COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2008 SESSION OF 2008 192D OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 65 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The Chair recognizes the minority whip, who requests that The House convened at 9 a.m., e.d.t. Representative SCHRODER be placed on leave. The Chair hears no objection. The leave will be granted. THE SPEAKER (DENNIS M. O'BRIEN) Members will report to the floor. PRESIDING MASTER ROLL CALL PRAYER The SPEAKER. The Chair is about to take the master roll. HON. THOMAS C. CREIGHTON, member of the House of Members will proceed to vote. Representatives, offered the following prayer: (Members proceeded to vote.) Let us please bow: The Heavens declare Your glory, O God. The earth reveals Your handiwork. We thank You today for our Founding Fathers LEAVE OF ABSENCE who were guided by Your wisdom. We pray that Your will will be done and You will lift up leaders with integrity and wisdom The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the minority whip, in these chaotic times. Be with us not to be anxious about who requests that Representative VEREB be placed on leave. anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication and The Chair hears no objection. The leave will be granted. thanksgiving, present our request to You, O Lord. Give us a steady spirit and a peace of mind and the wisdom to accomplish MASTER ROLL CALL CONTINUED the duties that are set before us in this chamber today. We offer gratitude that You have a purpose for each of us, that Your The following roll call was recorded: purpose is to serve You and to serve the people of Pennsylvania. We offer gratitude that You are in control and that Yours is the PRESENT–197 power and the glory forever. Amen. Adolph Freeman Mann Rohrer Argall Gabig Mantz Ross PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Baker Galloway Markosek Rubley Barrar Geist Marshall Sabatina (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and Bastian George Marsico Sainato Bear Gerber McCall Samuelson visitors.) Belfanti Gergely McGeehan Santoni Benninghoff Gibbons McI. Smith Saylor Bennington Gillespie McIlhattan Scavello JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED Biancucci Gingrich Melio Seip Bishop Godshall Mensch Shapiro The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the Journal Blackwell Goodman Metcalfe Shimkus of Tuesday, October 7, 2008, will be postponed until printed. Boback Grell Micozzie Siptroth Boyd Grucela Millard Smith, K. The Chair hears no objections. Brennan Haluska Miller Smith, M. Brooks Hanna Milne Smith, S. Buxton Harhai Moul Solobay LEAVES OF ABSENCE Caltagirone Harhart Moyer Sonney Cappelli Harkins Mundy Staback The SPEAKER. The Chair turns to requests for leaves of Carroll Harper Murt Stairs absence and recognizes the majority whip, who requests that Casorio Harris Mustio Steil Representative RAMALEY of Beaver County be placed on Causer Helm Myers Stern Civera Hennessey Nailor Stevenson leave. The Chair hears no objection. The leave will be granted. Clymer Hershey Nickol Sturla The Chair recognizes the minority whip, Representative Cohen Hess O'Brien, M. Surra Argall, who requests that Representative PERRY of York Conklin Hickernell O'Neill Swanger County, Representative REICHLEY, and Representative Costa Hornaman Oliver Tangretti Cox Hutchinson Pallone Taylor, J. BEYER be placed on leave. The Chair hears no objection. Creighton James Parker Taylor, R. The leaves will be granted. Cruz Josephs Pashinski Thomas 2260 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL—HOUSE OCTOBER 8 Curry Kauffman Payne True BILLS SIGNED BY SPEAKER Cutler Keller, M.K. Payton Turzai Daley Keller, W. Peifer Vitali Dally Kenney Perzel Vulakovich Bills numbered and entitled as follows having been prepared DeLuca Kessler Petrarca Wagner for presentation to the Governor, and the same being correct, the Denlinger Killion Petri Walko titles were publicly read as follows: DePasquale King Petrone Wansacz Dermody Kirkland Phillips Waters DeWeese Kortz Pickett Watson HB 420, PN 484 DiGirolamo Kotik Preston Wheatley Donatucci Kula Pyle White An Act amending the act of April 23, 2002 (P.L.298, No.39), Eachus Leach Quigley Williams known as the Main Street Act, further providing for the Main Street Ellis Lentz Quinn Wojnaroski Program. Evans, D. Levdansky Rapp Yewcic Evans, J. Longietti Raymond Youngblood HB 1147, PN 1396 Everett Mackereth Readshaw Yudichak Fabrizio Maher Reed Fairchild Mahoney Roae O'Brien, D., An Act amending the act of November 24, 1998 (P.L.874, Fleck Major Rock Speaker No.110), known as the Motor Vehicle Chop Shop and Illegally Frankel Manderino Roebuck Obtained and Altered Property Act, further providing for the definition of "chop shop." ADDITIONS–0 HB 1634, PN 4003 NOT VOTING–0 An Act providing for uniform methods to satisfy required EXCUSED–6 municipal registration of deeds and conveyances; permitting access