SPECIAL NOTICES. RUSSIA AND CHINA MADE MAJOR GENERAL FINANCIAL. FINANCLAId. Cash.- ash for r stock of frnialhing.. shoves. clething. etc. jy19-4tf SALI BEHREND, Frednia Hotel. Garden Ft. A Declaration of War by the Former Ohafee's Rank to Be ommnnmin Very Reckless Hose, 6%c. per An Irislhman, ee one ltetto, grade at higher prices. We are Dot coo- the of who had been Saturday, July 21, fne.l to, any particular brand. but buy the beat In Would Alter Conditions. With Me Comman hanged. having been asked how his father died. -Li THE- the n.rk.-t for the muhoey. Give us a trial. Ii 4b tha eluded admitting the fact: "BSore. thin. my l14 1,112F & CO., Ruiser toods, 511 9th at. n.w. father, who was a very reckless man. was Jst j.1*-7St.6 atandin' on a platform barasgaing a mob. when a LAST DAY in a New Front OUR TROOPS WOULD BE WITHDRAWI part of the platform suddenly gave way, and he to secure stock in this Put SATITACTIOI AT TE BLC fell and thin it was hi neck company It will Inre..se your business this fall- through, found that -AT give Yem a tter Ir.d..w show. etc. This was broken. ba _air busines. Estiuates and plans fur- 'Iat was reckless of him, but It is altmost as recklem $6.00 GEl6. W. V RIIET, 5'.l 10th t. 'Phone 17A6-3. of How the Provisions of the Law muy4-3t-7 Appointment Special Diplomatic Fully worth par. which is $1o per When youwant acarpenter Agent Discussed. Are Met. To Sell Wheat share. Its well to know just where you can snl and ret an Xpsrt mec-hanie. Itenember mnr address. The Thebharge will always he resonabl. Opportunity of a J. F. Tt:RTN & SoIN. 1=28 16th st. & 1tu07 K St. NO Don't my019-3trn.T CHANGE OF PLAN COUNTING THE MARINES Lifetime. ""a* put"tio for exe" It! For full information apply immediately to "The e-kLng. When yo-u want an enjoy- Do able nwal try the regilar Break- The point of special interest in the Chi- The President today appointed Brigadier Gerald M. Fennell & Crown"9 fat. 7 t, 10 a-m.. 25c.; reguiar nese situation this is the threat- Co., 4 to 4 35. morning General A. R. Chaffee, United States vol- It tuneIr. ptm., ened Buy lIankcrs. Lt iNH AND 1'FE, 51 11th at., bet. E and F. declaration of war against China by unteers, who is to command the American 11 BROADWAV. NFW Y,-RK. r -6 0 j6-29-l Russia on account of the frontier demon- in a CORIt.KlhS "TmlIT. 10itSTON. military forces China, major general on N strations, independently of the action 01 of volunteers in order that his rank should Breaks jYl9-3T-4. e4 i-It -R B.1"--. CHICAGO. A Comfortable Office. 0---- Cool, the other T-his as Then sell on o -11,0n0< and ath- Ylou may bare a o4 ,.tlti-e toy rent-gn; an elec- powers. government yet be commensurate with his proposed com- storks the bulges. Our free book trie fan for $2 % rnenth up. or by ptrchasing one possesses no information as to the intentior mand. This action was received with great explains bow. Send for it. Money Loaned e. '-t;o;" ,n ea, tm.nthly pIyments. 20 styles. of Russia. or the accuracy of the reports satisfaction at the War Department and ,24Onress.fnt. On Furniture p"', - from St. Petersburg. The Russian charge in official circles where General c 0------ --.at lI.wst Nat'i Electricail Supply Co., generally, Howard,Crosby&Co. 620Wall st...New fork. rate, 1423 New York ave. 'I'hone 533. who saw Secretary Hay this morning, could Chaffee is held in high esteem. He is con- It give no information on the subject. 'I Rot.ZtI jy1'i-Ifod____ sidered by his brother officers one of the 1 ctial. re ovs o Books Cut to Cost War Would EndCo-Operation. most capable and thoroughly equipped sol- Ite I diers . IrI-sa to clear out handled and If war is openly declared between Russia In the service. Although General WHERE THE Security Loan shopworn Co.,W"rd... (br. I"h I r. elitions: and China it will materially change the as- Miles recommended that Major General 1o0.-.. b -ok............................, .. 5c. pect of affairs. According to the best avail- Bates. now in the Philippines. be assigned DOLLARS COUNT. W. B. lHibbs & 21' and o c. books........................loe. In a savings bank small deptolats son Co., and able authority, it would speedily put an to the command of the troops in China, he - count into ibalances. It's no hard- $1 h mAs...................... ...15,. 25,. - up big BANKFIAt & RRKWERS. J1eliN 4-. PARKElt. 