Oldest and Most Reliable Eating House CHICAGO One day rate good going on trains leaving South Bend at 6, 6:50, 8, 9, 10, 11 a. m. and 12 noon. Tickets good returning any time up to 11:45 p. m. the same day. (Daylight Saving Time). Catering to Week-end Rate NOTRE DAME MEN ROUND TRIP for over thirty years $^.40 South Bend to 3 CHICAGO Eate good going Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Good returning any time up to 11:45 p. m. Monday Complete Dinner 35c to 50c night. See James McGrath, No. 1 Mornssey Hall for For a Real Man's Meal Complete Information. Drop in Any Time. EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR HEFCI^E CLSINESS—WtiAT? V. •^ • \ A distinctive advertisement that will remind the public oi vour establishment'1 . / X" vi ./ THE NCT^E D^^k^tE-SerfDLASTIC y y \,\_ ./ I Two The. Scholastic K S l"•^.v, t^ '4^ Remetnb ered Yesterdays Mmj 12, 1933 Three THE SCHOLASTIC is pub­ Entered as secoiid-class lished weekly at the Univer­ matter at Notre Dame, In­ sity of Notre Davie. Manu­ The Notre Dame Scholastic diana, .-icceptance for mail- scripts may be addressed to inff at special rate of postage. THE SCHOLASTIC. Publi­ ' Disce Quasi Seviper Victurus Vive Quasi Cms Moriturus Section 1103, October 3.1917, cations Offi.ce, Main Buiidiiig. FOUNDED 1865 authorized June 23, 191S. " • •', EDMUND A. STEPHAX Editor-in-Chief. - JAMES S. KEARNS Managing Editor Associate Editors • • Desk Editors Features Staff F. GR'ANGER WEIL WALTER JOHNSON -^-^™CK CORCORAN JOHN CONLEY ' joKl^ D. FORTERFIELD...Features Editor LLOYD TESKE LESLIE RADDATZ SCHOLZ ROBERT DILLON LQUIS HRUBY EDWARD J. O'BRIEN WILLIAM DREUX '• : ••- • Department Editors WILLIAM KENNEDY BRYAN DEGNAN .. • Department J^auo,s ^^^^^^ DOYLE. LOUIS GIRAGI „^ ^ • • , TIGHE WOODS The Week GEORGE LEYES JxVMES FITZPATRICK Netus Staff ROGER McGOVERN College Parade MITCHELL TACKLEY.:....'.. .Neivs ' Editor RICHARD PREZEBEL Staff .Artist Business Staff JAMES BYRNE Assistant Neivs, Editor THOMAS PnOCrOTt.. ..'Iss'stant News Editor Sports Staff JOHN F. STOECKLEY Graduate Manager EDWARD MANSFIELD RICHARD TOBIN FRED MACBETH ALBERT L. MCGUFF J. ALBERT SMITH.....-Irfi-ertfeinsf J/anoffer JOSEPH BUCCI- ROBERT. ERVIN J.AMES F. McKEON NICHOLAS CONNOR RAYMOND J. 'iJ.VB'ER. .Circulation Manager FRANK KELLY MICHAEL WIEDL JOHN CARBINE HOWARD WALDRON H.ARRY McGOWAN JOSEPH SEVION JAMES A. HART JOHN" WALKER EDWARD VAN HUISSELING . JOHN F. SWEENEY VOLUME LXVI. MAY 19. 1933 No. 27 SUMMARIES Pitt track team here tomorrow in final home meet of outdoor season 23 NEWS Introducing, Ralph Bower 24 Funny Fellow cuts final Juggler issue to 15 cents 5 Splinters from the Press Box 25 Jenny, Eainey, and Carbine win Sullivan Scholarships.... 5 On Down the Line 32 Six N. D. Scholarships established by will of A. F. Meehan 5 1933 Dome will be distributed' Monday 1 COMING EVENTS Cast of "Richelieu" announced 6 FRIDAY, May 19.—SCHOLASTIC staff meeting, editorial Publications banquet held last night in faculty dining board, 6:30 p. m.; News, sports, and feature staffs, room ^. : 6 7:00 p. m., Editorial'offices, Ave Maria Building; Tennis, Professor Casasanta names Glee Club traveling squad.... 9 Varsity vs. Michigan Normal, 2:00 p. m. Wranglers elect Arthur Sandusky new president 13 SATURDAY, May 20.—Golf, Varsity vs. Chicago, singles Last band concert will be given Sunday evening 13 9:30 a. m., doubles 1:30 p. m.; Engineers Picnic, 8:00 Complete commencement program released ,.16 a. m.; Baseball, Ohio State on Cartier Field, 1:00 p. m.; Student art exhibit displayed in Library 16 Track, University of Pittsburgh on Cartier Field, 3:00 p. m.; Movie, "The Big Broadcast" with Bing Crosby, FEATURES 6:30 and 8:30 p. m., Washington Hall. Michael Leding is "Man About Campus" 8 SUNDAY,-May 21.—Masses, Sacred Heart Church, 6:00, War and Washington Hall antics discussed in "Voice of 7:00, 8:00, and 9:00; Interhall Baseball games; Band the Campus" 9 concert, in Quadrangle at 6:30 p. m. "News of the Week" by Paul Doyle.......... ,. 10 W. F. Fromm, Jr., describes Engineering Laboratories..!? MONDAY, May 22.—1933 Dome to be distributed; Blue Circle Banquet, Lay Faculty Dining Hall, 6:30 p. m. SPORTS Bradley nine wins thriller from Irish, 4-3 20 TUESDAY, May 23.