7/22/2015 BioRA Preparation Meeting Office of the Secretariat in Vientiane 04 – 11 July 2015 Frog and reptile Indicators Status and Trend Assessment Sereywath Pich Hoang Minh Duc Indicator: Ranid and Helid amphibian • Hylarana nigrovittata Status: • Unwell known, even in the IUCN list is just considered as least concerned species • Hylarana, for the last 15 Statusyears In Abundancethe Lower estimates Mekong as % relative River, to is2015 slightly Area declining 2015 1900 1950 1970 2000 Mekong• Hylarana River in Laosis under PDR threat Cby some123 factors% 123 % 123% 110% MekongThreats River in Laos PDR/Thailand C 123% 123% 123% 110% • Effort for food consumption Mekong• Loss River of habitat,in Cambodia forest canopyC over123 its% stream,123% caused123 %by destruction110% Tonleand Sap degradation River for agricultural,- -wood and- power plan- - Tonle Sap Great Lake - - - - - Mekong Delta - - - - - 1 7/22/2015 Indicator: Ranid and Helid amphibian Status:• Hoplobatrachus rugulosus • Tiger frog inhabits in various environment refugium, such as paddy field, irrigation infrastructure, fish pond, agricultural farm, ditch, floodplain wetland, forest pools, and other wet area Status Abundance estimates as % relative to 2015 • Tiger frog also encountered from sea level up to 700m asl. (Diesmos Area et al. 2004) 2015 1900 1950 1970 2000 • The global population, generally, is believed in stable condition Mekong River in Laos PDR C 123% 123% 123% 111% (Diesmos et al 2004) but it become rare in the lowland Mekong• Tiger River infrog Laos PDR/Thailand is listed asC Least Concern123% in view123% of its wide123% distribution, 111% tolerance of a broad range of habitats and presumed large population Mekong River in Cambodia C 123%This species is123% widespread 123% from central,111% southern Threats and south-western China including Taiwan, Hong Tonle• Over Sap River-exploitation forC food consumption,123%Kong and Macau notably123% to Myanmar VN’123% Mekong through Thailand, delta111% Lao People's Democratic Republic, Viet Nam and Tonle• Loss Sap Great of Lake habitat due toC transforming123%Cambodia for ricesouth123% promotion to the123% Thai -Malay111% peninsula • Pollution and hydrological change,159%(Diesmos and et others al159% 2004 , Nguyen et al. 2009). Mekong Delta C 159% 143% Indicator: Aquatic serpents • Enhydris bocourti Status: This• Found species in isfreshwater endemic swamps, shallow lakes, pools and other stagnant to Southeast Asia water habitats in the lowland and low hills at elevation up to ca 200m including Thailand, Malaysia,(Das 2010, Cambodia, Murphy and 2007), and also near water bodies (Das 2010). Viet• Bocourt Nam (Murphy water 2007).snake was common in the rural areas surrounding Status Abundance estimates as % relative to 2015 AlongAreaBangkok Mekong (Smith,1914). River, this species• Bocourt is reported, in Cambodia,1991 to 2015 -2001,1900 declined1950 due to fishing1970 effort2000 for occurMekongmarket River in thein Laos in Cambodian PDR China (Zhou - and Jiang- 2004) - - - floodplain,• Bocourt the, in TonleVietnam, Sap reported as the most exploited reptile in the GreatMekong River Lake in Laos (Brooks PDR/Thailand et al. - - - - - Mekong Delta (Stuart 2000, Hoang and Ho 2013, Hoang and Vo 2013, 2007) and the Mekong Goodall and Simon 2010) deltaMekong River(Hoang in Cambodia and Vo D 250% 250% 250% 200% 2013, Nguyen et al. 2006,ThreatsTonle Sap NguyenRiver et al. D 250% 250% 250% 200% 2009).•TonleOver Sap Great exploitation Lake is theD main threat250% to this250 species% in250 its% range 200in %LMB. Mekong Delta D 312% 312% 312% 250% 2 7/22/2015 Indicator: Aquatic serpents Status: Cylindrophis ruffus • It inhabits both terrestrial and aquatic habitats. It occurs a wide range of habitat including natural and artificial ones such thrive in wet, open, lowland habitats, include rice fields, gardens, road-side ditches, canals, ponds, and lakes (Wogan et al. 2012) up to 1676 m (Das 2010). It is nocturnalStatus and subfossorialAbundance estimates. It feeds as % relativemainly to 2015 on other snakes Area and eels, and is a good2015 swimmer1900 (Das 2010).1950 1970 2000 • At the global population is more likely to be increasing than declining •MekongTonle River inSap Laos andPDR the floodplain- of- Cambodia- and in Vietnam’s- Mekong- Mekong River in Laos Delta rapidly decline- ? ? ? ? •PDR/ThailandIt steady decline and is about 30-50 percent of that for 15-20 years occursMekongago, River reportedfrom in Cambodia Myanmar by shop- throughowners,? Dongsouthern Thap? ,China, Hau Giang and? andsouthward Can? Tho . to IndonesiaTonle Sap River (Adler et alC. 1992). It 220appears% to198 %be absent,178% in Laos,143 %in the UpperThreatTonle Sap Great Mekong Lake LowlandC and Southern220% Lowland198% (Bain178 and% Hurley143 %2011 ). The•MekongOver