24392 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 17, 1973 1 percent in the 6 months following the stand in adjournm ent until 10 a.m . At 10:30 a.m. debate will resume on the effective date of those increases. tomorrow. amendment offered by the Senator from We are all aware of the recession The PR ESIDIN G O FFICER . Without Colorado (M r. Dommicx) and the Sena- which occurred during 1969-71. A s the objection, it is so ordered. tor from Ohio (M r. TAFT) . chart shows, unemployment for both A rollcall vote will occur on the Domi- adults and teenagers increased during nick-Taft amendment at 12:30 p.m. that period, as one would expect. T here ORDER FOR ROUTINE BUSINESS O ther amendments will be called up is no justification whatsoever for at- TOMORROW during the afternoon. R ollcall votes can tributing this increase to the increases in M r. R O BE R T C. BYR D. M r. Presi- be expected to occur thereon. minimum wages which went into effect dent, I ask unanimous consent that up- If a slack period should occur during for a very limited number of workers on the conclusion of the remarks by the which no amendments are being offered during this period. O n the contrary, the S enator from Wisconsin (M r. PROX- to the minimum wage bill, the S enate record in the years prior to 1969 dem- MIRE) tomorrow there be a period for may turn temporarily to the considera- onstrates that the minimum wage, by the transaction of routine morning busi- tion of S. 440, the so-called war powers itself, has had no demonstrable adverse ness, not to extend beyond the hour of bill, for opening statements tomorrow. effect on either adult or youth unemploy- 10:30 a.m ., with statem ents lim ited ment. therein to 3 minutes. M r. DO M IN ICK . A ll I can say is that The PR ESIDIN G O FFICER . Without ADJOURNMENT we do have the chart in the RECORD and objection, it is so ordered. the chart speaks for itself. Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, M r. BE A LL. M r. President, I wish to if there be no further business to come observe in connection with the colloquy QUORUM CALL before the Senate, I move, in accordance between the chairman of the committee M r. R O BE R T C. BYR D. M r. Presi- with the previous order, that the Senate and the Senator from O hio in discussing dent, I suggest the absence of a quorum. stand in adjournment until the hour of certification, that I believe certification The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk 10 o'clock a.m. tomorrow. is indeed a discouragement for those will call the roll. The motion was agreed to; and, at 6:27 seeking employment. Certification gen- The legislative clerk proceeded to call p.m., the Senate adjourned until tomor- erally tends to discourage people from the roll. row, July 18, 1973, at 10 a.m. engaging in certain activities. We have M r. R O BE R T C. BYR D. M r. Presi- an example in connection with the guar- dent, I ask unanimous consent that the anteed loan program in higher education order for the quorum call be rescinded. NOMINATIONS where last year we required certification The PR ESIDIN G O FFICER . Without from the college to the bank that people objection, it is so ordered. Executive nominations received by the are qualified for loans. It is reported by Senate July 17, 1973: the banks that it caused a 40-percent re- DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN duction in the number of applications. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT So certification tends to discourage peo- Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, D avid O lan M eeker, Jr., of Indiana, to be ple rather than to encourage them to a A ssistant S ecretary of H ousing and U rban the Senate will convene tomorrow at 10 Development, vice Floyd H . H yde. particular activity. Certification in youth a.m. employment is an important factor that After the two leaders or their designees IN THE ARMY should be considered when we discuss have been recognized under the stand- T he A rm y N ational G uard of the U nited this matter. S tates officers nam ed herein for prom otion ing order, the distinguished Senator from as R eserve Commissioned O fficers of the A rmy Wisconsin (M r. PROXMIRE) will be recog- under the provisions of title 10, United S tates nized for not to exceed 15 minutes. Code, section 593a and 3392: ORDER FOR ADJOURNM ENT UNTIL T here will then be a brief period for 10 A.M. TOMORROW To be major general the transaction of routine morning busi- Brig. Gen. William M eallvery Buck, S S N , Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, ness not to extend beyond 