Ref. Ares(2020)945594 - 13/02/2020 Contract No. 777564 INNOVATIVE RUNNING GEAR SOLUTIONS FOR NEW DEPENDABLE, SUSTAINABLE, INTELLIGENT AND COMFORTABLE RAIL VEHICLES Deliverable 3.2 – New actuation systems for conventional vehicles and an innovative concept for a two-axle vehicle Due date of deliverable: 30/09/2019 Actual submission: 27/09/2019 Leader/Responsible of this Deliverable: Rickard Persson, KTH Reviewed: Yes Document status Revision Date Description 1 29.06.2018 Skeleton 2 12.04.2019 State-of-art study included 3 16.07.2019 Draft, KTH and HUD contributions added 4 17.07.2019 Draft, POLIMI contribution added 5 23.07.2019 Draft, complete 6 22.08.2019 Language reviewed 7 30.08.2019 For TMT review 8 13.09.2019 Updated after TMT review 9 27.09.2019 Final version after TMT and quality check The information in this document is provided “as is”, and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose. The content of this document reflects only the author`s view – the Joint Undertaking is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. The users use the information at their sole risk and liability. RUN2R-TMT-D-UNI-062-03 Page 1 27/09/2019 Contract No. 777564 This project has received funding from Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 777564. Dissemination Level PU Public X CO Confidential, restricted under conditions set out in Model Grant Agreement CI Classified, information as referred to in Commission Decision 2001/844/EC Start date of project 01/09/2017 Duration 25 months REPORT CONTRIBUTORS Name Company Details of Contribution Rickard Persson KTH, Kungliga Tekniska Executive summary Högskolan 1. Introduction 4.1 Introduction to two-axle vehicles with active suspension 5. Summary and conclusions Bin Fu POLITECNICO DI 2. State of the art analysis (together with MILANO (POLIMI), Rocco Libero Giossi) Rocco Libero Giossi KTH, Kungliga Tekniska 2. State of the art analysis (together with Högskolan Bin Fu) 4. Two-axle vehicle with active suspension (except 4.1, 4.4.2 and 4.5) Stefano Bruni POLITECNICO DI 3. New actuation systems for conventional Egidio Di Gialleonardo MILANO (POLIMI) bogies (except 3.6) Bin Fu Binbin Liu Luis Baeza University of 3.6. Effect of actuator dynamics on ride Southampton (ISVR) comfort / waterbed effect Xiaoyuan Liu University of 4.2. MBS model (together with Rocco Huddersfield (HUD) Libero Giossi) 4.4.2. Actuator in series with spring 4.5. Active steering of independently rotating wheels Roger Goodall University of Language checker Huddersfield (HUD) RUN2R-TMT-D-UNI-062-03 Page 2 27/09/2019 Contract No. 777564 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The work package T3.2 generates and studies actuation concepts for conventional bogies as well as for an innovative single axle running gear intended for a two-axle vehicle. The active systems include active wheelset steering, aiming to reduce the wheel (and rail) wear and active secondary suspension with the aim to improve the vibrational ride comfort. Independently rotating wheels are studied for the single axle running gear as an alternative to the conventional solid axle. The studies include modelling and intensive simulation in a multi-body-simulation environment. A conventional bogie vehicle with passive suspension can be designed to provide an acceptable vibrational ride comfort and wheel wear. Still, active wheelset steering will significantly reduce the wheel and rail wear in curves by controlling the angle of attack between wheel and rail. Locating the actuator in series with the longitudinal wheelset guiding stiffness gave better performance than installation in parallel to the same stiffness. A method to evaluate the severity of different failure modes and fault-tolerant capability of different actuation schemes for wheelset steering is proposed. The quantified severity factor and Risk Priority Number can provide a good base for assessing and comparing different active steering schemes regarding their tolerance to faults. Implementing a redundant actuation scheme is an effective method to improve the fault tolerance of actuation system, whilst without any redundancy or passive back-up, the risks of safety issues will significantly increase in case of potentially dangerous failure modes. The effects of different classic control strategies for semi-active suspension through a simple one- quarter vehicle model and full vehicle model have been investigated for