species Delta-harvesting is quite for commonC local and in Cambodiaoutside257% market floodplain,231% 208 the% Tonle167 Sap% and the Mekong delta (Bain and Hurley 2011). Status: Indicator: Semi-aquatic serpents •ThreatsThis species occurs in wide range of habitats including wet and dry •CoelognathusOverforests, exploitation particularly radiatusis the in clearings main threat and to edges, this species and in grasslands,in its range in LMB. plantations, agricultural fields, even in suburban and urban areas. Not much in the forest, but found much around human habitation and rice fields (Nguyen et al 2014). • Thailand were reported to be decline due to exporting to China 25 years ago but now are stable or increasing (Nguyen et al 2014) & In Status Abundance estimates as % relative to 2015 AreaVietnam, population decline estimated at least 50% 2015 1900 1950 1970 2000 • The species is traded for food and medicinal purposes (Stuart 2004). Mekong• in Viet River Nam, in Laos this PDR species- is one- of the most- common- snakes - in MekongThis species River in Laosoccurs from India across southern China to Hong restaurants, and in snake- wine- (Stuart 2004,- Hoang- 2013). - PDR/ThailandThreatKong, then southward through Sumatra and Java to Borneo. It Mekong•is widespreadOverharvesting, River in Cambodia within habitat CLMB loss, (Bain land200% use and change, Hurley180% & 2011) urban150% enlargementand 110%has Tonle•beenthe Sap recordedspecies River may between be exposedC 20 to and200% pesticides 1,515180% andm asl other (Nguyen150% pollutants et110% al in Tonle2014).agricultural Sap Great Lake areas, includingC rice200% fields within180% its range,150% reported110% by Nguyen et al. (2014) Mekong Delta D 400% 330% 300% 200% 3 Threats • Over exploitation is the main threat to this species in its range in LMB. 7/22/2015 Status: Indicator: Semi-aquatic serpents •PythonBurmese bivittatus python is mostly found in forested areas, including mangrove forests and rainforests,Status but isAbundance also found estimates in open as % areas relative such to 2015 as Areagrasslands, or aquatic habitat such as marshes, streams and rivers 2015 1900 1950 1970 2000 (Stuart et al. 2012). This species is able to live on trees, on land and Mekongaquatic River environment. in Laos D 277% 277% 250% 200% •PDRBurmese python is rare in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam (Stuart et al 2012). The population in Vietnam is estimated a decline of more Mekong River in Laos than 80% over 10 yearsD (MONRE277% and VAST277% 2007). 250% 200% PDR/Thailand • Burmese python is reported to be common in Thailand, where it is Mekongwell protectedRiver (Stuartin et al 2012). D 277% 277% 250% 200% Cambodia Threat Tonle Sap River D 277% 277% 250% 200% The• overexploitation Burmese Pythonfor food and is skins,a widely illegal trade, distributed habitat loss species and foundTonledegraded Sap Greatthroughout Lakeand prey depletion D Southeast (Stuart277% et alAsia 2012,277%. MONREThey250% and are VAST 200%also 2007). widespreadMekong Delta in LMB E(Stuart 1111% et al. 20121111% ). 1000% 500% Indicator: Aquatic turtles Status: • Live in marshes, swamps, and large muddyAmyda rivers at cartilaginea lower elevations. • At global, population was estimated, inferred or suspected reduction of at least 20% over the last 10 years • Reduction of at least 20%, projected or suspected to be met within the next ten years or three generations (Asian Turtle Status Abundance estimates as % relative to 2015 AreaTrade Working Group 2000). • Population reduction,2015 in Vietnam,1900 was estimated1950 of1970 up to 20%2000 in Mekong River in Laos some area (MONRE- and VAST- 2007). - - - PDR• In Ban Houaykhoualouang, Laos, found a low number of ‘large’ Mekongindividuals River in Laos caught , reported by local residents. The same status as C 200% 200% 180% 140% PDR/ThailandTheLaos Asiatic in Stung softshell Treng turtle, Cambodia is native (Timmins to Brunei 2006). Darussalam; Cambodia; MekongThreatIndonesia; River Lao in People's Democratic Republic; Malaysia; Myanmar; C 200% 200% 180% 140% Cambodia•Singapore;overexploitation, Thailand; illegal Viet Nam. trade, Along declination/ Mekong degradation River, this species of occupancy was Tonlerecordedarea Sap and River in preyCan Thodepletion (Vietnam),C (Stuart 200%Stung et al Treng 2012,200% (Cambodia) MONRE 180% and (Timmins VAST 140%2007). 2006), Vientiane (Stuart and Plat 2004), and up to Ban Houaykhoualouang Tonle• it isSap probably Great Lake impacted C by water200% regime 200%changes due180% to hydropower140% (Laosoperation. PDR) (IUCN 2013). Mekong Delta C 200% 200% 180% 140% 4 7/22/2015 Indicator: Aquatic turtles Malayan snail-eating turtle Malayemys subtrijuga Status • The population in the Tonle
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