10:30 a.m., xxx-xx-xxxx . I ask unanimous consent that when the with statem ents therein lim ited to 3 Brig. Gen. E van A lbert T urnage, S S N xxx-... S enate completes its business today it minutes each. xxx-xx-x... EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS ONE HUNDRED SCIENTIFIC-MINDED This year the N ational Youth Science is one means by which these developing Y O UT H S T UDY IN N A T IO N A L Camp is in its 11th year of operations in minds can be exposed to some of the YO UTH SCIEN CE CA M P IN WEST the hills of West V irginia. T he camp realities facing scientific disciplines, V IR GIN IA —V ISIT CA PIT O L A N D originated in 1963 as part of the West while at the same time providing them HEAR JOHN NASSIKAS V irginia centennial celebration, and was with a broad view of the opportunities so enthusiastically received that the which daily life provides. S tate has continued to support it. A fter These 100 young campers are housed HON. JENNINGS RANDOLPH 10 years of operation, the NYSC program at Camp Pocahontas, a former 4-H camp OF WEST VIRGINIA of varied scientific and human relation- located near Durbin, in the beautiful ships continues to challenge the 100 dele- M onongahela National Forest. Nearby is IN TH E S E N A T E O F T H E UN IT E D S T A T E S gates. T hese delegates—two from each the N ational R adio A stronomy Center Tuesday, July 17, 1973 State selected on the basis of their scien- at Greenbank, where leading scientists Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, during tific abilities and achievements—live for are probing the secrets of the universe. these summer months there are many 3 weeks in a wilderness environment I said these 100 young men—unfor- groups of young people visiting the his- while probing life's marvels and mys- tunately the available facilities cannot toric monuments and governmental cen- teries through seminars with top scien- accommodate their female counter- ters of the N ation's Capital. I call at- tific personnel. parts—are unique. Perhaps this is not tention to one such group which is both T he camp was founded with the idea wholly accurate, for in their wide range unique and representative of the N ation of recognizing promising high school of activities, they mirror the intellectual as a whole. Last week 100 young high graduates in a distinct way. A t the same and athletic interests of all A merican school seniors at the N ational Y outh time, the outdoor experience provides youth. Certainly their academic and S cience Camp visited the Capitol, and them with a greater awareness of their leadership credentials—determined by attended a luncheon in the Senate Dirk- world and its dimensions. Problems that school selection committees in each sen Building at which I was privileged to face the scientific community demand S tate— w ould im press any college serve as host, as I have for 10 years. the attention of young minds. The NYSC recruiter. July 17, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 24393 Twenty-three of the students were reminded the young people that there see, Jr., Virginia; Gordon H. Cougdon finalists in National Merit Scholarship must be a trade-off between the Nation's and George T. Hashis£.ki, Washington; competition. Seventeen received com­ economy and ecology. But, he concluded, David R. Blum anu Eugene Kitts, West mendations in the Westinghouse.Science in the long view, any economic penalties Virginia; Gary B. Beecham and Jonn Talent Search. Seven are bound for the we must pay today will provide much Kenneth Riege, Wisconsin; and James Massachusetts Institute of Technology greater benefits to future generations. Scott McNiven, Jr., and Norman R. and five are headed for Harvard Uni­ The NYSC delegates are: Schaible, \7yoming. versity. William Cotter, Alabama; Stuart F. These names are added to the 1,000 . They are a multitalented group, in­ Bockman and Reed Copsey, Alaska; young men-20 from each State, who cluding an all-American quarterback Richard Crowell and Stanley Reynolds, form this unique fraternity of interests who flies his own plane, a track star who Arizona; William T. Pennington and and scientific talents. From this list, in builds lasers in his spare time, and a Terald Edwin Smith, Arkansas; Shawn the years ahead, will come highly capable mathematical wizard who has developed Lee Morgan and Kurt Arthur Wood, scientists and engineers who will form a method of picking locks using modular California; Gregory Scott Bell and Wil­ the front ranks of our technological so­ arithmetic.
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