of information in lieu of registration; prohibiting municipalities from requiring municipal registration of deeds prior to recordation by Beyer Ramaley Schroder Vereb recorders of deeds; and making inconsistent repeals. Perry Reichley LEAVES ADDED–16 HB 2233, PN 3498 Adolph Clymer Hershey Petri An Act amending the act of February 9, 2004 (P.L.61, No.7), Barrar Frankel Josephs Shapiro known as the Elm Street Program Act, further providing for program Bastian Freeman Leach Tangretti requirements and for guidelines; and repealing the expiration date of Benninghoff Harper Micozzie Wojnaroski the act. LEAVES CANCELED–7 SB 884, PN 2433 Barrar Perry Reichley Vereb An Act amending Title 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Harper Ramaley Schroder Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, restricting municipalities from regulating amateur radio service communications. The SPEAKER. A quorum being present, the House will Whereupon, the Speaker, in the presence of the House, proceed to conduct business. signed the same. SENATE MESSAGE The SPEAKER. The Chair announces its intention to recess regular session and go into special session at 9:14 a.m. AMENDED HOUSE BILL RETURNED FOR CONCURRENCE AND RECESS REFERRED TO COMMITTEE ON RULES The SPEAKER. Regular session of the House will now stand The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, returned HB 1511, in recess. PN 4439, with information that the Senate has passed the same with amendment in which the concurrence of the House of AFTER RECESS Representatives is requested. The time of recess having expired, the House was called to SENATE MESSAGE order. HOUSE BILLS GUESTS INTRODUCED CONCURRED IN BY SENATE The SPEAKER. The Chair welcomes, as guest pages, The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, returned HB 420, Anthony Callo and Jimmy Hanzimanolis, as the guests of PN 484; HB 1147, PN 1396; HB 1634, PN 4003; and Representative Scavello. They are seated in the well of the HB 2233, PN 3498, with information that the Senate has passed House. Would you please stand and be recognized. the same without amendment. 2008 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL—HOUSE 2261 Seated to the left of the Speaker is Lauren Evans. Lauren is a Carroll Harper Murt Stairs constituent outreach specialist in Representative Payne's Casorio Harris Mustio Steil Causer Helm Myers Stern Hershey office. Would you please stand and be recognized. Civera Hennessey Nailor Stevenson Clymer Hershey Nickol Sturla Cohen Hess O'Brien, M. Surra REMARKS SUBMITTED FOR THE RECORD Conklin Hickernell O'Neill Swanger Costa Hornaman Oliver Tangretti Mr. SCAVELLO submitted the following remarks for the Cox Hutchinson Pallone Taylor, J. Legislative Journal: Creighton James Parker Taylor, R. Cruz Josephs Pashinski Thomas Curry Kauffman Payne True Mr. Speaker, please welcome again the following guest pages: Cutler Keller, M.K. Payton Turzai Anthony Callo from Stroudsburg. Anthony is a student at Daley Keller, W. Peifer Vitali Stroudsburg Middle School, a Boy Scout with Troop 85, and a Dally Kenney Perzel Vulakovich drummer in the school band. Please welcome Anthony's parents, DeLuca Kessler Petrarca Wagner Kim and Mark Callo, who are seated in the gallery. Denlinger Killion Petri Walko James Hanzimanolis from Bartonsville. James attends Swiftwater DePasquale King Petrone Wansacz Intermediate School where he received high honors. Please welcome Dermody Kirkland Phillips Waters DeWeese Kortz Pickett Watson James's father, George Hanzimanolis, in the gallery. DiGirolamo Kotik Preston Wheatley Donatucci Kula Pyle White Eachus Leach Quigley Williams CALENDAR Ellis Lentz Quinn Wojnaroski Evans, D. Levdansky Rapp Yewcic BILLS ON THIRD CONSIDERATION Evans, J. Longietti Raymond Youngblood Everett Mackereth Readshaw Yudichak Fabrizio Maher Reed The House proceeded to third consideration of SB 768, Fairchild Mahoney Roae O'Brien, D., PN 2431, entitled: Fleck Major Rock Speaker Frankel Manderino Roebuck An Act amending Title 64 (Public Authorities and Quasi-Public Corporations) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further NAYS–0 providing for the definitions of "commercial lending activities" and "commercial lending institutions" and for the First Industries Program. NOT VOTING–0 On the question, EXCUSED–6 Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration? Bill was agreed to. Beyer Ramaley Schroder Vereb Perry Reichley The SPEAKER. This bill has been considered on three different days and agreed to and is now on final passage. The majority required by the Constitution having voted in (Bill analysis was read.) the affirmative, the question was determined in the affirmative and the bill passed finally. The SPEAKER. The question is, shall the bill pass finally? Ordered, That the clerk return the same to the Senate with Agreeable to the provisions of the Constitution,
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