619 end to the operations of the allied forces is well pleased with the promotion of Gen- ship to put away a small portIon of your TTIf._ - and eral Chaffee. is recommendation was earnings hem weekly or umnthly. inasmuch as the United States has not de- while it can always be called ulu.n, ItIs Members New Vork Stock Eachaags, We Work "," Play! clared war against China, and does not in- made on the ground that the services out of the way of dribbling out. Its let us the irst in to. a repair yor homika tend to do so the information called for required an officer of the rank step economy open whl-youre away on vacation. 9 upon meager sarings account. Interest paid on dt- 1419 F Street. l'ono 131:. 511 9'111. now in our possession. Our troops would posits. jyl 43.1 probably be speedily withdrawn from China UNION SAVINGS BANK. 12 F at. jy19-15l Coaresporendts of N NEITI4' TI WIYNKle4LIIERS F TIlE WASH- should there be a declaration of war be- LADENIURG . Ti ALIA & 03., INGTON IAIAN ANtI T1W.T COMPANY. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. de-46d The thirty-se-nd regular quarterly dividend tv.een Russia and China before further de- New York. of r and e-half per cent on the apiltal st-a velopments draw us deeper into the entan- AONW'NTANTS........................Page 4 .f this et-npany will be paid August 1. 1!k.. gleno~rnt. It is said that under conditions AMUSEt11ENTS.. .........................I'age 12 10 Cts. a whet' lavidend checks will be mailed to So For Share ate-kholders of address. The bnoks oif actual open war there would be no place ATTOltNEYt..............................'a. II treairy stock In a Clorard, mining company r4-gstered for nur in China unless we were twning sc-ral claims, with 5.55, feet the ftr th- transfer of stock will be closed fronm July troops AU("TION SAIES..........................Page 5 rain rein .f the along 23 to August 1t%.. b..th dates inclusive. parties to the hostilities, and that. there- district. Steck full paid ae 1. itUSINIEM CH ANCES......................Page 4 ren-as a lde. N-. lera.nal liability. Nothing st-ckholder. wh,. have changed their address fore, if Russia and China should go to war CITY ITEMs.... .........................'age 12 verstur-o cat the anomnt pay tiln previius dividend will pl1se notIfy the on an a-count of our our would You for the stort. PAIIK own, troops A WATE R-HAUL. Ot'NTRY I t..Itfl.......................PageD 4 We bar a vein 2. feet w !a--. -e feet of which *'htnpany. ANIlt'W Elt. be withdrawn and the two nations at war rItn .11'r $5. a .n r sdind ia crtde state. 3t Treasurer. (t'WNTItY ItEAL ESTATE.................1Pge 4 r jy17 be left to fight it out between themselves. The Chicago End of the Kansas Cit ySeine Promises Bad Luck for the 'I his or.- 1t-e,'reri tIre itn one. It will be opened Ieenuse we Inn to get It is the iIEATl S. ..............................'age 7 at a depti of 2.1.-s frt br a tumnel. Power- age said that only contingency under Fisher men. re n- oral drills Busy ev ry jos ,ut on time promuised which we would maintain an army in EI'CATIONAL........................... P.C. 11 W willa. n ter in opratla. and in Esti The great r-, us of anilions shape pro-mised. China. with such a c.ndition of war exist- EXCUIttIONS,...........................Iage 12 of sto.tpping It.gt Printers. Iaes free. FINAN(IAL ....... 3 too of ore aloe tintnel ivet Every dollar ing. would be the developmont of a state of Page from th" sale of this twsryr st-k is t., he used III4.L~ & WA...ACE. Printes. 1107 E ST. facts which would compel us to de- Flt EXCIANGE........................re 4 in the deir-lpnt-nt f tlw No salaries J17-lt COL. A. S. DAGGETT NO SELECTION YET MADE will I- ipr.- rty. etare war against China that would be FOltEIGN 1'USTAL SEIVICE .............. 're 11 Mi --cpt I-t atul min-r on the gromnd. TO For ltilutrated hoklet EN"R.tAN4E TIlE ine establishment of the fact that our min- F- it RIENT ........................ send lastal or call at the (Flat-) 'age 4 * fle- orf the crmpanry. Maurice ister at Pekin had been murdered, and that I'Olt REENT (houses)..................... ..age 4 SiEtt Engraving the Chinese was COMMANDER OF THE FOURTEENTH l.AN('A MINING AND RE3UMO1N Joyce government responsible POSITION OF FIRST ASSISTANT POST- of a and he named General FORt RENT "ices"...................ag 4 for the murder. If this should become es- major general, ('s)NVAAt* 1411 G~ ST.
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