the conventional bogie. In general, continuous controls produce better vibration attenuating effects than two-state controls. A trained Neural Network has been used to estimate the current required to generate the desired damping force for a given working condition of the Magneto-rheological damper. Still, the error between the actual damping force produced by the damper and the desired value can significantly degrade the performance of the semi-active suspension. Therefore, the control for the damper needs to be carefully designed. A single axle running gear has potential for significant weight savings compared to conventional bogie designs. The savings come from reduced size of the components and reduced number of components. The single axle running gear needs unconventional wheelset guidance to maintain wheel and rail wear at levels comparable to a vehicle with conventional bogies. The reason is the longer wheelbase for the two-axle vehicle compared to the two axles in a bogie. A possible solution is a frequency dependent bush replacing the passive wheelset guidance. This is a passive solution with marginal additional cost to a conventional wheelset guidance. Active wheelset steering can provide even better performance promising significantly reduced wheel and rail wear. The frequency dependent bush will only work for solid axle wheelsets, while active wheelset steering RUN2R-TMT-D-UNI-062-03 Page 3 27/09/2019 Contract No. 777564 works for independently rotating wheels as well. Driven independently rotating wheels become an interesting solution as no actuator is needed for the wheelset steering. Active wheelset steering will reduce the flange wear to such an extent that the focus on the control will be shifted to how the wear is distributed over tread. The active wheelset steering can control the location of the rolling contact point on the wheels. Distributing the contact over the wheel may lead to much longer wheel turning intervals. The single axle running gear will need active suspension to improve the vibrational ride comfort. This is caused by the single-stage suspension, which is unable to attenuate the vibrations initiated by the track irregularities. An active suspension has the potential to achieve even better ride comfort compared to a vehicle with conventional bogies. RUN2R-TMT-D-UNI-062-03 Page 4 27/09/2019 Contract No. 777564 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ADD Acceleration-Driven-Damping AIRW Actuated Independently Rotating Wheels ANFIS Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Interference System ASW Actuated Solid-axle Wheelset AY-FS Actuated Yaw-Force Steered BP Back Propagation DCW Differential Coupling Wheelset DIRW Driven Independently Rotating Wheels DOF Degrees Of Freedom DSW Directly Steered Wheels EHA ElectroHydraulic Actuator EMA ElectroMechanic Actuator ERI Extended Range Integration ERRI European Rail Research Institute FMEA Failure Mode and Effect Analysis FRS Front Radial Steering GPS Global Positioning System HALL Hydraulisches AchsLenkerLager HOD Hold-Off-Device HPI High-Pass Integration IRW Independently-Rotating Wheel (or Wheelset) KRRI Korea Railroad Research Instritute JNR Japanese National Railways LMI Linear Matrix Inequality LQG Linear Quadratic Gaussian LQR Linear Quadratic Regulator LRC Light Rapid Comfortable MBS Multi-Body Systems MPC Model Predictive Control MPPT Maximum Power Point Tracking MR Magneto-Rheological NGT Next Generation Train NLA Non-compensated Lateral Acceleration NSGA Non-Dominated Sort Genetic Algorithm PDP Positive Displacement Pumps PID Proportional Integral Derivative PPRV Pressure Proportional Regulator Valves RPN Risk Priority Number PSD Power Spectral Density RMS Root Mean Square SYC Secondary Yaw Control RUN2R-TMT-D-UNI-062-03 Page 5 27/09/2019 Contract No. 777564 TABLE OF CONTENTS REPORT CONTRIBUTORS .................................................................................................................................. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................ 3 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................... 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................................. 6 LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 17 2. STATE OF THE ART ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................................
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