—Saint Mary's Alumnae dance, Niles, 8:00 p. m., campus time; Senior Examinations begin. La Raza Club soccer team beats Michigan, 3-0 20 Army tracksters take meet from N. D., 74-52 21 WEDNESDAY, May 24.—Senior Examinations continued; Golf team defeats Illinois, IZYz-A'^^; fifth straight win.-..21 May Devotions, 7:00 and 7:45 p. m. Freshman hall leads Group I in interhall Softball league -•- - 22 THURSDAY, May 25.—Ascension Thursday, No Classes; John Caresio wins University foils championship by de­ Masses, Sacred Heart Church; Tennis, University of feating Leopoldo Brias 22 Chicago at Chicago; Knights of Columbus picnic at Tennis team loses three in a row 23 Hudson Lake, 10:00 a. m. Foxir The Seholasttc THE WEEK By Tighe Woods i ^POKING at the senior ball from an imper­ Club. Now boys, is that charity? Can't anybody sonal point of view, we find that one can have read between the lines? The Monogram club just as good a time on eight and a half dollars as hasn't anything to do with determining who shall on twelve and a half. To go a bit farther one wear the gold and blue insignia of Notre Dame. might have had a better time without the favors The "Week" in an effort to avoid discussing and a six dollar ticket. Favors are useless things "Notre Dame platitudes" all the time, just used a as the Chicago Club found out. The Windy City little figurative language. Or maybe we ought to Christmas dances used to be famous for their ask Art Becvar to draw you a picture! elaborate favors, but since the paternal pocket- books have had an inferiority complex, they did away with the favors and still manage to get quite a crowd. The senior ball should be attended X HE appointment of Jim Kearns as editor-in- by every senior in the class. If necessary the chief of THE SCHOLASTIC comes as a welcome an­ Student Activity Council could make the Class of swer to those who wonder why the bosses of 1936 save three hundred dollars from their Co­ Notre Dame's publications are not chosen from tillion proceeds next fall and do the same with the journalism school. Kearns is a journalism their Prom next year. Then every senior could major and a good one. An editorship on a Notre attend. And we've been in campus politics long Dame publication comes as a reward for three enough to know the plan is not impossible. years of hard and faithful work on that publica­ tion, and not on a class average in journalism. If V the school for prospective members of the Fourth Estate started in the freshman year, then they i^OMEBODY once said that it is the divine should be entitled to executive positions on the right of tennis stars to be temperamental. With publications in their senior year, but it would not this in mind, and also remembering the story be just to appoint some one who has had one year about the pretty American star who lost a Wim­ of class-room experience, and nothing else save bledon match because somebody in the gallery had a clean record in the disciplinary department. on a red hat, we thought the Michigan State matches might prove interesting. They were in­ teresting, but not from the display of tempera­ ment shown by the contestants. They were in­ w teresting because everybody at Notre Dame can't HEN the electrical engineering depart­ be a football star and because that squad, play­ ment had to put out the now seldom seen, Stand­ ing before a gallery consisting of a cement mixing ing-Room-Only sign for a scientific demonstra­ machine crew and a handful of students, had as tion, there must be some good reason behind it. much pep as one could wish for in any Notre Either the students were all in fijiancial difficul­ Dame team. They were interesting because they ties from a severe week-end, or all the engineers fought gallantly in spite of the criticism of a pack were required to go, or else the demonstration of morons who think a team has to win every was just good. The first reason wouldn't keep game to be good. some of those present away from town on any V night, except possibly sub-zero weather and four feet of snow. As for the second reason, there are not that many engineers in the University; so the w demonstration must have been good. What clear E have an apology to make.
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